My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1624 Not guilty of this battle

Chapter 1624 Not guilty of this battle
Liu Mingzhi looked at Cheng Kai who ran into the hall out of breath in surprise, and gently put down the flag in his hand.

"Huyan Yunyao invited me to talk about the city gate?"

Cheng Kai nodded hurriedly: "That's right, the Turkic Khan Huyan Yunyao stopped under his horse single-handedly, and invited you to the gate of the city by name. I wonder what the commander means?"

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a while, and put a flag in his hand into the bamboo tube.

"Go and meet him, no matter what, he is also from the same sect from the past. Since the junior brother came in person, as a senior brother, there is no reason why I should not see him!"

"General Zhang!"

"The end is here!"

"The matter of defense is as we discussed just now. You explain it to the brothers first. The commander-in-chief first goes to meet my former fellow apprentice."

"Whether it's the courtesy first or the soldiers first, we must not let our guard down. There are now more than 80 soldiers outside the city. If we make a mistake, the city will be destroyed."

"The general understands, the commander-in-chief just goes to the appointment!"

"You guys come here with this general, and the old man will assign you your own tasks."

After a few cups of tea, Liu Mingzhi rode to the city wall of Yingzhou. Looking at the 80 coalition forces of the two countries outside the city, even the battle-hardened Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but feel palpitations.

Outside the three walls of Yingzhou, there were almost all enemy troops. Even standing on the tall city walls of Yingzhou, Liu Mingzhi couldn't touch the edge of these soldiers and horses.

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help thinking about it, maybe today he really has to explain it here.

"Brother, don't come here without any problems! Younger sister Huyan Yunyao is being polite!"

The clear and slightly mischievous voice under the city wall brought Liu Mingzhi back to his senses, and subconsciously looked towards the source of the voice.

Seeing Huyan Yunyao in wild and beautiful equipment, First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and hugged her fist: "I have to worry about my brother, it's okay for my brother to come in, how is my brother?"

"The air outside the city is very fragrant, my little sister is naturally relaxed and happy, how about going to the city for a while?"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, and waved to the soldiers on the side.

"Hanging basket!"


After a while, Young Master Liu slid down the hanging basket on the city wall towards the city wall. After getting down on the ground, Young Master Liu walked straight towards Huyan Yunyao.

"Senior Brother is here, I don't know what advice I have from Senior Brother!"

Huyan Yunyao looked at First Young Master Liu softly, not knowing what kind of emotion it was.

Is it about the friendship between men and women, or about the friendship between teachers and brothers? Only Huyan Yunyao knows in her heart.

"Master, is the old man alright?"

Liu Mingzhi was startled, thinking of the vicissitudes of the old man Wen Renzheng when he left Yingzhou, his heart ached.

It's been more than two years, Wen Renzheng is alive or dead, not to mention himself, even his own granddaughter Wenren Yunshu doesn't know, the old man said he wanted to go back to the road he walked before!
Now, this road should be over.

Has the old man killed him now? Sigh.
Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, looked at Huyan Yunyao's expectant eyes and nodded subconsciously, with the idea of ​​reporting good news but not bad news, Liu Mingzhi did not intend to tell his junior about the old man's original situation.

"It's good. After returning to Yingzhou from your royal court, the old man traveled all over the world alone. Now I don't know where he is living a leisurely life like a wild crane!"

"Junior Brother, don't worry!"

"Maybe one day in the future, the teacher and his old man will reappear in front of us to teach us!"

Huyan Junyao nodded slightly with a faint smile on her face when she heard the words: "So, my little sister can rest assured!"

"Back then, my mentor's words became a prophecy. After all, you and my brothers and sisters have become enemies with each other. I don't know if my mentor, the old man, will be sad because of this!"

"When our brothers and sisters met for the first time, the mentor said that we hope that our brothers and sisters will live in harmony and carry forward Wen Renshe's inheritance."

"Now, after all, we have failed our teacher and his expectations!"

Liu Mingzhi silently stroked the hilt of the Heavenly Sword in his hand. The teachings of Wen Renzheng in the past are so vivid in his memory, as if it was just yesterday.

"This battle is not a crime of human beings, but a crime of war!"

Huyan Yunyao got off the horse, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with sparkling eyes and a whip in her hand.

"This battle is not a crime, but for future generations to never fight again!"

"Brother, if we don't fight, the descendants of future generations will continue to fight endlessly, and the number of casualties will be several times, a hundred times that of the current number killed in battle!"

"Only when the world is united will there be no renewed wars!"

"I'm sorry for the unbearable things about the generals under your command, but if we can't tell the winner this time, there will be the second unbearable, the third unbearable and even countless unbearable things happening!"

"Brother, have you ever thought about what kind of tragic scene that is!"

"No one can guarantee what will happen in the future. If this is the case, let us personally end this period of hundreds of years of killing!"

"Senior brother doesn't need to feel guilty at all, and little sister doesn't need to feel guilty either!"

"Without a senior brother guarding the gate of the country, it would be crazy. Nangong Ye and the others would also stick to the gate of the Dalong kingdom, and countless soldiers of the dragon would also be killed in battle! It's just that this important task falls to the senior brother!"

"Turks don't have little sisters going south, and there will be King Shibisi going south. There will also be countless Turkic warriors who died in battle under the city wall, but this important task is done by the little sister!"

"Guilty? Not guilty!"

"It's the heaven's fault that the world should not be divided into three!"

"Perhaps you, me, the old woman will bear the notoriety of an executioner in the history books of later generations."

"Of course! The pain of one person brings happiness to all families, and I have suffered it myself!"

"There is no crime in this war, it is only for the unification of the world, and the flames of war will be extinguished forever!"

"One day the world is not unified, even if you and my senior brothers will not meet each other in the national war, there will be other senior brothers and sisters. This is the inevitable end."

"I hope that the senior brother can understand the difficulties and difficulties of the little sister!"

"Sinners, someone has to be the one. If that's the case, let us brothers and the old woman be the ones!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "I've been taught, I've already looked past the unbearable things!"

"As a general, you have to face this day after all. Maybe you will die in battle one day, and you will be your brother. You can see through this point!"

Huyan Yunyao pursed her cherry lips and smiled, turned on the horse nimbly, turned the horse's head and prepared to leave, and glanced back at Young Master Liu's figure.

"Brother, even if you are a benevolent teacher, you dare not say for sure. Our senior brothers are strong and weak, and our seniors don't know what our seniors are capable of!"

"In the last national war, you and I missed each other and ended up passing each other."

"This time, you and my senior brother are finally going to win the game. Let the results of the battle prove who is stronger and weaker!"

"Let's see Zhenzhang under my hands, my little sister bids farewell!"

"Take care! I won't send you away!"

"War is war, love is love, I hope seniors don't confuse it!"

"No matter what the younger sister's status is now, the younger sister will always be the teacher's closed disciple, and the senior brother's junior!"

"When the world is unified, I hope that our brothers and sisters can return to Dangyang Academy to have a good time and talk about the world."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Huyan Yunyao's sharp and sharp figure, and nodded wryly when he heard the sound of Huyan Yunyao's hooves mixed with the content of his words.

"Stick what you want!"

"Basket, get on!"


After Liu Mingzhi got on the city wall, he took out his binoculars and took a few glances at the coalition army camp outside the city.

A moment later, just as Liu Mingzhi put down the binoculars in his hand, the sound of war drums soaring into the sky came from outside the city.

(End of this chapter)

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