My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1631 Who cares about your next life

Chapter 1631 Who cares about your next life
Gu Mo Rongrong kneaded her sore waist and walked towards the palace beside First Young Master Liu.

"Brother Liu, you haven't changed at all. You are the same as when you were in the Western Regions. Treat your soldiers better than yourself!"

Liu Mingzhi put on his helmet slowly and sighed.

"They abandoned their families, young and old, and followed our great generals to defend their homes and the country, fighting bloody battles!"

"Compared to the trivial things I do, they pay far more than us!"

"Your Majesty, you are the king of a country, and you can't appreciate the brotherhood of being a commander, a general, and your brothers who depend on each other for life and death!"

"We come from all corners of the country and speak different dialects, but we have never distinguished each other when it comes to the important task of guarding the country and borders!"

"How many people have paid the price of their lives for this!"

"If you say guilty, I should be guilty!"

"Let's not talk about this anymore. If you say too much, it will be clichéd. Are you sure you want to go back to the palace with me? My ladies are not the same generation as them. Maybe they will be jealous and drive you out at that time!"

"Rongrong believes that it will never be like this. I have met Sister Yun. She is not the kind of person you said!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly and shook his head: "Yes, in his previous life Liu Mingzhi was imprisoned without a wife, but in this life he has been hit by love repeatedly. I don't know if it's God's compensation for me!"

"Brother Liu was joking, who can remember the things in the previous life, isn't it more important to cherish the present?"

"Yeah, what happened in the previous life is over, and what should be forgotten is forgotten. What can be changed by brooding!"

"Slaves see the prince, you are back!"

"Excuse me, let the concubine know that a distinguished guest is coming!"

"Yes, servant girl will go right away!"

After a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi and Liu Mingzhi walked into the inner courtyard of the palace. Qi Yun, Qi Ya, and Qinglian sisters were talking softly in the gazebo.

Qi Ya could be faintly heard, and the Qinglian sisters were persuading Qi Yun.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun, who had a pretty face with an evil look, and hurried up to her, ignoring Gu Mo Rongrong.

"Yun'er, Sister Ya, Lian'er, what's wrong with you, who messed with Yun'er?"


Young Master Liu didn't finish his sentence, Qi Yun looked coldly at the husband who came up and raised his hand and gave Young Master Liu a resounding slap in the face, directly slapping Young Master Liu in a daze.

The sisters Qi Ya and Qing Lian were also dazed for a moment, looking at her husband who had quickly turned red and swollen after being slapped by Qi Yun, and felt a little at a loss what to do.

Young Master Liu's face was left by arrows, and the wound that had just healed also burst open, and blood stains slowly left on Young Master Liu's cheek.

"Yunyun'er, what are you doing? My husband didn't want to hide anything from you about Rongrong, but I haven't had time yet."


Qi Yun raised her hand and slapped Liu Mingzhi on the face again, staring at First Young Master Liu with red and swollen eyes in astonishment.

"One man resisted 80 soldiers and horses, and they were too scared to go out of the city to fight!"

"Liu Mingzhi, you are so amazing. Why didn't you die in Guzhou City? There is nothing worthy of your attachment to this family. Why are you still here? Why don't you die in Guzhou City!"

"It would be great to die in the city of Guzhou!"

"Who cares about your next life!"

"Get out, get out!"

Qi Ya looked at her younger sister Qi Yun's pear blossoms in the rain, choking up while speaking, and hurriedly went up and grabbed Qi Yun's white wrist.

"Yun'er, how could you do this, apologize to your husband!"

Qi Yun broke free from Qi Ya's palm, wiped away the tears on her cheeks and roared at Qi Ya.

"Why should I apologize to him!"

"Has he thought about this family, has he thought about the children!"

"Has he ever thought that something happened to him, what should the family do?"

After listening to Qi Yun's words, Liu Mingzhi finally understood why he was slapped twice, and looked at Qi Yun who was choking with guilt and walked up.

"Yun'er, listen to my explanation, our home is home, and so are the homes of the common people"

Qi Yun shook off Liu Mingzhi, was about to grab her own palm, and ran towards the backyard crying bitterly.

"Yes, it's all my selfishness, it's all my fault!"


Qinglian glanced at her husband apologetically, and hurriedly chased after Qi Yun.

"Husband, Sister Yun doesn't mean that, she's just worried about your safety!"

Qi Ya looked melancholy at the scene and didn't know how to end it, and walked in front of Liu Mingzhi worriedly.

"Husband, sister, it's not that she doesn't care about the safety of the people. Before you came back, she kept blaming herself. If she hadn't forced you to study, wanted you to be famous and wanted your husband to become a dragon, maybe what happened today would not have happened. !"

"Sister, she puts all her heart and soul into you, that's why."

"Sister Ya, my husband understands in his heart, I don't blame Yun'er, these two slaps are not bad for my husband, I owe you too much for political affairs these days!"

"Husband, you can't help yourself. The sisters have always understood you, and the younger sister has always been unable to turn around. You don't know that when she heard about what you did in Guzhou, she almost passed out! "

"Sister, she also loves deeply and takes responsibility!"

"She hasn't had a drop of water since yesterday. You don't know what she looked like before the maid didn't inform you of her return home. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she is like an ant on a hot pot!"

"If it wasn't for the fact that she has always cared about her identity, she was afraid of causing you unnecessary trouble, and she almost broke into the military plane to find you!"

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his forehead lightly: "Sister Ya, arrange a room with Miss Rong Rong first, and I'll coax Yun'er!"

Qi Ya glanced at Gu Mo Rongrong who was standing in the corridor and nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand, if there is anything wrong with my sister, you must take care of it!"

"My husband understands!"

"Rongrong, go to the place where you live with Sister Ya first, and brother to deal with private affairs!"

"Okay, brother Liu, you go ahead!"

Liu Mingzhi also didn't care about what to say to Gu Mo Rongrong, and hurriedly walked towards Qi Yun's courtyard.

When Liu Mingzhi returned to Qi Yun's room, Qi Yun was lying on the brocade quilt and weeping in a low voice, with Qinglian who was at a loss and didn't know how to persuade her.

When Qinglian heard Liu Mingzhi's footsteps, she rushed up to meet her, her face extremely anxious: "Husband, hurry up and coax sister Yun!"

"Okay, go and prepare some porridge and water. Your elder sister Yun hasn't had a drop of water in more than a day. Don't suffer from hunger!"

"Yeah! My concubine goes first!"

As the sun set and the moon rose, Young Master Liu said a lot of earnestly.I wasted a lot of saliva, and finally coaxed Qi Yun to get better, and drank all the porridge brought by Qinglian under the service of Young Master Liu.

Qi Yun wiped the red and swollen eye sockets, glanced at the husband who was licking his face and smiling apologetically, seeing the dry blood on the husband's cheek, he felt distressed and wanted to raise his hand to touch it, but finally took it back.

"You're still a half-step congenital master, you don't even know how to dodge! Knowing that you have a wound on your face, you still get slapped, it's your own fault!"

"Hehehe, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all. My husband knows that Yun'er is reluctant to use force. This wound will heal in two days. It's okay. As long as Yun'er doesn't get angry, you can slap me twice for my husband." willing!"


Qi Yun raised her jade hand and gestured twice, but in the end she was still not willing to draw it down, and gently withdrew her jade hand and gave Young Master Liu a white look.

"It will be poor!"

(End of this chapter)

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