My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1635 Subjective and Objective

Chapter 1635 Subjective and Objective
The next day, as the sound of the horn spread throughout the city of Yingzhou, Liu Mingzhi put on his armor and hurried towards the gate of the mansion.

The sound of such an urgent horn meant that the infantry reinforcements from Yunzhou had arrived as scheduled one day earlier, and naturally Liu Mingzhi would not delay the important military affairs because of indulging in the warmth of his home.

After talking to Qi Yun, Liu Mingzhi led his horse out. At the same time, several carriages outside the gate of the mansion, which were not luxurious but exuded nobleness, slowly drove towards the east gate.

The third princess, Li Yan, was escorted by the five hundred elite soldiers of the royal palace and made a detour to the south of Jeju to return to Beijing to visit her relatives.

As for the purpose of the third princess returning to Beijing to visit her relatives, only Liu Mingzhi and she can understand.

Liu Mingzhi watched the convoy of the third princess disappearing at the corner of the street, gestured to several corners outside the mansion, and then galloped away.

Not long after Liu Mingzhi left, a few majestic golden eagles flew out of the palace, circled over the palace for a few times, and then soared towards the capital.

When Liu Mingzhi arrived at the general's mansion, the mansion was full of voices and voices, and there was an endless stream of generals going in and out of the mansion gate.

Some Liu Mingzhi were familiar, while some Liu Mingzhi didn't know each other at all.

It is human nature not to know each other, if Liu Mingzhi can call out the names of all the generals and generals of the hundreds of thousands of troops, then there is a ghost.

Liu Mingzhi handed the reins to the personal guards of the general's mansion, and walked towards the mansion with the sword hilt in his hand.

After arriving at the martial arts arena, familiar figures came into view, Yunyang, Yunchong, Nangong Ye, Dongfang Ming, Lu Chengjie...
Dozens of generals, big and small, were almost all acquainted with Liu Mingzhi, and quite a few had dealt with them.

At this time, these veteran generals who rarely get together are greeting each other. After all, the guards in northern Xinjiang are not allowed to leave the defense line privately. Except for the rest at the end of the year, these old brothers rarely have the opportunity to get together at this time.

Liu Mingzhi stopped in his tracks and let out a hum. Only then did the people who were exchanging greetings realize Young Master Liu's figure. They hurriedly stopped their greetings and greeted Liu Mingzhi hand in hand.

"The last general waits to see the side-by-side king!"

All the generals saluted Young Master Liu together, even if the old man Yunyang was among them, Liu Zhian would call Yunyang uncle according to his seniority, let alone Liu Mingzhi.

However, this was temporarily designated as an important place for military aircraft, and Yunyang was Liu Mingzhi's subordinate, so saluting was only a matter of course.

No matter how young Liu Mingzhi was, he was always a feudal lord proclaimed by the imperial court. This is not private. Yunyang disrespects the prince. Once he falls into the wrong hands, he can easily be accused of disrespecting the imperial court.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded, without putting on any airs: "My colleagues, please forgive me!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

"Colleagues, please take your seats!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the Martial Arts Field where hundreds of people had been added and walked towards the sand table.

"Everyone, I have already said what I need to say two days ago. Now that all the soldiers and horses of our Great Dragon Northern Border are here, it is time for us to counterattack the joint forces of the two countries."

"This king has decided that after the soldiers in Yunzhou have rested for a day, the army will set off tomorrow morning and go south to retake our city occupied by the two countries!"

Yunyang looked at Young Master Liu who was a little high-spirited and hesitated for a moment, stood up, and walked slowly towards the sand table.

"My lord, I have a question at the end, may I ask my lord if I can clear up my doubts?"

Liu Mingzhi turned around to look at Xiang Yunyang, his attitude was not arrogant, and he didn't put his airs down too low, which meant that he was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Yun Shuai has any doubts, but it's okay to say!"

Yunyang glanced at the flag on the sand table, and then got a general idea of ​​the current situation south of Yingzhou.

"My lord, may I ask if we go south to seize the city and wait for the recruits from the imperial court and the reinforcements from the Western Regions to attack the city together, or is it just our six guards from the northern border and the six guards from the new army to take back the city by ourselves?"

Liu Mingzhi waved to some generals around him, signaling them to walk towards the sand table.

Although the generals were puzzled, they walked over without hesitation.

Before all the generals gathered on the sand table, Liu Mingzhi picked up the bamboo pole and waved it on the sand table.

"Before you rushed to Yingzhou to help, this king has already sent ten urgent documents to the Ministry of War and the imperial court. So far, this king has not received any reply."

"Whether the recruits can join forces with us in northern Xinjiang as scheduled is still an unknown thing!"

"Marquis Protector Zhang Kuang is also aware of this matter, so far, I have no choice but to tell you the truth!"

"Perhaps the recruits will come, but no one can guarantee the exact time. There must be something that we don't know about in the court. Right now we can't get away. This king thinks that this national war may depend on us to a large extent. Already!"

After hearing Liu Mingzhi's words, Nangong Ye and other generals frowned slightly and looked at Zhang Kuang. Seeing Zhang Kuang nodding helplessly, they looked at each other a few times, not knowing what to say.

The court's reinforcements could not arrive as scheduled, which was tantamount to a bolt from the blue for a group of generals who rushed to join forces full of confidence.

The battle in the wild has been difficult under the tacit joint forces of the two countries. Now that the two countries have formally joined forces and have taken advantage of the city, no one has the slightest confidence in their hearts just relying on the current troops.

All the people present were veterans who had defended northern Xinjiang for many years, and they couldn't be more aware of the loss of the siege battle.

Even in the open field, the casualties can be one to one, and the siege battle must pay at least three times the casualties of the enemy.

Nangong Ye pondered for a moment: "My lord, since there is a great possibility that the reinforcements from the imperial court will not arrive as promised, why do you still order Commander Zhang Mo and the reinforcements from the Western Regions to harass the hinterlands of the two countries?"

"Although they can be invincible in the hinterland of the two countries because of their military strength, it also greatly increases our difficulties here!"

"Originally we don't have an advantage in military strength. Although there are many troops, the elites are not too many!"

"Now there are about 80 joint troops from the two countries, and they occupy as many as [-] cities south of Yingzhou. We only have half of their troops. The field battle has been suppressed by them because of the strength of the troops, not to mention the siege. Bisan's attrition battle?"

"It's not nice to say the last general, it's no different from letting the brothers go to die!"

"The final general really can't figure it out. Since the prince has sent reinforcements from the Western Regions, why doesn't he let them go south with us to capture the city? Wouldn't it be more confident in this way?"

Nangong Ye's words made the faces of the generals around him a little heavy, and they subconsciously glanced at Liu Mingzhi's expression.

Liu Mingzhi didn't get angry because of Nangong Ye's words, he knew in his heart that Nangong Ye just asked his own question, maybe it wasn't just Nangong Ye's question, everyone present was full of puzzlement.

Liu Mingzhi set the bamboo pole on the sand table where the treasury of Yingzhou was, and glanced at everyone.

"Do you know what we are most in need of right now?"

Zhang Kuang understood Liu Mingzhi's meaning after a little thought, and said loudly: "Food!"

Seeing everyone's puzzled eyes, Zhang Kuang sighed with a bad expression: "We have been asking for food and grass for half a year, but the imperial court only brought in two months' worth of food and grass. Now that so many soldiers have been added, the food and grass are even more in short supply. !"

Liu Mingzhi glanced lightly and frowned, and the thoughtful crowd smiled faintly.

"Now do you understand what this king wants Zhang Fushuai and the others to go to Turkic, and Jin Guo's intention?"

"King of Jin, the Turks occupied our cities not only to reverse the geographical situation, but also to cut off the food and grass supply line behind us. You can understand by looking at the cities they occupied!"

"These fifteen cities are interlocking, which can not only play a role in supporting each other, but at the same time, the location of these fifteen cities can be said to completely cut off all the nearest routes for us to replenish food and grass!"

"They intercept our grain and grass, and we intercept their grain and grass to supplement ourselves."

"At the same time, they don't know that they have actually fallen behind virtually!"

"What does your lord mean?"

"My lord, please speak up!"

Liu Mingzhi took out the note he had sorted out from his arms and placed it in front of Yunyang and the others.

"Because not only our reinforcements may not arrive as scheduled, but it is also unknown whether the food and grass will arrive in time!"

"We can't intercept our food and grass, and we have intercepted their food and grass again. When the food and grass are difficult to support, who do you think is more anxious?"

Everyone picked up the note and passed it to each other, looking shocked and angry. They glanced at Liu Mingzhi with a gloomy expression and looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Could it be that the imperial court has become so chaotic that they can't even support the food and grass of the Northern Expedition Army?
Liu Mingzhi tapped the sand table lightly, motioning for everyone to return to their senses.

"The troop strength Nangong Shuai just mentioned is nothing more than someone's subjective reason!"

"But the victory or defeat of a battle is related to the strength of the troops, but it is not an absolute thing. There are many other factors that need to be considered!"

"Meeting on narrow roads, the brave wins!"

"The brave meet, the wise win!"

"Strength is very important, but it also depends on how to use it!"

(End of this chapter)

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