My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1604 Heroes Cherish Heroes

Chapter 1604 Heroes Cherish Heroes

Chen Jiabao finally came to his senses and understood what Duan Can't bear to tell him.

Glancing at the flag in his hand, Chen Jiabao was stunned and hurriedly wanted to return the flag to Duan Can't bear it.

"General, as you said just now, there are no cowards in our Buddha army. You want Jiabao to be a coward, a deserter. I won't leave, even if I'm killed."

"I am also a soldier of the Buddha Army. You fight the Turks to the death, and I dare to fight the Turks to the death. I, Chen Jiabao, are determined not to be a coward or a deserter."

Duan couldn't bear to look back and stared fiercely at Chen Jiabao who was looking unhappy.

"Bastard, I didn't let you be a deserter. You heard it clearly. The banner is everything to our Buddha Army. We can die in battle, but our banner must not be lost."

"We don't know if the other brothers are safe or not. If unfortunately they die in battle, the banner of our Buddha Army is only our brothers."

"You are the hope of the Buddha Army. Take the flag back to the commander-in-chief, and let him see that for the sake of the brothers who followed him to live and die together, don't revoke our flag of the Buddha Army."

"You are the seed of the Buddha Army. After we die in battle, you must revive the banner of our Buddha Army again and carry it forward."

"Children, the geese leave their voices, and the people leave their names."

"You carry the belief of these [-] brothers on your shoulders, go quickly, take our banner back to the commander-in-chief, be obedient!"

Chen Jiabao couldn't bear to look at Duan, and mist quickly formed in his eyes.

"General, I, I."

"Go! Don't let the brothers die in vain, otherwise we will die as ghosts."

Duan Jiabao looked around subconsciously, and looked at the group of older brothers around him who looked at him with gratified eyes and nodded with tears in their eyes.

"I'm going! I'm going!"

"General, big brothers, promise Jiabao, if you can kill him alive, you must come back alive. I will go to Yingzhou and wait for you to go home!"

"Put your cat pee back! Go!"

"The humble position is ordered! The humble position is farewell!"


Watching Duan Jiabao's figure turning back and disappearing from the side of the broken wall frequently, Duan couldn't bear to smile gratifiedly, and looked away.

The Turkic people didn't start chasing after Duan Jiabao as a small shrimp, and they were even a little happy. This big dragon soldier might have found some big dragon soldier who retreated east to come to support him.

If this is the case, it would be better to save myself from running around looking for them.

"General, the Turks come out and ride!"

Duan couldn't bear to look at the Turkic man who was rushing towards this direction, and rode his horse to meet him.

"Come and report your name!"

"Huyan Wang Ting Ba Khan, the great general and vanguard officer Che Mu, has seen General Da Long!"

"Stop talking nonsense, what's the matter?"

"General, the general who pulls sweat admires the general you sacrificed your life to protect those people. You are already surrounded, and behind you is the abyss. You are hard to fly. The general who pulls sweat admires the bloody soldiers. Surrender. He doesn't want to see a hero like you die in vain like this."


Duan couldn't bear to look up to the sky and laughed, and looked at the vanguard officer Che Mu playfully: "The general you are sweating is even more fucking humorous than our commander, but this joke is really not funny at all."

Che Mu stared deeply at the disdainful Duan Canren: "General, I will not deny that you are all brave and skilled soldiers, but we Turkic people are not bad either. You only have 3000 people, but we Turkic people have [-] people." Warriors, you have no chance of victory."

"Surrender, after the war is over, you still have a chance to be redeemed by the dragon, or be released."

"You are not afraid of death, but you have to think about the three thousand brothers under your command."

"Che Mu, go back and tell your great general Ba Khan that since the day when the flag of our Buddha Army was established, there has always been only one word of victory or death in battle. The word surrender will never appear on our Buddha Army!"

"Brothers, are you willing to surrender?"

Sanqian Futu waved his weapon and looked at Che Mu and shouted in unison, "Fuck you!"

"You. You"

Che Mu cast a cold glance at the three thousand Futu soldiers and galloped towards Ba Khanna's position.

Duan couldn't bear to throw the scabbard in his hand on the ground, took out the command flag behind his back and rushed towards the forward of the three thousand brothers.

"Brothers, killing one is enough money, and killing two is enough to make money. Let's fight with me!"


Duan couldn't bear brandishing his saber and charged towards the Turkic army at the head of the horse. The three thousand soldiers behind him showed no fear, and followed suit, howling and rushing to kill.

Just like what Zhang Kuang said about the six guards of the new army, the soldiers and horses under Liu Mingzhi's command are all a group of wolf cubs who are not afraid of death and howling.

Ba Khana sighed, and waved the command flag in his hand.


More than 1 Turkic cavalry rolled up the billowing smoke and came towards Duan Bian, surrounded by 3000 people.

After the bows and arrows were shot, the hand crossbow had no time to reload and was directly thrown on the ground, and it was a fight of war horses fighting side by side.

Wolves are not omnipotent, they are not afraid of death, but they will die in battle.

In the blood-stained setting sun, on the unknown broken wall wilderness, war horses sneezed, and the yellow sand had turned red.

I don't know if it's because of the reflection of the bloody setting sun, or if the blood soaked the sand.

Corpses were strewn all over the wilderness, and the flags were overturned. It was hard to count how many corpses fell on this land.

For a lifetime, it is not a blessing to have a group of brothers who live and die together on the battlefield.

Duan couldn't bear to be covered in blood, and the helmet no longer knew where it had gone.

Looking at the last brother who fell beside him, Duan couldn't bear trembling and got off the horse, took out a piece of blood-stained dried meat from his arms, and walked towards Feng An who had just died in battle and hadn't closed his eyes.

With trembling hands, he sent the jerky to Feng An's mouth, and Duan couldn't help sobbing.

"Brother, don't you like meat the most? Eat it, get up and eat it. I won't be stingy anymore. I'll give you all my jerky and give it to my brothers. Get up and eat!"

"Hurry up and eat!"

The sound of footsteps came, and several blood-stained Turkic soldiers surrounded Duan Canren with scimitars.

Looking at Duan Can't bear the madness, one of the Turkic people spoke in fluent Chinese.

"General, surrender! Your brothers have all died in battle, don't die in vain!"

After the Turks finished speaking, many Turks around looked at Duan with admiration.

Warriors are worthy of admiration no matter where they are!
Duan couldn't bear to stand up slowly, glanced at the three thousand Futu soldiers who had no survivors around him, and grinned.

"Dead, they all died in battle. If that's the case, what's the use of my general being alive!"

"My brothers are gone, it's time for me to charge forward!"

Duan couldn't bear to search among the corpses with his saber in hand, and the surrounding Turkic people subconsciously moved out of the way.

After a long time, Duan couldn't bear to tie a banner behind his back with his belt, picked up a horn, put it in his mouth and blew it.

The sound of the horn was melodious and sad, Duan Canren gently pinned the horn behind his back and scanned the Futu Army brothers around him.

"Brothers, listen to the horn of charge again!"

"Come on!"

One man, one horse, one horn, and one blood-stained banner charged towards the tens of thousands of Turkic troops.

The sound of the spear piercing the flesh came clearly, the tiger couldn't hold back the pack of wolves, and Duan, who pulled seven or eight Turkic men back again, couldn't bear to be stabbed through by several lances.


Duan couldn't bear the blood from his teeth to flow out unstoppably, his eyes scanned with scarlet red at the pulling sweat that came and stopped in front of him and grinned.

"You guys can come to my big dragon and close the herds. But you absolutely can't let my big dragon loose!"

Pulling Khan looked at Duan Can't Bear with complicated eyes.

"How dare you ask the general's name?"

"Dragon's new army. The six guards of the Buddha in northern Xinjiang stand shoulder to shoulder with King Liu Mingzhi's Liu Family Army. The Buddha Guard!"

"Puff. Puff."


Looking at the dead body of Duan Canren, who was kneeling on one knee with the saber in his hands and hadn't fallen down for a long time, Bahana sighed.

Looking at the flag on Duan Buren's back that fluctuated slightly with the breeze, Ba Khan silently waved his hand.

"Liu Jiajun! Duan can't bear it!"

"Come on!"

"Please command the general!"

"The scenery here is so beautiful, let's bury our fallen warriors together with the heroes of Dalong."

"Tomb of Heroes."

"Although we are enemies, we are just following orders."

"Soldiers always obey orders."

"Who can tell right or wrong!"

"Hero Tomb, be a hero and cherish a hero!"

"The general has a vague premonition that going south this time may be the biggest mistake in our lives!"

(End of this chapter)

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