My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1627 Although 1 try

Chapter 1627 Just give it a try

Liu Mingzhi's expression was calm and unwavering, and the murderous look of his words shocked the hearts of everyone on the city wall.

Liu Mingzhi would not be unaware that there are more than 80 elite troops stationed in the 80 cities in front of him, and they came alone, and they wanted to threaten [-] soldiers with their own power.

Everyone didn't know what to say for a moment, should they think that Liu Mingzhi is a brash man with no chest, or should they think that Liu Mingzhi is a hero in the world!

Everyone finally came to their senses and looked at Liu Mingzhi at the bottom of the city with complicated expressions, but no one spoke first.

Because they don't know what to say.

Judging by Liu Mingzhi's posture, he is not afraid of death, and even came to Guzhou with the idea of ​​death.

Huyan Yunyao and her second elder brother Huyanyu looked at each other secretly, and met the younger sister's gaze, Huyanyu followed the trend and looked, the blank look in her eyes was self-evident.

Seeing the blank look in the eyes of the second brother, Huyan Yunyao also responded with a puzzled look.

The brothers and sisters didn't know the reason at all, why Liu Mingzhi came to the city of Guzhou all of a sudden, single-handedly, and said in front of everyone that if I killed one of the people in northern Xinjiang, I would slaughter the whole city of the Kingdom of Jin and all the Turks.

Whether in Yunzhou or after coming to Yingzhou, Huyan Yunyao's order has never changed, and no friction with Dalong's people is allowed.

Huyan Yunyao was very clear in her heart that she could not do without the support of the people if she wanted to unify the world.

The population of Dalong is nearly [-] times larger than that of Turks. If you want to stabilize the country after unifying the world, you must appease the hearts of the people of Dalong.

Otherwise, once the people of Dalong resent it, the mess after unifying the world will not be much easier than unifying the world.

Hu Yanyu thought for a moment, then lightly gestured towards Wanyan Chizha, Huyan Yunyao was startled, and nodded imperceptibly.

Senior brother will never say these words for no reason, there must be a reason that he does not know.

Since things didn't happen on my side, it could only be on the other side.

Wanyan Chizha's old eyes flickered and then disappeared. He withdrew his eyes and glanced lightly at Che Muyi, the general of the Kingdom of Jin on the right, and understood Liu Mingzhi's intention for coming to Guzhou.

In all likelihood, Liu Mingzhi heard something about Che Muyi saying in the big tent that he would threaten the lives of the people in the city in exchange for food and grass as a last resort.

That's why what happened today.

Looking at Che Muyi's deeply shrunken pupils, Wanyan Chizha sighed silently.

They meant to blame Che Muyi, after all, Che Muyi's starting point was for the country of Jin, and Wanyan Chizha just lamented that there is no impenetrable wall in this world.

How did this word reach Liu Mingzhi's ears.

However, when he thought of Liu Mingzhi's status as the one-word side-by-side king guarding the 27 mansions of Northern Xinjiang, Wanyan Chizha's doubts were swept away.

Any turmoil in the more than ten cities in the southern border of the Kingdom of Jin can't be hidden from his own eyes. The northern border of Dalong is Liu Mingzhi's fiefdom, and it is impossible for Liu Mingzhi to insert some eyeliner in the 27 mansion.

After figuring this out, Wanyan Chizha felt relieved.

Wanyan Chizha's frequently turning eyes did not hide from Huyan Yunyao's gaze, he saw it clearly, and he had a bottom line in his heart.

This matter really has something to do with Jin Guo.

Huyan Yunyao made her look less stiff, and smiled lightly at First Young Master Liu who was looking up at the city wall with piercing eyes.

"Senior brother, since my younger sister claimed to be Khan, she has always restrained her subordinates and the people of Dalong without any offense. As the senior brother said, a national war is a war between soldiers and soldiers, and the disaster will not be as serious as the people of the Li people."

"Brother, don't worry, little sister can guarantee that no innocent people in the city will be hurt."

"But I have to say something first. I'm talking about innocent people. If some people get hotheaded and act irrationally, don't blame the people under my command."

"I, the Turkic people, have always been uneducated in your big dragon eyes. We all know things, and Jin Guo, who wants to learn from the big dragon for a hundred years, naturally understands it. I won't do anything out of the ordinary."

"Marshal Wanyan, what Ben Khan said must be right!"

Wanyan Chizha listened to Huyan Yunyao's ironic words, the embarrassment on his face flashed away, and he nodded helplessly.

How things will go in the future can only be taken one step at a time, and now we can only agree to it.

Maybe the big dragon can be taken down before the food and grass are exhausted!
Liu Mingzhi received a response from the two, lifted the Heavenly Sword, shook the dust on it a few times, and punched the city wall.

"This king naturally believes in the character of the two, or I bet that you dare not bet on whether this king will commit bloody acts."

"I have brought the words of this king, I hope you will restrain your subordinates well, so that you can take care of yourself!"


Seeing Young Master Liu's behavior of walking while walking, Huyan Yunyao and Wanyan Chizha's expressions changed, and at the same time, they hurriedly raised their hands and made several complicated gestures to the guards beside them.

The sound of arrows piercing the air came and went, and in the blink of an eye, there were two clusters of arrows around Young Master Liu. The arrows penetrated into the hard ground, and the rain of arrows trembled non-stop.

Liu Mingzhi's expression froze, he turned around and looked coldly at the city wall, his eyes showed such a look as expected.

"You two, what do you mean?"

Huyan Yunyao and Wanyan Chizha saw the cluster of arrows surrounding Young Master Liu that did not belong to them, they subconsciously looked at each other, and they understood the intention in their eyes.

Huyan Yunyao shrugged slightly, put her arms around her chest and gave Wanyan Chizha a welcome gesture.

Wanyan Chizha's face froze, unexpectedly Huyan Yunyao's mind was so quick.

It seems that this villain can only do it by himself.

Wanyan Chizha lay on the city wall clasped his hands together, looked narrowly at First Young Master Liu and laughed.

"Liu Shuai thinks that Guzhou is a place, come and go whenever you want!"

"One person threatened 80 soldiers of the coalition forces of our two countries, and he just wanted to leave like this. In the future, this commander and Taichang Khan will still stand in front of the brothers like this!"

"Where is Guzhou? Guzhou is the place where I belong. What's the matter, I can come and go whenever I want in my own place. Is it difficult to understand?"

"What's the matter, you have stayed here for two days, and you plan to treat Guzhou as your own home."

"In this way, my commander lived in the Jin Kingdom's palace and lived in the Turkic Grassland for a short time. Can I say that the Jin Kingdom and the Turks are both my territory!"


Wanyan Chizha's expression froze, he didn't expect Liu Mingzhi's words to be so sharp and compelling.

"Ha ha!"

"I don't want to have a meaningless argument with Liu Shuai. Since Liu Shuai has come to Guzhou, I don't think there is any need to go back! Liu Shuai will never say that he is a commoner, so he will keep you or let you go." What's wrong, our Kingdom of Jin and the Turks will not stay behind, and not a blade of grass will grow!"

"Liu Shuai is in charge of important military and political affairs in the 150 states of northern Xinjiang, and he is even more powerful in the army. Do you think you are such a golden bump? This commander and Taichang Khan will watch you slip under our noses go?"

As Wanyan Chizha spoke, he waved his hand, thousands of archers on the city wall bent their bows and set their arrows at Young Master Liu's position.

Staring at the arrows flickering in the sunlight, even Young Master Liu couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.

"Liu Shuai saved the people of twelve cities, and he didn't hesitate to put himself into a whole place. This commander admires him for being so virtuous!"

Seeing that Huyan Junyao hadn't moved for a long time, Hu Yanyu also raised her hand and waved it lightly. Hundreds of archers raised their unique bows and arrows and aimed at Young Master Liu's position.

Huyanyun Yao'e frowned, and glared at Huyanyu.

Hu Yanyu glanced at the little girl guiltily, then turned to look at Liu Mingzhi who was under the city.

Young Master Liu pretended to be suddenly enlightened and looked at the people on the city wall.

He let out a long voice.

"This king understands, so you are planning to keep this king as a hostage. You should have said it earlier, this king thought it was a big deal!"

Liu Mingzhi tied the Heavenly Sword around his waist, raised his hand and brushed it towards the hem of his clothes.

Just as Young Master Liu made a movement, in the blink of an eye, an arrow cluster shot towards Young Master Liu.

On one side of Liu Mingzhi's instinctive head, the cluster of arrows left a slight bloodstain on Young Master Liu's left face, and then the blood gently left, staining Liu Mingzhi's white robe red.

Huyan Yunyao and Wanyan Chizha hurriedly scolded in unison.

"Don't shoot arrows without orders!"

One was worried about Young Master Liu's safety, and the other was knowing that Young Master Liu would not be beautiful once he was injured.

Liu Mingzhi gently wiped the bloodstains on his cheeks, and narrowed his eyes slightly towards a Turkic eagle archer on the city wall who had lost his arrow.

Recording that person's appearance firmly in his heart, Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and continued to caress the hem of his clothes.

After First Major Liu took off all his robes, he raised his hands and spun around a few times under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"There is no seal on this king, no talisman on the second, and no command flag on the third."

"Since the king has come, he must have arranged the funeral!"

"If I go back today, there is still room for a fair fight between us!"

"If the king can't go back today, the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks won't leave no chickens and dogs behind, and no blade of grass will grow!"

"But there will be millions of dead bodies, bleeding and drifting!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded towards his chest and forehead.

"If you don't believe me, go ahead and shoot here. You guys can give it a try. If I resist, my surname will not be Liu!"


After Young Master Liu finished speaking, he strode directly towards the war horse.

Hu Yanyu and Wanyan Chizha looked at each other, but they didn't dare to order to release the arrow.

It wasn't until Yiqi Juechen left that the two came back to their senses.

(End of this chapter)

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