Chapter 1602
Under Yunyang's persuasion, Nangong Ye also gradually avoided the matter of Liu Mingzhi privately mobilizing soldiers from the Anxi Governor's Mansion.

As for the three Yunchong brothers, they were even more old-fashioned, and they changed the subject tacitly after a few slight eye contact.

After all, Yun Chong was Liu Mingzhi's uncle, and his personal feelings for First Young Master Liu far surpassed those of the others. After understanding what his old man meant, Yun Chong cleared his throat.

"Marshal Nangong, marshal, let's discuss how to go out of the city to meet the enemy first. We must think of a safer way, at least until the arrival of reinforcements."

Yunyang walked towards the map: "Old man, tell me what you mean, first tell me how many soldiers and horses are there in the team we can contact now?"

Yun Chong walked over and said without hesitation: "A few days ago, the Flying Eagle Guards had settled in Yunzhou to help defend the city. Now the only ones holding back the Turkic cavalry in the field are the Polu and the Futu guards under Generalissimo Liu Mingzhi in the middle."

"As for how much we can get in touch with now, the general can't guarantee it now. The Turkic soldiers launched a feint attack on my hinterland in several ways. Duan couldn't bear the general. General Zhou Baoyu wanted to prevent the Turks from attacking the people in my hinterland. The act of massacre has already led the soldiers and horses under his command to mediate with the Turkic people in the wild!"

Yunyang glanced at the map in front of him, and looked at Yunchong worriedly: "How is the battle going? Can you contact them now? If you can contact them, let them quickly join forces and return to Yingzhou. Wait for Ganzhou and Suzhou soldiers. As soon as the horse arrives, we will take advantage of the favorable location and go out of the city to fight the Turks."

Yun Chong picked up a stack of thick paper notes from the table at the side and handed them to several people respectively.

"Contact Zhou Baoyu, the possibility that Duan can't bear the two generals is very slim."

"The hinterland behind my Yunzhou is vast, and the Turkic offensives are changing. In addition, there are many soldiers and generals. According to the report of the scouts, the two soldiers and horses are now fighting with the Turks. They are fighting on their own."

"It's not clear where the Polu, the Buddha and the Turkic people are. The continuous investigation by three hundred scouts won't be of much use. The cavalry will pounce from time to time. By the time we receive the information, they will be gone. I don’t know which state capital, which county and territory the raid has trekked to!”

Yunyang frowned and looked at the information in his hand: "The last time was the day before yesterday. The Duan Buren tribe encountered the Turkic people around Tianshui County. It's been two days. It's hard to say where they went. There are people from all over the world. Maybe, if the scouts run the horse to death, they won't be able to get in touch with them."

Nangong Ye returned the note: "Can't the Golden Eagle, Falcon, and Flying Pigeon be contacted?"

Yunchong sighed and nodded: "The fighting is torn apart, and there is no fixed place to live. Our golden eagles, falcons, and pigeons have already lost their recognition. Apart from scouts, I'm afraid there is no way to contact them. possible."

"They have two guards with 20 soldiers and horses, and the situation is not ideal for the [-] Turkic cavalry to chase and intercept them."

"Although they are well-equipped and carry a new type of firearm, the Turks have a natural advantage in field battles. In addition, their strength is twice that of theirs. We don't know how many brothers have been killed or injured now."

Yunyang pondered for a while and knocked on the table.

"Send another [-] elite scouts to search for the two guards in the middle."

"Hawk sent a letter to Yunzhou, Ganzhou, and all the state officials in Fuzhou. Once they find the two soldiers and horses, they will send the letter to us immediately, so that we won't be like blind people looking for their location aimlessly. .”

"Although we have a lot of troops now, we don't have many cavalry. If we want to go out of the city to fight the Turks, we must have the left and right sides of their cavalry. In any case, we must contact them and let them go back to Yunzhou immediately to join forces. .”

"Tell them, stop entangled with the Turks, pretending to attack my hinterland is just a trick of the Turks to lure the enemy, don't be fooled!"


"Yun Chong!"

"The end is here!"

"Did the order of strengthening the wall and clearing the fields be passed on? Just in case, let the people endure the pain after receiving enough food, and destroy all the remaining food, and resolutely not leave it to the Turks."

"It has been half a month since the order was issued, and the specific situation is still unclear. We have been dragged too hard by the Turkic offensive, and we have no time to take care of the current situation in the hinterland."

"Let's go and issue an order to fortify the wall and clear the country with the king's order. Now that the brothers in Ganzhou and Suzhou are coming to help, our pressure will be much less. We must not let the Turks take advantage of the people and attack them in turn. we."


In Baochuan County, Yunzhou, two groups of cavalry were fighting one after the other.

Duan Canren just led the [-] brothers who are now with him to attack and kill a group of Turkic tribes whose strength is three times larger than his own, and who are temporarily repairing in the wild in Baochuan County.

After a successful blow, Duan couldn't bear not to fight, and immediately led his brothers back to retreat, fully displaying the essence of guerrilla warfare.

From time to time, he looked back at the Turkic cavalry who were chasing after him, and Duan couldn't bear to laugh and made an insulting gesture to the Turkic man behind him.

"Grandchildren, come with Grandpa, Grandpa has something here for you to try."

Listening to the general's words, the more than 6000 Futu soldiers waved their weapons like wild wolves, laughing and howling as if the more than 1 pursuers behind them did not exist. Some soldiers with excellent riding and archery skills He even deliberately slowed down to shoot an arrow at the pursuers behind him.

"Feng An, have you contacted the other Silu brothers?"

"Back to the general, our golden eagle can't find our location. Not only can't the other brothers from the four routes be contacted, even the brothers from the Polu Army can't be contacted. They broke up, all of them broke up."

"It's been almost 20 days. The golden eagle we sent the letter to the commander-in-chief hasn't come back yet. It should be that we can't find our place for a long time."

"Continue to harass them. We must not let them get close to the common people. The food and grass we just snatched from the Turks is enough for us to last for seven or eight days."

"Damn it, if you say that the Turkic people enjoy more than us, I am so envious that I drool. Let's eat dry pancakes. They are all delicious jerky."

"I don't know when we can be extravagant and use dried meat as military rations. It's better to live with the commander-in-chief. At least we can eat a meal of meat in a few days. Don't mention it now, eat a meal You have to dream about it."

Feng An cheerfully took out a piece of jerky from his arms, stuffed it into his mouth, and began to chew.

"It's delicious, it's delicious. If it wasn't for the shortage of troops, we would have to grab all their food and grass."

Duan couldn't bear to swallow his saliva subconsciously: "You fucking save some, these are real jerky, don't expect me to share them with you if you eat them all, I plan to use these jerky for more than seven days Mediation with the Turks!"

"The humble job has a small appetite, one meal is enough for three days, and you will be lucky if you don't take my humble job then, General."

"Report! Report to the general, urgent military situation!"

Facing the chasing soldiers, Duan couldn't bear to tease his subordinates without any pressure. When he saw the scouts who were turning sideways to join the soldiers, he stopped laughing and his face became serious.


The scouts quickly drove alongside Duan Canren.

"General, there are more than [-] people on the official road less than five miles ahead, and they are rushing towards Kezhou Mansion with their bags. It seems that they are going to Kezhou Mansion to escape the war."

"It's still clear where the people are now!"

Duan couldn't bear the shock on his face, and subconsciously looked forward.

"The order to strengthen the walls and clear the fields has been issued for half a month, why are there still people wandering in the wild?"

"I don't know about the humble position, but nine out of ten it's because of the delay in harvesting summer grain."

"Damn it, how could this happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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