Chapter 1599
After Muchai led the Jin Guo Vanguard Battalion soldiers back to the Jin Guo army phalanx, he was still unaware. He didn't know that he and his brothers were almost silently drawn into the eyes of the Longmen formation.

"Marshal, the brothers are fighting the enemy bravely, why do you suddenly ask for gold to withdraw?"

Wanyan Chizha glared at Muchai mercilessly, and looked towards the direction of the Longmen formation, the fear in his eyes was self-evident.

"Idiot, if the commander-in-chief hadn't ordered gold to withdraw the troops in time, you would have led your brothers to become the dead souls of Dalong's enemies at this moment."

Yelumo looked at the somewhat dazed Muchai, raised his hand and patted Muchai's shoulder, and pointed his mouth at the Longmen formation.

Mucha looked subconsciously, and then realized that the gate of the Longmen formation had changed a long time ago. He led his brothers too close to the gate, and because of the large number of people, some slight changes Can't feel it at all.

Now that they were evacuated, it was only after a long-distance look that they clearly discovered that at some point, the positions of the dragon heads and tails of the formation gates on the left and right sides had quietly changed their formation and detoured out.

If I hadn't heard the sound of gold leaf to lead my brothers to retreat in time, I'm afraid that tens of thousands of my brothers would have already been killed by the sword.

A trace of sweat involuntarily broke out on Mucha's forehead, and he looked at Wanyan Chizha with a serious expression in fear.

"The last general is stupid, and almost killed tens of thousands of brothers into the big formation. It is not a pity for the last general to die, but the brothers are innocent. Please punish the commander."

Wanyan Chizha waved his hand silently: "I don't blame you, I've heard that the Longmen Formation is unpredictable, and I realized what I said today when I saw it today. If we want to break the formation forcefully, our strength is far from enough, unless we can add more troops." Just double the strength!"

"No matter where you fight from, this formation can quickly change according to the power of the sky and the power of the earth. A large formation of 14 can easily swallow our 20 soldiers and horses."

"Marshal, what should we do then? Shall we continue to break the formation?"

Wanyan shook his head silently: "It can't be broken. Even if the Longmen formation is broken by chance, it will be the result of mutual losses. If our troops are exhausted, we will make wedding dresses for Turks for no reason!"

"A group of auxiliary soldiers with low combat power are blended into the formation, and they can display the strength of elite soldiers. It seems that the old man underestimated the Longmen formation before."

"Withdraw to the camp and discuss again."

"Marshal, although your decision is more secure for Jin Guo, we can't afford to wait. Once the recruits trained by Dalong rush to the northern border in time, we will be the ones who will be passive."

"If we can't attack for a long time, the longer we delay, the worse it will be for us!"

Wanyan Chizha also hesitated after hearing Yelumo's words, just as Yelumo said just now, the longer the southward delay this time, the more detrimental it will be to the Kingdom of Jin.

I don't want to win with stability, but I don't even have a [-]% chance of winning if I break through the Longmen formation. Forcibly breaking the formation will consume the troops of the Kingdom of Jin. Even if I break this formation, can the remaining troops continue to attack the city? Pulling out the village is still an unknown.

"did you mean?"

Yelumo hesitated for a while, and glanced at the Longmen formation that had been restored to its original state.

"Eight gates enter together. The power of the Longmen formation lies in the fact that both the head and the tail are considered, and the offense and defense are integrated. The head, tail, abdomen, back, and claws are intertwined to cover each other. A small number of troops entering it will not be able to cause any trouble."

"When you hit the dragon's claws, the dragon's back rolls up, and the dragon's belly closes to divide the soldiers and horses attacking the dragon's claws into two. At that time, the dragon's head and dragon's tail are on the outside for a little help, no more than twice the strength of the formation. As many troops as you enter, you can eat as many troops as you want!"

"The final general feels that if he wants to break the formation, the most suitable way to break the formation is to enter all eight gates, so that he can't take care of both the head and the tail. The power has been greatly reduced."

Wanyan Chizha looked at the Longmen Formation and pondered for a long time. After a long time, Wanyan Chizha nodded silently: "What you said is a feasible method, and you have also studied the Longmen Formation."

"Back to Commander-in-Chief, my father Yeluhu is in charge of the Jinwu Guard. Back then, Liu Mingzhi used the Jinwu Guard to set up this formation to help His Majesty suppress the rebellion. Afterwards, my father mentioned the power of this formation more than once in the general's ear, and the general became more and more powerful. I am curious about this famous Longmen formation."

"Later, Mo will inspect the situation on that day several times, and finally pieced together the whole picture of the formation, but it is only superficial, and Mo will not know anything about the key to the formation."

"The last general also discussed the offensive and defensive changes of this formation with his father in his spare time, and finally came to the conclusion that all eight sects entered together, so that the flag formation cannot be effectively transformed, so that the formation can be gradually broken. .”

Wanyan Chizha looked at the humble Yelumo with gratified eyes and chuckled lightly.

"Jiangmen Huzi, it really is Jiangmen Huzi."

"Well, according to what you said, we don't have much time to delay, so let's use your method to break through the battle. We will eventually obey orders!"

"I will obey orders!"

"We now have six guards and horses under our command, and the two new guards under General Yelumo's command are exactly eight groups of soldiers and horses. You each lead a group of soldiers and horses, and the soldiers will be divided into eight groups to attack the eight gates together."

"If this method of breaking the formation can be effective, Liu Mingzhi's Longmen formation can be broken in one go. If this method is difficult to implement, then accept it as soon as it works. You must not love to fight."


Wanyan Chizha took off his saber and handed it to the guards beside him, took off his helmet and threw it to his son Wanyan Changzhong.

His pale hair, which was disheveled by the helmet, fluttered in the wind, as if the old man was talking about a boy's madness.

"Boys, I personally beat the drums for you, and when the drums fall three times, the whole army will charge!"

"Thank you sir."

Wanyan Chizha squinted at First Young Master Liu who was standing on the stage, turned around and walked towards the drum stage.

Wanyan Chizha started beating the drums in an orderly manner, and the drummers around him also began to follow Wanyan Chizha's drumbeats when they saw this, and the heroic drums sounded on the battlefield all of a sudden.

The sound of the drums is full of the meaning of seeing death as home.

The 10,000+ army of the Kingdom of Jin followed the eight generals and began to divide their troops without hesitation to meet the drumbeat, and encircled the Longmen formation.

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the Jin army divided into eight, watching their actions and understood the intention of the Jin army.

Liu Mingzhi didn't expect that someone could see through the weakness of the dragon's gate array, and the eight gates attacked together, breaking the formation change method of the five dragon's heads covering each other.

But looking at the menacing army of the Jin Kingdom, Liu Mingzhi showed no worry at all, instead a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If the Longmen Great Formation was really that simple and easy to break, it wouldn't be called the Longmen Great Formation.

The change of attack and defense of Dragon Head Nowhere is just the most basic change. The most powerful part of Longmen Formation depends on the changes of Tiangang and Disha inside, plus all kinds of unexpected weapons hidden behind the soldiers.

It can be said that there are defensive weapons that can block cavalry, infantry and any arms in the formation.

Liu Mingzhi lightly waved the command flag in his hand, and silently lit hundreds of torches at the position of the dragon claws in the big array. Wanyan Chizha didn't even see these quietly lit torches.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi waved the command flag in his hand again, this time the command flag was waved more than the sum of the previous few times.

"Open the gate!"

A moment later, with the waving of the command flag of a group of soldiers, the dragon soldiers and horses of the eight formation gates directly opened the formation gates carelessly, unaware of the Jin Kingdom's army that was about to kill them in front of them.

"Brothers, kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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