Chapter 1639 A Letter From Home

When the sun rises, its way is bright.

The main hall where the distinguished guests were entertained by the side of the palace was in a mess, leftovers were randomly placed on the table, and dozens of wine jars rolled down on the ground.

Just by looking at the wine jars on the ground, one can tell that last night's wine game was at least a game of life and death.

Outside the hall, beside the well in a corridor, Song Qing and the others stood in a row drunkenly, looking blankly at Young Master Liu who was carrying a bucket and started fetching water.

Liu Mingzhi took out a bucket of cool well water from the well, and looked at Song Qing and others who were still not fully awake with a smirk.

"Sand sculptures, let me wake up!"

Song Qing and the others subconsciously opened their eyes wide when they heard Young Master Liu's arrogant laughter. Before they realized what was going on, a large bucket of well water was splashed on dozens of people with rain and dew.

The crowd suddenly became drowned, and they lost all drunkenness in an instant. They looked at Young Master Liu excitedly, and only then realized Young Master Liu's intention of asking him to wait for someone to come to the well.

Cheng Kai and the others touched the water marks on their faces with their hands, and looked at each other with sober expressions.

Young Master Liu looked at the crowd with rolling eyes and had a bad premonition in his heart. He put down the bucket and was about to flee the scene of the crime.

Young Master Liu's bucket had just landed when Song Qing's voice resounded in the courtyard.

"Brothers, you are not in the army now, what kind of bullshit is handsome, let me fuck him!"

In the blink of an eye, Young Master Liu struggled to be lifted up by a dozen wet guys and walked towards the artificial lake in the palace.

"Fuck, you bastards, let me discuss everything I have now, otherwise I will let you peel off your skin if I can't die in the camp!"

Song Qing and the others turned a deaf ear to Young Master Liu's threats, and continued to support the struggling Young Master Liu towards the artificial lake in the mansion.

"Brothers, I'm wrong, you can't be like this, we are good brothers who go through life and death!"




"Go away!"

"Greetings to your uncle, since you don't show affection, come down with me!"

Young Master Liu, who was thrown towards the lake, flipped a few times in the air, pulled several people's arms and fell towards the lake water. The sound of falling into the water immediately filled the front yard, causing the passing servant girls to look at the lake water frequently. , don't know what happened.

A dozen or so people were dragged into the lake by Young Master Liu, four or five of them, and the rest took off their helmets and jumped into the lake with a howl.

In an instant, there were more than a dozen thumping figures and happy shouts in the lake of Wangfu.

The school of fish in the lake was startled by a group of guys who came suddenly, and they didn't know where to hide and shivered!

The lake water was still a little cool in the morning, but all of a sudden, everyone really woke up from the alcohol.

Young Master Liu floated in the water, raised his hand to wipe the water stains on his face, and laughed lightly as he watched a group of brothers swimming freely in the lake.

In this life, so many brothers can live and die by their side.

Worth it.

On the arched bridge not far from the lake, Qi Yun, Qi Ya, Qinglian, and Yun Qingshi stood on the bridge together, looking at the iron-blooded men who looked like a dozen children fighting in the lake and silently glanced at each other. I don't know what to say.

The four beauties were followed by more than a dozen maids carrying trays, which contained the hangover soup that had already been prepared. Qi Yun and the others did not expect to see such a childlike side when delivering the hangover soup.

Yun Qingshi shook her head helplessly: "If the Censor Yanguan sees this kind of scene, I don't know how to participate in the book of my husband and uncles!"

"They must think that the majestic prince playing in the lake with a group of decisive and decisive generals under his command is simply a disgrace to the court, and they will definitely write something special in the memorial."

Qi Ya's beautiful eyes softly stared at the group of iron-blooded boys in the lake: "Let's go with those sour scholars to join the concert. When we delivered food to them yesterday, I'm afraid I'll never forget what they said after drinking."

"Since the expedition, we have lived every day as if it were the last day of our lives."

"You may be the result of either your death or my death tomorrow. As for the shameless matter, let's talk about it after the war is over and you can still be alive!"

Qi Ya's words silenced the girls, and they couldn't help but think of the bloody generals last night who hugged each other and choked up.

Whether he will live or die tomorrow is unpredictable, who cares about other things!

Qi Yun looked at her husband and sighed softly: "Maybe they don't want to do this either, but in the face of unpredictable battles, this method may be the best way for them to vent their depression and fear."

"My husband, as a prince, can fight with them without airs. Perhaps this is why they are willing to follow my husband to the death, knowing that they may die in battle at any time!"

"We are just women and Taoists, and we can't appreciate their fellowship of living and dying together."

"Come to think of it, among the princes in the whole world, only my husband can mess around with his brothers like this without any regard for his identity!"

Gradually, all the girls fell silent, they stopped on the arch bridge and waited for a group of grown men to come ashore.

I don't know how long it took, Liu Mingzhi and the others walked towards the arch bridge with their shoulders hooked and their backs drenched.

Qi Yun and the girls hurriedly greeted a group of maids to wake up with hangover soup.

"My concubine sees her husband! I have met all my uncles!"

"Siblings are free!"

"Sister-in-law is free!"

Song Qing and the others looked at Qi Yun and the girls who came up to salute with embarrassment. It was really indecent to appear in front of the princess with such a drowned appearance.

Young Master Liu cheerfully looked at a group of Song Qing and the others who looked embarrassed: "Okay, okay, what can't be let go, we are brothers born to die!"

"My father and mother are your parents, my sons and daughters are your children, my wife is still my wife, who dares to think wildly, I will make you unable to be a man in your next life."

Song Qing and others burst out laughing when they heard the words, the embarrassment just now disappeared in Liu Mingzhi's joke.

Qi Yun and the girls gave Young Master Liu a coquettish look, how can they be so joking.

However, they also knew that her husband wanted to ease the awkward atmosphere, so they didn't say much, and called the maids to bring up the hangover soup.

"Husband, uncles, we are going to battle soon, you drank so much last night, drink some hangover soup to refresh yourself!"

"You still know how to be considerate!"

First Young Master Liu took a bowl of hangover soup and drank it, and stared at Song Qing and the others with hesitant expressions.

"What are you still doing in a daze, waiting for me to feed you in person? After drinking the hangover soup, go back to the army camp, beat the drums and gather the generals, and the army will go out!"

"I have to wait!"

One bowl of hangover soup per person is poured down, whether it really works depends on God's will.

Liu Mingzhi handed the soup bowl to Qinglian, and waved to Song Qing and others.

"Everyone get out of here, after I put on my armor, we will meet up in the army camp."

"I will take my leave!"

Looking at the backs of Song Qing, Cheng Kai and the others leaving the house, Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked at Qi Yun and his daughters with a chuckle.

"Ladies, put on armor for your husband!"

Two quarters of an hour later, Young Master Liu put on his own armor, and after expressing his heartfelt parting to Qi Yun and a group of beauties, he led his horse towards the army camp.

When Young Master Liu approached Daying and there were two streets away, the drums of the expedition gradually sounded in the city, and it became more and more powerful.

In an instant, the streets and alleys in Yingzhou City were full of soldiers running, pointing directly to the outside of Yingzhou City.

"See Master!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Liu Mingzhi sat on the handsome chair, his eyes solemnly scanned the generals under his command in the middle.

There is a clear distinction between public and private, and you can play whatever you want in private. There is a big camp in the army, and at the moment of war, Liu Mingzhi will naturally not play with them again.

"Have the commanders and generals from the left and right sides arrived?"

"Reporting to the Commander, they have been notified to meet outside the city gate, and now they should have already set off!"

"Where are our brothers in the middle?"

"The camps have been deployed one after another to join forces outside the city. In half an hour, our army from the left, middle and right in northern Xinjiang can gather outside the city and wait for the command of the commander!"

Liu Mingzhi didn't say anything more, held up his handsome seal and walked out of the desk.

"Everyone will obey!"

In an instant, the generals in the tent clenched their fists and knelt on one knee, looking at First Young Master Liu respectfully.

"I will obey orders!"

"Three drums fell, the army set out, and went south to seize the city!"

"Follow the order!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing and the others who hadn't got up for a long time, his eyes were a little confused.

"Why don't you get up yet?"

Song Qing and the others looked at each other, gently took out a few letters from the armor, and exchanged the letters in their hands with the generals around them under Young Master Liu's surprised eyes.

After everyone put away the letters, Song Qing took out [-] letters from behind and handed them to Liu Mingzhi.

"Marshal! If anyone of our brothers is unfortunate enough to go with Brother Can't Bear, please bring the family letter back to the brothers who are alive!"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned, and scanned the smiling faces of the crowd, the expression in his eyes that was not afraid of life and death was so indifferent.

Immediately, Liu Mingzhi's eyes turned sour, and he took the family letter from Song Qing's hand with trembling hands.

"Fenghuo lasted for three months, and the family letter was worth ten thousand gold."

"Brothers, Liu Mingzhi is lucky to not die, so he must bring the family letter to the brothers!"

"Marshal, don't you leave a letter home?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently, picked up his family letter and walked out of the tent.

"To be a hero in life, to be a hero in death!"

"A real man was born between heaven and earth, and he will die wherever he dies. Why do you need a letter from home!"

"Let's go!"


(End of this chapter)

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