My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1625 Dove occupying the magpie's nest

Chapter 1625 Dove occupying the magpie's nest
The sudden sound of war drums outside the city made the already heavily guarded city walls of Yingzhou even more vigilant!

There are only 20 soldiers and horses in the city, but there are 80 elite troops outside the city. Everyone on the city wall has their hearts in their throats.

Even Liu Mingzhi couldn't help becoming nervous. This time defending the city may be the first time he has encountered such a large-scale battle in his previous and present lives.

I don't know how many of the 20 brothers behind me can survive this battle.

The sound of war drums outside the city became more and more intensive, mixed with the sound of offensive horns, the scattered coalition forces outside the city gradually gathered, and spontaneously looking for their own phalanx flags began to line up.

A phalanx of 80 tigers and wolves gathered outside the city of Yingzhou, everyone's scalp was numb, and their hearts were bottomless!

Zhang Kuang and others also rushed over on horseback amidst the sound of drums, and climbed up the city wall with eager expressions.

Glancing at the invisible soldiers and horses outside the city, everyone's expressions were incomparably solemn.

Liu Mingzhi slowly drew out the Heavenly Sword from his waist and stared at the banners outside the city.

"Decree, each general performs his duties."

"The gunners loaded the bombs, the bed crossbows were strung, the archers were ready, and all the remaining usable blunderbuss and rockets were transported to the city wall. No matter what, we must hold off the enemy for three days and wait for our reinforcements to come to support us!"

"I have to wait!"

A group of generals started to run towards the city wall holding the command flag, and commanded the brothers under their command to defend from their position.

After a few sticks of incense, the sound of war drums outside the city reached its peak, and a melodious and passionate horn sounded from the army phalanx.

After the formation of the coalition forces of the two countries, four smoke and dust were rolled up, and the long dragons charged towards the four gates of Yingzhou City.

On the city wall, Liu Mingzhi was so maddened that the two looked at each other, and they saw the doubt in each other's eyes one after another.

With the eyes of the two of them, a cursory glance shows that the first team has about 5 soldiers and horses, and the fourth team has at least 20 soldiers and horses.

However, what puzzled the two of them was that the 20 soldiers and horses were all cavalry. Although it was not a death for nothing to use cavalry to attack the city, it was not of much use.

No matter how fast the cavalry rushes, they can't reach the city wall!
"Liu Shuai, you may be able to see the enemy's intentions. There are 20 cavalry encircling Yingzhou. What kind of trick is this? The general is completely confused!"

Liu Mingzhi also shook his head blankly: "You don't understand, and neither does this commander. No matter how powerful the cavalry is, they can't fly above the city wall!"

Seeing the enemy army getting closer and closer, Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, let the brothers be on alert, ready to fight back at any time!"

"Whether it's cavalry or infantry who come, we must not let them break into the city!"


Just as Zhang Kuang held up the command flag and went to pass the order, the more than 60 troops of the two countries' coalition forces also rushed towards Yingzhou under the guidance of the command flag.

Liu Mingzhi frowned and looked at the situation outside the city. He didn't even try to test it. Was it because the whole army attacked?
Neither Huyan Yunyao nor Wanyan Chizha should be so reckless. Although Yingzhou City is large, it is very difficult to enlist an army of 80 at once.

With 80 people gathered under the city, the soldiers and horses above the city wall didn't have to defend it very hard. Just the stampede of one's own side was enough for the coalition troops of the two countries to drink a pot.

Liu Mingzhi really couldn't figure out what Huyan Yunyao, Wanyan Chizha and the others were trying to do, so he could only wait and see what happened, staring closely at the movement of the army outside the city without daring to blink his eyes.

Liu Mingzhi watched as the vanguard cavalry who had rushed to a position less than [-] steps away from the city wall waved the command flag in their hands.

"Fire from the bed crossbow, lower the angle of the artillery by two inches, wait for the enemy to step 260 and quickly fire, bombarding their follow-up soldiers and horses!"


"The commander-in-chief has ordered, the bed crossbow fires, and the artillery is lowered."

Following the call of the messenger, the eight-ox crossbows that had already been wound up on the four walls shot out, and the thick arrow shafts pierced through the air and shot at the densely packed cavalry.

Facing the dense crossbow arrows on the city wall, after being hit by the thick crossbow arrows, many unfortunate soldiers of the two countries were taken away by the remaining momentum of the crossbow arrows, and many of their comrades were knocked off the horse and became dead souls.

The gunner of the artillery estimated the distance and was about to ignite the fire. The four cavalrymen unanimously began to change direction, detoured towards the two sides, and gradually distanced themselves from the city wall.

The gunner who was about to ignite hastily put away the torches, the enemy army was already out of range, firing at this time would be a waste of shells, now Yingzhou's supplies are not lacking, but they are not too abundant.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the coalition cavalry standing outside the city beyond the range with a dazed expression, not knowing what tricks the enemy was playing.

Charged for a while, and stopped charging after sending a few heads. What kind of play is this?
Zhang Kuang hurriedly ran over and stopped beside First Young Master Liu: "Shuai Liu, the enemy troops at the other three gates are the same as those at the north gate. What exactly are they trying to do?"

"The 20 iron cavalry charged, just to give the brothers a few military exploits?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently, and repeated what he just said.

"there is always a solution to a problem!"

"Commander, look at the direction of those enemy infantry, it seems that they are not coming towards our encirclement of Yingzhou!"

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi raised his head and looked up. This time, he found that the two wings of the 60 troops following the vanguard cavalry did not stop, but continued to approach the south following the flags.

Looking at them, they seemed to have completely ignored the existence of Yingzhou.

Liu Mingzhi subconsciously took out the binoculars and glanced at the original camp of the Jin Army in Shanhaiguan. Seeing that there were only messy footprints left, the camp was lost for a moment.

Reminiscent of Zhang Kuang's previous words, Liu Mingzhi muttered for a moment and his expression changed, as if he understood the enemy's plan.

"Quick, follow me to the south city wall!"

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he put away the binoculars and rushed towards the south city wall, so fast that he even used light kung fu.

Zhang Kuang followed behind Liu Mingzhi and ran towards the south city wall without hesitation, his figure leaped and hung behind Liu Mingzhi, he knew that Liu Mingzhi must have guessed the enemy's intention of this move.

After cupping tea, the two people who were not blushing and heartbeat stopped at the position guarded by Xiong Kaishan on the southern city wall.

"For the last general, please refer to the general, and to Liu Shuai."

"Excuse me, did the enemy army not stop and continue to go south!"

Xiong Kaishan hurriedly nodded, pointing at the coalition banner outside the city.

"Liu Shuai, Lord Hou, the enemy doesn't seem to want to attack our Yingzhou city, but bypass our Yingzhou and continue south."

Zhang Kuang also realized Huyan Yunyao's intentions at this moment, and scanned the 20 cavalry outside the city in horror.

"They are going to besiege our Yingzhou and attack our state capital in the hinterland!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, and slammed the city wall a few times.

"The doves occupy the magpie's nest and use defense as an offense. They know that their troops are not as strong as ours, and they want to take advantage of the arrival of reinforcements to forcibly reverse our geographical advantage!"

"What should I do? Do you want to go out of the city to intercept them, otherwise, with the strength of the government soldiers and left and right guards in the hinterland state capital, they can easily take down my fifteen cities in northern Xinjiang within three days!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the soldiers and horses outside the city with complicated eyes.

"They are so confident that they are blatantly forcing us out of the city to fight."

"Look at the speed of the enemy troops going south, they are obviously waiting for us to leave the city!"

"One million, one million!"

"What are our chances of winning? [-]%? [-]%?"

Zhang Kuang stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi's sad face, and fell silent.

Don't say [-]%, [-]%, [-]% chance of winning is God's eye!

The disparity in strength is too great!
(End of this chapter)

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