My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1626 Willing to leave the city to die

Chapter 1626 Willing to go out of the city to die (monthly ticket chapter)

Zhang Kuang and the others were in a hurry, but Liu Mingzhi was not in a hurry.

Looking at the coalition forces of the two countries approaching southerly, Liu Mingzhi rolled around on the city wall anxiously like ants on a hot pot.

Out of the city to intercept or out of the city to intercept.

Needless to say, the fate of going out of the city to intercept, if you don't go out of the city, you can only watch helplessly as the armies of the two countries attack the city in the hinterland of northern Xinjiang and seize the city in their fiefdom.

But if they go out of the city, not only the 20 soldiers and horses in Yingzhou will die, but Yingzhou will also become the first gate of Dalong to be captured.

Which is more important, Liu Mingzhi already has a result in his heart, but if he doesn't go out of the city to intercept the footsteps of the soldiers from the two countries going south, Liu Mingzhi's heart will be twisted when he thinks of the fate of those state capitals behind him.

This side doesn't die, that side dies, that side doesn't die, this side dies.

In the end, one must be discarded.

Zhang Kuang looked at Liu Mingzhi who was spinning non-stop, with an anxious expression on his face.

"Shuai Liu, come up with an idea, you can't just watch the enemy seize the city behind us and defend us instead!"

Liu Mingzhi stopped and looked at Zhang Kuang hesitantly: "I am handsome. I am handsome"

Zhang Kuang looked at Liu Mingzhi's hesitant expression and sighed, why didn't he understand Liu Mingzhi's difficulties.

He is also a great general who has been famous for a long time, so he can see what Huyan Yunyao and the others are planning. It can be said that what is in front of them is a multiple-choice question.

To give up one's life for righteousness, or to give up one's life for one's life.

There are two options, no matter which one to choose, it is not so easy to decide.

Between life and righteousness, one must be sacrificed.

Zhang Kuang caressed the blood-stained saber on his waist, and glanced complicatedly at Yingzhou, an important border city that he had guarded for more than 20 years.

How many 20 years are there in a person's life? Half of my life is spent on this land.

Recalling the past when he was young and vigorously galloping behind his adoptive father, General Jin Yi, Zhang Kuang's eyes showed a nostalgic smile.

When he came back to his senses, Zhang Kuang pulled a knife and knelt down in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"Liu Shuai, everyone is afraid of death, but dying in battle is the highest honor for our soldiers!"

"If you can die for the country, you deserve to die. Since the brothers have embarked on the road of defending the country, they will have no complaints or regrets."

"Order, you are the one-word king of the 27th government of Northern Xinjiang who is in charge of all important military and political affairs."

"You will have to rely on the popular support of the people in the 27 prefectures of Northern Xinjiang in the future. We can't just watch them die under the enemy's sword!"

"Yingzhou cannot be separated from your guard, otherwise the reinforcements will come without a leader, and it will be a serious disaster. Please order the prince to let the last [-] sons of Longwu in Northern Xinjiang go out of the city and fight the enemy out of the city to the death!"

"Even if all my [-] sons are killed in battle, and I can delay the enemy army for a day, my [-] sons will not regret it even if they die!"

"Brothers will not blame the prince, we fight for the country and the people, without complaint or regret, please order the prince!"

"Northern Xinjiang Longwuwei General Zhang Kuang is willing to take [-] sons under his command to go out of the city to die! Please order!"

"Northern Xinjiang Longwu General Ke Yan, Xiong Kaishan and Thirty Thousand Erlang are willing to go out of the city to die! Please order!"

The hula sounded frequently, and the only remaining 3 Longwuwei soldiers at the two city gates of the East Gate and the South Gate knelt on one knee, staring at the bewildered Liu Mingzhi with piercing eyes.

"Thirty thousand sons of Longwu in Northern Xinjiang are willing to go out of the city to die! Please order from the prince!"

"Thirty thousand sons of Longwu in Northern Xinjiang are willing to go out of the city to die! Please order from the prince!"

"Thirty thousand sons of Longwu in Northern Xinjiang are willing to go out of the city to die! Please order from the prince!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Zhang Kuang's indifferent face with trembling lips, and the surrounding generals showed no fear of dying in battle.

"My king, my king"

"My lord, please order us to go out of the city to die!"

"My lord, please order us to go out of the city to die!"

Give up your life to go to national disaster, and see death as if you are home!
The appearance of more than 3 Long Wuwei made Liu Mingzhi suddenly think of such a sentence.

'Brother, if we don't fight, the descendants of future generations will also be beaten, and someone must come out to carry the sinner. '

Liu Mingzhi's mind recalled the conversation he had just had with his younger brother Huyan Yunyao outside the gate of the city. When he came back to his senses, he looked at more than 3 soldiers who were willing to generously go to Yilong Wuwei. Liu Mingzhi raised his hand with firm eyes.


"No one is allowed to die!"

"The Marquis of the Huguo is madly listening to orders!"

Zhang Kuang stared at Liu Mingzhi in a daze, still clasped his fists and nodded habitually.

"The last general is madly listening to orders!"

"The Golden Eagle sent a letter to Wan Mingliang, Lord Wu of Jeju, and ordered him to lead the tiger and leopard guards guarding Jeju and Ma Ling, the king's subordinate Ningchao. Feng Buer and the two soldiers and horses no longer waited for reinforcements from Yunzhou, and quickly and secretly made a detour to help Yingzhou City. "


"Ke Yan, Xiong Kaishan obeys orders!"

"The end is here!"

"Ying Falcon's biography to the south of Yingzhou and the north of Fengyundu, all governors, garrison Sima and other officials of the prefectures, obey the order of the king!"

"In the Kingdom of Jin, when the Turkic army attacks the state capital, it will be delayed if it can, and if it cannot be delayed, it will open the city and surrender, and let the enemy army enter the city! Don't fight to the death."

"There must be someone to bear the crime. In this case, as long as the lives of the people can be saved, all the crimes will be borne by me, Liu Mingzhi!"


"The order is!"


"Song Qing listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"The golden eagle sent a letter to the capital, and the emergency document in northern Xinjiang ordered the Ministry of War to quickly dispatch 30 recruits from south to north to aid northern Xinjiang! This order is urgent, and there is no room for loss."


"It was ordered that the soldiers of Anxi Duhufu and the allied forces of the Western Regions march from the east of Yunzhou, the border of the west of Jeju, and the Yunzhou Huben Army, the Flying Eagle Guards and horses, and then divided into two groups, all the way to go straight to the Turks, All the way to the Kingdom of Jin."


After Liu Mingzhi gave the order, he tightly held the hilt of the Heavenly Sword and stared at the south, where he could still see the armies of the two countries flying with flags flying.

"You guys occupy the magpie's nest, so don't blame me for taking the bottom line!"

Liu Mingzhi looked down at Zhang Kuang, who was still hesitant and weighed, and bent down to help Zhang Kuang up.

"Uncle, give the order to go. No matter the outcome of this battle, I, Liu Mingzhi, will be responsible for all the crimes."

Zhang Kuang looked at Liu Mingzhi's firm expression with worried expression, and nodded helplessly.

"The end will be ordered!"

For two days in a row, the Yingzhou defenders showed no sign of leaving the city. The 20 cavalry who had been surrounded for two days could only go south to join forces with the main force. be yourself.

Two days later, after receiving the order from Liu Mingzhi, the governor of the [-] cities in the rear, the county magistrate opened the city and surrendered within a limited time, watching with grief the soldiers and horses of the two countries entering the city.

Liu Mingzhi, who was waiting for reinforcements at Zhang Kuang's mansion and thinking about his next battle plan, suddenly received a letter from his mansion.

Watching Qi Yun hurriedly walk into the palace, Liu Mingzhi and a group of generals showed an apologetic smile and pulled Qi Yun towards the other courtyard.

"Yun'er, this is an important place for military aircraft, why are you here?"

Qi Yun's pretty face anxiously approached her husband's ear and muttered. After a while, Liu Mingzhi's face widened, and he looked at Qi Yun in horror.


"I don't know if it's true or not. The word "related" is written on the letter. I can only believe what I have and come to find you, my husband!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned and pondered for a while: "Yun'er, you go back first, don't tell anyone about Erzi."

"Well, the concubine understands! The concubine resigns!"


Qi Yun, who had already reached the corner of the corridor, stopped at her lotus feet, and looked back at her smiling husband in surprise.

"Husband, what's the matter? Do you have any other orders?"

"It's okay, my husband will always love you and the children. If there is a next life, we will still be husband and wife, life after life."

Before Qi Yun came, she was too shy, angry at her husband for saying such embarrassing words in front of everyone, Young Master Liu had already turned around and walked towards the hall in a hurry.

Under the stunned gazes of the generals, Liu Mingzhi picked up a pen and began to write on the rice paper.

A moment later, Liu Mingzhi put the letter into an envelope, and handed it to Zhang Kuang with a serious face. On the letter was his own King's Seal and Tiger Talisman Seal!
"Liu Liu is handsome. This is you."

Looking at the several noble items in front of him, Zhang Kuang was taken aback and didn't dare to take them.

"Uncle, if the child comes back, you can return these things to me!"

"If I... can't come back, you will be in charge of my King Seal Tiger Talisman, and act according to the message in my letter."

"Where are you going?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, stuffed the Hufu Shuaiyin into Zhang Kuang's arms, and ran towards the gate of the mansion.

"Everyone is not allowed to follow, guard the city, this is an order! Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed!"

The people who wanted to catch up stopped, looked at each other and stopped, not knowing what to do.

In the time of a stick of incense, the south gate of Yingzhou City was opened wide, and one man, one horse, one sword and one bow flew away, leaving behind tens of thousands of confused guards.

Half a day later, outside the city of Guzhou in northern Xinjiang, a feathered arrow carrying a letter shot towards the city wall.

"My king, Liu Mingzhi, please tell us about Taichang Khan, Marshal Wanyan, and Marshal Yale!"

The soldiers and horses on the city wall stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi, and after regaining consciousness, they picked up the letter and ran towards the city.

After a few sticks of incense, twenty or thirty generals appeared on the city wall, they were Huyan Yunyao, Wanyan Chizha and others.

Looking at Liu Mingzhi who was alone under the city wall with no one behind him, everyone looked at each other blankly, not knowing what was going on.

The most honorable person in Northern Xinjiang appeared here alone, and I dare not even dream of such a good thing.

It's simply sending credit to your door.

Liu Mingzhi got off his horse and walked slowly towards the city gate.

For some unknown reason, an arrow on the city wall left the string and shot towards Liu Mingzhi's face.

Liu Mingzhi's gaze was fixed, and he grabbed the arrow in his hand with a wave of his arm, and stopped less than three inches away from the door. Huyan Yunyao saw this, her nervous pretty face was suddenly relieved, and her eyes turned gloomy to The surrounding soldiers swept over.

Looking down at the arrow in his hand, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes and looked up the city wall.

"Taichang Khan, the handsome Wanyan, is not a real person."

"The two countries are at war, if you don't kill them, but this arrow is going to kill this king!"

Wanyan Chizha subconsciously glanced behind him, just as he was about to reprimand, a personal guard approached Wanyan Chizha and whispered something in Wanyan Chizha's ear.

The corner of Wanyan Chizha's mouth twitched and nodded.

"Liu Shuai, whether you believe it or not, the old man told you that the arrow was slipped by the hands of the brothers, and the old man and Da Khan wouldn't do such villainous behavior!"

Liu Mingzhi gently dropped the arrow on the ground, quietly looking at a group of old acquaintances on the city wall.

"It's not the best. I have something to say when I come here this time, and I hope you will listen to it!"

"This war is a national war, and the disaster is not as good as the safety of the people!"

"If you mess up your duty first, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Under the blank gazes of Huyan Yunyao and others, Liu Mingzhi leaned on the ground holding the hilt of his sword in both hands, and scanned the people on the city wall with sharp eyes.

"I hope you will restrain the soldiers and horses under your command, and have nothing to do with the people in my city!"


"If you kill one innocent person in my northern border, this king will slaughter a city in the Kingdom of Jin and destroy all the Turks!"

"You killed two people from northern Xinjiang, this king slaughtered [-] cities in Jin Kingdom and [-] tribes of Turks!"

"You kill a hundred or more people in northern Xinjiang!"

"This king would rather my Dalong Mountains and Rivers fall, but also send troops to the north, so that there will be no chickens or dogs left in the Jin Kingdom or Turkic territory, and no grass will grow!"

(End of this chapter)

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