Chapter 1636
Liu Mingzhi's words made everyone even more puzzled. Although the military strength is not as good as that of the two countries' coalition forces, it seems that they can surely win after hearing what the prince said.

Young Master Liu's side Zhang Kuang, these veterans, although they are all rude warriors in the eyes of literati, but they are all people who are familiar with military books, and naturally they are very familiar with the wars in the history books that win more with less.

If you ask them to say the meaning in the Analects of Confucius, they may be confused. If you ask them to talk about some classic battle examples above the book of war, they can talk for a long time.

The time, place, and strength of troops are guaranteed to be accurate.

Everyone couldn't help muttering, did Liu Mingzhi already have the unique method to turn the crisis into safety and win more with less?

Otherwise, why did Liu Mingzhi so swear that military strength is only a factor in determining victory or defeat.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the group of people who had different thoughts and thought secretly and smiled, and didn't want to make any more fools.

He knocked on the sand table to signal everyone to come back to their senses, and sure enough, when they came back to their senses, they all stared at First Young Master Liu with piercing eyes, waiting for his next words.

Liu Mingzhi threw the bamboo pole on the sand table, and walked around the sand table with his hands behind his back, like a gold medal lecturer.

"Everyone, as we all know, my great dragon has always been famous for its skillful craftsmen, and the troops it forged made the Turks and the Kingdom of Jin envious. However, due to our strict defense, they have missed my great dragon for a long time, but they have not been able to do what they always wanted! "

"On the other hand, the Kingdom of Jin, since their founding a hundred years ago, has been perseveringly learning from my great dragon, gradually settling down from the nomadic peoples, taking advantage of the weakening of our country's strength, and only now has it established today's foundation from a small country that lives in a corner !"

"However, the innovation of our Han family's military equipment is increasing day by day, and the Kingdom of Jin has long been far behind. The Kingdom of Jin has repeatedly sent spies into our Dalong, wanting to obtain the classics of our Dalong's forging weapons to learn!"

"Fortunately, we have strictly guarded against their actions. Although the Kingdom of Jin has made some occasional gains over the years, it has never been able to handle the essence of military equipment."

"Although the weapons cast are good, they are far inferior to the craftsmanship of our Dalong craftsmen."

"Even so, the weapons of the Kingdom of Jin have always been something that the Turks are passionate about, because compared to the weapons of the people of the Kingdom of Jin, the Turkic people's ability to smelt weapons is even worse!"

"The Kingdom of Jin is stronger than they are good at learning. Although they haven't learned all about my Dalong, the nomadic habits of half of them still make them invincible in the angle between the Turks and us!"

"The Turks have always been known for their invincible Turkic cavalry in the wild. Their superb equestrian skills and accurate archery almost made up for their disadvantages in terms of poor military equipment."

"Looking at our big dragon soldiers again, although our soldiers are strong and our horses are strong, our disadvantages of war horses still make it impossible for us to completely annihilate the Turks and the Kingdom of Jin under our offensive!"

"They can't beat us and retreat north immediately, and our horses can't catch up with theirs, let alone the two legs of the soldiers behind the heavy armor?"

"Nowadays, the fundamental reason why we are able to go out of the city to fight on a large scale is nothing more than the reason for the border trade, and the reason why the Western Regions provide us with high-quality war horses!"

"This commander has no other meaning in saying these things. He just wants to tell you brothers that we are confronting the two countries outside the city. The reason why we are struggling is that the civil strife in the court caused a shortage of troops, and the recruits from the court could not be replenished in time!"

"Marshal Nangong also said just now that the reason for the field combat force has suffered a big loss, let alone a siege battle?"

"Because the brothers are all veterans who have experienced many battles, and they know that the price to pay for attacking the city is far more severe than that for defending the city. They used more than 40 troops to attack the 80 elite troops defending the city. Do you want the brothers to die for no apparent reason?"

"However, brothers, you only think about the inadequacy of our own troops, but you ignore one of the most important issues."

Some people seem to have come to their senses, while others still look puzzled.

Liu Mingzhi picked up a small flag and planted it on the sand table in Guzhou: "Just now the king said that the Turkic people have always been famous for their cavalry and are famous all over the world!"

"Although they now have a good location, they have given up the advantage they are most proud of, and that is their riding and shooting skills!"

"Turkic people without horses, are they still called Turkic cavalry? How can they be invincible?"

"Some brothers should think about it, even if the Turkic people dismounted from their horses and mounted the city as infantry, we still attack the city with infantry, not cavalry!"

"But brothers, don't forget that our big dragon has a siege weapon that neither the Turks nor the Jin Kingdom can match!"

"How powerful our artillery is to attack the city, don't I need to tell my brothers one by one?"

"In field battles, the reason why our artillery has repeatedly failed is nothing more than the speed of the cavalry's attack, and the artillery shells can't hit the enemy accurately at all!"

"But after they turned into pawns, they gathered on the city wall? Have you ever thought about what will happen if you fall into a densely populated phalanx?"

First Young Master Liu raised his fist and opened it suddenly.


"A dozen enemies turned into corpses."

"Now we have all the soldiers and horses of the old twelve guards in the new northern Xinjiang, have you counted how many artillery pieces?"

"You haven't counted. This king told you that there are more than 1000 cannons!"

"The new and old-fashioned cannons add up to more than 1000 and more than [-] pieces!"

"Even if the old-fashioned artillery that is bulky and difficult to use is removed, there are as many as seven hundred new artillery pieces."

"Seven hundred cannons can't hit the fast-charging cavalry, can't they also hit the infantry gathered on the city wall?"

"You have to tell me that you are not good enough. I think you should stop being a soldier as soon as possible, and go home and help your mother nurse your children!"

The generals who had been staying in northern Xinjiang to resist the Turkic Jin Kingdom were only a little moved, but they hadn't realized the power of the artillery in Liu Mingzhi's words. When thousands of miles aided the capital to attack the capital, the six guards of the new army all looked at Young Master Liu with fanatical eyes!
Especially the soldiers of the Six Guards of the New Army, the scene when the capital was almost bombed by artillery was still fresh in their memory.

If Young Master Liu didn't want to destroy the foundation left by his ancestors and ordered the soldiers to attack the city, hundreds of cannons would have knocked down one of the four gates of the capital in a daze.

"Another point is the problem of the city!"

"You know, the specifications of our Dalong's city construction have strict regulations, not all the cities are as large as our cities in the six cities of northern Xinjiang!"

"Those cities occupied by the coalition forces of the two countries, the largest Jingzhou is only three feet six in height. Compared with our Yingzhou, it is simply too small! It is much easier to attack. Not all cities are It can be called the gate of the country!"

"Brothers, in field battles, the Turks of the Kingdom of Jin relied on cavalry that was several times stronger than ours, which made us suffer a lot!"

"Now, they take the initiative to defend as pawns. It's time for us to show our talents."

"At that time, you will follow the king to the south to seize the city, revenge for those who have vengeance, and revenge for those who have grievances."

"Some literati often think that the nobles and nobles in the Manchu Dynasty are all scholars!"

"Hey, my mother doesn't believe in this evil anymore, I just want to take you to teach those scholars a good lesson, let them know that they can get fame immediately."

"What happened to the ten-year cold window, I was just a little sixth-rank Hanlin scholar when I first came out!"

"I'll directly take you to kill a Marquis of Wanhu who is on the same rank as the second rank, and make him a Marquis and worship General Guangzong Yaozu."

"You may not be able to wear a purple robe for ten years as the champion of the new department, but I can make you rank in the second class in one battle!"

"Let those scholars see, we rude warriors can still scold their wives with staring eyes."

"Brothers, do you dare to have a bloody fight with this king!"

"Shoulder with Wang Mighty, go south to seize the city, thousands of years old!"

"Shoulder with Wang Mighty, go south to seize the city, thousands of years old!"

"Shoulder with Wang Mighty, go south to seize the city, thousands of years old!"

Hundreds of generals pulled out their weapons from their waists and held them high in their hands, looking at First Young Master Liu with fanatical eyes, and shouted.

Liu Mingzhi pulled out the Heavenly Sword from his hand and waved it twice, looking around at the enthusiastic generals around him.

"Ten years ago, we had so few cavalry that we dared to fight their cavalry with infantry!"

"Now they are also pawns. Brothers, tell me that their advantages are gone. We have nothing to fear!"

"Since ancient times, when it comes to using troops and attacking cities, we have always belonged to the grandparents."

"Brothers, this king orders you to take your brothers and tell the Turkic people and the Jin people that in terms of infantry, only our big dragon can walk sideways in the whole world!"

"All generals obey orders!"

"I will obey orders!"

"My king orders you to prepare your army quickly for battle. Tomorrow morning, the army will set off and go south to seize the city, drive the Turkic Jin Kingdom out of our northern border, and fight back to our hometown!"

"We will obey the king's order!"

Hundreds of generals put their troops into their sheaths, spontaneously lined up and walked quickly towards the outside of the general's mansion, aiming at the camps of the various ministries.

During the cup of tea time, only Nangong Ye and other northern Xinjiang veterans were left standing around the sand table in the densely populated martial arts arena.

I don't know how long it took, more than a dozen people finally came to their senses, looking at the empty martial arts arena, they didn't know what to say.

Zhou Baoyu, Ye Baotong, and Cheng Kai, the old people who had been with Young Master Liu for many years, were not surprised at all, but Zhang Kuang and the others were in a different mood.

Looking at Young Master Liu putting his sword into its sheath, the inexplicable meaning in his eyes flashed away, and they looked at each other subconsciously!
They finally understood the reason why the 30 new troops were so rebellious and rebellious before they had time to go to the north.

No wonder those six guards of the new army who went to Yunzhou and Jeju to support the other two cities, when the general waved the flag, those soldiers rushed up bravely without fear of death!

Young Master Liu's ability to incite people's hearts is simply too terrifying, and today they finally opened their eyes.

General Dalong's morale was low due to his military strength, but when Liu Mingzhi yelled at him like this, his morale became so excited.

It is as easy to deal with as if the enemy army that invaded the hinterland of Dalong was not 80 people but eight people!
The few people had no doubts that if Liu Mingzhi asked them to come up and beat up some of his generals just now, they wouldn't hesitate at all!
Nangong Ye and Yunyang looked at each other complicatedly, looking at the empty chairs around them and didn't know what to say.

Nearly half of the generals are on the left, and the generals on the right, why should he call out the general in the middle, you don’t even ask for your life, and you go to prepare for the battle with a murderous spirit!
Who are you soldiers under?
Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and rubbed his hands: "Seniors, your morale is high, and you will go south to seize the city tomorrow morning!"

"This king wants you to take a good look at what it means to close the door and beat the dog!"

"I have been arrogant for so long relying on the advantage of the cavalry, it is time to pay back the debt!"

(End of this chapter)

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