Chapter 1622

The next day, see you in the East!
With a rosy complexion, the empress leaped towards the Thousand Miles Scenery Restaurant, holding the two warring Young Master Liu in her arms.

After all, the empress did not forget the purpose of her coming, she took care of official and private affairs together, squeezed Young Master Liu hard, and made Young Master Liu experience the demeanor of a woman in her early thirties to the fullest.

The two walked in the deserted alley, and Young Master Liu managed to walk a few steps by himself after he kept his feet firmly on the ground.

"To put it bluntly, after you go back, hurry up and go back to the capital of the Kingdom of Jin. The frontline battlefield is not the place for you to stay."

"I have my plan, you have your purpose, and the younger brother has the direction of the younger brother. Our positions are always different. In the chess game of the world, no one is innocent, they are all just pawns being manipulated!"

"As for who will win and lose in this national war, we can only do our best and obey the destiny!"

"Especially at this stage of the field, fights and fights have long been out of my control. I can no longer be the master. There are thousands of lives behind Liu Mingzhi. He is destined to let you down when he carries this mountain. affectionate!"


The empress smiled with a complicated expression, full of bitterness: "Ask the heroes of the world, who would be better than you, Liu Mingzhi?"

"The whole world is a pawn in your hands, even though Wanyan and that little girl Huyan Yunyao are in your calculations."

"If you live, the world can rest in peace. If you die, everyone in the world will pay you back. Your heart is too cruel!"

"Wanyan always thought that she was ruthless enough to use any means to achieve her goals, but now Wanyan understands what it means to be so small!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced blankly at the surrounding quaint streets: "Those who achieve great things don't care about trivial matters! You told me this sentence yourself, didn't you?"

The empress was startled, recalling in her mind the words she told him when Liu Mingzhi sent her out of Shanhaiguan in the ice and snow.

The empress, with a hint of regret in her bright eyes, sighed.

"So it turned out that Wanyan single-handedly turned you into such a scary person. Can Wanyan ask you a question? Since when did you arrange this game?"

"I don't know, maybe it was the time when I was the closest to death in front of my father!"


Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, and then told the empress carefully about Li Zheng's past when he talked about loyalty and treachery with tea.

At the end of speaking, Liu Mingzhi's voice became a little hoarse, and he sighed silently a few times.

"At that time, I realized that in this era, death would be so close to me, which made me realize the ruthlessness of the emperor!"

"It turns out that there is no reason to decide a person's life or death, it's just whether the emperor wants you to live or not!"

"A cup of tea can decide a person's life or death!"

"Toxic and non-toxic, there are only two results!"

"From that moment on, I knew that if I continued to live like that, maybe one day I would be decapitated!"

"In all fairness, Liu Mingzhi did feel sorry for the Li family, but since I entered the temple, I have been working hard for the Li family, and my crime is not worthy of death."

"Without my great assistance, Dalong wouldn't be able to prosper like he is now!"

"All I do is just want to live a good life. Ask yourself, I didn't do anything wrong!"

The empress was silent for a moment, and looked at Young Master Liu's resolute side face with clear eyes.

"It turns out that what you said to Yue'er actually meant this, Wanyan finally understands!"

"I have done everything I should do as a subject. If His Majesty still can't tolerate me, Liu Mingzhi can have a clear conscience if something unexpected happens in the future!"

"Speaking from the bottom of my heart, Liu Mingzhi still tells you that I have never thought about being a real dragon emperor, or a nine-five-year-old king!"

"It's just that I don't know if His Majesty will believe me!"

"To this point, it's not just because of you alone. It's been ten years, and too many unpredictable things have happened!"

"I went from a dandy with no ambitions to the current situation, and everyone is inseparable!"

"A person will not change because of someone, only because of the surrounding environment!"

"If Li Zheng is alive in the sky, I wonder if he will regret what he did back then, forcing a loyal and loyal minister to leave the court so far!"

"Wanyan, you are wrong again, Liu Mingzhi has never been divorced from the imperial court."

"Although the father talks about loyalty and treachery with tea, he doesn't really have the idea of ​​killing me, so I will do my best to assist the late emperor!"

"The late emperor loved me a lot, and he saved Yue'er's life, so I will do my best to assist Li Ye!"

"As long as they don't do unkind things, Liu Mingzhi will never do unrighteous things."

"It's one thing to be alive, but it's another thing to be grateful!"

The empress smiled helplessly, looking at Liu Mingzhi with an inexplicable look in her eyes.

"No conscience, I regret it!"

"If there hadn't been Wanyan not letting Yue'er go to Dalong, maybe it would be a different look now. I only sigh that Wanyan is too self-righteous, too conceited, thinking that she knows you too well!"

"It turns out that what you said is absolutely right, no one has ever understood you!"

"If it wasn't for bluntly being too self-righteous and letting Yue'er sneak into Dalong secretly, maybe what we're talking about today would be something to be happy about!"

"Wanyan originally thought that Yueer's going to Dalong would make you and Li Baiyu alienated, and you and the Li family would become estranged, and the monarch and ministers would be suspicious of each other."

"But Wanyan never imagined that you would give up conquering several cities in our Kingdom of Jin and gallop thousands of miles to aid Dalong's capital, let alone that Li Baiyu was so staunch that he would rather die than evacuate the capital!"

"I never thought that he would do anything to protect Yue'er's safety!"

"I wanted to make you feel divorced, but in the end it pushed you closer to the Li family!"

"I don't know if this counts as a crime committed by the sky, but it can still be violated, and you can't live if you commit a crime!"

Liu Mingzhi gently took the empress's bright wrist and patted it: "As the king of a country, you serve the country and the people, so there is nothing wrong with you!"

"This world is always going to be unified. As for how it will be unified, to be honest, I don't have a clue right now!"

"For you and your junior brother to surrender to the dragon, it's tantamount to fantasy!"

"Letting Dalong surrender to you is also a fantasy!"

"It is because of this that things will gradually become more and more troublesome."

"To put it bluntly, if your Kingdom of Jin rules the world, I hope you will promise me that you will treat the people of Dalong and the Turkic tribe well!"

"This is an expectation and a suggestion. As for the reason, I have explained it very clearly last night!"

"It's easy to conquer the country, but it's hard to stay in the country!"

"If the hearts of the people can't turn to the imperial court, sooner or later they will reunite and divide for a long time!"

The empress nodded silently: "Wanyan will definitely be remembered in my heart, and vice versa. I hope you are here!"

Liu Mingzhi was startled, and looked forward subconsciously, only to see that the two of them said that they had arrived under the city gate while walking without knowing it.

"Take care and have a good trip!"

The empress looked at the heavily guarded city gate and stopped half a step in front of Liu Mingzhi, looking at Young Master Liu with tender eyes.

"If... if your fate is unfortunate in the future, have you thought about your retreat? Where do you plan to go?"

Liu Mingzhi's eyes suddenly became deep and deep, quietly looking at the empress's beautiful face without makeup.

"When the day really comes, Liu Mingzhi will surrender to the world to please you!"

The empress stared deeply at Liu Mingzhi with a smile like a flower, waved her hands at Liu Mingzhi and retreated towards the city wall.

"Unfortunately, these are just sweet words. After the war is over, you will know what it means to be involuntary as soon as you hand in the Tiger Talisman!"

"However, no matter what you say is true or not, it's worth the trip to put it bluntly!"

"If you don't have a conscience, take care and leave politely."

Liu Mingzhi quietly watched the disappearing figure of the queen, turned around and walked towards the palace.

To put it bluntly, if that day really comes, you will understand why Liu Mingzhi needs a tiger charm to mobilize troops in the northern border.

Liu Mingzhi's three characters are Tiger Talisman!

And the Tiger Talisman may not be a Tiger Talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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