My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1606 One step ahead

Chapter 1606 One step ahead
Just a moment after Huyan Lianlu left, a Turkic scout ran into Huyan Yunyao's big tent holding a command flag.

"Report! Qi Khan, while the troops were resting, Dalong's infantry, under the cover of Dalong's cavalry, rushed west again to the shallow river bank about three miles away and set up a defensive line."

"Shallow river beach?"

Huyan Yunyao hurriedly observed on the sand table, and frowned when she saw the shallow river beach on the sand table.

"Second brother, the terrain here is very unfavorable to our cavalry! If they attack again, their infantry can pose a greater threat to our troops based on the favorable location."

Hu Yanyu lowered his head and muttered for a while: "I think what we should consider now is not the disadvantages of the shallow river beach. I think we should confirm the purpose of the dragon's soldiers and horses to detour towards Ganzhou."

"After each battle, they must retreat to Ganzhou for a certain distance. They gather together, and we can only effectively kill some soldiers and horses on the periphery. It has been two days, and their main force has not suffered a major blow. s damage."

"What is there in Ganzhou that makes them rush to Ganzhou even as they fight and retreat!"

"Soldiers? A trap?"

"Their behavior has already shown that Ganzhou must have something to give them confidence!"

Huyan Yunyao gently rubbed Bai Nen's palm: "Soldiers and horses? Impossible, according to information, there is only a mansion in Ganzhou now, and two auxiliary soldiers are defending Ganzhou, and the number is less than [-]."

"If you are an elite soldier, Ben Khan, you should be more cautious. If you are an auxiliary soldier, we have nothing to pay attention to at all."

"As for the traps, look at the sand table yourself. Ganzhou cannot compare with Yunzhou in terms of terrain or landform. If you want to set traps, you should choose around Yunzhou City. The terrain outside Ganzhou City is more open than Yunzhou. On the contrary, it has an advantage over our cavalry!"

"The minister also thought about what the Khan said several times. In this case, what is the purpose of the dragon's troops moving closer to Ganzhou?"

Yan Yu, who was sitting by the side cleaning her slender fingers, glanced at the puzzled brother and sister and raised her crescent eyebrows slightly and smiled.

"Khan, my husband, the west side of Yunzhou is not just a city in Ganzhou!"

Huyan Yunyao was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at the map: "Sister-in-law, Ganzhou is the most border city in the northwest of Dalong. When you leave Ganzhou, it is the territory of our Huyan royal court."

Huyan Yunyao was taken aback as she spoke, and subconsciously glanced at Yan Yu, who was smiling and full of meaning, and gently stroked the wild goose feathers on the thin felt hat on her head.

"Western Region! There is also the Western Region to the west of Yunzhou!"

"Come on, change the country map!"


A refreshing and capable Turkic woman took out a larger map from the bamboo tube behind her and replaced the original map.

Huyan Yunyao couldn't wait to look at the map.

Looking at the vast territory of the 38 countries in the Western Regions on the map, Huyan Yunyao took a deep breath.

"20 soldiers in the Anxi Protectorate of the Western Regions!"

Hu Yanyu also came to his senses, his complexion changed slightly, and he stared intently at the ancient silk road between the Western Regions and Ganzhou on the map, fascinated.

The soldiers of Anxi Duhu Mansion are not those soldiers in the hinterland of Dalong.

Although they are all called mansion soldiers, the combat effectiveness of the mansion soldiers of Anxi Duhu Mansion is not weaker than the soldiers and horses of the six cities in the northern border of Dalong.

In recent years, those who have dissenting ideas from the 38 countries of the Western Regions have been suppressed by the soldiers and horses of the Protectorate of the Western Regions.

It can be said that the 20 government soldiers in the Western Regions are either suppressing the rebellion, or they are on the way to suppress the rebellion.

Naturally, its sturdy combat power should not be underestimated, especially the excellent war horses of the Western Regions with 20 government soldiers are comparable to the Turkic war horses.

If coupled with the excellent military equipment of the dragon.

Brother and sister Huyan Yunyao's face became more and more ugly as they thought about it, maybe Turkic would have to pay a big price this time.


"Big Khan, maybe it's not just as simple as the soldiers of the Anxi Governor's Mansion. Dalong is the suzerain of the 38 countries in the Western Regions. If the commander-in-chief Zhang Mo forces the 38 countries in the Western Regions to send troops to help, with the power left by Brother Liu in the Western Regions However, people from the 38 countries in the Western Regions still dare not resist."

Huyan Yunyao's face became even uglier when she heard the words.

"Miscalculation, miscalculation!"

"The Western Regions have been calm these years, or the turbulent waves have not affected this side, making everyone ignore the power of the 38 countries in the Western Regions."

"Khan, what should we do? If the dragon's soldiers keep moving towards the west in order to contact the reinforcements from the Western Regions in time, we will be in trouble!"

"Maybe we will bear the brunt of Dalong's bloody revenge!"

Huyan Yunyao stopped wandering, glanced back at the map with a solemn face,

"Che Gumu, according to Ben Khan's order, send out six hundred eagle archers to investigate three hundred miles west along the Silk Road at intervals of two and a half miles. Once you find any traces of reinforcements from the Western Regions, come and report immediately."

"Decree! The minister resigns!"

Hu Yanyu looked at Huyan Yunyao suspiciously: "The Great Khan plans to continue to use troops? If you want to reserve troops to continue going south, you must eat the 28 Dalong coalition troops at the lowest price, but these two conditions must be met. It would not be possible without a three-month war of attrition."

"Dalong's troops are not three thousand or thirty thousand, but nearly 30 soldiers, and half of them are elite soldiers!"

"Three months is enough time for us to eat all the elites of Dalong's West Three Cities, and leave room for us to compete with the Kingdom of Jin after we take down Dalong, and compete with the forces that were originally destined to be in the world."

"However, since Yunyang, Nangong Ye and the others dare to go out of the city to confront us regardless of the cost, it means that reinforcements from the Western Regions will not be too far away."

"Don't say give us three months, even if it is a month, the chance is very slim."

Huyan Yunyao became silent, and after a long time Huyan Yunyao looked at Yan Yu quietly.

"Ben Khan is suddenly a little interested in Wanyan Chizha's proposal for writing a few days ago!"

Hu Yanyu was startled and immediately reacted.

"Alliance Daikin?"

"Is there any other way besides this? But before we leave, we can consume a little more of the strength of the great dragon."

"Order the leaders of the various ministries to attack and kill the soldiers and horses of the Dalong phalanx from the side. Don't love to fight. Until you get the definite news from the scouts, try your best to suppress the speed of the dragon's soldiers and horses retreating westward!"


The dragon soldiers and horses were stationed on the shallow river beach, Zhou Baoyu walked out of the army tent and walked towards the river beach, the sadness in his eyes was clearly visible.

Zhou Baoyu also didn't understand the arrangement of formation that Yunyang and the others discussed, he just obeyed orders and fought as the commander ordered him to do!
Jiang Lei followed closely behind and came out, wanting to help Zhou Baoyu.

Zhou Baoyu shook off Jiang Lei's shoulder, and stared at Jiang Lei with red eyes: "I'm lame, but I'm not disabled yet, not to the point where I can even be helped when I walk!"

Jiang Lei didn't lose his temper, and looked at Zhou Baoyu quietly.

"General, our brother has been eating in the same pot behind the general since Qingzhou, don't you know who the general is?"

Zhou Baoyu looked at Jiang Lei, who had deep brotherhood in his eyes, pursed his lips and waved his hands.

"Brother, I'm sorry, my brother shouldn't be angry with you, let me calm down!"

"Brother is with you! Have you forgotten the oath we said to the commander-in-chief in the capital?"

"Go and return together!"

Zhou Baoyu's scarlet eyes could no longer hold back two lines of clear tears, the iron-clad man was crying like a child.

"Go and return together, can't bear it? Can't bear it!"


"Our six generals have been with the commander-in-chief for seven years. They are closer than brothers. He is gone!"

"The two of us came out to help Chiyun Prefecture together, and we couldn't bear to die in Baochuan County. How can you make me face the commander-in-chief?"

"Blind God, why wasn't I the one who died in battle, why wasn't I the one who died in battle!"

"He is five years younger than me, and his youngest daughter is only one year old."

"Why wasn't I the one who died in battle!"

"Jiang Lei, tell me, is God blind? Why is he the one who died in battle and not me?"

"If it's possible, I'd like to take my cripple's life in exchange for him to come back to life!"

"Brother Baoyu, stop talking nonsense. I can't bear it. If my brother is alive, I absolutely don't want to hear you say such things. Our brothers have been born and died for more than ten years, and we have a lifelong friendship."

"I can't bear to fight for my country, my brother deserves to die. We should be happy."

"I can't bear to say more than once that the general will inevitably die before the battle. We soldiers who dare to come out to defend the country have long been prepared to die in battle."

"Yes, the general will inevitably die before the battle. We may be the ones who will die in battle tomorrow. There is nothing to be sad about. There will still be a day of reunion in the underworld."

"Duan can't bear it if he dares to reincarnate before Laozi, Laozi will never let him go in the next life!"

Zhou Baoyu wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, took out the banner behind his back and caressed it as if stroking his beloved girl.

"Brother Jiang Lei!"

"Brother Baoyu, tell me!"

"If Lao Tzu and the brothers are unfortunate and honorable this time, you must take back the banner of our Polu Army and hand it over to the commander in chief!"

"Send another word to the commander-in-chief!"

"We will still be brothers in the next life, but in the next life I must be higher than the handsome bastard, pointing at his nose and calling him a jerk every day!"

"In this life, brothers will be one step ahead!"

PS: Mother's birthday is today, and there are only two updates, which will be added later.

(End of this chapter)

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