Chapter 1623 Choices
Three days after the Queen left, First Young Master Liu received a letter from Zhang Kuang, and after putting on his armor, he hurriedly galloped towards the General's Mansion.

Needless to say, the Turkic army coming from the west must have something to do with what made Liu Mingzhi so anxious.

Outside the city of Yingzhou, Wanyan Chizha and Yaluha, the two older generals of the Jin Kingdom, greeted Huyan Yunyao who came to join forces in Yingzhou with a neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

"Taichang Khan, Lord Huyan, Princess, you have come from a long way, you have worked hard, please move to the big tent to talk, please!"

Huyan Junyao smiled lightly and waved the whip in her hand as she walked towards Wanyan Chizha's tent of the Chinese army commander.

"You two old commanders don't have to be like this. We are an alliance. There is no khan on the battlefield, only the commander. From now on, we can be equals, please!"

Wanyan Chizha and Yaluha, who had a scar on his face and looked a little fierce, looked at each other, leaned back slightly, and Huyan Junyao walked half a step towards the tent.

Although Yeruha's appearance is extremely fierce because of the scar, he looks like an illiterate reckless man.

But those who know Yaluha know how terrifying this person's mind is, and it can be said that it is comparable to Wanyan Chizha!

No, he will not be the coach of another road.

The Queen has longed to rule the world for a long time, so naturally she will not hand over the more than 20 soldiers and horses that are related to the future of the Jin Kingdom to a simple-minded person.

Although Yeluha's reputation in Dalong is not as prominent as that of Wanyan Chizha, it is quite famous in Turkic.

Huyanyu looked at Yeluha with a touch of seriousness in his eyes, which explained everything.

"Khan, please sit down!"

"Come here, serve tea to the Turkic distinguished guests!"


After a while, Huyan Yunyao was not worried about whether the tea was different, so she took a sip and put it on the table.

"Ben Khan has already read the books of the two seniors, and I have to say that it is a good idea! Basically, Ben Khan has no problems!"

"At present, the only way is to do the opposite. After occupying their city, waiting for them to take the initiative to attack is the safest way!"

"In this way, we can take advantage of the geographical advantage!"

Wanyan Chizha and Yeluha, the two old foxes looked at each other secretly, and they all saw the relaxed meaning in each other's eyes. As long as Huyan Yunyao agrees, it means that things will be easy to handle in the future, saving a lot of wasted time .

Now that the dragon's reinforcements arrive as soon as they are mentioned, delaying a little thing is an incalculable loss!

Wanyan Chizha looked at Huyan Yunyao calmly, hiding his thoughts well.

"Khan, since you have agreed to this method, I don't know when we will raise our troops to the south. To put it bluntly, the reinforcements from the dragon will arrive as soon as we say so, and we won't waste too much time!"

"This commander suggests that after the Turkic warriors have rested for a long time, we can immediately start going south!"

"The commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief Yaluha have already ordered the brothers of the Huotou army to prepare meals. Half a day is enough for the warriors under your command to eat and rest!"

Huyan Yunyao didn't directly agree to the matter, she gently stroked the horsewhip in her hand with her jade fingers, and swept Wanyan and Chizha at the two of them with pretty eyes.

"Don't worry, this junior has a question I want to ask the two old men. I don't know if I should talk about it or not?"

"Khan, but it's okay to say!"

"We went deep into Dalong's hinterland and plundered their cities to defend their soldiers and horses, but have the two old commanders ever thought about what if Dalong comes to do the opposite and deal with us in the future?"

Wanyan Chizha was taken aback for a moment, but he couldn't understand the meaning of Huyan Yunyao's words after muttering for a while.

Glancing at the old buddy Yaluha across the way, he cleared his throat with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"The old man is old, and there are some things that I don't have clear ears and eyes. If there is anything that the commander-in-chief thinks is inappropriate, please ask the commander-in-chief to express it."

Huyan Yunyao got up straight and walked towards the sand table that Wanyan Chizha had set up. The group of people didn't know who was waiting, so they just followed.

Huyan Yunyao took a flag and held it in her hand, and inserted the chess pieces one by one on the sand table under the puzzled eyes of everyone.

"Now my Royal Court Headquarters is in these tribes, all the elites add up to only a little over 15, and the rest are all underage children, elderly people, and Turkic women!"

"Dare to ask, how many elite soldiers are still stationed in the rear of the Kingdom of Jin?"

Wanyan Chizha looked at Huyan Yunyao's deep eyes, hesitated for a moment and said: "There are less than 20 people, and that is the last hope of my Kingdom of Jin!"

"Since this is the case, have the two veterans ever considered that if we go deep into Dalong's hinterland, it will be tantamount to exposing the rear of the country to Dalong's soldiers and horses."

"If the dragon soldiers and horses didn't choose to attack and seize the city because we went deep into their hinterland and entered their city, but turned around and attacked my rear hinterland."

"With their fierce offensive, how long do you think my 15 Turks can resist? And how long can your Jin Kingdom's remaining 20 elite be able to resist?"

"Do you think it's possible that we haven't captured Dalong's capital yet, but the three generals of Dalong have already led a million troops to destroy my Turks and Jin Kingdom?"

"Maybe there may be a better result. Let's go south smoothly, attacking the city and pulling out the stronghold all the way to take the Dalong capital, so as to coerce the emperor to command the princes and let them return the occupied land to us."

"But what if they don't obey the will of a subjugated king and choose a new one to proclaim themselves emperor, so that we can surround our two remaining lone troops in the hinterland of the dragon and gradually eat away at them?"

Huyan Yunyao inserted the last flag, raised her hand and patted the dust on her fingers.

"Everyone, what do you think of Ben Khan's words?"

Everyone in the big tent stared at the sand table dumbfounded and couldn't come back to their senses.

On the sand table, there are dragon flags all over the border of the Three Kingdoms. There are only a few Turkic flags left. The Golden Flag is surrounded by it, and it looks so lonely.

It is not too much to say that it is in danger, and the rest of the chess pieces can be swallowed up by moving the remaining chess pieces.

Everyone gradually came back to their senses, and there was some fine sweat on their foreheads.

If it is true what Liu Mingzhi said, then this national war has already decided the fate of the Jin Kingdom and the Turks!

Wanyan Chizha wiped the sweat off his forehead, took a few deep breaths and looked at Huyan Yunyao quietly.

"What Khan means is that it is not recommended to go south and go deep into the hinterland of Dalong this time!"

Huyan Yunyao glanced at the crowd, and started to pace in the big tent. A group of generals who didn't know how old Huyan Yunyao was, hurriedly and obediently followed behind Huyan Yunyao.

It seems that a group of students are listening to the teacher's teachings.

After about half a stick of incense, Huyan Junyao turned back to the sand table again, grabbed a handful of flags and began to operate on the sand table.

The rest of the people stared intently at Huyan Yunyao's every move, for fear that they might not see the deep meaning in it.

After a long time, Huyan Junyao slapped the palm of her hand, smiled slightly and watched the formation of the flags on the sand table.

"Since Dalong can fortify the wall and clear the field, we can also fortify the wall and clear the field!"

"As long as our foundation is still there, it will be no problem for Dalong to take down the territory. Sooner or later we will counterattack and come back!"

"Especially the big dragon soldiers and horses without food support, how long do you think they can stay on our territory?"

Wanyan Chizha understood Huyan Yunyao's meaning after a little thought, and exchanged a glance with Yeluha, with a look of hesitation in his eyes.

In the end, Wanyan Chizha had no choice but to look at Huyan Yunyao.

"Khan, your tribe's migration to the north is nothing but a trivial matter, but our subjects live in the city. With such a large-scale emigration, the common people will be reluctant to part with the family property left by their ancestors!"

Huyan Yunyao spread her hands and shrugged slightly.

"Then it depends on the means of the Queen's sister. Apart from this method, if you have a better way, you can tell me!"

"It's not Ben Khan's alarmist talk. Liu Mingzhi can naturally think of problems that I can think of."

"If you don't make up your mind at this time, there will be no chance for you to regret it when the millions of heroes come out!"

"It's all up to the Queen's sister to choose!"

(End of this chapter)

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