My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1633 How to go up and down

Chapter 1633 How to go up and down

The next day.

The sun was high, Liu Dashao's back was sore and her legs didn't hurt, and a tired and refreshed figure came out of Qi Yun's boudoir.

Young Master Liu just moved his body. The three sisters Qi Ya, Qing Lian, and Ling Wei leaned out and looked around the yard. Seeing that there were no maids coming in and out, they trotted towards their yard like thieves and go.

Young Master Liu stared narrowly at the stealthy shadows of the three women, and shrugged helplessly.

It's not once or twice, so it looks like this in my own home!

This is not something that violates human relations. The husband and wife rest together, no one can say anything, and it is reasonable to sue the heavenly court.

"Hello Daddy!"

Young Master Liu moved his waist, and Liu Yaoyao's tender and soft voice came from beside him. Young Master Liu smiled and turned around to look, only to see Liu Yaoyao in a decent fringed skirt, with a medicine box on her shoulders. Fang Xiang was about to leave the house.

Seeing his daughter, First Young Master Liu's eyes narrowed into crescents.

"Good girl, go to give free medical treatment to the common people again."

"That's right, my mentor said that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Only when you are familiar with various diseases can you prescribe effective, fast and accurate medicines when you practice medicine in the future."

"Yaoyao is so good, you will definitely become a little genius doctor, remember to come back early and don't stay out too late!"

"Mmm, Yaoyao knows"

As Liu Yaoyao spoke, she stopped, stared quietly at her father's face for a while, and then, amid Young Master Liu's stunned expression, grabbed her father's wrist and began to feel her pulse.

After a while, Liu Yaoyao opened the small medicine box and took out the Four Treasures of the Study, wrote a piece of rice paper and handed it to First Young Master Liu.

"Daddy, these are some medicines for nourishing yin and tonifying yang. You ask the servants to boil them over a martial fire, boil three bowls of water into half a bowl, and then take it. It will do you some good."

"In the future, you can be crazy, but don't be too crazy, and look at your body correctly, you know?"

"If it weren't for the internal energy in your body that nourishes your internal organs, tsk tsk. Yaoyao might have to change her father!"

"Yaoyao has something to do, let's go first, see you again, Daddy!"

Young Master Liu looked at the back of Liu Yaoyao who disappeared into the corridor, looked down at the prescription prescribed by his own daughter in his hand, and trembled a few times at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, 1 alpacas galloped by.

"Yun'er, which bastard made Yaoyao go to study medicine back then?"

Qi Yun's lazy and charming voice came from the room: "Husband let it go by yourself, what are you talking about, doctors and parents care about it."


First Young Master Liu looked embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

It was too late to say anything. My daughter had already embarked on the road of practicing medicine, and she seemed to be very interested. It seemed that the possibility of persuading her to change careers seemed unlikely.

Young Master Liu was hesitant to accept his daughter's prescription, when a strange whistle sounded, Young Master Liu's expression changed slightly, he stuffed the prescription into his sleeve, looked around and walked towards the study.

After a cup of tea, Young Master Liu's second brother Ling Yang appeared in the study, and put a few notes on the table in front of Liu Mingzhi.

Young Master Liu looked at Ling Yang, who had a cold face and was not polite to him at all. He picked up the tea and drank it by himself, picked up the note and flipped through it.

After reading the few notes, First Young Master Liu's expression was neither sad nor happy, and his eyes were so calm that he couldn't see any meaning.

"Is the situation true?"

"It's hard to say, but I think it shouldn't be groundless. The time is short, so I can only investigate these things."

Liu Mingzhi got up and started pacing in the study room. After a long time, Liu Mingzhi heard that the pen in the study room was writing on the rice paper, and the three words appeared vividly on the paper in the blink of an eye.

Liu Mingzhi put down his hair, looked at the three characters on the rice paper and muttered.

"Ren Wenyue!"

"My young master, why don't you believe it so much? A governor of Chengzhou from the third rank, even if his daughter Ren Qingrui was conferred the title of empress and then transferred to the capital at the same level, she is just a moderate official among the six departments and nine temples. , even the status of the head of the country is only a false title from the second rank, although there are not many officials on the first rank and the second rank in the imperial court, there will definitely be no fewer."

"A prince surnamed Li can't make any trouble in the hands of these important ministers. He is a small head of the country as Wenyue, and he is not worth mentioning at all!"

"What's more, the left minister, the right minister, and Xia Yushi are the auxiliary ministers appointed by Ruizong. The three-year period has only passed one and a half years. Even if Ren Wenyue has the ability to overthrow the river, if it falls into the hands of the three of them, they will not be able to overturn it." What waves."

"Especially in the capital city, the relationship is intricate, and the number of officials involved is unclear. Ren Wenyue is a tiger coming out of the mountain, and he has to lie down obediently when he arrives in the dragon land of the capital city. I really don't believe it. Ren Wenyue can be qualified Do things that interfere with my food and grass in northern Xinjiang."

"This is state affairs. Even if the brothers of the late emperor want to intervene in the food and grass of the Northern Expedition Army, they have to weigh whether they have the qualifications."

"A foreign relative, you think highly of him."

"However, things should not be too absolute. There may be something about Ren Wenyue, but the person behind the scenes will definitely not be Ren Wenyue. He has no such qualifications."

"I dare to make a fuss about a national important matter such as collecting food and grass from the north. This young master has only left Beijing for half a year. When did such a dragon appear in the capital!"

"Who is behind the scenes? Is there something wrong with Liu Mingzhi who wants to take the opportunity to punish me, or is there something wrong with Lord Yasukuni and the others?"

Ling Yang thought for a while, then put the teacup back.

"Not necessarily. As the saying goes, the town of beauties is the tomb of heroes. Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty. It is rumored that although our current empress is not very old, she is charming and beautiful, as beautiful as a fairy."

"Although Li Ye is enthroned as emperor with your full support, he is still only a 17-year-old boy."

"The mind is not yet sound, and it's just a matter of course to indulge in beauty. We were different when we were sixteen or seventeen years old! Being coaxed by women like that makes our bones weak, so why not promise something!"

"Maybe, our good Majesty has fallen for the empress's beauty trap!"

"Your majestic king doesn't care about Ren Wenyue's face, and first-rank officials don't have to sell Ren Wenyue's face, but what about officials of second rank or below? Do they dare?"

"Although the head of the country is just someone else's father-in-law, it depends on whose father-in-law it is."

"As the saying goes, if you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, who will let the people stand behind you today? Once a small power is formed, coupled with the wind blowing by the empress's pillow, officials who did not sell Wenyue's face in the past I also have to restrain myself, or even if it is Zaifu who is left or right, I have to pay attention to it."

"The auxiliary minister sounds really good, but after all, isn't it His Majesty who can be the master of the family?"

"Foxes really don't have any skills, but you can't stop them from pretending to be tigers!"

"At the very least, before Ren Wenyue had nothing to do with the Empress Empress Ren Qingrui, he had already sat on the position of governor of a prefecture by his own ability."

"Do you think a person with no means can reach this position?"

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes, and slapped his palm heavily on the table, suddenly even the cold-faced Ling Yang jumped.

Liu Mingzhi sat down on the chair carelessly, with gloomy eyes.

"If the matter of food and grass is only caused by Ren Wenyue alone, I have nothing to worry about. I am afraid that a lot of people who shouldn't appear will be involved in the back!"

Ling Yang stared blankly: "What do you mean, Ren Wenyue is the head of the country today, and he is already considered a proud figure in the court, so don't be careless."

"Hmph! Dare to make a fuss about my food and grass. I don't care if you are the head of the country. Once the young master finds out the real evidence, after the war is over, I will go to the Palace of Qinzheng and crush his head Ren Wenyue in front of all civil and military officials. Pay homage to the heroic spirit in heaven of my northern Xinjiang boy!"

"Shh, be careful that walls have ears. Ren Wenyue is always the emperor's father-in-law. Once it gets out, it will be very bad for you! When the wind blows by the empress's bedside, the unlucky one is you!"

Liu Mingzhi glared at Ling Yang coldly, stroking the pine and cypress ring around his waist and crackling his fists.

"Then even the queen will be abolished!"

"Li Yeruo is really obsessed with beauty and listened to slander, so he is so stupid that he misled the country!"

"My young master can make him enthroned as emperor, and his younger brother Li Tao can be enthroned as emperor!"

"In the final analysis, what Dalong needs is a Mingjun. As for who it is, does it matter?"

"If things are really as stated in the information above, Li Ye dares to turn against me because of a demon girl."

"How did he sit on the throne, this young master will let him sit down!"

(End of this chapter)

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