Chapter 1607
Hearing Zhou Baoyu's dejected words, Jiang Lei suddenly felt sad.

As Zhou Baoyu said, the war has not yet subsided, and there will be many more days of war in the future, maybe one day it will be the turn of himself and others to follow in an unbearable footsteps.

It is inevitable that the general will die before the battle, and this sentence alone has exhausted the sadness of all the generals.

Since ancient times, how can there be an army of ever-victorious victories.

"Brother Baoyu, don't be so discouraged. I can't bear the fact that my brother died alone on the battlefield. The commander-in-chief doesn't know if he can accept it. If we all die in battle one after another, the commander-in-chief will collapse. .”

"For the sake of the handsome, in order not to bear the elder brother, we should live well."

"As you said just now, Brother Can't Bear's youngest daughter is only one year old and has no father. We should live well, take care of Brother Can't Bear's wife and daughter, and treat them as our own children."

"Father is gone, if even our uncles and uncles who can support them are gone one after another, orphans and widows, how do you let them live in the future."

Following Jiang Lei's persuasion, Zhou Baoyu's sad gaze gradually became firmer, holding the military flag in his left hand, and standing up straight from the river beach with a saber in his right, his body was upright as if relaxed.

"You're right. I can't die. Even if I die, I have to watch the unbearable child grow up. I can't let the spirit of the unbearable die in heaven."

Seeing Zhou Baoyu regained his life, Jiang Lei was completely relieved.

He was really afraid that Zhou Baoyu would die because of this unbearable thing, and he would die on the battlefield in vain because of this belief even though he could go back alive.

Thousands of troops are easy to get and a general is hard to find. Regardless of Dalong's large population, it is not an easy task to train another general like Zhou Baoyu.

The manpower, material resources and energy consumed are immeasurable.

"Brother Baoyu, it's too much for you to think so."

The trumpet-blowing company interrupted Jiang Lei's words, and the Dalong camp, which was still quiet just now, suddenly sounded the horn.

Zhou Baoyu and the two of them froze and hurriedly walked towards the handsome tent.

Both of them didn't need to think about it to know that the Turkic people started to attack and harass again. After all, such things have happened more than once these days, and the two of them are already used to it.

It's just that the two of them didn't expect that the morning's battle had just ended, and the Turkic people who had been repaired did not even have half a day to launch an attack again.

The two had just arrived, and the veteran generals in Yunyang were already fully armored and rushed towards the position of the central army.

"The whole army is preparing for war, as usual, with a series of formations, cavalry support, and infantry hiding and killing. The terrain here is complicated, which is very unfavorable for cavalry raids. Since they are in a hurry to die, let's not be polite to them and accept their lives!"


Following the orders of Yunyang and Nangong Ye, the more than 20 dragon soldiers who had just started to repair were ready again.

Without hesitation, Zhou Baoyu got on his horse and rushed towards the position of the Polu army holding the command flag.

Passing by a middle-aged general, Zhou Baoyu pulled the rein slowly: "Chu Jing!"

The middle-aged general was about to get on his horse, when he heard Zhou Baoyu's words, he fisted the command flag and looked at Zhou Baoyu respectfully.

"The last general of the Futu Army, deputy general Chu Jing, has seen the general, what orders does the general have?"

Zhou Baoyu looked at Chu Jing with a complex expression and sighed: "Chu Jing, don't forget to leave a little seedling for your Futu army."

Chu Jing was stunned, and shook his head with firm eyes: "The general's kindness has finally been appreciated, but the general has said it more than once, and the general has said more than once that our new army's six guards have no cowards."

"Since the expedition, we have only had heroes who died in battle, and no cowards who fled in fear."

"The seeds of the Futu Army have been left, and our brothers are willing to follow the example of our great general and vow to fight the Turks to the death!"

"Chu Jing, this general knows that you are all iron-blooded men, but don't let your brothers die in vain, you must keep in mind the command of the commander-in-chief, and you must fight flexibly when your form is not as good as yours, and don't act recklessly. "

"The general understands that the general will never bring his emotions to the battlefield!"

"General, live and die together!"

Zhou Baoyu looked at Chu Jing's outstretched palm and covered it with a smile.

"With the total death!"

"You go east and we go west, support and help!"

"I will understand at the end!"

The two guard cavalry seemed to have forgotten how many soldiers and horses there were Turkic people charging towards their own side, and waved their flags and whipped their horses and led their brothers to charge forward.

Cheng Kai, who was directing the artillery to set up positions, suddenly jumped up, frowning and looking at the painful sharp stones on the soles of his feet.

"Damn it, you dare to bully this general like a rock!"

Bending down to pick up the stone, Jiang Lei was about to throw it out. Feeling the sharp-edged stone in his hand, Jiang Lei froze for a moment, and retracted his movements.

Subconsciously, he held the stone in his hand and observed it, and glanced at the barrel of the artillery from time to time.

Whether it was a long time or a short time, Jiang Lei waved to a gunner and signaled him to come over.

"General, what are your orders?"

"Come with ears!"


Jiang Lei approached the gunner with deep eyes and muttered softly. After a while, the gunner scratched his helmet and looked at Jiang Lei with a strange expression.

"General, is this okay?"

"It's been six years since I've been working in a humble job, and I've never done anything like this before!"

"If it works, try it first. If you don't try it, how will you know? This general doesn't believe in Turkic leather armor. Soft armor can be harder than shoe soles."

"Yes, I know, and I will immediately take my brothers to make arrangements."

"Okay, this general will go to the two commanders, hurry up and rearrange the intervals and positions of the artillery.

"Humble job understands, humble job resigns."

In front of the Chinese army formation, Yunyang and Nangong Ye looked at Jiang Lei hesitantly.

Yunyang stroked his beard and thought for a while.

"Jiang Lei, you have been under Liu Shuai's command. When you conquered the Western Regions, you were the first artillery general in Dalong. I don't doubt your ability. I can give you a chance, but if it doesn't work , Let the artillery brothers retreat immediately, you are all precious lumps, this commander does not want to see you die in vain under the machetes of the Turks."

"Thank you, old man, the general will understand! The general will resign!"

The Turkic cavalry, who were charging and encircling from both sides, suddenly found that Dalong's infantry defensive formation was completely different from before, and it became somewhat incomprehensible.

It's not that it's become too difficult to attack, it's still too easy to attack.

With such a wide-open defense, the troops can completely cut off Dalong's infantry and kill them three in and three out.

Zhou Baoyu, who was roundabout to contain the Turkic people, Chu Jing and the two were also at a loss, unable to understand what Yunyang and Nangong Ye were thinking.

Arranged in such a formation, isn't it just watching the brothers die under the Turkic cavalry?

Everyone muttered, the roar of artillery overshadowed the sound of galloping horses.

Many Turkic people can already judge the location of shells based on the sound of artillery fire.

Many Turkic manipulators, who repeated their tricks, wanted to avoid shells.

However, the Turkic forward soldiers who charged at the forefront discovered that their previous skills would not work in this artillery fire after the sound of the artillery blasted.

Amidst the dull sound of cannons, the forward Turkic cavalry fell under their horses one after another like the autumn wind sweeping away the moon, and even many of the horses writhed and fell to the ground neighing.

Seeing the heavy casualties of the Turkic people, Jiang Lei became more confident and excitedly waved the command flag in his hand.

"Continue to fill me with stones and hit his mother hard!"

"Wang Shengzi!"

"I am humble!"

"Go to the commander-in-chief and borrow a few baskets of barbed wire, and I will let them taste the enhanced version of Tiannv Sanhua!"

"Damn, I'm a rough man, it's embarrassing for me to come up with such an elegant name, bang hard!"


(End of this chapter)

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