My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1601 The imperial decree is not as good as him

Chapter 1601
Yunzhou City in Northern Xinjiang.

At this moment, in the Yunzhou General's Mansion, General Yun Chong of Tiger Ben Army, General Lu Chengjie of Tiger Flying Guard, General Dongfang Ming of Xiaoguo Guard, Generalissimo Yun Yang, Nangong Ye and others gathered together.

When everyone met, no one spoke. They took out a piece of paper from their arms and slapped it on the table.

Several people looked at each other in surprise: "Have you also received the letter from King Side by Side?"

Several people asked this sentence in unison, and the result was self-evident, naturally a letter for each person.

Yunyang and the others gathered together and subconsciously looked at the notes. The content on the notes was slightly different, but the general meaning was the same.

Let a group of generals in the three west cities of northern Xinjiang see the right time and take the initiative to go out of the city to meet the enemy, and reinforcements will rush to help immediately.

Yun Chong's three generals were stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Yunyang and Nangong Ye, the two military marshals.

"Shuai Yun, Shuai Nangong, do we still have reinforcements?"

"That's right, why didn't we get any news at all? Could it be that the recruits from the Ministry of War can go to the north to garrison ahead of time?"

"How many troops can each city dispatch? Now Ganzhou's soldiers and horses have already detoured towards Yunzhou. If the troops in Ganzhou cannot be replenished in time, and if all the guards of Xiaoguo are killed in battle, Ganzhou can only rely on The rest of the government soldiers can't resist the Turkic cavalry at all!"

Yunyang and Nangong Ye looked at each other, and they saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

reinforcements?What reinforcements?We don't know where there are reinforcements.

The reaction of Yunyang and Yunyang was seen by Yunchong and the other three, knowing that the two of them really didn't know about the reinforcements, and they were immediately confused.

"What's going on here? It only talked about reinforcements, but didn't say where they came from, when they could come, and how much they could come. They didn't have a clue in their minds. This made us how to start a confrontation with the Turkic people steadily. "

Yun Yang, whose wound had healed, stroked his beard and thought for a moment.

"The Ministry of War is not ruled out. The Ministry of Households is worried about the battle situation in northern Xinjiang, so they let the recruits go to the north for training. It will take at least 30 days for a few rains to come."

"The Turks suddenly increased their troops by 20. If the reinforcements don't arrive in time, we will definitely be defeated."

Yun Chong rubbed his forehead and thought for a while: "I know Zhi'er is the king of shoulders. He is not the kind of person who shoots at nothing. He said that if there are reinforcements, there will be reinforcements."

"We are all getting old, and the older we get, the more fearful we are. We have lost the courage to fight and kill when we were young. Now we always look forward and backward, thinking about guarding the country and saving the lives of our brothers, but the national war is inevitable. There is no such thing as perfect in an inevitable war."

"The side-by-side king is right. Passive defense is death in battle, and active attack is also death in battle. Blindly defending will only increase the arrogance of the Turks and lower our morale."

"Since this is the case, it is better to take the initiative to attack, maybe there is still a chance for the Jedi to fight back."

Yun Chong glanced at the complex-looking people and punched Dongfang.

"General Yunchong of Hubenwei is willing to obey the order of King Side by Side, and take the initiative to go out of the city to start a confrontation with the Turks."

Dongfang Ming and Lu Chengjie gritted their teeth and waved their arms fiercely.

"Then what the hell are you talking about? Our six guards and six brothers have always advanced together and retreated together. We are not afraid of things that you Yun Chong are not afraid of!"

"Yeah, out of town fucking his son of a bitch."

Yun Yang, who had been silent all this time, narrowed his eyes and subconsciously looked at a corner of the map.

"Zhang Mo!"

The few people who were swearing to each other were startled, and looked at Yunyang with confusion.

"Shuai Zuo, what did you say?"

Yun Yang withdrew his gaze and looked at Nangong Ye: "No accident, the reinforcement should be Zhang Mo!"

Nangong Ye came back to his senses and exclaimed, "20 soldiers from Anxi Protectorate Mansion?"

The three of Yunchong also looked at Yunyang with shocked expressions: "The reinforcements are the soldiers from the Anxi Governor's Mansion?"

Yunyang nodded slightly: "No accidents, it should be!"

"But I haven't heard any news that His Majesty ordered to mobilize the guards of the 38 countries in the Western Regions. Could it be that King Side Shoulder has mobilized the soldiers and horses of the Anxi Protectorate Mansion without authorization? Although he is in charge of the 150 states in Northern Xinjiang, the soldiers of the Anxi Protectorate Mansion are not with him. within the purview of the authority!"

"Without His Majesty's will, Zhang Mo doesn't have the guts to lead troops out of the station without authorization, and go to northern Xinjiang to support us!"

Yunyang's gaze stayed on Nangong Ye for a moment, and he sighed as he looked at Nangong Ye's complicated eyes.

"Have you all forgotten the Golden Dragon Emperor's Token that Ruizong personally rewarded the Side-by-Shoulder King?"

"Seeing an order is like seeing a king. It is not impossible to mobilize Zhang Mo with the order of the Golden Dragon Emperor!"

"However, it is a capital offense to mobilize soldiers and horses outside the authority without authorization. It's okay for a prince to easily mobilize 20 soldiers and horses from the Western Regions. The most important thing is, does your majesty know about this?"

Yun Yang shook his head with a complex expression: "In order to avoid leaking the news, ten percent of the side-by-side kings didn't tell anyone, but Zhang Kuang should already know about it by now."

"According to the old man's speculation, the soldiers and horses coming here are probably not only the soldiers and horses of the Anxi Duhufu, but also the soldiers and horses of the 38 countries in the Western Regions! If so, at least 30 soldiers and horses will be needed. Let alone a direct confrontation, counterattack Both countries are a breeze!"

The gazes of the few people became wild, recalling the past when they followed the great general out of the pass and were invincible in the hinterland of the two countries.

However, following Yunyang's light cough, they came back to their senses, and their eyes became worried again.

If it is true as Yunyang speculates, the reinforcements are really the 20 troops from the Anxi Protectorate, together with the coalition troops from the 38 countries in the Western Regions. Although Liu Mingzhi is trying to solve the national crisis, it is already a crime to mobilize troops that do not belong to him without authorization. It's a big taboo.

Nangong Ye looked complicatedly at Yunyang, an old man who was as famous as his father: "Marshal, it is understandable that the younger generation of soldiers and horses in the Anxi Protectorate are mobilized by the order of the Golden Dragon Emperor!"

"But Zhang Mo only has the right to control the 38 countries in the Western Regions. If they send troops to help Dalong, I'm afraid Zhang Mo won't have that much face."

"In other words, given the crisis we are facing now, His Majesty's decree may not be able to mobilize the troops of the 38 countries in the Western Regions."

Yunyang sighed a few times: "Zhang Mo can't be adjusted, His Majesty's imperial decree can't be adjusted, but there is one person who can definitely be adjusted."

"Because he left endless panic to the 38 countries of the Western Regions back then, and the 38 countries of the Mata were invincible. His power back then was only a few years old, and now the 38 countries of the Western Regions should still be afraid in their bones."

"Those who do not follow will destroy the city and destroy the country!"

"Such a profound lesson must be remembered in a lifetime. I think that people in the Western Regions still dare not face up to the immortal monument standing on the Silk Road."

"In front of you, the elder brother of the empress dowager, this old man said something disrespectful!"

"In the Western Regions, perhaps one word from the King of the Side is more effective than ten imperial edicts."

"The majesty accumulated by the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood is destined to be indelible."

Nangong Ye's eyes shrank deeply, and Yun Yang who was at the side saw it clearly.

Looking at his son Yun Chong and Dongfang Ming's worried expressions, Yun Yang patted Yun Chong on the shoulder lightly.

"Nangongshuai, the side-by-side king has assisted three generations of emperors, and his loyalty to the court can be learned from the sun and the moon."

"Although he may have exceeded his authority and dispatched troops this time, it is out of good intentions, out of loyalty to the court, and for the sake of Dalong's future. In the face of national crisis, he guards the 27th mansion in northern Xinjiang. There is no other way but to do this."

"After the war is over, I hope you can speak a few words for the prince in front of His Majesty."

Nangong Ye was startled, sighed and nodded.

"The younger generation understands, I hope those rotten scholars in the court will not hold on to it!"

(End of this chapter)

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