My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1638 Who lives and who dies

Chapter 1638 Who lives and who dies
Song Qing said a few words of mediation one after another, seeing that Liu Mingzhi had no intention of speaking, he fell silent.

On the one hand, there is an uncle who has a good relationship, and on the other hand, a good brother who has played together since childhood and has been born and died for more than ten years. Song Qing is caught in the middle, so it is not a dilemma.

It is inappropriate to help anyone, and it is even more inappropriate to help no one.

Song Qing didn't know what to say, she was doing well just now, how can she turn into this way and become like this!
Liu Mingzhi, the battalion of the fallen army, stopped in his tracks: "Come on!"

"I see the commander-in-chief for a humble job. I don't know what orders the commander-in-chief has?"

"Order the Artillery General Jiang Lei to gather five hundred soldiers and horses to meet me at the palace!"

"Humble job understands, humble job resigns!"

After Liu Mingzhi gave an order, he walked directly towards the Wangfu, and Song Qing followed without saying a word.

After a cup of tea, the two walked to the street in front of the main gate of the palace. Liu Mingzhi suddenly stopped and turned to look at Song Qing who was at the side.

"Brother, if what uncle said just now became true, where would you go?"

Liu Mingzhi didn't ask Song Qing directly, if the younger brother really has the heart of disobedience, are you following my brother and me to the dark?Or bring the younger brother to justice and become a court loyal minister.

There is no need to understand some words, as long as everyone knows each other well.

The more important thing is that he doesn't want to force Song Qing either. If Song Qingzhuang doesn't understand, it's okay to let this matter go. Don't be too embarrassing.

Brother for many years, Liu Mingzhi really didn't want to see Song Qing in a dilemma.

Song Qing was taken aback, and looked at Liu Mingzhi's eyes that he didn't know how to describe.

Song Qing sighed, shrugged slightly at Young Master Liu and smiled wryly: "Let me tell you in advance, give elder brother a time to reconcile your two sister-in-laws, and sever the father-son relationship with the old man!"

Liu Mingzhi grinned, Song Qing's words were very clear.

Raising his hand and rubbing his cheeks, Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing with a light smile: "Don't you need some time to think about it? This is not a child's play!"

Song Qing punched Young Master Liu and knocked Young Master Liu staggeringly.

"Fuck your sister, fight the tiger as a brother, go to battle with father and son, Ling Yang, our three brothers are not brothers, but better than brothers, Ling Yang left early, big brother doesn't want our brothers to be separated forever, the big deal is to go on the road together Well, it's not a big deal!"

"Damn it, ever since you entered Beijing, I've known that you've been dragging me if you've got something to do. Nothing good will happen! Damn it, as expected, I'm on your bandit ship!"

"Brother, actually the second brother is him."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing hesitantly, wondering if he should tell him about Ling Yang.

"What's wrong? What happened to Ling Yang?"

"It's nothing, although the second brother left early! But I think he should never regret the way he walked. We don't understand, but he is a person, he must have his own ideas, right?"

Song Qing's playful expression became heavy, and he nodded faintly: "I hope the second child is still waiting for our brothers to reunite at Naihe Bridge!"

"It may not be a blessing to have a few brothers on the road together in one's life!"

"Let's not talk about that, there should be a lot of peach blossom wine brewed by younger siblings in your house, and we will go out again tomorrow, let's have a good drink today!"

"Let's go, but let's finish the business first, Jiang Lei and the others are about to arrive, let's wait for them for a while!"

"it is good!"

After the brothers Liu Mingzhi came back to the palace together, Jiang Lei rushed to the palace with [-] artillery in less than a quarter of an hour.

Liu Mingzhi didn't say much, and directly took Jiang Lei and the others to the warehouse in the backyard of the palace.

When Jiang Lei and the artillerymen saw the artillery placed in the warehouse, their eyes were straightened, and they stared intently at An Xie's delicate artillery, eager to run up and hug them in their arms, reluctant to let go!

Song Qing didn't say anything, glanced at the cannons without saying a word, and stood quietly waiting for Liu Mingzhi to give Jiang Lei and the others orders.

"Jiang Lei listens!"

"The end is here!"

"You lead the brothers to take this, that."

In the end, [-] cannons were selected from the four treasuries in the palace and placed in the empty backyard. The [-] cannons were divided into four styles. Liu Mingzhi had already explained to Jiang Lei and the others one by one how to use them. over again.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Jiang Lei with fanatical eyes, and took him aside.

"These artillery can only be handed over to the artillery brothers under your command, and the rest are not allowed to touch anyone."

Jiang Lei frowned, and nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, Commander, as long as the last general survives, no one will approach these artillery pieces except our own gunners!"

"Even if the last general dies, before he dies, the last general will take these precious bumps with him on the road, and he will never let anyone get involved!"

Jiang Lei didn't have any doubts, and he didn't bother to ask why the commander-in-chief gave such an order, he just knew to obey the order.

Since Qingzhou, he has followed the commander-in-chief, from a small general to the current knighted general, Jiang Lei always remembers what Liu Mingzhi said at the beginning.

A good soldier is one who obeys orders and prohibits.

Liu Mingzhi silently nodded and said good brother.

"You transport these cannons to the camp of the fallen soldiers in batches, and hand them over to Cheng Kai to take care of them first. After they are all transported, you ask Cheng Kai to let the brothers watch them strictly!"

"Then you, Cheng Kai, Han Peng, Baoyu, and Baotong come to my house to drink!"

"I'm going to ask the servants to prepare drinks for the appetizers. Come here as soon as possible. If you're late, go drink the Northwest Wind!"

Jiang Lei gently pinched his nose: "Marshal, the army will march south tomorrow morning, it's not appropriate to drink at this time!"

"Fuck you, uncle, love will come or not, you won't be willing to serve me if you don't want to drink!"

"Come on! The last general will go to install the artillery first!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the figure of Jiang Lei commanding his brothers to carry the artillery and sneered a few times. He didn't know what was going on with his gang.

"Brother, let's go prepare the food and drink!"

Song Qing nodded silently, glanced back casually at the cannon that Jiang Lei and the others were carrying, looked at Young Master Liu's back and hesitated to speak for a few moments, but finally said nothing.

"Big brother!"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Song Qing replied subconsciously!
"Whether you believe it or not, I never thought about being an emperor. I prepared these things just to protect myself!"

"Do you think that after the world is unified, how much will a vassal king with 27 prefectures have a chance of survival? People have short-term worries without long-term considerations. I hope these things will always be sealed in the treasury until they decay and become useless. .”

"I hope I can tell His Majesty another good story about the monarch and his ministers."

Song Qing was stunned for a long time, and then sighed heavily.

"Well, in all honesty, if I sit in that position, I will have trouble sleeping and eating while you are alive!"

"Open the skylight and speak honestly. As the saying goes, a tiger's poison does not eat its own child. You can tell my brother something heartfelt. If I rule the world and the Kingdom of Jin is destroyed, how do you plan to deal with the empress and niece Luoyue?"

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes, and gently turned the jade ring on his thumb.

"Whether it is life or death depends on how His Majesty decides and chooses."

"What, you don't plan to kill their mother and daughter."

Song Qing was stunned while talking, he suddenly felt that the words of the third brother were not as simple as he thought.

It means life or death.
Who lives and who dies?

(End of this chapter)

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