My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1615 Seeing him for the last time

Chapter 1615 Seeing Him for the Last Time (Two in One)

Wanyan Chizha and the others were discussing the next major military affairs, when a cold and majestic voice suddenly came from outside the big tent.

Everyone was stunned and immediately realized that the voice was the voice of Her Majesty the Empress, and Wanyan Chizha took the lead to welcome them out.

"Chen Wanyan smashes!"

"Chen Mucha!"

"Chen Chemu Yi!"

"Chen Yelumo!"


"See my emperor!"

The queen wore a light blue scholar's Confucian robe, with a jasper crown on her head imprisoning her silky hair. Without makeup, she looked like a handsome young man who fascinated thousands of girls. The folding fan in her hand was gently shaking to fan the breeze.

Seeing Wanyan Chizha and other generals saluting, the queen folded the folding fan in her hand to help Wanyan Chizha up.

"The emperor doesn't need to be too polite. He will not take off his armor. He doesn't need the courtesy of a monarch and his ministers. You and I can just be polite!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty Long En!"

The queen walked straight towards the large tent in the army, and waved to a group of generals with warm eyes.

"My loves are also free of courtesy. The military camp is no more important than the court, and the military affairs are more important than sticking to the customs and small details, and the military is the most important!"

"Abiding by the order, I will thank Your Majesty!"

Wanyan Chizha welcomed the queen to his handsome chair and sat down, looking puzzled at the queen who was drinking some tea. The sudden arrival of the queen in the army camp was completely unexpected to Wanyan Chizha.

Now that the war has entered a rather serious period, the Queen's status is extraordinary, if she is detained as a spy by the soldiers below who don't know Mount Tai, it will be troublesome.

At the very least, I should give myself a notice, let myself prepare in advance, and arrange a team of soldiers to protect her safety.

"Your Majesty, the old minister is dull, dare to ask His Majesty the holy car to come in person, but what's the big deal?"

"You are a body of ten thousand gold. Now that the battle is becoming more and more serious, if a war breaks out, I will really be afraid of your majesty's dragon body."

A group of generals lowered their hands silently, not daring to look at the Queen's face. To Young Master Liu, the Queen is a beautiful woman who is beautiful and considerate, but to the ministers of the Kingdom of Jin, the Queen is an unsmiling, decisive monarch .

Dajin, like Dalong, does not have the crime of offending Tianyan and trying to kill the king by looking directly at the king.

But the Queen is a woman, not a man.

It's not a good thing to look at a woman for a long time, especially a noble woman.

The queen quietly put down the teacup in her hand, and glanced around at the generals around her.

"Dalong's reinforcements from the Western Regions suddenly appeared. I think it's not just me, including you who are also at a loss. After all, it is not a small number. 42 elite cavalry are enough to set off a bloody storm wherever they are placed."

"Your Majesty, the old minister and the brothers are also in a state of disarray. We were still discussing countermeasures before His Majesty arrived."

"However, since His Majesty agreed with Che Muyi's suggestion, it must have been a long time since you came here."


"I heard you all express your opinions, and I was worried that your mind would change drastically because of my arrival, which would delay the military affairs! So I stood outside for a while!"

"I agree with Che Aiqing's suggestion, and there seems to be no safer way than this right now!"

"Invading the dragon's hinterland, seizing their city walls, and occupying a favorable position is better than being passive everywhere outside the city."

"Especially the Turkic people are all masters of cavalry and archery. It may not be possible to let them attack the city, but with their superb archery skills, letting them defend the city may not be much worse than our elite soldiers, and may be slightly better! "

"The current situation is not the same as before. Not only Zhen, but even that little girl Huyan Yunyao didn't think that there is such a thing as the Western Regions."

"Since the incident happened, it's useless to blame others. If this is the case, then find a way to solve the matter!"

"You also said before the expedition, we Dajin has no second chance!"

"Occupying their central city, not only can they turn their heads to besiege, but also cut off their food and grass, making them lose their positions and have to take the initiative to attack the city."

"Che Aiqing came up with a good idea, and it will be a great achievement after it is done!"

Hearing the queen's praise, Che Muyi was very excited, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"Thank you Your Majesty, this is what I should do as a minister of the Great Gold!"

"Excuse me. You don't need to pay so much in the future. You are all the pillars of my Dajin. The future of my Dajin is inseparable from the blood of you and the soldiers."

"I won't say much about the provocative words, please accept my gift."

"Thank you dear ministers, thank you so many soldiers for their sacrifices for Daikin!"

"Zhen! Wanyan is polite!"

Seeing the movement of the queen standing up and saluting, everyone hurriedly bent over and said, "I dare not wait, long live my emperor!"

"My dear friends, according to Che Aiqing's advice, you should do your own thing and prepare to leave. When Yaluha Aiqing and the Turkic army join forces in Yingzhou, act according to the plan!"

"I still have some things to discuss with the emperor, so I will trouble you, my loves!"

"The minister waits to obey the order, and the minister waits to retire!"

After the generals left, Wanyan Chizha looked at the queen, waiting for the queen to speak, but the queen was drinking tea quietly, showing no intention of speaking at all, Wanyan Chizha was stunned for a moment before she understood.

Walking towards the outside of the tent, he waved to the impenetrable personal guards who were protecting the big tent of the Chinese army.

"Retire first and help the brothers patrol the camp!"


"Your Majesty, the old minister has already retreated to the left and right, but what secret order does Your Majesty have for the old minister?"

The queen's jade finger holding the teacup trembled slightly, and her gaze averted a little!
"If you are asked to take special care of Liu Mingzhi's safety on the battlefield, so as not to let him suffer the slightest harm, won't it be a hindrance to your deployment of troops going south?"

Wanyan shook his body and stared at the queen who was holding a teacup with wide eyes, eyes full of astonishment.

After taking a few deep breaths, Wanyan Chizha's expression returned to normal.

"Your Majesty, the old minister dares to ask, is this what His Majesty meant? Or Princess Yue'er?"

"Yes, yes. It means Yue'er. He is always Yue'er's father. In my heart, there is only the country and the country, and only to rule the world!"



"I have given him so many opportunities, and he has chilled me time and time again. How could I care about her life or death!"

Wanyan Chizha stared closely at the empress who had lost her majesty when speaking, and sighed faintly.

"The old minister has the guts to say that if this is only Princess Yue'er's intention, His Majesty will not appear in the old minister's central army tent!"

"I just came here to see how you deal with Dalong's reinforcements, it has nothing to do with Liu Mingzhi!"

Wanyan Chizha walked gently to a chair beside him and sat down, his eyes were extremely complicated, as if he was caught in a memory.

"Your Majesty has changed. Your Majesty was not like this ten years ago."

"Ten years ago, it wasn't long before His Majesty ascended the throne. At that time, His Majesty was dedicated to the country. He only had the late emperor's entrustment in his heart. There was only the world, only the country of Dajin, only the foundation of Dajin, and only the subjects of Dajin!"

"The old minister heard with his own ears that His Majesty promised in front of the late emperor's dragon couch that if Dajin does not unify the world, he will not marry for a day."

"Actually, it's not just old ministers, but many of His Majesty's most important ministers think that Princess Yan Yu is more suitable than Your Majesty to take over the throne for Lord Fei Xiong. However, Princess Yan Yu has a lively nature, and it was not the best time to inherit the throne at that time, and Her Majesty swore an oath before her."

"That's why we veterans are doing our best to assist His Majesty, so that His Majesty can lead me, Da Jin, to the road of dominating the world."

"Your Majesty lives up to everyone's expectations, and has the attitude of the master of ZTE. If we manage Dajin from a small country that lives in a corner, it can be ruled by Dalong and Turkic. It has the potential of three pillars."

"But it has changed since His Majesty went south ten years ago, and it has changed even more since Liu Mingzhi went to Jin Kingdom as an envoy!"

"After Yue'er came into the world, Your Majesty, you have become a different person."

"Old minister knows that you seem to be indifferent to Yue'er and extremely strict, but your maternal love for Yue'er is more sincere than ordinary people's children, because you know that Yue'er was born in the royal family, if it is difficult to control The heroes are bound to endanger her safety."

"So, you can only cultivate her independent personality from a young age."

"But before you know it, I'm afraid even His Majesty didn't notice that your time to govern the government has gradually decreased."

"In the past, you slept in the third watch and woke up in the fifth watch, and you never left the memorial!"

"Since when is your Majesty's time in governing the court divided by Princess Yue'er, the veterans and civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty have never been dissatisfied with Princess Yue'er, Princess Yue'er is smart and kind, and her political actions are no less than a 20-year-old boy's talent. "

"My Da Jinman Dynasty, civil and military, are all amazed in private. God treats me with great gold. First, His Majesty is the Lord of Zhongxing, and then Princess Yue'er is the king of the world. Why worry about my Dajin Jiangshan not being permanent."

"You spent your time teaching Princess Yue'er how to be a king. The old minister has nothing to say, but you shouldn't delay the court affairs because of a broken tree."

"Wanyan Chizha, you are so courageous, I won't allow you to say that it's broken. You. Alas."

The queen waved her sleeves and sat on the soft seat: "Go ahead and explain all your dissatisfaction word by word!"

"it is good!"

"Just say it!"

Wanyan Chizha stood up, took off his helmet with both hands and put it in his hands: "Your Majesty will not hesitate to take off the black hat of the minister."

"Your Majesty, the authorities are obsessed but the bystanders are clear, you have already been trapped by love!"

"I'm still speaking just now. If Princess Yue'er meant it, why would His Majesty appear here!"

"You said that Liu Mingzhi's life and death have nothing to do with you, but your presence here means that you have nothing to do with him!"

"I, I, I didn't!"

Wanyan Chizha threw the helmet heavily on the table, and his slightly aged eyes stared quietly at the empress' dodging bright eyes.

"Wanyan said politely, you are the king of a country!"

"Have you forgotten the humiliation you suffered in front of Li Zheng when you went to Dalong with Grand Master Longdo?"

"Have you forgotten how Li Zheng treated you superiorly in front of civil and military officials back then?"

"It is in this Shanhaiguan Pass, on Yingzui Rock in Shanhaiguan Pass, that you told Long Duo yourself that you will go to Dalong again sooner or later!"

"As a victor, you must return to Dalong the humiliation that Li Zheng brought to you back then!"

"You forgot, you forgot everything!"

"You can actually ask whether the old officials who protect Liu Mingzhi's safety will be restrained!"

"Don't forget your own identity. When you asked this sentence, did you think about the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who fought bloody for my Dajin?"

"You are the king of a country, you should put the country first, and not delay your previous ambitions because of the love of your children!"

"Even if we can't unify the world, we have to pave a way for Yue'er to unify the world!"

"The old minister is finished!"

"Whether to kill or scrape, His Majesty decides on his own, and the old minister will listen to you!"

The empress closed her bright eyes slowly, and the teacup in her hand was crushed in the palm of her hand.

Tea mixed with blood flowed on the queen's blue shirt.

"I understand, life and death are determined by fate and wealth!"

"Let's go fight!"

"If Yue'er asks about it in the future, just push it to me!"

"The old minister respectfully obeys the imperial decree!"

"How many days are left for the joint army?"

"You can join forces in three days, and then you can go south to attack the city!"

"Regardless of victory or defeat, I want to see him one last time!"

(End of this chapter)

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