My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1613 Exchange my head

Chapter 1613 Exchange my head (for the heart that is overshadowed)

Listening to Zhang Mo's resentful words, everyone looked at each other and laughed loudly.

They all understood in their hearts that although Liu Mingzhi's current rights were not qualified to behead Zhang Mo, the commander-in-chief of the Anxi Governor's Mansion, it didn't mean that Young Master Liu didn't dare to really behead Zhang Mo.

Young Master Liu did not achieve any position when he was doing disaster relief in Qingzhou and suppressing bandits in the south of the Yangtze River. Some of the governors who committed crimes in his hands were interrogated by the Three Justice Departments, and all of them were executed by Young Master Liu on the spot!
According to the Law of the Great Dragon, officials who want to deal with the officials of the fourth grade or above must be handed over to the three judiciary for a joint trial, and the Dali Temple will convict them.

But Young Master Liu didn't play his cards according to common sense. As long as you plead guilty, do you still want to see the joint trial of the Sanfa Division?Don't even think about it, if you say Fa-rectification on the spot, you will be Fa-rectified on the spot!
In the face of the national crisis this time, Liu Mingzhi was under so much pressure, it was not impossible to kill Zhang Mo, his cousin.

After all, Young Master Liu has done extraordinary things not once or twice!

When the laughter was over, Zhang Mo turned back, his face became majestic, completely different from the expression when he was facing Yunyang and the others. The generals of the Western Regions who watched him were stunned for a while. It's a dog's face, change it if you say it! .

"Old man, uncles, this junior will introduce you to the friends behind you!"

"Gumo Rongrong, the king of Gumo Kingdom, heard that Dalong needed help, so he personally led [-] elite troops from Gumo Kingdom to follow the younger generation to attack and assist us in the frontier war!"

"Little Aunt Mo Rongrong has met all the generals!"

Gu Mo Rongrong's wild and beautiful side made everyone's eyes shine, and she secretly thought that she was a wonderful woman who was a heroine.

But it's just admiring Gu Mo Rongrong, whoever is not a person who is married and has children, has already passed the age when seeing a beautiful woman.

What's more, some of the prominent people present had heard about the incident between Young Master Liu and Gu Mo Rongrong in the Western Regions thanks to the mouths of Cheng Kai and others.

When Cheng Kai and his brothers drank in their spare time, they often muttered about this matter at the wine table.

A group of old seniors cursed, Young Master Liu is a merciful playboy, but he didn't say anything.

A few years have passed, and many people have forgotten about this matter. After hearing Zhang Mo's introduction today, this dusty matter once again echoed in everyone's minds.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, the few people did not put on airs for Gu Mo Rongrong as the general of the suzerain country, and looked at Gu Mo Rongrong with a light smile to let her stand up.

"Your Majesty is exempt from the ceremony, we dare not be the king's gift!"

"Thank you generals!"

"This is Qiao Louming, General of the Loulan Kingdom!"

"The young general Qiao Louming is meeting all the generals!"

"Free gift!"

"This is the general of Kucha Kingdom"

After Zhang Mo introduced the visitor, Yunyang and the others turned serious and stopped joking.

"As we walked, we said that the army has prepared meals for you. The Turkic army is retreating eastward, and it is estimated that it will join forces with the Kingdom of Jin. Its destination is nothing more than the three cities of Jeju, Yingzhou, and Fuzhou. We must immediately support Liu Shuai and the others. , if you go late, something big will happen!"

"With the current strength of the three cities in the east, if we can't help them in time, the two countries will join forces and the three cities of Yingzhou will fall within three days, and they will drive straight in and disturb the peace of the people in the hinterland of our dragon! "

"Okay, seniors please!"

"Jiang Lei!"

"The last general is here, boss, you order!"

"Immediately the Golden Eagle sent a message to your Liu Shuai, telling him that the reinforcements have arrived, and we will support them immediately, so that they must hold on no matter what!"

"Yes, the last general will go right away!"

"Marshal, Wanyan Chizha has retreated again. The offensive in the past two days has been much lighter, and the pressure on the brothers is not so great anymore!"

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at Song Qing who walked in, and once again set his eyes on the main road of the six cities in northern Xinjiang!

"As expected!"

Song Qing stared blankly at First Young Master Liu: "The commander guessed that Wanyan Chizha would relax his offensive?"

"That's right, it's just that Wanyan Chizha miscalculated their information, otherwise he would rather fight us to the death, but also tear a hole for Yeluha on the right in my Yingzhou!"

"What do you mean? Marshal, can you explain clearly, it's like playing a charade, the general will really listen."

"Report! Commander-in-Chief, there is still no reply from the capital, and there is no sign of reinforcements from the south. This is already the No. 13 emergency document sent to the capital, but all of them have been thrown into the sea, and there is no movement at all!"

Cheng Kai's sudden entry interrupted Song Qing, who saw Cheng Kai frowning, looking worriedly at Young Master Liu who was standing in front of the sand table.

Liu Mingzhi put down the bamboo pole in his hand and walked towards the map.

"There is no news of the 30 recruits going to the North?"

Cheng Kai nodded with a heavy face: "There is no movement. It is excusable for one letter to have an accident. All thirteen letters have accidents. This is impossible."

"Even if the fast horse is intercepted by the masters of the Jin Kingdom or the Turks, the golden eagle will not be there!"

"There has been no news of reinforcements for a long time, and the morale of the brothers is getting worse day by day!"

Liu Mingzhi sighed softly: "There must be an accident in the capital, but you don't have to worry about the reinforcements, I have other arrangements!"

"35 days, it should be here soon, it should be here soon!"

"How long have we been away from Beijing?"

"It's been four months, and the recruits will be formed in three months. It stands to reason that they should have arrived by then!"

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand slightly: "Don't talk about reinforcements anymore, pass on the command of the commander, all soldiers and horses will enter the city, no matter if they are cavalry or infantry, all enter the city!"

"The golden eagle's biography is sealed, Ning Chao, let them lead the brothers of the two guards to settle in Jeju quickly, our pressure is coming!"


"Ah what, go!"


"Marshal, I can't bear it, do you want to pass on the letter to Baoyu?"

"No, I guess we'll see them soon!"


"Report! Commander-in-Chief, a young man carrying the banner of the Futu Army outside the camp fainted on the ground. It seems that it was caused by lack of water!"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, secretly said the banner of the Futu Army, and couldn't help feeling a bad premonition faintly in his heart.

"Bring him in quickly, and do everything possible to wake him up!"


That night!

The big tent of the Chinese Army was brightly lit, and Liu Mingzhi hurried in when he heard that Chen Jiabao had woken up. Chen Jiabao's identity had long been recognized by Song Qingchengkai and the others.

After all, they are people who often follow Duan Canren, so they must be familiar with them.

"The humble Chen Jiabao meets the commander in chief!"

"My good brother, get rid of the courtesy, what is going on, why are you carrying the banner of your Buddha army, can't bear it?"

Chen Jiabao burst into tears suddenly, picked up the flag placed by the side of the bed, knelt down in front of Liu Mingzhi and began to cry.

"Marshal, we are in Baochuan County, Yunzhou"

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi looked at the blood-stained flag in his hand with trembling lips, and staggered forward.

Song Qing had quick hands and quick eyes, and supported First Young Master Liu, looking at Young Master Liu with a sad face: "Commander, my condolences!"

"Marshal, my condolences!"

"My condolences, Marshal!"

"My condolences, Marshal!"

Liu Mingzhi was supported by Song Qing to the chair and sat down, looking at the banner in his hand in a daze and trembling.

"Can't bear it! Can't bear him to die in battle?"

Song Qing silently nodded and hummed lightly.

Liu Mingzhi tightly closed his eyes.

"Seven years, you have been with me for seven years, why did you die in battle! How did you die in battle?"

"I returned his daughter's full moon wine, why did he die in battle!"

"My condolences, Marshal!"

Chen Jiabao wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and looked at First Young Master Liu sadly.

"Please be merciful, Commander-in-Chief, don't revoke the banner of our Buddha Army! It's messed up, and it's all in a mess. We don't even know how many battalions are left for the brothers of the first guard and ten battalions!"

"According to the law, if the number of the first guard battalion is less than half, the flag will be withdrawn and the name will be changed. Please, the commander-in-chief, keep our banner in the face of our brothers who are so loyal and sacrificed their lives for the country!"

"This is the only thought of the general before the death battle!"

Liu Mingzhi blinked his eyes, suppressed the grief in his heart and nodded.

"Deputy Marshal Song, write a letter to the Ministry of War based on this king's order. Even if there is only one person left in the Futu Army, the Ministry of War will not be allowed to withdraw its flag and change its name!"

"Whoever dares to disobey and wants to withdraw the flag, let him come to Beijiang to take my head, Liu Mingzhi, in exchange!"

Song Qing was startled, with a hesitant expression on his face.

"If someone writes to His Majesty that this action does not conform to the custom, what should His Majesty order to withdraw the flag? After all, this is a rule that everyone has followed for many years, and His Majesty is not good at violating the ancestral system!"

"Then you will lead the troops back to Beijing for Lao Tzu, and level up all the officials who have submitted letters to Lao Tzu, and count as many as you have!"

"I led my brothers to guard the door in northern Xinjiang, fought bloody battles to defend their homes and the country, and killed and injured more than [-] brothers. When will it be their turn to criticize me!"

"Add another sentence to the order!"

"Which unconvinced official wants to break the wrist with Lao Tzu, just bring your head and come to Northern Xinjiang for a try!"

"I let him die in Yingzhou at the third watch, even the King of Hades can't keep him until the fifth watch!"

"It's what I, Liu Mingzhi, said. Don't miss a word, don't change a word!"


"What are you doing, don't hurry up!"

"You have to order!"

"Humble Chen Jiabao, thank you, Commander, thank you, Commander!"

"General, have you seen it in Tianyouling? Jiabao has lived up to your trust!"

"The banner is saved, the banner is saved!"

(End of this chapter)

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