Chapter 1612

"The Turks have escaped!"

"The Turks have escaped!"

"The Turks have escaped!"

More than 20 soldiers and horses watched the hundreds of thousands of Turkic soldiers and horses waving their weapons and cheering happily.

These days, they have been chased and beaten by the Turkic people. The Dalong soldiers are full of cowardice, but the form is not as good as that of others, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Now that the reinforcements have finally arrived, they can finally fight back and kill them with pride.

The infantry couldn't keep up with the Turks, but Nangong Ye's Flying Eagle Guard and Zhou Baoyu's two guards chased after them and beheaded thousands of Turkic troops.

In the end, I was worried that I would be killed by the Turks who were too far away from the big team, so I had to give up chasing them!

Yunyang looked at the cheering soldiers, and the excited generals raised their hands to signal everyone to be silent.

The voice finally subsided, and Yunyang looked at the generals with a calm expression.

"It's not that the Turks escaped, don't be too arrogant!"

"Even with reinforcements from the Western Regions, our real elite cannot surpass the Turkic people too much. The reason why Huyan Yunyao led the troops to the east was not because she was afraid of fighting us to the death, but because she wanted to preserve her strength."

"Reserve the strength to fight against Jin Guo, otherwise, with her 50 soldiers, she will grit her teeth and fight us to the death. The outcome is really unpredictable."

"Even if we win, I'm afraid it will be a miserable victory. Don't even think about recovering in 30 years!"

"And our big showdown will only benefit the Kingdom of Jin, and thus unify the world with absolute force."

"That's why Huyan Yunyao will lead the army to retreat. She is not afraid of us, but has a long-term vision. She doesn't want to fight against the dragon's main army alone!"

After hearing Yunyang's words, everyone put away their excitement and became silent.

Only at this moment did they realize that Huyan Yunyao was not defeated at all.

There are still 50% of the army of more than [-] in hand, so there is nothing to say about defeat.

After a stick of incense, Nangong Ye and others who went to hunt down the Turks finally returned with their troops.

Standing among the generals, Jiang Lei saw that Zhou Baoyu was limping even worse than the previous two days, so he hurried up to help him.

"General Baoyu Dazhou, are you alright?"

Zhou Baoyu didn't push Jiang Lei away this time, and put his arm on Jiang Lei's shoulder to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"The movement is too big, the wound is open, the problem is not big, don't worry too much!"

"The wound is open? I'll help you to see the military doctor right away. If you get infected, you will be in trouble!"

"No, I've already bandaged it hastily. There's no rush to go to the military doctor. We should go see our savior first!"

"Traveling long distances from the Western Regions, you must be eating and sleeping in the open. There is no reason for this general not to see each other!"

"Zhang Mo, Commander of Anxi Dufu Mansion, this general has been yearning for him for a long time!"

"There is nothing to look forward to. If our brothers hadn't fought to conquer the 38 countries in the Western Regions, how could he have the opportunity to be the commander of the whole family? He should thank us!"

Zhou Baoyu glared at Jiang Lei: "They are all brothers guarding the frontier, regardless of each other. If you dare to talk nonsense, be careful, this general will report to the commander-in-chief to deal with you by military law."

"Don't, don't, don't, I will know my mistake in the end, I will know my mistake in the end!"

Jiang Lei hurriedly begged for mercy, and helped Zhou Baoyu to walk towards Yunyang and other seniors.

Looking at all the generals who had arrived, Yunyang and the others looked at each other.

"It's time for us to meet Zhang Mo. It's thousands of miles away. I can't think of us old guys who have been on the battlefield for most of our lives. Now we have to let a junior come to support us. There is really no place for our old face!"

Nangong Ye laughed lightly when he heard Yunyang's teasing.

"Old Marshal, a new generation replaces the old ones. We old things won't last long. From now on, it will be Liu Shuai's world. Now the 42 soldiers from the Western Regions have been merged into our Northern Xinjiang Army. When the 30 recruits from the imperial court arrive, Our big dragon is a real million-dollar army!"

"Back then we took advantage of the Shanhaiguan Pass to coerce the Kingdom of Jin. The Turks did not dare to go south for 20 years. Now that we have millions of soldiers in hand, we can launch the Northern Expedition in a legitimate way!"

"Unification of the world is just around the corner. Those of us old people who are half buried in the loess can also leave a famous name in the history books!"

"We can't see the sword pointing at the West, it's not enough to help me rule the world, and the younger generation is already content!"

"However, my big dragon will be powerful in the world in the future, and we old guys will also contribute. Even if we die, we will be honored!"

"Good! Well said!"

"Let's go and see our Anxi army first, order the brothers to light a fire and make food, and bring out the best food and grass to feed the brothers!"

"Junior, go pass the order!"

After a cup of tea, hundreds of military generals of rank six and above galloped towards the west, and within less than two sticks of incense, they saw the banners covering the sky galloping towards the east.

The smoke and dust obscured the sun, making it hard to see how many people there were.

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

"Zhang Mo, Commander of the Anxi Protectorate's Mansion, I pay my respects to the old man, my uncles, and my brothers, so be polite!"

"Hurry up and get rid of the courtesy, the commander-in-chief of your house is much more honorable than us old guys, and we should give you a salute!"

"That's right, all of our old fellows combined don't have as much territory as your boy. Give us a salute, aren't you scolding us!"

"You've worked hard, kid. It's really hard for you to run for thousands of miles!"

Everyone said one word to another, Zhang Mo, a cold-faced monster, turned into embarrassment, looked at Yun Yang and the others shyly, and could only scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment.

Seeing this situation, the generals in charge of the Western Regions were stunned, and even Gu Mo Rongrong parted her lips slightly, looking at Zhang Mo in astonishment.

It turned out that the executioner Marshal who could stop children from crying in the Western Regions had such a side, which is really shocking.

Yun Yang clenched his fist and hammered Zhang Mo's breastplate twice, his gaze was a bit complicated.

"You kid is really bold. Without His Majesty's imperial decree, you dare to lead soldiers and horses to leave the camp without authorization. You are not afraid of losing your head!"

"Yun Shuai is right. Everyone said that your father Zhang Kuang is a gangster, and I think you are even more of a gangster. Deploying troops to leave the garrison without authorization is a crime of extermination, no different from treason!"

"Your father is always proud of you, but this time you have really cheated your father! But uncle admires you, and thank you, without your thousands of miles of support, I am afraid that us old guys would have been killed by the Turks." The army has been worn down to nothing but bones!"

Zhang Mo smiled wryly when he heard the teasing from Yunyang and the others, took out the Golden Dragon Token wrapped in a thin roll from his bosom and handed it to everyone.

"Old man, uncles, stop making fun of the younger generation!"

"Rui Zong's Golden Dragon Order is here, and the dragon seal of the King of Side-by-Shoulders is here, do you dare not come back?"

"My cousin said in the letter that he would not come back within 35 days and behead me in front of my father!"

"This junior is a big fucker in his heart. Although I am not under his jurisdiction, but in view of his shameless reputation, I really don't dare to bet my own head on his shameless reputation!"

"It really hit me with a knife, I'm going to talk about it."

(End of this chapter)

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