My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1629 The Meaning of Parting

Chapter 1629 The Meaning of Parting

After Liu Mingzhi and the others washed up casually, they hurried towards the west city wall of Yingzhou.

Although the scouts reported the arrival of reinforcements, but they were not sure about the banner, and everyone did not dare to take it lightly. In fact, it was the past events during this period that made everyone panicked.

In case the coalition forces of the two countries came up with another way, it would be a lot of trouble to stage a scene of going out and returning.

After half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi and his party boarded the city wall, took out the binoculars and looked at the soldiers and horses galloping out of the city. Looking at the familiar banners and the familiar faces of the leading generals, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no doubt that it is reinforcements.

"Come on!"


"Send [-] scouts to the south to investigate, and open the city gate to welcome the reinforcements into the city."


"Tang Ru listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Order all the Huotou brothers in the city to light a fire and cook food for the reinforcements."


Looking at the excited Zhang Kuang and the others, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly after delivering the order, with indescribable meaning hidden in his eyes, no one knew what Liu Mingzhi was thinking right now.

About half an hour later, the Jeju Tiger and Leopard Guards, Ning Chao, Feng Buer's Baizhan, the two sharp guards Ma and the Yunzhou Huben Army, Zhou Baoyu's Polu Army, and Chu Jing, who was acting as the general of the Futu Army temporarily, successively Enter the city of Yingzhou.

Accompanied by the King of Gumo Kingdom and the [-] Gumo Kingdom cavalry under his command.

"We will meet the King of Side-by-Shoulders!"

"The last general will wait to see the commander-in-chief!"

"Gumo Rongrong is meeting Master Liu!"

Under the city wall, dozens of generals from all walks of life surrounded Liu Dashao and began to salute.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Gu Mo Rongrong, who was full of wild beauty on the left, in surprise, and knowing that this was not the time to reminisce, he hurriedly waved his hand to signal everyone to get up.

"Colleagues, there is no need to be polite, get up quickly, let's go back to the house to talk!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Liu Mingzhi watched the soldiers and horses entering the city one after another, turned around and signaled everyone to walk towards the general's mansion.

Everyone received Liu Mingzhi's order to come to Yingzhou for support, so naturally they didn't dare to shirk, surrounded by young master Liu like stars and the moon, and rushed towards the crazy general's residence.

At this moment, in Yingzhou city, 45 soldiers and horses have been gathered one after another.

As long as the infantry from Yunzhou arrived, all the soldiers and horses of the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang and the Six Guards of the New Army could be said to have arrived.

Maybe there is a little difference in military strength from the coalition forces of the two countries, but Zhang Mo has already led the troops of Anxi Duhufu and the coalition forces of the Western Regions to Turkic, and the hinterland of the Jin Kingdom has begun to steal home.

Even without Gumo Rongrong, the 30 soldiers from the Gumo Kingdom, the remaining [-] reinforcements from the Western Regions are enough to be invincible in the Jin Kingdom and the Turks' rear.

Zhang Kuang kept looking back at the soldiers and horses who started to enter the city behind him from time to time, but he never saw the figure of his eldest son Zhang Mo. Zhang Kuang sighed silently, feeling a little disappointed.

Although he knew that the eldest son was ordered to go to the hinterland of the two countries to meet more important people, Zhang Kuang still had a faint expectation in his heart, hoping that the eldest son would hand over the soldiers and horses to the deputy commander first, and make a detour to Yingzhou to visit his old father.

In the end, Zhang Kuang was disappointed.

But thinking that they are all for generals, Zhang Kuang felt relieved.

In the Martial Arts Field in the General's Mansion, Liu Mingzhi and others gathered here and sat down. In just half a day, hundreds of generals, large and small, gathered. The main hall of the General's Mansion simply cannot accommodate so many people. The place to receive guests is chosen here.

Liu Mingzhi sat on the first seat with his sword raised, and looked at the generals arranged in order of status with a light smile.

Gu Mo Rongrong didn't know if it was because of Zhang Kuang's special arrangement, or because she was the king of a country, but by coincidence, she was arranged to sit down at the first place on the left side of Young Master Liu's position.

Feeling Gu Mo Rongrong's distinctive eyes looking at him, Liu Mingzhi sighed secretly, then stretched out his hand to signal everyone to sit down.

He knew that Gumo Kingdom would definitely send troops to help, but no matter what, he never expected that Gumo Rongrong, the king of the country, would personally lead troops to help.

Thinking of the past in the Western Regions many years ago, Liu Mingzhi glanced at Gu Mo Rongrong and picked up the teacup beside him!

"My colleagues, please sit down!"

"Thank you King Side by Side!"

"Everyone came from afar to help Yingzhou, the king is very grateful, and I can only use tea instead of wine to thank you for your long-distance support!"

"Please, everyone, have a drink with me!"

"My lord, please!"

After drinking a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi patted his hands lightly, and Du Yu came out with a group of personal guards carrying a huge sand table and placed it in the center of the crowd.

Liu Mingzhi took the bamboo pole from Du Yu's hand, got up and walked towards the sand table.

"Everyone, now that the national war is imminent, this king will make a long story short, and briefly tell you about the current situation of my dragon."

The location of the sand table is just right so that everyone can hear First Young Master Liu's voice clearly. Seeing First Young Master Liu coming up, he goes straight to the point. Many generals who are exhausted both physically and mentally also put down their tea cups and stare at Young Master Liu attentively. few.

"Everyone, since the last national war, my Dalong's situation in the Three Kingdoms has gradually changed from active to passive due to the civil strife caused by the king of Shu."

"The internal strife has just settled, the Turks, and the Kingdom of Jin took advantage of the emptiness of our northern border, and the recruits went south to invade the frontier before they went to the north."

"Now, the coalition forces of the Turks and the Kingdom of Jin have changed their battle plan, skipping our Yingzhou pass, and the 80 troops are directly approaching the cities in the hinterland behind our Yingzhou!"

"So far, as far as this king knows, there are as many as [-] cities in Chongzhou, Tongzhou, Guzhou and Jingzhou. Maybe there are fifteen cities or even twenty cities."

"I don't dare to jump to conclusions about the exact number!"

"Their move not only reversed our geographical advantage in defending the city, but also cut off the passage between us and the rear of the capital!"

"That is to say, if the grain and grass from the capital want to be transported to our hands, we have to make a detour, let alone a delay of 25 days or even more than a month before it can be transported to our hands."

"This means that not only will we consume a lot of food and grass on the road, but we will also face the crisis of shortage of food and grass at any time."

"Therefore, this passive situation must be broken."

"You brothers are all brave generals who are good at fighting. Naturally, they are very good at arranging troops."

"Two days, not three days at the latest, the Yunzhou infantry will arrive in my Yingzhou city."

"In the past two days, my king hopes that everyone will brainstorm and write a letter to this king, talking about how everyone thinks how to attack the city with the least loss and the fastest way to regain our city captured by the Turks and the Kingdom of Jin."

"The so-called one person counts the short, and two count the long!"

"I don't know which brother's suggestion is far more effective than the schemes of us adults. This king will trouble everyone."

"I dare not, it is an honor for the last general and others to serve the prince!"

Liu Mingzhi put down the bamboo pole in his hand and circled around hundreds of generals.

"The king has already ordered the Marquis Huguo to arrange a place for you to stay. It was really hard for the brothers to eat and sleep all the way."

"After dinner, take a rest first, so that this king won't waste your energy!"


"Thank you, my lord, I will take my leave!"

Zhang Kuang stood up in a timely manner and walked towards the Dongkua courtyard of the General's Mansion to meet a group of people.

"Brothers, come with this general!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

Liu Mingzhi was about to go to inspect the settlement of soldiers and horses entering the city, when Gu Mo Rongrong suddenly stopped in front of First Young Master Liu, staring at Young Master Liu unblinkingly with her exotic and pretty eyes.

Liu Mingzhi was startled, and looked at Gu Mo Rongrong in surprise, his eyes averted a little.

"Your Majesty, don't you want to take a rest? Riding all the way from Yunzhou, aren't you tired?"

"Brother Liu wants Rongrong to rest in the same courtyard with a group of big men. Although there is no distinction between men and women in the army, the fact that Rongrong is a woman cannot be changed!"

Liu Mingzhi patted his forehead lightly: "Yes, yes, yes, you see, I'm confused, it's because Bang Chen didn't think carefully, and Bang Chen immediately asked General Zhang to arrange another place for the king to stay!"

Looking at First Young Master Liu who was about to leave after speaking, Gu Mo Rongrong opened her arms and stood in front of First Young Master Liu, her waist was strong and her full chest was ready to emerge from the leather armor, and Gu Mo Rongrong didn't care.

It vividly expresses the completely different concepts of women from the Western Regions and women from the Central Plains.

"Brother Liu, do you know what the meaning of parting is?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Gu Mo Rongrong with complicated eyes, raised his hand and took off his helmet and hugged it in his arms.

The scene of Gumo Rongrong sending her off to return home in the past came to mind, and she nodded silently.

"The meaning of parting is that I did not return as promised!"

(End of this chapter)

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