My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1618 Undercurrent

Chapter 1618 Undercurrent
That night!

The moonlight hangs high, and the house is peaceful.

The grilled steak with chili noodles was the chief culprit in the failure of the plan to have a baby. Because of the grinning appearance of Young Master Liu, the empress finally gave up on today's great cause of heirs.

Who can say what will happen tomorrow!
After Liu Mingzhi took a bath and changed his clothes, he took the queen to Qi Yun for a short rest, and he went back to his study to continue his work.

Although there is nothing to do about private matters, the queen wants to talk about the business of coming to Yingzhou alone this time.

However, Liu Mingzhi found an excuse and sent her to Qi Yun's place, because Liu Mingzhi had more important matters to deal with.

For example, the matter of the capital.

Standing by the window and making a few gestures, Liu Mingzhi sat back on the chair, and a gust of fragrant wind blew into the study, making Liu Mingzhi sneezed uncontrollably!

Straightened up and sat down, First Young Master Liu looked at Suzaku Liu Mingzhi who didn't know when Feiluo came in. His figure was enchanting and charming, his eyes were charming as if hiding a pool of spring water, and he rubbed his nose resentfully.

"Why do you have so many spices on your body? I'm afraid that others will not smell your trace?"

Suzaku looked at Young Master Liu aggrievedly, and sat across from Young Master Liu with his arms folded, with a delicate and delicate posture.

"I just came back from work and you summoned me before I had time to take a shower, young master. Is it my fault? It's your fault, young master, that you don't know how to time yourself!"

"Okay, okay, whatever you say is what you say. My young master asked you to send someone to monitor the situation in the capital, especially His Majesty's administration is the most important thing. What about the information during this period?"

Suzaku lazily took out a stack of fragrant rice paper from his cuff and handed it to First Young Master Liu.

"Hey! It's all here! Please take a look, young master!"

Liu Mingzhi took the rice paper and stretched his shoulders: "If you're not tired, you can rub your shoulders and beat your back for the young master. During this period of time, you've been riding horses and fighting all day long, with your arms held high, the pain is already unbearable!"

"Okay, Que'er rubs your shoulders and beats your back. Que'er recently learned a new trick from a sister in a brothel. You can rub your shoulders not only with your hands. Would you like to try it, young master?"

Suzaku's charming and melodious voice made Liu Mingzhi's heart warm, and he hurriedly shook his head and put his mind on the information.

"Beat your back well, and if you dare to use charm skills to seduce the young master, I will not spare you!"

Suzaku originally wanted to continue to tease First Young Master Liu, and asked Young Master Liu who couldn't spare him, but hearing Young Master Liu's tone of voice, Suzaku dismissed the idea.

From Young Master Liu's tone, she felt that the young master was not in the mood to joke now, and hurriedly raised her slender fingers to help Young Master Liu knead his shoulders.

The lights were flickering, and in the middle of the night, Liu Mingzhi finally read all the information in his hand.

He raised his hand and rubbed his brows: "Your Majesty's administrative phalanx is completely in accordance with my teachings, and there is no problem!"


"Master, tell me!"

"What happened in the capital recently, I looked at the date of these reports, the latest report seems to be a month ago!"

"do not know!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and looked up at Suzaku with a gloomy expression: "I don't know, you are in charge of intelligence, how could you not know about this?"

"Master, it's no wonder Que'er. Now that the war is raging again and again, people are panicking. Many people are exhausted. How can I have time to listen to you for information!"

"Even so, the war is only within our 27 prefectures in northern Xinjiang. How could it spread to places like the capital?"

"It doesn't reach the capital, but all the city gates are closed and the roads are blocked. Without a warrant from the palace, brothers can't get in the car at all. We are spies, so we can't go to the government to report our identities openly!"

"The news can't get through, what can Que'er do!"

"Brothers in the capital don't know how to pass on falcons and golden eagles?"

Suzaku leaned close to Liu Mingzhi's ear and muttered softly, and only after a while did he stand up and look at First Young Master Liu aggrieved.

"It's not that Suzaku doesn't work hard, it's that Suzaku doesn't know what happened now!"

Liu Mingzhi leaned on the chair with deep eyes: "Is there such a thing?"

"Hmm! Even if you give Que'er 1 courage, Que'er wouldn't dare to lie to you, young master!"

"Brothers must have found something, but they dare not use the golden eagle to pass on the letter. What happened in the capital now, only the people in the capital know."

"The Queen married by His Majesty is the daughter of Ren Wenyue, Governor of Chengzhou!"

"Yes, it is Ren Wenyue's daughter. I don't know the specific information about the incident. I only know that the Ministry of Rites and the Clan Mansion presided over the post-election, and the Empress Ren Qingrui personally selected by His Majesty."

"Ren Wenyue! Ren Qingrui!"

Liu Mingzhi muttered a few words, took out a piece of paper and spread it on the table, and started to write with a pen.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi took out the king's seal and stamped it on the rice paper, put away the king's seal and handed the rice paper to Suzaku.

"Give this customs clearance order to a reliable person, and let him lead the brothers out of the 27th mansion in Northern Xinjiang with this order and go straight to Chengzhou!"

"Investigate all the past of the patriarch Ren Wenyue and empress empress Ren Qingrui."

"Yes, Suzaku understands!"

"Go back first, try your best to find out what's going on in the capital, and inform me in time!"

Suzaku nodded reluctantly, said "oh", put away the rice paper and leaped out of the window.

Liu Mingzhi stood in front of the window again and made a gesture. A chilling feeling came over him, and Ling Yang, a big ice cube, flew into the study lightly.

"Three months ago, half a month after you led the army out of the capital, His Majesty chose Ren Qingrui, the daughter of Chengzhou Governor Ren Wenyue, to be the Queen!"

"Afterwards, since His Majesty got married, he has always been affectionate with the Queen, but he has not neglected the affairs of the court, and has always handled them in an orderly manner."

"What happened later? What is the situation in the capital now? Why is there no movement from the 30 recruits? What happened to the household department? The spring tax has been handed over to the state treasury for two months. For my sake, there is a shortage of food and grass in northern Xinjiang? "

Ling Yang shook his head coldly: "The news is blocked, I don't know!"

Liu Mingzhi hammered the table with a gloomy face: "The news is blocked again. What happened after His Majesty became empress? What about Ren Wenyue? What kind of heart is this woman Ren Qingrui? I don't know whether she has the demeanor of the mother of a country!"

"What happened to the capital in the past six months?"

"The secret agents of your two divisions don't know, and a large group of powerful generals in northern Xinjiang don't know what's going on!"

"Damn it, the decisive battle is getting closer and closer, and I can't get out to return to Beijing, otherwise I have to go back and see for myself, what monsters and snakes made the capital like this!"

Ling Yang pondered for a while: "Should I contact my uncle first and ask him to order Liu Ye to help investigate this matter!"

"Liuye has been established for many years, and its strength is intricate, much stronger than us!
"Besides, my uncle has a lot of money, so it is more convenient and quick to inquire about the news."

"As long as it is something that money can solve, it is not a problem for him."

"Maybe uncle can help us clear up the confusion!"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, then nodded helplessly.

"Try it and see if the old man can figure out what's going on in the capital!"

"I'm very uneasy right now. I'm not worried about the capital. With me around, no one can turn the tide!"

"What I'm more worried about now is the follow-up food and grass problem. Once there is a problem with the food and grass, it will really cause trouble!"

"After the merger, there will be millions of troops. Without the support of the treasury, the current strength of the 27th government in Northern Xinjiang cannot support them."

"Let's go and investigate first, the Marquis of Huguo must also take action!"

"Let's talk about it when we have news, it's useless to say anything now!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Ling Yang briefly left three words, then flew out, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Liu Mingzhi sighed faintly, looking up at the moonlight in the sky, his heart was in a state of confusion.

Obviously the situation is very good, as long as the reinforcements arrive, they can raise troops to counterattack.

But why do I feel a little uneasy, I always feel a little undercurrent!

(End of this chapter)

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