Chapter 1614 I agree
Two days after Liu Mingzhi ordered Song Qing to go to the military department, all the soldiers and horses of the dragon returned to the city to garrison.

This move made Wanyan Chizha and the generals under his command a little puzzled. They didn't know what Liu Mingzhi wanted to do. These days, Wanyan Chizha, who was supposed to take the initiative, was made a little fussed by Young Master Liu.

Wanyan Chizha completely lost his temper for these juniors who used "crazy ways" to resort to tricks one after another.

Don't look at how old Young Master Liu has just been in existence, but those old opponents such as Yunyang can't compare to those old opponents in their methods. Wanyan Chizha has never felt so haggard in his heart and soul after decades of military service.

Wanyan Chizha, who couldn't figure out what Liu Mingzhi was up to, didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that Young Master Liu would play him off again.

Wanyan Chizha was not afraid of confronting Liu Mingzhi head-on, what he was afraid of was Young Master Liu's methods that he had never seen before.

As a result, Yingzhou, which was constantly fighting, was rarely quiet for two days. One retreated to the city, and the other dared not attack.

It wasn't until Wanyan Chizha received the Queen's letter that he fully realized why Young Master Liu, who was going out of the city for a decisive battle, was so anxious to retreat back to the city.

More than 40 Turkic cavalry rushed towards the two cities of Yingzhou and Jeju.

If it was placed in the first few days, Wanyan Chizha would definitely regard it as great news. After all, the arrival of Huyan Yunyao, a natural handsome man, meant that the Longmen Formation that Liu Mingzhi had troubled him for many days was no longer a problem.

Moreover, there are 40 Turkic cavalry as reinforcements. If you want to capture Yingzhou, the two cities of Jezhou are just within your reach.

However, Turkic reinforcements came, and so did Dalong's reinforcements.

The 42 reinforcements from the Western Regions was shocking news to Wanyan Chizha, a battle-tested veteran.

"Damn it, damn it, the old man knew that things were not that simple, and as expected, Liu Mingzhi, the bastard, had already prepared it!"

"With the 42 reinforcements, if you add Dalong's new recruits, Dalong can have a million troops. Even all the soldiers and horses of our Dajin and the more than 40 Turkic cavalry troops can't compare with their soldiers and horses." many."

"How could this old man forget about the soldiers of the Protectorate of the Western Regions and the affairs of the countries in the Western Regions after all his calculations!"

"Damn it, I hate it!"

A group of generals under Wanyan Chizha watched Wanyan Chizha jump into a rage and tore up the letter to pieces, all of them were silent like cicadas and did not dare to speak.

Originally thought that the news that the 30 recruits from Dalong did not help the northern border was something to be thankful for Jin Guo, but I didn’t expect that before two days of happiness, something more troublesome than the 30 recruits from Dalong came. .

30, 42.

Recruits, elite troops.

It is because everyone knows what kind of opponent it is more beneficial to fight.

Wanyan Chizha took a few deep breaths, calmed down the anger in his heart, and glanced at the crowd coldly.

"Tell me, what should we do next."

"Once Dalong's soldiers and horses are completely united, not counting the government soldiers and all kinds of messy soldiers and horses, just Dalong's elite troops can reach as many as one million people, and the soldiers and horses we can use now are only 80 combined. Looks like he's in his prime!"

"The difference in strength is not too big, but this is Dalong's home field, and our unfavorable situation has lost the [-]% advantage of geographical advantage!"

"This means that we have lost [-]% of our chances of winning before the war begins!"

"Can any of you tell me how to fight the next battle? How to fight to win?"

Everyone stared wide-eyed, no one dared to say anything, not even Yelumo, who was always begging Wanyan Chizha to break the battle, didn't dare to speak.

The reinforcements of 42 were a complete blow to everyone.

No one dared to speak first, the burden on speaking at this time was not so heavy.

Every word and every word is related to the life and death of the 40 brothers in Jin Kingdom, who dares to speak rashly.

Wanyan Chizha looked at Mu Cha: "Mu Cha, tell me what you think first!"

Mucha was taken aback, and after several hesitations on his face, he still didn't dare to say what he wanted: "Marshal, the last general is incompetent, and I really don't know how to deal with the crisis we are facing when we go south."

"But commander, don't worry, as long as the commander gives orders, the last general will die with Dalong even if he dies!"

Wanyan Chizha silently glanced at Mucha and shook his head, but did not get angry: "Yi Nianzhi, what about you? Do you have any good suggestions?"

"Marshal, you don't know the little general's ability? It's okay if you let the general charge forward and fight the enemy bravely, but let the general make up his mind. The general really doesn't have this ability!"

"Che Muyi, you have been known for a long time for your literary and martial arts, tell me what you mean!"

Che Muyi, a middle-aged general in his early forties, was dressed in simple leather armor, completely different from the rest of his brothers.

Looking at the handsome man Wanyan Chizha, Che Muyi pondered for a while and walked to the sand table.

"Commander, the Turkic people are all cavalry. It will take at least four days to go from Ganzhou to Yingzhou. The reinforcements of the dragon are combined with infantry and cavalry. It will take seven days at the fastest to rush from Ganzhou. To Yingzhou."

"The commander-in-chief also said just now that His Majesty has ordered the commander-in-chief Yaluha to come from Jeju to join us."

"What the last general means is that when all the soldiers and horses of our Dajin are gathered together, plus the soldiers and horses of the Turks, there will be a total of 80 soldiers and horses. It will be a breeze to take down a city of Yingzhou!"

"However, the general does not recommend that we directly attack Yingzhou, which has a strong defense. Instead, we have to make another decision to maximize our advantages."

"Siege is the next strategy. If you say that you are not afraid of losing the face of the commander, you will be afraid of Liu Mingzhi from the bottom of your heart. It is not because of how powerful he is with his troops, but because of the strange but powerful weapons he uses. Horrible stuff!"

"It can be said that among the soldiers and horses that were damaged during our siege, not many brothers were actually killed in the charge, and most of them died in the hands of those weapons."

"What the last general said, the commander-in-chief also understands in his heart, so the last general will not describe them one by one!"

"Didn't the dragon guards plan to build a city? Let's make a long drive into the hinterland of the dragon, forcing them to come out and have a decisive battle with us."

"It's better for them to come out. Our army of 80 will fight back quickly. So what if Liu Mingzhi is setting up the Longmen formation? With a formation of 14, we will encircle him with 80. No matter how powerful he is, he will die in battle. the result of."

"In the past, Liu Mingzhi made a name for himself in the capital city of Dajin, and resisted about 7 rebels with 40 people, but you should know the skills of those rebels better than anyone else."

"Our 20 elite can kill them and throw away their armor and flee in a hurry. It's just that they didn't dare to act rashly because of the big dragon watching over them. A large part of the reason why Liu Mingzhi won was because of luck!"

"In the face of our 19 people breaking the formation, Liu Mingzhi is inextricably entangled with us, let alone 80 elites?"

Wanyan Chizha rolled his eyes for a while, as if he understood what Che Muyi meant, but Wanyan Chizha still didn't call the name, and raised his hand to signal Che Muyi to continue talking.

Che Muyi nodded slightly.

"Therefore, what the last general means is that no matter whether Liu Mingzhi leaves the city or not, we must continue to drive straight into the hinterland of the dragon!"

"If he goes out of the city to fight, it won't take long for us to turn around and kill them. If he doesn't go out of the city, we will still go all the way to Hanzhou, Jingzhou, Guzhou and other dozen cities."

"With the strength of thousands of government soldiers in these dozen or so urban areas, we can take it within three days. At that time, the Dalong reinforcements just rushed to Yingzhou to help."

"At that time, we will turn from defense to offense, occupy the city walls and defend them in turn, and take advantage of the geographical advantage. What if Dalong has 42 reinforcements? Their reinforcements are also cavalry who are not good at siege, infantry that can really siege There are not as many pawns as our Dajin and Turkic allied forces!"

"It doesn't seem to be any difficulty for us to take down a heavily defended border town like Yingzhou, and take down a city in the hinterland that is empty of troops!"

"What if they cut off our food and grass? After all, we are in their hinterland, and they don't need to attack the city, but we can still drink a pot around us! The current food and grass are only enough to last three months, three months What to do next?"

"Marshal, when it comes to this, don't blame the general for being cruel. There are always 30 people in the fifteen cities. If they don't attack and force us to run out of food and grass, these people will be us. Chips in hand."

"If you want these people to live, you can exchange them with food and grass, otherwise we will slaughter the city and rob food!"

"We have all heard of Liu Mingzhi's reputation of loving the people like a son, not to mention the fact that the 150 states in the Northland are now his fiefdoms. If Liu Mingzhi doesn't care about the life and death of these 30 people, he will be in Northern Xinjiang. There will be no place for Liu Mingzhi in the whole world."


Wanyan Chizha took a deep look at Che Muyi, his face became a little hesitant.

Mucha breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Wanyan Chizha: "Commander, the plan to go south has changed so much, do you want to ask His Majesty for instructions? After all, this is about my Dajin's country!"

Wanyan Chizha directly shook his head: "No, the general will not accept the orders of the emperor outside. This is what His Majesty has said more than once. Military affairs are changing rapidly, and it is too late to fight anything by request!"

"Ben Shuai think about it carefully. The pros and cons of it must be carefully considered."

"Yes, the general understands!"

"Well said, I agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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