My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1637 Favors Are Not Enough

Chapter 1637 Favors Are Not Enough

Yun Yang and the others listened to Young Master Liu's confident words, and they couldn't say anything more. What's the point of saying what they want to say. The generals under his command were all fooled by others to prepare for the war, and now they ordered to withdraw Isn't it too childish!
Military orders like mountains are not such a simple thing to talk about.

For generals, it is most taboo to change the order from day to day, as this will have a great impact on the morale and morale of the army.

Moreover, Yunyang, Nangong Ye and the others had to admit that once Liu Mingzhi ordered the two of them, the two of them could not stop, and there was not much difference in the final result.

Although Liu Mingzhi passed them directly just now, his general's morale has been greatly improved.

The reason why everyone has such a reaction is nothing more than two words.


If this battle is successful, Liu Mingzhi will be worthy of the name of the king of northern Xinjiang.

With this victory, Liu Mingzhi's prestige in the 27 prefectures and 150 states of northern Xinjiang will reach a peak that no one can match.

Yun Yangqi caressed his beard and sighed silently. He no longer dared to think about how the court would appease a vassal who owns half the country if Liu Mingzhi had the heart of disobedience.

People in Yunyang are old and sophisticated, so they naturally think about many things. The strange look in the eyes of Nangong Ye and others also did not escape Yunyang's gaze. He knew that there should be more than one person who had such worrying thoughts.

Yunyang cleared his throat inadvertently, and walked towards First Young Master Liu with a warm expression.

"My lord, if this national war is won, the Turkic and Jin kingdoms will never be able to fight again for 30 years. After the war is over, what is your plan?"

As soon as Yunyang finished speaking, everyone's eyes fell on Liu Mingzhi, not only Zhang Kuang, the veterans of northern Xinjiang, Song Qing, Cheng Kai, and the old brothers who were beside Young Master Liu looked at their commander with piercing eyes .

What Yunyang said was exactly what they wanted to know urgently.

Liu Mingzhi paused slightly when he was about to put on the Heavenly Sword, pretending not to feel the gazes of the crowd, and continued to wear the Heavenly Sword with a light smile.

"If God gives us the opportunity to continue going north, we will naturally fight with all our strength to help His Majesty rule the world."

"What if the imperial court can't support it? The consumption of food and grass for millions of troops is not a small amount. What's more, pensions and salaries are added together. Even if the treasury fully supports us to continue the northern expedition, we will spend dozens Nian can't slow down!"

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a while and sighed: "Then write a letter to His Majesty, and follow the example of Emperor Taizu Gao to order rich gentry and rich merchants among the people to donate grain and grass to fight!"

"It's impossible not to fight, Mr. Yun, the Western side is already a problem that cannot be ignored. If the civil strife continues to stabilize, we will not only face the troubles of Jin and Turkic countries in the future!"

"Among all the people present, you, handsome, have the highest qualifications. Don't you not understand the truth that you must first settle down when fighting against the outside world?"

"In any case, there must be a winner!"

Yunyang nodded silently. He knew that Liu Mingzhi was thinking about the overall situation, and he didn't know how to refute Liu Mingzhi's words for a while.

Liu Mingzhi tidied up the flags on the sand table and looked around everyone with a light smile.

"Generals, this king intends to divide into three groups and go south to seize the city, but the forces cannot be divided too scattered. At that time, the soldiers and horses of the three groups must be front and back, and the left and right can rely on each other."

"As for which three cities to go to first, you can discuss a perfect solution. This king still has his own military affairs to deal with, so I won't continue to accompany you!"

"Deputy Marshal Song!"

"The end is here!"

"You come with me, I have an important task for you!"


Seeing the backs of Liu Mingzhi, Song Qing, and Song Qing who were walking out, Zhang Kuang hesitated for a moment and hurriedly chased after him.

"Liu Shuai wait a moment, the general wants to ask you some questions!"

"Let's talk as we go!"

"My lord, please!"

After the figures of the three disappeared, Yunyang and the others gradually pondered over the situation. It seemed that Liu Mingzhi had just kept talking about how to go north, and did not mention what to do after the victory of the war.

The answers he and others got were completely irrelevant to the questions Yunyang raised.

There was light in Yunyang's old eyes, he stared at the gate of the mansion for a moment, then walked towards the sand table stroking his beard, without saying anything more.

Yunyang knew in his heart that not only himself, but also Nangong Ye, Dongfang Ming and others gradually came to the realization.

If you get a plausible answer, just understand it in your heart, there is no need to say it out!
On the main road in the city, Liu Mingzhi looked at Zhang Kuang with a light smile: "Uncle, if you have any questions, you may as well speak up, there is no need to hide between us."

Zhang Kuang weighed it, glanced at the brigade soldiers coming and going on the street, and waited for them to walk away before slowly approaching Young Master Liu.

"Liu Shuai, after the soldiers and horses from the other five cities gathered in Yingzhou, all the supplies and equipment have been brought in, but the last general has lightly used all the equipment, especially the artillery!"

"All the artillery in the six cities of northern Xinjiang, plus the artillery that your new army's six guards carried when they went out, now add up the new and old artillery, and there are only about [-] of them that can be used at full capacity!"

"As for the new cannons, apart from the ones you brought on your second expedition, there aren't many of them. Most of the six cities are still using the first batch of cannons cast!"

"You tell the brothers that we have [-] cannons, what if we can't get them out when the army sets out tomorrow?"

"Three hundred cannons are not 300 people. This kind of thing is not a joke."

"Once a cannon exerts its maximum power, it can reach the result of siege by 300 people."

"Where did you ask the last general to send you three hundred cannons in one day?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Zhang Kuang with an anxious expression, and glanced lightly at Song Qing who was also frowning slightly!
He raised his hand and patted Zhang Kuang's shoulder, signaling him to be calm.

"Uncle, don't worry, since the commander dares to say [-] cannons, there will definitely be [-] cannons! And you will be equipped with fifty rounds of full ammunition for each cannon."

"Once the army is approaching the city, all you have to do is shoot up the cannons and destroy the city. I will make arrangements for the rest!"

"Turk, since the army of the Kingdom of Jin has entered the city to wait for death, this commander will definitely not miss this opportunity!"

"No matter what, the world must be unified this time!"

"You don't have to worry about the cannon at all, if the commander-in-chief says there will be, there will be!"

Zhang Kuang was taken aback by Liu Mingzhi's swearing appearance, he stared at First Young Master Liu for a few times, and after confirming that Liu Mingzhi was not joking, Zhang Kuang began to think in silence.

After a long time, Zhang Kuang paused, and suddenly turned his head to stare at Liu Mingzhi's side face.

Zhang Kuang grabbed First Young Master Liu and walked towards the side of the folk alley, but Song Qing didn't even react suddenly.

Song Qing came to his senses and hurriedly followed, but he didn't know how to stop him, Zhang Kuang was always his own uncle, and he couldn't do anything to him!

Zhang Kuang grabbed Liu Mingzhi's armor and pushed it against the wall, staring at First Young Master Liu with tiger eyes.

"Brat, what on earth do you want to do? I tell you, don't change your mind!"

Liu Mingzhi didn't struggle, and quietly looked at Zhang Kuang's uneasy eyes and smiled.

"Uncle, who do you take the kid for! If I had thought that way, I could have done whatever I wanted in the capital a few years ago, and who could stop me at that time!"

"In order to repay the kindness of the father and the late emperor, the boy traveled thousands of miles to help the capital, and urged His Majesty to ascend the throne as the emperor. The court gradually calmed down, and the boy tried his best to go north, just to help the dragon rule the world!"

"Uncle, you also understand the matter between Wanyan and the boy!"

"The person who will inherit the empire of the Jin Kingdom in the future is the boy's own daughter. For the sake of the court, the boy even wants to put down his own daughter's foundation. Uncle actually thinks that the boy will take the initiative to move his mind that shouldn't be moved!"

"Is Liu Mingzhi this kind of person in your heart?"

Zhang Kuang looked at Liu Mingzhi's eyes that were gradually deepening, his tiger's body shook subconsciously and let go of his clenched hands.

"Old man and old man"

Song Qing inserted between the two at the right time, looking at Zhang Kuang with a embarrassed expression.

"Uncle, the third brother is the most difficult person in this national war!"

"Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness have been a dilemma. I don't like what the third brother said just now!"

"The Kingdom of Jin will be the country and community of his own daughter Luoyue in the future. In order to help the imperial court rule the world, Luoyue came to the city to meet her father and daughter and was rejected by the third younger brother, uncle, you will not forget, right?"

"He is the generalissimo of the middle road, and he can form his own way, but in order to help you guard the country, our 30 brothers in the middle road suffered heavy casualties, and even a general died in battle!"

"How can you suspect that the third brother has the heart of disobedience!"

Zhang Kuang looked at Song Qing and didn't know what to say for a while!

Liu Mingzhi pushed Song Qing aside, and looked at Zhang Kuang calmly.

"Uncle, what is clear will be clear, and what is turbid will be turbid. Liu Mingzhi doesn't want to explain too much!"

"Liu Mingzhi will tell you frankly, I never took the initiative to do anything, believe it or not, see you tomorrow!"


Liu Mingzhi said the word initiative very forcefully, seeing the frantic and distressed expression Liu Mingzhi turned around and walked towards the main road.

Song Qing hesitated for a moment, gave Zhang Kuang an apologetic look and hurriedly chased after First Young Master Liu.

"Third brother, listen to my explanation, uncle has no other meaning!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Song Qing who had an urgent expression, raised his hand and patted the handprint on the armor, and walked towards the army camp with a gloomy gaze!

Favors are not enough!

(End of this chapter)

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