My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1610 Good news for the queen

Chapter 1610 Good news for the queen
May 28th of the first year of Yongping.

Under the pressure of time, Wanyan Chizha once again let his army break through the Longmen formation, and finally lost thousands of soldiers and had to choose to retreat back to the camp.

In the past ten days or so, Wanyan Chizha had a thorough understanding of the horror of the Longmen formation. Although he had figured out a little bit about the evolution of the formation and killed many soldiers and horses of the dragon, his own side also suffered heavy losses.

If it weren't for the fact that those auxiliary soldiers were stagnant during the transformation of the formation, and did not effectively carry out the order of Liu Dashao's formation flag, I am afraid that the loss would have been even more severe.

Just like this, Wanyan Chizha is more aware of the horror of Longmen Formation.

Half of the auxiliary soldiers are mixed with it, and even if they can be engulfed in thousands of troops by virtue of the operation of the formation, what kind of power will it be if they are all replaced by elite troops to operate the formation?
Until today's last break, the two sides fell into an embarrassing situation.

Wanyan Chizha didn't dare to lead his troops to break the formation again, and Liu Mingzhi didn't dare to take the initiative to withdraw from the formation to attack.

Liu Mingzhi also marveled at Wanyan Chizha's tricks. Several small-scale operations to break the formation really made him discover many loopholes in the Longmen Formation.

It's not that Wanyan Chizha's eyes are so fierce, but that the current Longmen formation is full of flaws because of its strength.

How can a 70 army form a formation, and 14 people can exert its true power.

In the camp of the Jin Army, Yelumo looked at Wanyan Chizha with a gloomy expression pleadingly.

"Marshal, let the last general lead the brothers in the Death Battalion to break through the formation again. As long as you can find a little more loopholes in the Longmen formation, the last general will die!"

Wanyan Chizha stared at Yelumo.

"You are not afraid of death, you also have to consider the lives of your brothers. They are also big gold sons raised by their mothers and fathers. How could I let you die for nothing?"

"It's true that you dare to die, but you can't just die in vain."

"The power of the Dragon Gate Formation is far from as simple as what we have seen, or we underestimated the Dragon Gate Formation too much from the beginning."

Yelumo didn't dare continue to compete with Wanyan Chizha, he beat his hands and stamped his feet and sighed.

"The last general doesn't want my brothers to die in vain, but now Dalong's recruits may go to the north, and the day to be stationed in the six cities of northern Xinjiang is getting closer and closer. Right now, it's already so hard to fight. If their reinforcements arrive, we Wouldn't it be more of a dilemma?"

"As long as we can break into the dragon, the brothers die for the country and die well."

"For Daikin's eternal foundation, I will never regret it in the end."

The rest of the generals sighed silently as they watched Yelumo beating his hands and stamping his feet. It seemed that Yelumo still hadn't gotten over the incident a few days ago.

He always felt that it was because of his own ideas that so many brothers died in vain on the battlefield.

Wanyan Chizha lightly patted Yelumo on the shoulder, he still valued this junior very much, he was courageous and resourceful, but his temper was a bit too hot, and he was much worse than his old man Yeluhu.

If one's mind is blinded by hatred on the battlefield, one will often suffer greater losses.

"Boy, don't worry, here is a piece of information for you to share with each other!"

As he spoke, Wanyan Chizha took out an unpacked letter from under the paperweight and handed it to Yelumo.

Yelumo was startled, took the letter and read it, then handed it to the other generals with unbelievable eyes.

After passing the letter, all the generals present looked at Wanyan Chizha, their expressions were different from Yelumo's, they all looked suspicious, as if they didn't quite believe the authenticity of the contents of the letter.

"Marshal, as of two days ago, there has been no news of new recruits leaving the camp to go north from the Dragon Army Department or the Household Department. How is this possible?"

"That's right. Right now, the war in northern Xinjiang is in full swing. Dalong hasn't let the recruits go to the north until now. This is completely unreasonable. It's hard to beat Dalong and want to watch our iron cavalry enter?"

"If this is the case, the general will be very happy. As long as Dalong has no reinforcements in the northern border, our offensive will not need to be so hasty. In this way, we can calm down and deal with Dalong's defenders. Because of this, the final general can't believe it, there must be a monster when things go wrong, this matter is too mysterious, it may be the plan of the dragon's suspicion, we must guard against it!"

"General Mucha's words are justified, and the general will second the proposal!"

"Given Dalong and his gang of civil and military officials, they wish they could keep us out of the pass and not allow us to enter the pass. Without soldiers and horses to support the northern border, this is simply a big joke. The final general suggests sending more Some spies are trying to find out the real situation of the matter, to see if Dalong's recruits have detoured, and want to catch us off guard when we let our guard down."

"Soldiers are deceitful. The generals of the dragon play these words magically. We must be careful, otherwise a small mistake may lead us into the abyss."

Wanyan Chizha looked at the faithful persuasion of a group of generals and stroked the beard on his chin: "I have thought about your worries carefully, and at first I thought it was Dalong's trick to hide the truth. Let's relax our vigilance and slow down the speed of the siege, while they are rushing to the general in a detour, so that they are ready to send us a sudden arrival of a heavenly soldier."

"But this information was not obtained by our spies, but a secret report sent by His Majesty's admiral."

"You are all veteran ministers for many years, and your majesty's eagerness to conquer the dragon and rule the world will not be clear to you."

"It can be said that I, Dajin, am not more anxious about the result of this trip to the south than Your Majesty."

"Since this is the case, Your Majesty still sent this secret report. Do you think that if His Majesty is not [-]% sure, this secret report will reach the old man's hands?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. They did not dare to doubt the Queen. After all, it was His Majesty's will to go south this time. Surely no one wanted to rule the world more than His Majesty.

"How could this be?"

"The old man is not sure, but it seems that there is something wrong with Dalong's household department. His Majesty is still letting the spies continue to investigate the specific situation."

"Now we don't need to be in a stalemate with Dalong's soldiers and horses. We need to think long-term about how to break Liu Mingzhi's Longmen formation."

"Your Majesty asked the Ministry of War to send a secret order overnight, and within five days our newly cast artillery will be transported to Shanhaiguan."

"A few days ago, Liu Mingzhi couldn't wait to destroy our artillery. The reason is obvious. He was afraid that our artillery would make the Longmen formation useless, and we had no choice but to use our soldiers to break the formation."

"Now Dalong's reinforcements can't arrive in time, our pressure has been reduced a lot."

"It's not uncommon to use troops for three to five years. Now we've only been fighting for more than a month. What can we call?"

"I haven't received a reply to the letter sent by the commander to Taichang Khan. It is impossible to join forces in Yingzhou and let her help us break Liu Mingzhi's Longmen Formation!"

"In this case, we can only rely on our own ability."

"There are more than 70 cannons in the second batch. Dozens of cannons fired together are enough to destroy Liu Mingzhi's Longmen Formation."

A group of generals had excited expressions on their faces.

"Your Majesty is wise, the commander is mighty!"

The look on Wanyan Chizha's face also gradually became more relaxed. These days, he was so troubled by the Longmen formation that he didn't want to eat and drink, and couldn't sleep or eat. Now he finally got good news.

"Yelumo, Mucha, Su Catalog, Yitaijin listen to the order!"

"I will obey orders!"

"Continue to break the formation in a small area. Don't make Liu Mingzhi suspicious. When the second batch of artillery arrives, it will be the time for Liu Mingzhi to pay his blood."


"Wanyan Changzhong obeys orders!"

"I am humble!"

"You led three hundred personal guards, disguised and sneaked into the hinterland of Dalong in batches, secretly checking for any traces of the army going to the north."

"Although I believe in His Majesty's ability, I have to be careful just in case."

"It's about our foundation of the Kingdom of Jin. This commander must not see any mistakes."


(End of this chapter)

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