Chapter 1619
Liu Mingzhi packed up his mood and left the study, walking all the way to Yinger's room.

Looking at the dimly lit candles in Ying'er's room, Liu Mingzhi knew that Ying'er hadn't gone to bed yet, so he pushed the door open and walked in. Liu Mingzhi directly saw Ying'er sitting on a chair with her cheeks in her hands, shaking her cheeks. drowsy.



Ying'er babbled instinctively, then immediately sat up and stood up, looking at the young master standing in front of her with a slight smile on her face.

"Master, you are done!"

"I'm done with work, didn't I tell you not to wait? Go to rest when you're sleepy."

Ying'er pursed her lips into a smile, shook her head slightly, turned around and took a food box from the table behind her, and handed it to First Young Master Liu.

"The pastries, wine, and vegetables in the food box Yinger have been reheated three times, and if they are reheated, they can only eat leftovers."

Liu Mingzhi sighed and looked at Yinger's sweet smile, and pulled Yinger towards the bed.

"The young master can't rest with you today, so don't wait for the young master, rest first, or you will become ugly if you stay up late. Where's Yunxin?"

"It's on the bed, I'm afraid I'm already fast asleep!"

Liu Mingzhi looked towards the bed, and sure enough his daughter Liu Yunxin had fallen into a deep sleep. Compared with the lively older sisters, this daughter's personality was more like her mother Yinger.

Normally shy and shy, when she saw her, she shrank behind her mother and smiled sweetly at herself, but she didn't dare to get too close to her.

He hugged him forcibly, neither crying nor fussing, just huddling in his arms and fingering, with very few words.

He bent down and kissed his daughter lightly on the forehead, and covered her with a thin quilt. Liu Mingzhi pressed Ying'er on the bed and patted her forehead.

"Rest early, the young master will leave first!"

"Hmm! Young Master, let's get busy first!"

Liu Mingzhi walked towards Qi Yun's room with the food box.

Before entering the door, I heard faint voices coming from the room. Thinking about Qi Yun, the queen and the two daughters did not rest, and they were having a long talk!

Pushing open the door and entering, the two girls really didn't rest, they didn't even take off their clothes, they were kneeling at the low table and playing chess.

"Husband, you are back!"

The Empress didn't say anything, she nodded slightly to Young Master Liu, gently dropped the chess piece in her hand and stood up.

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly to Qi Yun: "Yun'er, go to rest first, I have something to talk to Wanyan about as my husband!"

Qi Yun noticed that the atmosphere between her husband and the queen was a bit weird, she nodded obediently, gave the queen an apologetic smile and walked behind the screen.

Liu Mingzhi waved at the queen with the food box in his hand.

"How about going out for a drink?"



The two left the room, Liu Mingzhi flicked his fingers, and the candles in the room were extinguished, leaving only the bright moonlight shining on the scenery in the courtyard.

Liu Mingzhi took the empress's bright wrist and leaped towards the roof, pointing directly to the outside of the mansion.

The empress tilted her head slightly, and stared in astonishment at the moonlight with a clearly visible expression on Young Master Liu's face: "Where are you going?"

"Thousands of Miles Scenic Restaurant!"

"it is good!"

After half a stick of incense, the queen looked at the dim restaurant in front of her, and shrugged slightly at Young Master Liu.

"It seems that I may not be able to fulfill my wish today! You should go back to your palace obediently! Drinking is not necessarily more enjoyable than drinking!"

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at the restaurant in front of him.

"The owner of the restaurant closed the restaurant before the war, the people stayed behind closed doors, and the restaurant didn't have any business. The owner already went elsewhere to escape the chaos of the war!"

"Since there is no one in the palace, the king of our country and the vassal king of the same place might as well be gentlemen on the beam once!"

The empress exclaimed, and Elder Young Master Liu took her slippery willow waist and leaped along the eaves of the restaurant towards the top floor of the thousand-mile scenery.

After a few ups and downs, the two had already appeared on the top floor of the restaurant.

Under the strange eyes of the empress, Young Master Liu deftly opened the window and left.

Loosening the queen's willow waist, putting the food box on the table, Liu Mingzhi consciously opened all the windows on the top floor, looking at the candlesticks on the table, Liu Mingzhi took out the fire folder and prepared to light it, but he has been fighting outside, and the fire folder in his hand It is no longer available.

Seeing this, the queen couldn't help laughing.

Amid Young Master Liu's embarrassing expression, the queen lowered her head and rummaged through the purse at her waist.

A moment later, a crystal night pearl exuding a faint radiance was held in the palm of the Queen's hand.

"Use this light!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the Ye Mingzhu in the Queen's hand in amazement: "Atmospheric! This thing is really a dilute treasure. This young master has only heard of it. This is the first time I have seen such a thing today. I thought it was just an exaggeration spread by word of mouth. I just found out today that it was my young master who watched the sky from the well!"

The empress looked at Young Master Liu leaning forward and looking at Ye Mingzhu in amazement, and gently sent her jade hand forward.

"If you like it, I will give it to you."

"Honestly, I'm not very interested in these things, but I only bring them for emergencies. The fire pockets will be replaced in a few days, and if I forget them one day, I can only feel in the dark. For me, this thing is not It's not very useful, if you like it, just give it to you!"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head hastily, and pushed the Queen's hand back.

"Don't, don't, I, a little prince, don't dare to sit on such diluted treasures!"

"As the saying goes, it's a crime to conceive a jade, but Liu Mingzhi doesn't have that blessing. I appreciate your kindness, and forget about this Ye Mingzhu!"

The empress understood Liu Mingzhi's character, and did not push back again and again, she removed the candles on the candlestick, and put the Ye Mingzhu on the candlestick.

As time went on, the dim top floor was filled with a faint light, clear and flawless, reflecting the room just right.

Looking at the Qianli Scenery Restaurant from a distance, those who didn't know thought that the gods had caught a glimpse of the moonlight and sealed it on the top floor of the restaurant.

Liu Mingzhi opened the food box, tidied up the dusty desk case, took out the items in the food box and put them on the table one by one.

No more, no less, four exquisite side dishes, two plates of pastries, and a jar of wine, it can be seen that Yinger puts her heart into it.

The wine is Liu Mingzhi's favorite peach blossom wine. Opening the seal on the wine jar, Liu Mingzhi gently sniffed the peach blossom-scented wine, and involuntarily recalled the first time he sat with Qi Ya and drank peach blossom wine That night.

A smile couldn't help but hang on the corner of his mouth, Liu Mingzhi filled two glasses of wine, handed one to the queen and walked towards the window sill.

Taking a sip of the drink, Liu Mingzhi glanced at the empress who was following him with frowning eyebrows.

"Looking at the brightly lit Jin Army camp outside the city, and looking at the guards with torches on the city wall, it must be said that it is a pleasing beauty!"

Liu Mingzhi drank the wine in the glass, filled it up again, and scanned the unlit houses in the city with complicated eyes.


The empress quietly looked at Liu Mingzhi's increasingly resolute side face, and seemed to understand what Liu Mingzhi meant by saying "it's a pity", and gently snuggled up to him with a wine glass.

"Yeah, what a pity!"

"No matter how pleasing the bonfire camp is, it is not as good as the lights and laughter of the people's homes."

"If there hadn't been this national war, the curfew would not have been in Yingzhou now, and it should be when the lanterns are the most beautiful!"

"So politely came!"

"Wanyan wants an answer, what is the meaning of that letter you left me back then!"

"Actually, you should already have the answer in your heart, don't you?"

"Wanyan wants to hear you say it with my own ears!"

(End of this chapter)

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