My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1603 We are going to fight to the death

Chapter 1603 We are going to fight to the death
The scout looked anxiously at Duan Canren who was cursing: "General, what should we do now, keep going, we will be in contact with the common people in front of us within a quarter of an hour!"

Duan couldn't bear to look back at the Turkic cavalry who were chasing after him and glanced around.

"How is the surrounding terrain? Is there any possibility of changing the direction? The Turks must be led out of the common people. We just attacked and killed them. If they can't catch up with us, they will be in trouble if they become aggressive and vent their anger on the common people! Around Is there a fork in the road?"

The scout turned his eyes and thought quickly, and finally shook his head with an ugly face: "Baochuan County has a complicated terrain, and there are countless waves of loess around it. It is impossible to tell where there is a cliff and a natural moat. Our current position is surrounded by ravines. There are no diversions to change direction."

"If we're lucky, we can still find a wilderness to detour through. If we're unlucky, our six thousand brothers may be buried in front of us."

While speaking, Duan Can't Bear's eyes could vaguely see a black dragon in front of him, and a long dragon composed of people mixed together.

Looking at the long queue of people in front of him, Duan couldn't bear to tremble slightly with the arm holding the rein of the horse.

He really wanted to rush up and grab the collars of those people and question them loudly, why, it has been more than ten days since you cleared the walls, and you have been given more than ten days, why have you not entered the state capital to escape the war? Has not yet entered the state capital to escape the war.

Holding up the binoculars and looking ahead, Duan couldn't bear to look at the food that hadn't been harvested from the people and waved the binoculars fiercely.

"Damn it, it's really because of the food. Why, it's enough to bring enough food. Why are you so greedy?"

"General, it's less than a mile away, what should I do? Come up with a solution!"

"Sioux City!"

"The end is here!"

"You led the three thousand brothers to detour towards the east, and this general led the three thousand brothers to detour towards the west. Whether we can escape from the Turkic people or not is up to our fate."

"Heaven has eyes, we brothers will be reunited alive, but heaven has no eyes, we brothers will meet again in the underworld!"

"The last general. The last general has orders!"

Su Cheng waved the command flag in his hand and lowered his speed: "Three thousand soldiers from the Vanguard Battalion come with this general!"


The two hit it off immediately, and immediately led three thousand brothers to rush towards the place covered with yellow sand on both sides. As for the road ahead, as Duan couldn't bear to say, they could only resign themselves to fate.

"Look, General Pullhan, the dragon soldiers and horses in front suddenly split into two groups and changed direction!"

Ba Khan glanced at the Futu army in front of him, his face was full of doubts: "According to the map records, the terrain around Baochuan County is complex, broken walls and natural moats are innumerable. Why did the dragon soldiers and horses seek their own death?"

"If they unfortunately enter the sky, there is basically no possibility of retreating. The dragon general in front is a smart man. From the way they used their troops to attack us, it can be seen that in this case, how could he do such a stupid thing?" the behavior of?"

"Look, general, the people of the Great Dragon are ahead!"

Ba Khana looked over hastily, and looked at the long dragons of the people who were hurrying on their way, and seemed to understand something.

"So that's it, the general in front is a decisive hero!"

"General, what should we do? Pursue all the way, or divide the troops into two groups, or rob those people's food? Our food and grass have been looted and burned by the big dragon soldiers in front, and there is already a shortage. The humble officer suggests Let's replenish food and grass from those Dalong people!"

"It is roughly estimated that there are about [-] people. There must be a lot of food from at least a dozen states and counties. If we rob them, our food crisis can be solved immediately."

Listening to his subordinate's suggestion, Ba Khana showed a hint of excitement in his eyes.

But it seemed that he thought of something, and Ba Khan shuddered and shook his head hastily.

"No, the Great Khan has an order. After entering the hinterland, you can scare and drive away the people of Dalong. You must not burn, kill or loot them, otherwise you will be severely punished."

"You won't forget the method used by the Great Khan to punish disobedient tribal leaders."

Hearing the words, the general next to Pull Khan seemed to have thought of something, and shivered all over.

"But... if we keep our hands and feet clean, as long as we don't let the rumors spread, wouldn't it be all right? Brothers are all old people who have followed you for many years. As long as you order, it will definitely not reach the ears of Da Khan."

"We have been raiding deep into the dragon's hinterland for so long. If we don't replenish food and grass in time, the brothers will starve. Who knows when the next time we will meet the dragon's soldiers and horses, and robbing their food and grass is far more important than robbing them. It is much more difficult for the people of Dalong to get food!"

"No, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. If we rob the people of Dalong in front, that army will escape. As long as they escape, our actions today will not be able to cover them."

"If it gets to the ears of Da Khan, we will not live, and neither will our family members."

"Hold on, as long as we take down the big dragon soldiers and horses in front, our food and grass can be replenished in time, and our fundamental goal is also the big dragon soldiers and horses in front of us!"

"Well, you are always the one who decides. You can do whatever you say, how to pursue? Two pursuits or one encirclement?"

Ba Khana hesitated for a moment: "Baochuan County has a complex terrain, if we divide our troops, we may get nothing."

"Follow the soldiers and horses rushing to the west with all their strength. Their general flag is on the west side, and the big fish must be inside. They can't eat too much. Nibbling away their troops bit by bit is also a way to weaken the dragon's strength. "


"My sons and daughters, the general has an order to pursue the enemy army in Xiangxi Dalong with all our strength, cut off their general flag, and avenge the dead warriors!"

With an order, more than 1 Turkic people brandished scimitars and chased the three thousand soldiers and horses who could not bear it with the sound of howling wolves.

After half a day, the sun gradually set to the west.

Duan couldn't bear to pull the rein and stared at Duanbi dozens of steps ahead, and became dazed.

The three thousand cavalry of the Futu army also stared blankly at the broken wall with nowhere to go.

The sound of galloping horses behind them awakened the three thousand cavalry. They looked at the broken wall in front of them, and then at the more than 1 Turkic people who had slowly surrounded them in this direction.

Duan couldn't bear to blink his tiger eyes a few times in a complicated way, turned his horse's head to look at the Turkic army, and the three thousand Futu soldiers followed suit, turned their horse's head to look at the Turkic army, with no fear on their faces.

"Brothers, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, I have already killed enough with the commander-in-chief, isn't it just [-] Turkic people? There is nothing to be afraid of!"

"That's right, I lost a bowl-sized scar on my head, and after 18 years, I will be a good man again!"

"It's just a little uncomfortable. I have been fighting with the commander-in-chief for seven or eight years, and I can't say goodbye to him before I die. The commander-in-chief thinks that the brothers are fucking dishonest, so I don't even know how to say goodbye!"

"The commander is mighty, the Buddha Army is mighty, and the dragon is all victorious!"

"The commander is mighty, the Buddha Army is mighty, and the dragon is all victorious!"

Duan couldn't bear to look at Brother Sanqian who drew out his sword in unison, pulled out his own sword and grinned.

"Feng An!"

"The end is here!"

"General flag!"


"Chen Jiabao!"

"I am humble!"

Among Duan Canren's personal guards, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy came out on a horse, staring at Duan Canren with piercing eyes.

Duan couldn't bear to smile lightly and patted Chen Jiabao's shoulder: "Stinky boy, I've been with me for three years. When your father handed you over to me, you were only 15 years old. You became a young man in the blink of an eye. Really Hurry up, it will be three years in the blink of an eye!"

"General, don't look down on me. I have already killed four Jin soldiers and six Turkic people. If the war is over, at least I will be a general of the sixth rank!"

"Yeah, that's why, you have to live to claim the military exploits, and let your father have a good time!"

Under Chen Jiabao's puzzled eyes, Duan couldn't bear to straighten his face.

"Chen Jiabao listens!"

"Humble orders!"

Duan couldn't bear to stuff the delicate flag into Chen Jiabao's hand.

"Boy, take the flag of our Buddha army back to Yingzhou, and hand it over to the commander-in-chief."

"Take a sentence to the commander-in-chief that the brothers want to say together!"

"Ah? What. What words?"

Duan couldn't bear to look at the Turkic army who had already set up the encirclement circle, his eyes were extremely flat.

"Tell the handsome!"

"Brothers have not fallen in his name!"

"It is inevitable that a general will die before the battle. The moment I become a soldier, this general is ready to die for the country!"

"Tell the commander-in-chief, tell the rest of the five guards!"

"There are no cowards in the Buddha army, we are going to fight to the death!"

(End of this chapter)

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