Chapter 1617 Flamingos

Just as Liu Mingzhi stepped out of the gate of General Zhang Kuang's Mansion, he rode a fast horse and stopped in front of First Young Master Liu.

"Report, tell the commander, there is a man from the Kingdom of Jin outside the city."

"Calling battle again? Tell the brothers that as long as the army of the Kingdom of Jin doesn't attack the city, they can call whatever they want, and you just stick to the city gate and come out!"

Liu Mingzhi thought that the reason why the soldiers came was because the soldiers from the Kingdom of Jin came to call for battle, and because the affairs of the capital had no time to take care of these trivial matters, so he cut off the scout before he finished speaking, ordered a few casually, and prepared to get on his horse.

"Reporting to the commander-in-chief, I'm not here to call the battle, but to be an envoy. I want to talk to the commander-in-chief about everything!"

Liu Mingzhi paused when he got on his horse, and looked at the soldiers in front of him in surprise: "An envoy?"

"Yes, Messenger, I want to talk to the Marshal about the war by name!"

"I see, there is nothing to talk about. They are the ones who want to fight, and they are the ones who attack the city. There is nothing to talk about. Apart from persuading this commander to surrender, what else can we talk about."

"It's absolutely impossible for me to leave the city and surrender. If that's the case, then there's no need to talk about it. Let the person come back. By the way, I'll give Wanyan Chizha a word from me. If you want to fight, just hit and don't mess around." These twists and turns!"

"Now that we've reached this stage, it's impossible not to fight!"

"Yes, humble job"

"No, Marshal, someone told me that his surname is Wan, and his single name has the word Yang!"

Liu Mingzhi, who had already turned his horse's head and was about to swing the whip, was shocked, and the arm holding the whip was high in the air and did not fall.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the soldier with complicated eyes: "Tell me again, what's the name of this person?"

"The surname is Wan, and the single name is a Yang character!"

"Wan Yang?"

"That's right!"

Liu Mingzhi gently put down his whip and pondered for a moment: "Tell me about the person's appearance!"

"Approximately in his early thirties, he is a young master Pian Pianjia, handsome and a bit outrageous, dressed in scholarly Confucian clothes, presumably he should be the adviser of the Jin Army Generalissimo Wanyan!"

"Where is this person now?"

"Waiting for the commander's reply under the city gate, dare to ask the commander to drive this person back from time to time?"

"Wait! Come here with your ears attached!"


After the soldiers left, Liu Mingzhi looked cautiously, scanning the surroundings as if hiding a sharp sword in his eyes, and rode unsteadily towards the city gate.

After about two sticks of incense, at the gate of the city, Young Master Liu looked at the Confucian-clothed Empress in front of him and smiled coldly: "This old man Wanyan Chizha is really unwilling to give up, the method of provocative generals won't work, so what method do you want to use to buy him off?" Is Ben handsome?"

Looking at the dazed queen, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and waved to the soldiers.

"You go back to Shuo to guard the city wall first. If you are idle, you are idle. I will personally meet this lobbyist from the Kingdom of Jin!"

Seeing Young Master Liu's sneering and disdainful expression towards the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin, the pawn looked at the Queen with regret.

It is said that the two armies are at war, and they will not be beheaded.

But judging by the handsome man's expression, it is possible not to be beheaded, but it may be impossible to go back intact, at least a few whips are needed to relieve his anger!


The soldier gave the queen a self-seeking look, shook his head slightly and climbed up the city wall.

After the soldiers boarded the city wall, Liu Mingzhi glanced around nimbly, took the hand of the queen and walked quickly towards the alleys under the city wall.

Because of the war, all the people stayed behind closed doors, and the alleys were empty as far as the eye could see.

"You are crazy. What are you doing in Yingzhou at this time? Don't you know that the two countries are at war now? Once your identity is leaked, do you know what will happen to you?"

"If it wasn't for a coincidence that I met a soldier, if it was Uncle Zhang Kuang who met you, I wouldn't even try to save you."

"I miss you!"

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly, and sighed silently as he looked at the empress who was staring at him with soft eyes.

"Let's talk about it when we go back home!"

"it is good!"

The two walked together silently, walking slowly towards the palace.

Both of them were of the eye-catching generation, and they easily avoided the Wuwei patrolling the street, and returned to the palace without being noticed by anyone.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Like talking to a counselor, Liu Mingzhi walked towards the mansion with all smiles and empress swagger.

The two bypassed the corridor leading to the inner courtyard, passed the martial arts arena, and walked directly towards Young Master Liu's study.

"Master, why are you back?"

The two of them returned to the study, and Ying'er was coming out of Liu Mingzhi's study dripping with sweat. Looking at the wooden basin in her hand, she knew that the girl had come to help the young master clean the study again.

"Discuss something with Brother Wan, Ying'er, go back first, pass on the words of the young master, no one is allowed to approach the study room without the young master's order!"

Ying'er looked at the queen with a dazed gaze and was awakened by the young master's words, obviously Ying'er recognized the identity of the queen.

After all, the private meeting is not once or twice, and since the empress didn't deliberately dress up, it's hard for Yinger not to be able to tell.

Ying'er nodded obediently: "Ying'er understands, you first talk to Sister Wanyan, Mr. Wanyang, and Ying'er will go to the arch gate to guard you personally."

"Thanks a lot!"

"No hard work, Ying'er will leave first!"

Stepping into the study, Liu Mingzhi gently closed the door, pulled the queen and walked towards the chair.

"Sit down, the humble house is simple, it's not as comfortable as your Shang's study room, just do your best!"

The queen also didn't see her, she sat gently on the chair and looked at the furnishings in the study. After a long time, the queen withdrew her eyes and looked at First Young Master Liu with complicated eyes.

"Over the years, you have changed!"

"In the past, your study in the capital was full of luxury, such as antique plum vases, and exquisite porcelain. Now that you have become a prince, the study has become more simple!"

"If I didn't know that this is your palace, I... I would have thought I had come to the study of a great Confucian!"

"To put it bluntly, your study is a bit too simple, even the study of an ordinary county magistrate, Dalong!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly twice, and looked up at his study room: "Thirty-two, it's different from when I was in my early twenties, and my mood also increases with age!"

"I used to be young and thought that having good things would show my dignity, but now that I am an extremely high-ranking official, I don't need anything to set off myself at all!"

"My name, Liu Mingzhi, is the most noble thing when I put it out!"

Liu Mingzhi got up and pawed a few times on the bookshelf: "These books are the only ones that Yun'er and the others collected for me. There are a subset of classics and history, and there are also poetry books and dictionaries."

"Although I can't read it a few times a year, but a study is a study if there are books!"

"Those vulgar things are no longer in my eyes!"

"Then you are still so keen on gold and silver treasures? These things are not bad?"

"It's not that I'm keen on gold and silver treasures, but that I have a large family that needs to be fed, and hundreds of thousands of brothers are asking me for food!"

"I can't learn arty playthings anymore, my Liu family doesn't have such blood!"

"But gold, silver and jewelry are real things, because they can feed people and exchange for food, it's that simple!"

The Empress quietly looked at Liu Mingzhi and thought for a moment: "That's all?"

"That's all! Let's not talk about these gossips. You came to the city alone to find me. You must have something important to say!"

"Tell me about your purpose first!"

"It's just that there is no rush, let's talk about private matters first!"

"Ah? Is there any private matter to talk about in this situation?"

"Of course, for example, give Yue'er a younger brother for fun!"

"Hey. Wanyan said mildly, are you crazy or this young master is crazy? Hundreds of thousands of troops are stationed outside the city and can invade my Yingzhou city at any time. You told me that you came to Yingzhou for this kind of thing!"

"The last thing you said is that we can distinguish between public and private. Now that I am Wanyan Wanyan, I am not the Empress of the Kingdom of Jin. Naturally, what I said can be a private matter!"

"I said that we can completely distinguish between public and private, but you think this young master will have selfish thoughts on this occasion. You come to be honest. Uh."

Ying'er outside the study scratched her brow with a strange expression and laughed lightly when she heard the abnormal conversation in the study.

"Oh, I'm a good boy! Wanyan Wanyan! What did you eat, you bitch?"

"Roast beef, put some seasonings, and don't eat anything else."

"Is there chili in the seasoning?"

"Yes, it's much more pungent than cornel, and it was introduced from your Dalong to my country of Jin to grow it in the last exchange market. What are you talking about, it's important to give Yue'er a younger brother first!"

"Why didn't you say earlier that you gave birth to a son of a hammer!"

"These bastards have turned into flamingos! Oh, what a crime!"

"Ying'er, prepare cold water!"

(End of this chapter)

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