Chapter 1634
Ling Yang stared blankly at Young Master Liu who was speechless for a long time, not knowing how to answer.

He knew that his brother had become a little different from before, and his temperament became more and more dignified with the promotion of the official position, but Ling Yang never thought that his brother would become like this.

In Ling Yang's impression of Young Master Liu, Liu Mingzhi is someone who would never say such a thing!
A name appeared in the mind of Ling Yang who could not take his own way.

Cao Cao, the Cao Cao who coerced the emperor to make the princes.

However, Liu Mingzhi's various behaviors are completely different from Cao Cao who coerced the emperor to make the princes.

You say that he wants to become a king on his own, and everything he does is for the Dalong court. You say that he is loyal to the emperor and patriotic, but his current words and deeds are not loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

Shouldn't Emperor be a sacred title?Why did it become so so in the mouth of the third brother?
Ling Yang thought for a long time, but he didn't know what words to use to describe it.

If he couldn't be a wise king, he asked his brother to do it. When would it be easier to change the emperor, the ninety-five-year-old king of a country, than to abolish the crown prince of a country!

"Second brother."

"Second brother."

"Second brother!"

"Ah? What are you talking about!"

In Young Master Liu's third louder voice, Ling Yang finally came back to his senses and looked at Young Master Liu with complicated eyes, not knowing what to say. what kind of person.

Even though he was two years younger than himself, why did he feel as powerless when facing him as when facing his second uncle Liu Zhi'an.

The feeling that the winning ticket is in his hands, and everything is calculated to the bone, makes him breathless!

The most important thing is that the third brother's current aura is completely different from that of the second uncle Liu Zhi'an. The second uncle is the kind of person who can't be seen through or guessed.

But the third brother gave people a kind of feeling. Ling Yang didn't know how to describe it for a while.

"Third brother, do you have any orders?"

Liu Mingzhi lifted a pot and poured a cup of tea for Ling Yang: "Is this information the information of the brothers in charge, or the information found by Liu Ye under the old man's hands?"

Ling Yang, who was about to serve tea, froze, and looked at Young Master Liu with an embarrassed smile, which was rarely seen on Wannian Bingkuang's face.

"The information about Liu Ye, our foundation is still not as strong as the strength of Liu Ye in the hands of the second uncle!"

"However, the brothers have been working hard to develop their own strength. Liu Ye is the foundation that uncle has accumulated with real money. Most of your money has been invested in those firearms in the East China Sea. The money for the development of the two departments is limited. The bigger the hole, the harder it is!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded regretfully: "Understood, since the old man has already worked hard, let him work hard on the rest."

"See if we can investigate the real evidence of these things. Once the evidence is found, find a way to collect Ren Wenyue's criminal evidence."

"If Ren Wenyue really wants to play with me, my young master will never stop with him."

"I lead my brothers to fight for the country. You fucking dare to trip me up. If I can let him go, I won't be Liu Mingzhi!"

"Okay, I will send a letter to my uncle as soon as possible, asking him to investigate the specific situation of this matter!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, took a sip of tea, and looked at Ling Yang with complicated eyes: "Are the old man and mother okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm in good health. I just miss your children. Without the noisy voices of their siblings at home, it's suddenly deserted! Mingli's children are too young to fill Chengfeng's. The love of grandparents!"

"Hey, as the saying goes, if my parents are not traveling far, I owe my family too much!"

"It would have been great if I hadn't been admitted to fame back then. Then I should still be living in the south of the Yangtze River with a beautiful wife and beautiful concubines, and a life of drunkenness and dreaming."

"From the little Yuanwailang to the current side-by-side king, I think there is no chance to get out."

"I have made too many enemies, I can only keep calculating and keep going!"

"I really don't know when this kind of day will be the end of the gods."

"If I ignore it, it's like letting others put a knife on my neck!"

"Let's not talk about that, you can pass the letter to the old man first, let him find out the situation as soon as possible and let me know, the current food and grass can't last long!"

"Okay, I'm right, I almost forgot!"

Ling Yang, who was about to get up and leave, took out a thick envelope from his arms and patted it in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"Uncle asked me to give it to you!"


"300 million taels of silver notes!"

Liu Mingzhi was startled, and sighed silently, remembering the old man smiling and cursing at him, he didn't know what to say.

I'm over 30, and I still have to rely on my father to do everything. How can I be so useless while I'm alive.

"Why did you give so much again?"

"Second Uncle said, once the war broke out, business was in a downturn. He gave you 500 million taels last time. He has to think about Mingli and Mingjie. He can only give you 100 million taels first!"

"Uncle knows the importance of food and grass to you. If you ask the quartermaster to turn around a little bit elsewhere for 100 million taels, it should be able to last for a while."

"Now you can't always count on the imperial court. Even if you are full of anger, you are far away from the northern border. Let's get over the difficulties in front of us first!"

"What about the remaining 200 million taels?"

"Marquis Zhu Run of Guannei gave you dividends from your business. You have not been at home, so he can only send the bank notes to his uncle! This should not be the case, but because of the war, most of the money has been trapped, he said. I will find a way to replenish you after I recover later!"

Liu Mingzhi didn't shirk, and put away the thick envelope.

"Pig head, it's not in vain for me to give him a hand!"

"I've accepted the bank note, go pass the letter to the old man!"


After Ling Yang left, Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and sat quietly in the study for a long time, then he opened his eyes suddenly, revealing a gleam of light.


"It seems that I have to do something, otherwise I will be too passive if I go on like this!"

"Father, big brother, if you are alive, please protect Li Ye and me from the end of tit for tat!"

After muttering to himself, Liu Mingzhi got up and walked towards the door. After closing the door, he changed direction and walked towards the courtyard of the third princess Li Yan.

After stepping into the courtyard, the third princess was teaching her son Liu Chengqian to read. Hearing the sound of her husband's footsteps, the third princess hurriedly got up and greeted her. She looked at her husband with a smile full of tenderness.

"Husband, why are you here as a concubine? Sister Yun, have you comforted me?"

"Don't worry, I've calmed down, I have something to tell you when I come to you!"

Liu Mingzhi sat on the stone bench, and Liu Chengqian subconsciously shrank his neck and called daddy respectfully.

First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and patted Liu Chengqian on the forehead: "Boy, Dad, I'm not a man-eating tiger, why are you so scared?"

Liu Chengqian smiled resentfully, and kept talking to himself, you always know.

Tiger poison doesn't eat children, why do you teach our three brothers like this, use the guy to forget about it, and you still have tricks, I don't know that you always beat other people's children!

Looking at Liu Chenggan's rolling eyes, Young Master Liu knew that this guy had nothing good to say.

He kicked Liu Chengqian's ass: "Go and play with your elder brother and second brother, I have something to talk to your mother about!"

Liu Chengqian was taken aback for a moment, then nodded joyfully when he came back to his senses, and walked out of the courtyard cheering as he tossed his books away.

The third princess shook her head helplessly, and sat opposite Young Master Liu.

"Husband, you can't spoil him, children must be taught well, so as not to spoil them in the future!"

Liu Mingzhi touched the envelope in his arms softly with his eyes: "It should be beaten hard, and it should hurt even if it hurts. After all, it is our own child. How can there be a father who doesn't love his child!"

"Only by raising a child will you know the kindness of your parents, so let's go wherever we go!"

"Let's not talk about that, I came to you for my husband because of something else."

"Husband, tell me, I'm listening!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced around cautiously, hugged the third princess into his arms and sat down. Although the third princess was a little shy, she didn't say anything.

Liu Mingzhi took out the note Ling Yang gave him from his cuff and handed it to the third princess, and whispered in the ear of the third princess Bai Nen.

After about a stick of incense, the three princesses tremblingly looked at the paper in their hands, and slapped the stone table with their slender hands.

"Confused, extremely confused, if that's the case, Ye'er is too confused!"

"Even dare to tamper with the food and grass of the Northern Expedition Army, Ren Wenyue is a man who deserves no punishment!"

"It's just chaos!"

"What does my husband want my concubine to do for you?"

Liu Mingzhi moved closer to the third princess's ear and began to order, and the third princess nodded frequently to show that she understood.

"Yan'er, the old man will secretly arrange for your safety as a husband. After meeting the queen mother, do what I tell you to do!"

"I understand, so I don't need to bother my father-in-law, Ye'er, how dare he do anything to this aunt, my concubine!"

(End of this chapter)

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