My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1600 The Great Victory

Chapter 1600 The Great Victory
The army of the Kingdom of Jin did not relax their vigilance just because the gate was wide open, but became more cautious.

The command flags in the hands of the eight generals waved frequently, and the swords and shields formed a triangular cone to cover the soldiers and horses behind and charged.

The rain of arrows seems to have become the habit of the two armies fighting before the hand-to-hand combat. No matter how many enemy troops can be shot, if you want to cover a wave with arrow rain, you can kill as many enemy troops as you can.

Looking at the rain of arrows as dense as a jade flute, the shield players of the Longmen formation quickly raised their shields to cover the brothers behind.

Several of Du Yu's personal guards also hurriedly guarded Young Master Liu with shields. Although the formation is relatively high, ordinary arrows can't hit here at all, but they are afraid that if there is a sharpshooter staring at Young Master Liu's position for a sneak attack .

Coupled with the fact that the arrow has no eyes, it is good to be careful. After all, although Jin Guo's bed crossbow is not as good as Dalong's eight-ox crossbow, its power cannot be ignored.

After being hit from a certain distance, there is almost no chance of survival.

After the three waves of arrows and rain shot at each other, the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin, covered by swords and shields, finally rushed into the formation gate.

With a wave of the command flag in Liu Mingzhi's hand, those sword and shield soldiers who were originally on the defensive suddenly retreated, revealing the big killers such as archers, bed crossbows, and repelling horses behind them.

The infantry charging in was directly covered by a rain of arrows from the archers, so there was no need to aim at such a dense enemy.

The cavalry who charged in had no time to stop their speed, and were directly turned over by their horses. After rolling around a few times, they were chopped up by the sword and shield soldiers on both sides, including men and horses.

The following cavalry stopped in time, but they were directly stabbed under the horse by the spearman with the long spear head through the gap deliberately left by the shield.

The Jin army, who didn't know the specific situation in the formation, paid a heavy price as soon as they entered the formation.

After the generals of the Kingdom of Jin had a general understanding of the situation in the formation, they gradually waved the command flag and launched an effective counterattack.

However, these generals gradually discovered that any of the brothers from the eight sects entered the formation gate, and they all suffered from the enemy.

Soldiers and horses along the way must beware of the dragon defenders who attack and kill on both sides at the same time.

Suddenly, the roar of artillery came from the position of Jin Guozhong's army. In the blink of an eye, gunpowder was everywhere in the dragon gate formation, and the densely populated dragon guards were directly blown into the air by the artillery.

Liu Mingzhi's expression froze, and he subconsciously looked at the cannons he had placed in the formation. Before he had time to give the order, Sun Mingfeng immediately found the position of Jin Guo's cannons and fired back.

Wanyan Chizha ordered artillery assistance in time, causing the three gates of the Longmen formation to be in the west, southwest, and northwest to be vacant, and the army of the Kingdom of Jin rushed over without the slightest hesitation.

Liu Mingzhi's eyes were deep, and he waved the command flag in his hand.

Those soldiers and horses of the Jin Kingdom's front team charging towards the gap were directly rushed by a group of swordsmen and spearmen in the middle, and were completely surrounded by the gap created by the artillery.

The sword and shield soldiers turned around and tried their best to resist the soldiers and horses who wanted to rush up to help, but before they had time to charge, the hundreds of Jin soldiers who were surrounded were easily killed by crossbow arrows and spears.

Both sides tried their best to kill each other's enemies. Gradually, the eight generals of the Kingdom of Jin discovered the most terrifying aspect of the Longmen Formation.

That is, the gaps left by the eight formation gates are only enough for 5000 people to enter, and the soldiers in the rear can only fill in after the brothers in front die in battle or kill a gap.

The combined strength of the eight formations is no more than 4, and the fate of being caught in a large formation of 10,000+ is clear at a glance.

Thinking of Wanyan Chizha's words, the eight generals didn't care about the brothers who died in the battle, and directly ordered the withdrawal of troops.

If you don't withdraw your troops, you will be wiped out sooner or later if you are eaten away by the enemy bit by bit.

Although the brothers crowded in the periphery could kill the dragon soldiers and horses at the edge of the formation, the army in the rear couldn't fight hand-to-hand. The tens of thousands of people who only rely on contact, their losses are completely disproportionate to the losses of the dragon soldiers and horses.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the army of the Kingdom of Jin chose to retreat again, leaving behind the corpses of both the enemy and us.

The smell of blood came out, irritating everyone's minds, whether it was the soldiers of the dragon or the soldiers of the Jin Dynasty, all of them had their eyes red in just half a day of fighting.

The three guards of the dragon gradually shrinking the formation, every step can clearly hear the sound of trampling water, which is the fresh blood flowing from the corpses on the ground.

Liu Mingzhi quietly watched the Jin army receding like a tide, leaning on the thick flagpole with the command flag and gasping for breath, physically and mentally exhausted.

Although he didn't take the lead in personally killing the enemy, but standing in the center of the formation, watching all directions and listening to all directions, he was indeed the most tired person.

More than 30 people fought, and any negligence would cost hundreds of people.

From the moment Liu Mingzhi charged from the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin, his spirit had been highly concentrated, and his mind kept turning for half a day. It is good that he did not pass out.

"The golden army has retreated and won!"

"The great dragon wins all! Stand shoulder to shoulder with the mighty king, thousands of years old!"

"The great dragon wins all! Stand shoulder to shoulder with the mighty king, thousands of years old!"

"The great dragon wins all! Stand shoulder to shoulder with the mighty king, thousands of years old!"

Exciting shouts emanated from the Longmen formation, 14 people, half of which were auxiliary soldiers mixed in, but head-to-head withstood the 20 Jin army's elite charge, the dragon soldiers would not be excited difficult.

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the cheering soldiers holding up their weapons, and grinned.

The sense of accomplishment of this head-to-head victory is far more exciting than the sense of accomplishment of passive defense.

"Crazy to listen to orders."

Zhang Kuang looked at First Young Master Liu excitedly with his aged eyes.

"The last general has an order, dare to ask the commander-in-chief, whether he will take advantage of the victory and pursue it?"

"Don't pursue them. They are withdrawing troops, not defeating them. Pursuing them will only arouse their determination to break the boat. A group of mad wolves will not be so easy to deal with."

"Lighten the battle damage, and send thirty scouts to pay attention to the battle situation in the Jin Army's camp!"

"But don't be sorry, Wanyan Chizha dares to break the formation, as long as their strength is the same as ours, even if it is more than [-], it doesn't matter. At that time, it is time for us to attack and kill the enemy!"


The sun was setting to the west, and in the camp of Jin Kingdom, Wanyan Chizha frowned as he looked at the result of the battle presented by Sima in his hand.

"Over half a day, more than 1 people were lost? More than the number of people lost in three projects!"

Yelumo's eyes were red, and his expression was full of self-blame. He glanced at his colleagues who were also dull-faced and knelt down on one knee in front of Wanyan Chizha with a plop.

"Commander, the last general miscalculated the power of the Longmen formation. The situation in the formation is too complicated. The formation of horses, thorns, bamboo spears, and crossbows are intertwined."

"Before the brothers had time to remove the obstacles, they were surrounded by soldiers and horses from three sides and killed them in batches. However, the formation has limited doors, and there are not many brothers who can enter the formation to support. The real strength of this formation is not the five dragon heads. , but the interlocking changes in the array."

"It was the last general who pretended to be clever, and killed more than 1 brothers on the battlefield."

"The last general deserves death!"

Yelumo gently untied the saber from his waist and held it in his hand, closing his eyes slightly.

"The final general is willing to apologize with death and go to pay off the debts to the brothers."

Wanyan Chizha looked coldly at Yelumo who begged to die and apologized, and suddenly stretched out his foot and kicked Yelumo to the ground.

"Look at how promising you are. Winning or losing is a common matter for military strategists. You can't bear such a small setback. What can you do in the future?"

"The old man dares to praise you as a general, so you can do this to the old man."

"Gouzi, Gouzi, are you worthy of your father's reputation?"

"If you are really a man, you should sum up your experience for this old man, find out the loopholes in the Longmen Formation and wait for the opportunity to fight back, and let Liu Mingzhi pay for it with blood."

"My Dajin only has sons who died in battle, and there are no cowards who commit suicide."

Yelumo opened his eyes and looked at Wanyan Chizha's cold eyes, took a deep breath, and fisted his eyes coldly.

"The last general takes orders!"

"Please commander-in-chief give the last general an army, and the last general will desperately fight a way out for the brothers!"

(End of this chapter)

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