Chapter 1632 Too Much Credit (Monthly Pass)
Liu Mingzhi sat aside, grabbed Qi Yun's hand and put it in his arms, Qi Yun pretended to twitch a few times, and finally let her husband hold her hand and sat down.

"My lady, my husband really didn't do this intentionally. The situation was urgent at that time, and my husband had no choice but to make such a bad plan!"

"There are nearly 20 people in Twelve Cities. As a husband, as their parents and officials, how can you not be worried and anxious!"

"There are some things that my husband has to do as a last resort!"

"You are so virtuous, you are not only a princess, but also a first-rank madam, why can't you understand the difficulties of being a husband!"

"My concubine understands you, who understands my concubine, you are not at home all year round, is it easy for me to take care of the things in the mansion? The ups and downs of things are not taken care of by my concubine, I don't know what kind of chaos the huge palace is like!"

"Yes, yes, what the lady said is that it's all my husband's fault, it's all my husband's fault, and it will never be like this next time!"

Qi Yun looked at First Young Master Liu angrily: "Do you still want to have a next time?"

"My husband made a mistake, there will never be a next time, this time is the last time for my husband to do this"

"Husband, Sister Yun, Lian'er has someone prepare some cakes, eat them quickly, they won't taste good if they get cold!"

While talking, Qinglian came in with two plates of pastries, and was finally relieved to see her husband and Qi Yun in harmony.

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a faint smile, picked up a piece of pastry and put it in Qi Yun's hand.

"Lian'er has worked so hard for you for so long, eat something quickly and taste how it tastes, don't let down your good sister's heart!"

Qi Yun nodded silently, picked up the pastry and tasted it.

I haven't had a drop of water for more than a day, and a little porridge can't stop anything. Now that my anger has subsided, my stomach is already growling with hunger, and I don't feel embarrassed about Qi Yun in front of my husband and good sisters.

"My lord, there is a general outside the mansion who asked the servants to deliver the letter to you!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the maid who came in hurriedly, fixed his eyes, glanced at Sister Qi Yun apologetically, took the letter and began to read it.

Putting the letter aside, Liu Mingzhi looked at the servant girl.

"What about people?"

"Return to the prince, he has already left!"

"My king understands, you go down first!"

"Yes, the slaves retire!"

After the maid left, Qi Yun didn't even eat the pastries, and watched nervously as her husband grabbed Liu Mingzhi's wrist.

"An accident happened again? Did you just come back and go to the barracks again?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and patted Qi Yun's jade hand and shook his head.

"Don't go, I'm resting at home today. I just received a letter from the golden eagle, and the reinforcements from Yunzhou arrived a day earlier. Uncle and the others will take care of it. If you don't need these things for your husband, you can do it yourself!"

"The letter is just to let me know."

Only then did Qi Yun breathe a sigh of relief: "It's fine if you don't leave, it's fine if you don't leave, I'm really scared, just in case someday you."

"Don't worry, I cherish my life for my husband, eat quickly, the feeling of being hungry is not good!"

"Well, the concubine knows it!"

Qi Yun ate the cake again, and glanced at her husband from time to time, as if Liu Mingzhi would disappear in the blink of an eye.

"Husband, reinforcements are here, why don't you seem a little excited?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun, Sister Qinglian's curious expression, her eyes slightly narrowed, reflecting the candlelight was extremely deep.


"If my husband really wants to quell the deposit, why do we need millions of soldiers and reinforcements for the chaos between the Turks and the Turks!"



The two sisters stared blankly at their husband, their cherry lips slightly parted and let out an exclamation.

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, as if he had decided on something, he picked up the candle on the table and walked towards the door.

"Come with Wei Fu, Wei Fu will show you something!"


The two women followed behind Liu Mingzhi in a daze, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in the husband's gourd, and talking about the issue of reinforcements, why did they have to look at other things.

After Young Master Liu put on the lantern, he led the two girls towards the backyard of the palace. Since Qi Yun came to Yingzhou again, she has obeyed her husband's words and never allowed anyone to come near the backyard.

Not to mention others, even Qi Yun didn't know what kind of things were in the house in the backyard.

In the entire palace, except for young master Liu and some people, the things in the warehouse in the backyard are always a mystery.

Liu Mingzhi scanned the surrounding environment cautiously, then took out the key and opened the sealed courtyard door on the backyard.

After a cup of tea, Qi Yun and the two women stared blankly at the neatly arranged doors in the warehouse in the backyard, which were extremely exquisite, with cannons of different sizes and countless serial blunderbuss spread out one by one, far surpassing the chariots. Used several times, the number of flintlock guns leaning on the wall of the warehouse is even more numerous, and it is impossible to see how many there are.

There are so many big boxes piled up around it that people can't figure out what's inside the boxes.

"Husband, what are these?"

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at these private possessions in the warehouse: "Once these things are pulled out, within three months, the husband can quell the chaos in the northern border, and even counterattack the Kingdom of Jin, and the Turks will no longer have a problem!"


The two women exclaimed in unison, and hurriedly blocked their cherry lips.

Qi Yun took a few deep breaths, and looked blankly at Young Master Liu's complex expression: "Husband, why are you still here?"

Liu Mingzhi handed the lantern to Qinglian, and told her not to slip on the ground, he grabbed a flintlock gun and played with it.

"Your Majesty is not Father Emperor Ruizong, the enthronement time is too short!"

"What do you mean?"

"Hey, do you know how Shan'er's father, General Jin Yi, died?"

Qing Lian looked at First Young Master Liu blankly: "There are different opinions. It is said that he insulted the Holy Majesty and was given poison and alcohol to commit suicide. In order to avoid sister Shan'er's sadness, Lian Er didn't dare to ask her whether this matter is true!"

On the other hand, Qi Yun's pretty eyes flashed, as if she understood something, she carefully felt the movement around her, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister Lian'er, Great General Jin Yi died because of his great achievements. At the beginning, his contribution was too great. His Highness the Crown Prince, our late Emperor Ruizong can no longer frighten him!"

"That's why Emperor Weihe found a reason to kill Shan'er's father, General Jin Yi. How could Emperor Weihe, the wise I, bestow the death of a great general with outstanding merits just because of a word of dishonesty?"

"In the final analysis, it's just paving the way for His Majesty Ruizong and removing the thorns from the thorns."

"Bei Chu came to an end without a problem, because Emperor Weihe knew that he could not continue to fight. If the fight continues, not only General Jin Yi, but all the generals Ruizong will not be able to suppress them."

"That's why what happened later!"

"Ah? Master of high merit? could this happen? But what does this have to do with your husband waiting for reinforcements?"

Looking at the helpless eyes of her husband and sister Qinglian, Qi Yun flicked Qinglian's forehead with her fingers.

"Stupid sister, the master of high meritorious deeds will be given a reason to die. If my husband can put down the kingdom of Jin and the Turkic chaos by himself, it will not be such a simple matter as the master of meritorious deeds!"

"what is that?"

"Based on the time since His Majesty ascended the throne as the emperor, this is a great achievement!"

"If the merit is high, then the husband will have more success in the future."

Qi Yun nodded with complicated eyes, and glanced at her husband who closed his eyes and sighed: "Finally, I'm enlightened, my husband is already a word-by-word king, let alone monopolizing this credit, my husband will be in danger even if I touch it!"

"The king of the word side by side is already an extremely human minister, with one person under ten thousand and over ten thousand, and it has reached the point where there is no seal!"

"So he has to disperse the soldiers of the six guards under his command to cooperate with the soldiers of the six guards of northern Xinjiang to resist the chaos between the two countries. He does this to distribute the credit to others, to his brothers!"

"But even if this credit is shared among his brothers, it is still too great, so the husband can only find a way to distribute it to the rest of the left and right armies!"

"Even give it to the soldiers of the Protectorate of the Western Regions!"

Qinglian was stunned for a moment: "But my husband is the Generalissimo of the Army and Horses of the Central Road, and he will always take a share of the credit. At that time, won't His Majesty be with the Manchu civil and military?"

"Silly sister, why do you think your husband mobilized soldiers and horses from the Western Regions that are not under his rule?"

"And these credits are not distributed in vain, do you understand?"

Liu Mingzhi stroked Qinglian's beautiful hair, looked at her scratching her head and thought, and laughed twice: "If you can't figure it out, don't think about it, it's unnecessary."

Then he looked at Qi Yun dotingly: "So you also understand why my husband wants to mobilize the soldiers from the Western Regions without authorization?"

Qi Yun nodded silently.

"Sin for merit, no reward, no punishment!"

"The side-by-side king is still the side-by-side king. His majesty has steps to go down, and the cultural relics and officials have their own northern border soldiers and horses to support the husband."

"Everyone gets what they need, but everyone in Northern Xinjiang owes you a debt of favor."

Young Master Liu laughed loudly, hugged the two girls in his arms and walked out of the warehouse.

"Beautiful, it seems that I don't sleep with you a lot today, I'm really sorry for Yun'er's ingenuity!"

(End of this chapter)

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