My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1611 Cutie's Worries

Chapter 1611 Cutie's Worries
Jin Guoshang's study.

The little cutie was kneeling in front of Longan, holding a smaller ink brush in her hand, reviewing today's memorial.

When encountering an embarrassing Zhezi, Xiaocuti put the vermilion pen in her small mouth and began to bite, obviously extremely dissatisfied with the minister who submitted the Zhezi.

Presenting such a rare book to this princess, you obviously have trouble with this princess.

The empress sat cross-legged beside the cutie in a snow-white plain dress, her white and creamy complexion was not much worse than the clothes, the empress held a volume of Sun Tzu's Art of War in her hand and quietly flipped through it, and from time to time she glanced at the cutie who was reviewing the memorial .

Seeing that the little cutie encountered a problem again, she began to hoarse the pen with the little tiger teeth. The queen put down the grandson's art of war in her hand, put her arms on her knees, and leaned slightly to look at the memorial.

"Dingzhou is not like the Yangzhou of my Dajin and Dalong. The shipping is smooth. In all likelihood, the salt in my country of Jin has to be transshipped in Dingzhou and then transferred to various prefectures for sale to the common people."

"People can skip food, but they can't live without salt, so the position of Dingzhou Transshipment Envoy is the most important thing."

"Last year, the salt tax in Dingzhou alone was [-]% short compared to the previous year. The transshipment envoy wrote a letter on his behalf, explaining that the reason for this was that the mutual market in Dalong's northern border was closed, and many of Dalong's fine salt could no longer be sold. Ship it to my big gold."

"However, he didn't know that he paid for it. I had expected this day a long time ago, so your uncle stored a large amount of 30 shi of salt in Daizhou before the market collapsed. The roads are smooth, and the amount of salt transported to Dingzhou is much more convenient."

"Saved the cost of going to Dalong, and with the convenience of the dragon car, the salt tax was 400% short, nearly [-] million taels of silver."

"Are you saying that the hands and feet of this agent are clean?"

The little cutie was stunned, glanced at the queen, and subconsciously looked at the memorial, and gradually understood what the queen said before.

"Mother, what should I do with the payment next?"

"Send it back to Taishi Chang Lucan, and order him and your sixth uncle Wanyanfeng to go to Dingzhou to investigate the matter. It has been verified, and the black gauze hat and red purple robe that you paid for are removed. There is no need for a joint trial by the three courts. Decide on the spot!"

"Any officials involved in this case under his rule can be dealt with according to the laws of Daikin!"

"Okay, Yue'er understands!"

The little cutie nodded, and began to review the memorial with a vermilion pen.

The queen did not show a gratified smile because of her daughter's well-behaved and sensible, but instead glanced at the little cutie lightly.

"Yue'er! You've been a little absent-minded recently!"

"You have learned so much arithmetic from Uncle Fei Xiong, and you can say that you have handled such memorials with ease in the past. Why are you so puzzling today!"

"You have something on your mind?"

The little cutie was stunned when she wrote, and shook her head with erratic eyes.

"It's nothing to worry about!"

"You are the flesh that fell from my mother's body. If there is anything on your mind, my mother will know it at a glance. Tell me, what's going on?"

"Your Sister Shuang'er has said more than once that you don't think about food and tea these days. Don't you want to tell the truth to your mother?"

Cutie put the finished memorial aside, put down the ink brush and looked hesitantly at the empress' cold eyes.

"Mother, is Daddy's head very valuable?"

The queen was startled, looked at the cutie in astonishment, hesitated for a moment and nodded with complicated eyes.

"Your father was already an extremely human minister in Dalong. In Dalong, he can be said to be a noble existence with one person under one man and above ten thousand people. If anyone can take his head, he can be promoted to ten ranks in a row, and become a general." Those who can jump to the top of the ministers."

"Small soldiers can even become marquises and enjoy the wealth and honor in the world!"

"Although your father is a king with a different surname, his identity is more valuable than a prince with the surname Li."

When the little cutie heard this, the worried look in her big eyes flashed away.

"That is to say, whoever kills father will have endless glory and wealth?"

The empress nodded sadly: "According to the Daikin law, it is true."

"What if you don't follow the Dajin law? If someone kills father, will mother be sad, and will you help him avenge?"

The queen's pretty face froze for a moment, and her slender fingers holding Sun Tzu's Art of War became even whiter.

In the eyes of the little cutie, Queen Pan stood up directly from the stall.

"He deserves the blame. If he had listened to me, how could he forget it?"

The Queen casually threw the book in her hand on the dragon case, and walked towards the outside of the hall with her hands behind her back.

"You are still just a supervisor of the country and have not yet inherited the throne. This is not something you should interfere with. Review your memorial carefully!"

"Mother, can you issue an imperial edict to Uncle and Marshal Yeluha so that they will not hurt Daddy's sexuality?"

"Yue'er, if you don't want to face the wall and think about it, then review your memorial carefully. Mother doesn't want to say it a second time."

Looking at the empress' cold bright eyes, the little cutie shrank her neck subconsciously, nodded aggrievedly, didn't dare to say anything, picked up the new memorial and buried herself in the review.

Seeing this, the queen sighed silently, and continued walking barefoot towards the outside of the hall.

Looking up at the scorching sun, the empress' jade fingers tapped the palace pillar lightly.

"Yue'er, the strong are always respected in this world, there is no reason for that!"

"If mother gives this order, the soldiers will be afraid when they attack. For the future of Dajin, mother can't give this order no matter what."

"Mother is the king of a country, I can't take the lives of soldiers as a trifling matter."

"Mother doesn't want you to go against your grandfather's last wish, and she doesn't want you to be a subjugated princess."


"Military strength is the reason!"

"Hui Er sees Your Majesty!"

"Excuse me, is the second batch of artillery on the way?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, we are already on our way, Hui'er has other urgent matters to come here this time!"

The Queen's crescent eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she tapped her jade finger on the court pillar: "What's the matter?"

"Hui'er received an unsigned letter, which said"

Hui'er cautiously glanced around, then whispered in the Queen's ear.

A moment later, the empress's bright eyes widened suddenly, and her pupils narrowed slightly.

"Western reinforcements?"

"That's right, Hui'er doesn't know whether the situation is true, but Hui'er thinks that she would rather believe it than believe it, so she hastily came to inform His Majesty!"

"What about the letters?"

"Please take a look, Your Majesty!"

The queen took the letter in Huier's hand and flipped through it. After a while, the queen put away the letter with complicated eyes and began to murmur.

"It's her handwriting. Could it be that the Western Regions really came to help?"

"Your Majesty, what did you say?"

The queen silently put away the letter, with no expression on her inner thoughts.

"It's nothing, send a letter to the emperor and Yeluha to inform them of this matter, order them to join forces immediately, and wait for the Turkic army to come to meet up, and fight against the dragon and the reinforcements from the Western Regions together!"

"Ah? But whether the reinforcements from the Western Regions is true or not has not been investigated yet."

"I can't explain clearly in a few words, pass the book on!"

"Under the order, Hui'er resigns!"

After Hui'er's figure disappeared, the empress looked at the acacia tree by the window sill, her expression was so complicated.

"Did you expect that the recruits from the Ministry of War would not be able to go to the north in time to help?"

"However, if you have no conscience, without permission, you mobilize soldiers from the Western Regions that are not under your rule. How can the Dragon Emperor tolerate you?"

"Are you really not afraid of death?"

"You have always cherished your life. For Dalong's country, would you rather die than mobilize the soldiers and horses of the Western Regions?"

"What the hell are you planning?"

The empress looked puzzled, and carefully took out a piece of creased paper from the pouch at her waist.

It was the letter that Young Master Liu asked the cutie to hand over to the Queen when he used the hang glider to leave the palace of the Kingdom of Jin. On it was written what Young Master Liu said to the Queen.

The queen looked at the content again, she didn't know how many times she had read it, and after a long time, she put away the rice paper with puzzled eyes and walked towards the imperial study.

"Who can tell me what these words mean!"

(End of this chapter)

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