Chapter 1628
After Young Master Liu's figure completely disappeared, Huyan Yunyao shrugged her shoulders lightly, glanced at Wanyan Chizha's stiff face and smiled.

"Ben Khan doesn't dare to gamble based on what he knows about his brother and what he did in the 38 countries of the Western Regions!"

"Marshal Wanyan, if Marshal Yale regrets it, now that the golden carving is passed on to Chongzhou, the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin in Gengzhou can stop him from returning to Yingzhou."

"It's not too late to issue an order now. The two old men might as well have a quick discussion. Ben Khan will not accompany you. Let's go ahead!"

After Huyan Yunyao finished speaking, she gave her second brother Hu Yanyu a complicated look and walked towards the city wall.

Hu Yanyu sighed silently, shook her head and followed, although the younger sister didn't delay state affairs because of her relationship with Brother Liu, but Hu Yanyu still felt that it was not a good thing if it went on like this.

Huyan Yunyao and his party disappeared above the city wall, Wan Yan was stunned, Yeluha and the two looked at each other, and saw the hesitation in each other's eyes.

Huyan Yunyao didn't dare to bet, so why did they dare to bet.

What Liu Mingzhi just meant was that he would rather die than be captured alive.

Once Liu Mingzhi died in Guzhou, he had nearly 30 cavalry without a leader, so it's hard to say what he would do.

The death of one of Dalong's three generals of soldiers and horses really can't solve any substantive problems.

On the contrary, it will increase the fierceness of the dragon soldiers and horses.

Wanyan and Chizha shook their heads in agreement, sighed helplessly and walked down the city wall.

"Muduo, wait in the commander's camp later!"

"You have to order!"

Hearing Wanyan Chizha's somewhat gloomy tone, Yeluha glanced at a middle-aged general with a somewhat flustered face, this person was the man from the Kingdom of Jin who shot the first arrow at Young Master Liu just now.

Yeruha didn't know what to say, and walked down the city wall with his troops behind his back.

These generals only knew that if Liu Mingzhi was killed, they would be able to crack the soil and seal the marquis, but they didn't know what kind of troubles they would have after they killed Liu Mingzhi.

A living Liu Mingzhi can still be used as a hostage to threaten the dragon soldiers, but Liu Mingzhi's death, let alone blackmailing the dragon soldiers, will only intensify their offensive tendency.

The anger of hatred will increase the combat power of the dragon soldiers several times.

A general is a general, although he is brave, but his foresight is really beyond evaluation.

Once the precedent of killing handsome is set, I'm afraid it will be difficult to end it in the future.

Killing a person is nothing more than a piece of cake. None of the people present had blood on their hands, but the trivial matters after some people are killed are not so easy.

In a word, too much is involved.

Let’s not talk about the distance, let’s talk about Jin Guo’s side.

The queen doesn't have to worry about it, but she has to consider the existence of the little princess Wanyan Luoyue.

According to the current situation, it is inevitable for the little princess to inherit the throne. Killing her biological father, no matter who it is, has to weigh it.

Maybe there will be no fear of life, but I am afraid that his official career will come to a successful conclusion from now on.

The descendants of future generations will also be greatly implicated.

The incident in Guzhou ended like a farce, but it also showed Liu Mingzhi's attitude.

Fighting is inevitable, but this king will never agree to hurting innocent people.

On the official road leading to Yingzhou, Young Master Liu galloped on his horse without stopping at all, and the smoke and dust rolled all the way and could not be dispersed for a long time.

The sun was setting to the west, and Young Master Liu gradually slowed down his speed only after he completely left the boundary of Chongzhou. Even so, Young Master Liu turned his head from time to time to see if there were any pursuers chasing after him.

After confirming that the Jin Kingdom and the Turkic countries did not send troops to chase after him, Young Master Liu reined in the horse and stopped. Looking at Feng Xing, who was already panting in the horse's mouth, Young Master Liu took off the water bag and poured it into the palm of his hand. A few times.

Seeing Feng Xing who walked to the side of the road and started grazing, Young Master Liu raised his head and drank.

A moment later, Young Master Liu lay straight on the grass and gasped for breath. When he recovered, Young Master Liu touched his sweat-soaked clothes and grinned.

Young Master Liu's appearance perfectly explained what it means to pretend to be the best and be the most frightened!

"Phew! One man is in charge of the gate, ten thousand men are not allowed to open, my young master was shocked, and the 80 troops did not dare to leave the city, but this young master is so awesome!"

Even so, Young Master Liu's trembling legs could still tell how panicked Young Master Liu was.

A person who is most afraid of death has to do such a crazy move for the sake of the people. It's not that Young Master Liu is not afraid of death, but he is also helpless.

Saying let nature take its course, isn't that all the subtext of what I can't do, love his mother!
Stretching into his bosom to feel the silkworm soft armor that his old mother had passed on to him, Young Master Liu touched the wound on his face with lingering fear.

I don't know what the virtues of the two guys who want to take their lives are, can't they cum in the chest?I have to shoot myself in the forehead, but if my skill is even worse, I'm afraid it has already become someone else's meritorious service.

Looking up at the boundless blue sky, Young Master Liu continued to rush towards Yingzhou after he calmed down completely.

Now that I'm gone, Wanyan Chizha and the others should carefully weigh the matter of using the common people as bargaining chips.

If it weren't for the Suzaku Division's spies in Guzhou who happened to hear the exchange of the generals of the Kingdom of Jin and passed the news back in time, Liu Mingzhi would not have dared to imagine how he would be passive in the future.

At sunset, Young Master Liu finally rushed back to the city of Yingzhou.

Looking at the astonished guards at the city gate, Young Master Liu smiled lightly and galloped towards the insolent General's Mansion.

The news of Young Master Liu's departure and return spread quickly, and the restless military spirit was completely stabilized.

As Song Qing said, Liu Mingzhi has become the backbone of the Northern Expedition Army today, and if the backbone is gone, how could the army's morale remain as unmoved as a mountain.

After Young Master Liu went back, he explained what he had done in Guzhou to Zhang Kuang and his colleagues with words and gestures.

Hearing Young Master Liu's bold move under the city of Guzhou, everyone felt their blood boiling and sweated for Young Master Liu.

If Wanyan Chizha and the others had a hot-headed guy, no one would let Young Master Liu's blood splatter on the spot.

It can only be said that Yan Zhizha's long-term plan made Young Master Liu escape by luck, otherwise today will be Young Master Liu's death day next year.

Speaking of the latter half of the night, a group of people randomly found a place to lean against and fell asleep.

Seeing white in the east, First Young Master Liu, who was sleeping soundly while leaning on the palace pillar with the Heavenly Sword in his arms, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes lost all drowsiness in an instant, he stood up abruptly and stared towards the west of the city.

Not only Young Master Liu, Zhang Kuang and the others also opened their eyes one after another, looking towards the west of the city with excited expressions just like Young Master Liu.

Although he could only see the courtyard wall of the General's Mansion and could not see what was going on outside the city at all, the increasingly obvious shaking of the ground and the gradually clear sound of horseshoes explained everything.

After three days of living like a year, the reinforcements finally arrived!
"Report! Please report to the lord that the troops from Jeju have come to join forces, and it is less than three miles away from the gate of Yingzhou!"

"Report! Please report to the lord, Yunzhou vanguard cavalry came to join forces, less than ten miles away from Yingzhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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