My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1621 Taking the world as a game to gamble on people's hearts

Chapter 1621 Taking the world as a game to gamble on people's hearts

The empress looked at Liu Mingzhi dully, unable to regain her senses for a long time, Liu Mingzhi's words completely subverted Liu Mingzhi's previous image in her mind.

I guard for myself, not for Dalong.

While thinking about it, the empress was even more confused. Liu Mingzhi was not as pedantic as he imagined.

He has his own unknown plans in his heart, but no one can see through his thoughts and understand his thoughts.

The empress came back to the country, and the incomprehension in the bright eyes staring at Liu Mingzhi was particularly obvious.

She really wanted to ask Liu Mingzhi, since you know everything in your heart, why do you still serve the Li family so utterly? Now that you have the strength to rebel, you can completely become king on your own.

If you are worried about the lack of troops, you will not be able to win a big victory among the powerful elites such as the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang and the Protectorate of the Western Regions, I can help you politely.

Your junior brother Huyan Yunyao can also help you. Others don't understand that little girl's attitude towards you, don't you understand that little girl's attitude?
With the two of us helping you, you don't have to worry about the world being uncertain.

Liu Mingzhi didn't know if he had sensed the empress' gaze, put down the wine glass in his hand, and directly raised the wine jar to drink with his head upright, quite a feeling of kindness and enmity in the Jianghu.

The wine flowed down the corner of her mouth, and wet the skirt of the Queen's chest, but the Queen didn't speak, and quietly watched Young Master Liu who was drinking heavily on the altar, waiting for him to drink to his heart's content.



Liu Mingzhi casually threw the wine jar on the table, looked down at the queen with a chuckle.

"Wanyan, do you want to ask in your heart, since I know everything and understand everything, why should I be willing to be the dog of the court?"

"With my current power, I can completely establish myself as a king and rule the world with your help!"

The empress was taken aback, her cherry lips parted slightly, she looked at Liu Mingzhi in astonishment and didn't know what to say, so she could only nod unconsciously.

The empress at this moment is completely without the domineering awe in the past, shrewd and wise, just like a little fan girl when she was ignorant.

"To put it bluntly, under the governance of you, the lord of ZTE, the Kingdom of Jin is thriving and its treasury is getting richer day by day. Let me ask you, after sending out 48 elites, with your current strength, you can recruit 30 people within three months." A recruit?"

The queen was silent for a while and shook her head silently.

"Although the population of my Daikin has increased a lot due to the mutual market, most of them are underage children, and there are very few people who can be recruited as soldiers!"

"The national treasury has traded with the Turks many times because of military equipment and war horses. Although it is not enough to say that the national treasury is empty, it is still stretched, especially the fire dragon chariot, which eats money."

"Although I shouldn't tell you, I still want to tell you politely that today's Dajin can't stand the second war."

"If this trip to the south ends without a problem, in the face of Dalong's revenge, my Dajin will have to move our capital to the north!"

"Hmm! I still have self-knowledge!"

Just when the empress wanted to refute, Liu Mingzhi looked out the window with deep eyes.

"You should know what official position I was in before I became Governor of Northern Xinjiang, right?"

"The left servant of Dalong household department!"

"That's right, since you treat each other wholeheartedly, Liu Mingzhi won't hide it from you. With Dalong's tax revenue and population, it doesn't matter that 30 recruits can be recruited in three months. As long as the court makes up its mind, they can recruit again within three months Conscript 30 soldiers."

"Dalong has no shortage of gold, silver or population, what he lacks is time to train soldiers!"

"Let me tell you this, based on the distance from Yingzhou in northern Xinjiang to the capital, after you destroy my northern Xinjiang, and when you arrive in the capital, you may face 60 recruits, and 90 is not impossible!"

"If the imperial court abandons natural and man-made disasters such as drought, flood, and locust plague, and pours all the power of the country against you, you have no chance of winning at all!"

"Is the development of Ruizong and I working hard for ten years, is it as simple as you see?"

"Liu Mingzhi rebelled? What are you using to rebel?"

"It's true that the big dragon is slightly weaker, but a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Just because the dragon dozes off, it doesn't mean that he has become a little snake, ready to be slaughtered!"

"You me. Me."

The empress looked at Liu Mingzhi in a daze, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"To put it bluntly, the reason why you were able to go south is because the court behind me has not been completely stabilized due to civil strife. The new king is young and lacks courage to deter all officials."

"If Ruizong is still alive and the court is united as one, don't you go south, I'm afraid I've already brought a million soldiers to the camp!"

"So, now Dalong is not in troubled times. The people are displaced, starving, and rebelling. Someone must follow you to rebel!"

"Live a good life without worrying about food and clothing, but who would foolishly follow you to do the business of pinning your head to your trouser belt."

"Let's talk about a question of human nature! If you were not the Emperor of Jin, but a vassal with self-respect, would you take the soldiers of the Great Dragon and the Turks to slaughter the people of your own Kingdom of Jin?"

"What kind of inhumane person would lead others to slaughter his compatriots?"


Queen, I didn't say anything for a long time.

"Rebellion is always nothing more than civil strife, a matter of one's own people beating one's own people!"

"Jin Guo has studied Dalong for many years, you don't know what it means to fight against the wall with brothers and resist foreign humiliation together."

"It is said that the Turkic people are arrogant and unreasonable, and uneducated!"

"However, when Huyan Royal Court was fighting with Shibis Royal Court for the purpose of unifying the grassland, the Turkic people in Huyan Royal Court still subconsciously withdrew their troops under the decree of Old Lord Wanbuhai to recover Heshuo and Hetao. Let the royal court of Shibisi deal with my army marching north."

"Although the King's Court of Huyan didn't send troops to help, the Turkic troops stationed at the King's Court of Huyan on the Moluo River have already brought pressure on our Northern Expeditionary Army when they regained the lost land in Heshuo and conquered the King's Court of Shibis!"

"People who are uneducated in our eyes know that it is internal strife when one's own family fights against one's own family. If an enemy comes, we must unite the front to resist foreign humiliation!"

"Liu Mingzhi must be utterly devoid of conscience, because of that chair, he led your Jin Guo army and Turkic cavalry to slaughter his compatriots, his brothers."

"What you and your junior brother can't do, why ask me, Liu Mingzhi, to do it myself!"

"To be disrespectful, even if Liu Mingzhi rebels, it is my own business. None of you can interfere. Intervention is my enemy."

The empress fell silent completely, she no longer knew how to refute Liu Mingzhi, she had thousands of words on her mind when she came here, but at this moment she couldn't say a single word.

The queen couldn't help asking herself, could it be that she had always thought too simple and too aggressive.

He always thinks about Liu Mingzhi from his own perspective, but never thinks whether what he wants to give is what Liu Mingzhi wants.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the queen, walked towards the window sill, put down the queen and raised his finger to point to the city wall and the camp of the Golden Army.


"All our three kingdoms suffered heavy casualties in this battle, but to Dalong, it was just a small chaos!"

"The world is in chaos, it's still far away!"

"Think about it carefully, Dalong's Confucian culture is deeply rooted, and he regards you as a different race, and people who are not my race must have different hearts!"

"If I don't fight this battle!"

"Dalong wins, Kingdom of Jin, you don't need me to tell you what will happen to Turkic!"

"As for the Turks, apart from my younger brother Huyan Yunyao and Huyanyu, it's not a short period of time for the Turkic people in the grassland tribes to regard us as two-legged sheep. It's been a thousand years since the Huns."

"Turk wins, our people of Dalong must have suffered countless casualties! Although it is true that my junior brother ordered not to harm the people of Dalong, but after killing people for red eyes, is it rare in ancient and modern times to kill good people for the sake of military exploits? "

"As for the Kingdom of Jin, apart from you and Yue'er, the people of the Kingdom of Jin and the dignitaries don't seem to be very friendly to the people of Dalong, right? What happened to the Turks doesn't mean it won't happen to the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin!"

"After fighting for hundreds of years, the people of the Three Kingdoms will be able to live in peace after unifying the world? Don't even think about it!"

"Without equal political constraints, more people will be killed and injured in the world than in national wars."

"One more thing, no matter who wins, they will favor the people of their own country to formulate laws and rule the world. It is not as simple as four words."

"It's easy to beat the country, but it's hard to stay in the country!"

"To speak conceitedly, I, Liu Mingzhi, will fight this battle. It's just a small mess!"

"Without me, Liu Mingzhi, as a buffer, no matter who wins or who loses, you will soon know what real chaos is!"

"You will clearly see that the number of people who die after dominating the world will be several times, ten times, or even a hundred times the number of casualties in this national war."

"I have opened the magic box of the West. If things develop as I said after dominating the world, it will be tantamount to suicidal."

"Perhaps, the word Yanhuang will be completely annihilated in the long river of history!"

The queen was silent, and she didn't say a word for two sticks of incense.

"If your big dragon wins this time, will the emperor spare you? There is no way to cover up the unauthorized deployment of troops."

"So I have to fight this battle, and it must be fought by me!"

"Maybe I'm cruel. The soldiers in the six cities of Northern Xinjiang, whether they are public or private, don't owe me Liu Mingzhi's favor!"

"These debts of favor were paid for by my brothers with their lives!"

"I, Dalong, have won. Don't talk about mere deployment of troops. I, Liu Mingzhi, threaten to stand on my own. Your Majesty can do nothing to me!"

"Although His Majesty is young, he is not a fool. He knows that Dalong can't stand the second civil strife, and he will only comfort me!"

"Furthermore, it's still the same sentence, the late emperor asked Gu to be with me!"

"If there were no 30 iron cavalry like Liu Mingzhi, His Majesty would understand what it means to be aggrieved!"

"Those veteran officials in the court, there are a few people who simply get along with each other."

"In other words, if I, Liu Mingzhi, die, you will definitely go south to attack the city."

"After the six guards of Northern Xinjiang were involved by your soldiers, some people who had different ideas would teach His Majesty a lesson they will never forget."

"Xinjun is young, and the northern border is in danger!"

"Those who don't want to be subordinated to others, don't think about it, Liu Mingzhi smashed your little brother on the spot!"

The queen silently looked at Liu Mingzhi who had deep eyes.

"Having said so much, you still haven't said what the sentence you left me means."

"Break and then stand, what exactly do you mean?"

"Hehe. You are an emperor, what do you think the people want most?"

"The people want to be safe, and the people certainly want to be safe!"

"However, the world is not chaotic now, how can the people feel safe!"

"According to the sky and responding to people, and rebelling against others are all just a matter of your Majesty's thoughts."

The empress was stunned for a moment, then suddenly took a breath, looking at Liu Mingzhi's bright eyes with a hint of fear.

"You, you, your thoughts are unavoidable."

Liu Mingzhi blocked the empress's cherry lips with his fingers and hissed.

"A word of strategy depends on everything being ready!"

"It's just a reckless move to bury your head and work hard!"

"In the final analysis, this is just a game from the beginning to the end!"

"A gamble about people's hearts!"

"The world is the bet, and the Three Kingdoms are the chess pieces!"

"And loyalty is Tianyuan. You once asked me whether I would be loyal to His Majesty or to the court."

"Liu Mingzhi is telling you now, I am loyal to people's hearts."

"Whether Liu Mingzhi is loyal or treacherous depends on people's hearts."

Thinking of the recruits and food, Liu Mingzhi's eyes became a little cloudy.

"I can't guarantee how people's hearts are!"

"Can you guarantee it?"

(End of this chapter)

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