My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1620 Keep for yourself

Chapter 1620 Keep for yourself
Liu Mingzhi was silent for a long time, he drank half of the drink in his hand before recovering.

Glancing at the eager eyes of the empress staring at him seeking answers, Liu Mingzhi twitched the corner of his mouth twice, and finally swallowed what he wanted to say.

The more Liu Mingzhi looked hesitant to speak, the more the empress longed for an answer.

She found that she didn't know when it started, this man who she thought she knew so well became more and more incomprehensible to her.

It wasn't that there was any estrangement between the two of them, but that Liu Mingzhi had more things on his mind and his mind became calmer, and it was no longer as easy for people to understand as before.

The empress wanted to know why Liu Mingzhi became like this, and even more wanted to know what he was thinking.

You say he is loyal, but he has a relationship with himself as a husband and wife, and never regards himself as an enemy in private, otherwise he can capture himself while he is alone in the south of the dragon, and blackmail the civil and military officials of the Jin Kingdom .

You can even ask for credit and reward in front of the Dragon Emperor.

You said that he was rebellious and wanted to stand on his own by supporting troops, but he repeatedly called for battle to resist the attack of Dajin and Turks from the south, as if he would fight for the country and die on the battlefield.

Loyal and disloyal, treacherous and not treacherous.

The empress is full of confusion now, what is Liu Mingzhi thinking about now, and what is he planning.

Looking at the empress' cold and soft eyes, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to fill the empress's finished wine glass, walked towards the chair, and sat down comfortably.

"Answer! No answer is fixed. The course of things changes, and the answer itself changes."

"I don't think I can give you any answers now, and I don't think I have anything to say myself!"

Empress Shi Shiran sat down opposite Young Master Liu, playing with the wine glass, staring straight at Liu Mingzhi's deep eyes: "Are you still afraid of death now?"


Liu Mingzhi, who was afraid of the word, said it firmly without hesitation, and spoke directly from his heart as before.

"Since you are afraid of death, why do you not hesitate to mobilize troops that do not belong to you in order to help Dalong guard the country's gate? Are you not afraid of death at this time?"

"You know, using troops that are not under your jurisdiction without permission is something that no emperor can tolerate."

"As Wanyan's emperor, if the emperor's uncle mobilizes the soldiers and horses under Yeruha's command without Wanyan's permission, and he is easily dispatched, then he will not be far from death."

"Whether he is Wanyan's imperial uncle or not, no matter whether he is loyal to Wanyan or not, and has never harbored the intention of rebellion, he must die."

"Because he touched the bottom line of an emperor, no emperor will allow a subject who can threaten his throne to live in the world!"

"Even if he is loyal, he will die."

"Because he already has the ability to rebel, this is his sin!"

"Personal feelings aside, as far as authority is concerned, Wanyan will never allow a person who has escaped Wanyan's control to live in this world!"

"Think about it politely, not just politely, Li Zheng, Li Baiyu, Li Ye, Huyan Yunyao and the others are also the same!"

Liu Mingzhi picked up a piece of stewed meat and tasted it: "No wonder you and Yun'er have such a good conversation, what you said, Yun'er once told me!"

"Since you know, why do you need to mobilize troops without authorization? Are you not afraid of death at this time?"

"No matter how many achievements you have, this one thing alone is enough to kill your whole family!"

"In order to guard the gate of Dalong Kingdom, you don't hesitate to take the lives of all the family members as a trifle."

"Liu Mingzhi, you are really a good dog of the Li family."

"A loyal dog who would rather die than die!"

"If you were a courtier of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan would be able to wake up with a smile in his dreams, but unfortunately you are not, you are the dog of the Li family, a dog that grins at Wanyan!"

"Do you really think that Li Baiyu's posthumous decree rewarding you as the King of the Dragon is because of your brotherhood? Is it because of the righteousness of your former monarchs?"

"Let me tell you bluntly, you are wrong, very wrong, in the eyes of the emperor, there has never been such a thing as affection!"

"Do you really think that lonely people are called for nothing?"

"I named you the side-by-side king and ordered you to rule over 150 states in Northern Xinjiang. This is not because of Liu Mingzhi's achievements, but because Li Baiyu wants to praise and kill you!"

"For you to guard the gate of Northern Xinjiang for generations, it is because he wants to sacrifice his family and take care of the overall situation."

"Take the 27 prefectures in northern Xinjiang in exchange for the peace behind Dalong!"

"You still foolishly work for the Li family, why are you so cheap?"

"I honestly don't believe it. You can sit in this position, but you won't be able to see through Li Baiyu's plan!"

Liu Mingzhi silently listened to the empress' cursing at him, and without getting angry, he put down the chopsticks in his hand and raised his wine glass with a light smile.

"It's time to scold! Have a drink!"

The empress stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi, who looked calm and unflappable, and clinked her wine glass dully.

"Having said so bluntly, you won't be angry, won't you be angry?"

Liu Mingzhi refilled the Queen with wine, walked over with the wine glass, hugged the Queen in his arms and sat on his lap.

The empress wanted to struggle, but in the end she habitually wrapped her arms around Young Master Liu's neck, allowing him to hug her.

"To put it bluntly, in the current situation, how will this national war end?"

The queen was silent for a moment: "In this situation, it must end with one victory and two losses. It depends on which country is stronger and can dominate the world!"

"Yes, so, have you ever thought about it, when your coalition forces go south, Dalong will naturally defend you!"

"In other words, if Liu Mingzhi doesn't fight this battle, others will!"

"For example, Commander Nangong Ye, Commander Yunyang, Zhang Kuang and other generals, they can't just watch you invade the hinterland of our Dalong and destroy our Dalong Jiangshan community."

"No matter what, with or without me, Liu Mingzhi, the smoke of gunpowder will never disappear and become invisible."

"So, have you ever thought that if I don't fight, the military power will be handed over to others. What will happen to a person who has a big dragon and a small half of the country but no soldiers in his hands?"

The queen was startled, and subconsciously looked up at Liu Mingzhi with deep eyes.

"Death is inevitable!"

"Hmm! I'm sure I'm going to die!"

"Then think again, if Dalong wins this national war by chance, what will happen to you, Yue'er and my junior brother Huyan Yunyao!"

"In my eyes, we are a love-hate couple, Yue'er is my daughter, and Huyan Yunyao is my former fellow apprentice."

"In the eyes of Zhang Kuang and the others, you are the empress of the Kingdom of Jin, the only princess of the Kingdom of Jin who can inherit the throne, and the Great Khan of the Turkic Royal Court. You don't understand what these identities mean!"


"You should know what happened to the first emperor if he didn't wipe out the nobles of the six countries. Do you think these veteran ministers will give Yue'er a chance to restore?"

For the stability of the country in the future, in order to completely destroy your people's hearts, and prevent the old forces from resurging, not only you are going to die, but the dignitaries of the Jin Kingdom and the Turkic kings have to report to the King of Hades. "

"I will fight this battle, if I, Liu Mingzhi, can live, you can all live!"

"If I don't fight this battle, you will definitely die, and your chances of surviving are not even one in ten!"

"You also said that you will not tolerate a person who is beyond your control alive. Li Ye is also the emperor, so naturally he will not let Liu Mingzhi live!"

"Unless Liu Mingzhi is disarmed and returned to the farmland, and can be a rich man who doesn't care about worldly affairs, maybe there is still a glimmer of life!"

"Then why do you still want to?"

"Why do I still stick to the northern border so that you can't go south?"


"Ha ha."

"To put it bluntly, you have been too conceited from the beginning to the end. Although there are 48 soldiers and horses, have you not discovered until now that this national war is only in chaos in our northern border, not in Dalong?"

"After the dragon crossing Fengyundu, it is still singing and dancing, and after passing the dragon Jiangnan in the capital, it is still laughing and laughing."

"Ninety million people, how can such a large dragon with such a large population be destroyed so easily!"

"So what if you captured my northern border?"

"To put it bluntly, the two of you combined may not necessarily have as many people as the people south of the Yangtze River in Dalong."

"You destroyed my northern border, my big dragon will move my capital to the south of the Yangtze River, and make a comeback!"

"In other words, this national war."

"Liu Mingzhi guards for himself, not for Dalong!"

(End of this chapter)

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