My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1640 Going south to seize the city

Chapter 1640 Going south to seize the city
The sun was gradually rising, and the twelve guards of the dragon, plus the 43 reinforcements from the Western Regions of the Gumo Kingdom led by Gumo Rongrong, a total of [-] soldiers and horses gathered outside the city of Yingzhou, waiting for the order to go out.

With Liu Mingzhi as the center, Yunyang and Nangong Ye led their soldiers and horses towards the general platform that had already been built.

Liu Mingzhi lived high on the general's platform, looking at the 43 troops above the plains in the south of the city, he was filled with pride.

Since several expeditions, except for the expedition to the Western Regions, this should be the one that he has commanded the most troops.

If we add the 30 troops led by Zhang Mo and the 30 recruits trained by the capital to join forces, I don't know what kind of majestic scene it will be.

That would be a veritable million-dollar army.

It's a pity that the time has not yet come. Zhang Mo and the others will not be able to join forces without intercepting enough food and grass. As for the 30 recruits.

Liu Mingzhi was a little complicated. Whether the 30 recruits would come was a question. Even if they arrived because of the emergency in northern Xinjiang, they would only be merged into the command of the left and right generals, not his own army in the middle. subordinate.

Otherwise, the entire Dalong would really become his own family.

Although Li Ye was young, he was not a fool, and he didn't understand the way to balance.

Besides, even if Li Ye agrees, I'm afraid that the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty will not sit idly by and hand over the tiger charm commander seal of the 30 army to you again, and watch helplessly as their power overshadows the sky with one hand.

A side-by-side king who is loyal to the court is a good side-by-side king, and a colleague who is on an equal footing is a good colleague!
I am afraid that no one in the civil and military circles of the Manchu Dynasty would like to see that besides the emperor, there is another person who can press on top of their heads.

People, who wants to be inferior to others!
"We will meet the King of Side-by-Shoulders!"

"We will meet the King of Side-by-Shoulders!"

"See Master!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

"Thank you, Master!"

When all the generals of the left, middle and right armies gathered at the general's platform, the second round of drums in the army had already fallen, and within a short while the third round of drums had already sounded.

Liu Mingzhi didn't want to waste time either, and looked at Yunyang Nangongye and the two sitting on both sides of him with a light smile. Although the smile was strong on his face, it couldn't cover up Young Master Liu's majestic eyes.

"Which three cities will be seized first, Shuai Yun, Shuai Nangong, have you discussed with the soldiers?"

The two of Yunyang looked at each other and nodded silently. Yunyang took out a piece of rice paper from his armguard and put it on the table in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"After several discussions between the old man and Nangong Shuai, they finally came to a conclusion. They decided to take the three cities of Chongzhou, Hanzhou, and Lingzhou first."

"The distances between these three cities are not far away, so that my army going south to seize the city will rush to support each other at an angle, and will not lose too many troops just because the enemy army goes out of the city to fight!"

"How does Liu Shuai think?"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the rice paper and flipped through it for a while, then waved to Du Yu, "Map!"


Du Yu hurriedly took out the map and spread it in front of the three of Liu Mingzhi. Liu Mingzhi stood up and looked down at the map to observe. After a long time, Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly.

"According to the opinions of the two old men, take the three cities of Chongzhou, Hanzhou and Lingzhou first!"

Liu Mingzhi agreed with this opinion, and the two of them were not at all surprised. This battle strategy was the result of the two of them discussing with Yun Chong overnight with their arrogance.

They are all famous generals who have been famous for a long time, and they also have the vision of Liu Mingzhi. This plan is no different from the best strategy for going south to seize the city. It would be strange if Liu Mingzhi disagreed.

Liu Mingzhi rolled up the map and handed it to Du Yu, looking at Yunyang and the other veterans.

"Two old men, all great generals, the three cities of Chongzhou must be recaptured within ten days of going south this time. It can only be done in advance, not overdue!"


Yunyang and the others were taken aback for a moment, and looked at Young Master Liu's serious expression with hesitation.

Liu Mingzhi sat down on the chair again and scanned the crowd: "Everyone, this commander also knows that the time to go to the three cities in ten days is a bit urgent, but we have to do it!"

"In the Kingdom of Jin, the Turkic coalition forces just went south to seize the city and defend it, waiting for us to attack. The reason is because they don't know that our current strength is only 43 soldiers."

"They thought we would command all the troops in northern Xinjiang, plus 42 reinforcements from the Western Regions, and 30 new recruits from the capital would join them together and encircle them with a million troops. That's why they were forced to seize the city because they were outnumbered by us. And keep."

"Once they figure out our real situation and know that we have only 43 troops going south to capture the city, they will immediately go out of the city and surround us. At that time, we will be the ones who will suffer heavy losses and even wipe out the entire army."

"Conquer a city within ten days, and immediately continue to go south to seize the city. Before our actual strength is exposed, we must catch them off guard and lose as much strength as we can."

"The more ferocious our offensive is, the less they dare to act rashly, because the more ferocious the offensive, they will subconsciously think that we have many soldiers now."

"In this way, they will not dare to go out of the city to fight!"

"However, paper can't contain the fire after all. Sooner or later, our military strength will be exposed. However, by the time they react, their military strength has already suffered heavy losses under our artillery fire. , the food and grass of the Kingdom of Jin should come back to join forces!"

"At that time, even if they react and go out of the city to fight, they will no longer be our opponents!"

"So, if we can take down a city in three days, we won't be able to take down a city in five days. If we can take back a land in ten days, we will never delay fifteen days."

"In a word, even if we only have an army of 43, you have to give Lao Tzu the strength of a million soldiers!"

"Let the enemy army be afraid from the bottom of their hearts, and dare not take the initiative to go out of the city to fight!"

"At that time, they were the turtles in the urn, and let our artillery bombard them!"

"Which way of soldiers and horses can take back the city with the least damage and the fastest speed. This commander himself will give a reward of 10 taels of silver to the first brother who captures the city."

"This king is worth a lot of money, and I will never go back on my word!"

"Your Highness is mighty, thousands of years old!"

"Your Highness is mighty, thousands of years old!"

"Your Highness is mighty, thousands of years old!"

Driven by the generals in the front row, 43 people shouted loudly, and the vibrating banners swayed like a strong wind.

As the last drumbeat fell, Liu Mingzhi stood up abruptly, drew out the Heavenly Sword in his hand and pointed forward.

"Brothers, what my king's sword is pointing at is where your cavalry go!"

"We are not an army of millions, but we are better than an army of millions. Follow the king's orders and go south to seize the city!"

"Follow the king to defend the country, and kill a Marquis of Ten Thousand Households!"

"Kick the enemy out of the country and beat them back to their hometown!"

"Sound the horn, the army will move out!"

Yunyang, Nangong Ye hadn't reacted yet, the horns of the expedition resounded inside and outside the city of Yingzhou.

Hundreds of generals got on their horses and rushed towards the forwards of various troops and horses.

About half a stick of incense, 43 troops, led by the generals of various ministries, rushed towards the south.

Yunyang and Nangong Ye looked at each other with twitching corners of their mouths.

Damn, it's like this again, and it's like this again.

Could it be that he really complied with what Zhang Kuang told them Young Master Liu said.

Once the war started, the whole northern Xinjiang had to listen to Lao Tzu!
At this moment, the two wanted to grab the armor of their respective generals and roar loudly.

What the hell have you fallen for Liu Mingzhi? Do you still take Lao Tzu seriously? We are your generals.

Did 10 taels of silver make you lose your mind?Does the title of Marquis of Wanhu make you wonder who to listen to?
Are you blind?Damn you, widen your eyes and take a good look, the Tiger Talisman is in my hand, holding it in my hand!
However, no matter how complicated their thoughts were, the army had already marched south, and it was too late to say anything at this time.

The two of them once again experienced Liu Mingzhi's method of boosting morale. Under Liu Mingzhi's shouts, each of the 43 troops regarded themselves as invincible warriors.

The two of them even had some doubts. Liu Mingzhi pointed to a fierce tiger and told the soldiers that it was a kitten, and I went up to clean it up, and the soldiers would not hesitate to pull out their weapons and charge up to kill it.

Liu Mingzhi put his sword back into its sheath, and walked in front of Yunyang and the two of them.

"Shuai Yun, Shuai Nangong, we in Chongzhou North Green Pine Forest will start to divide into three groups, and this commander will focus on Chongzhou City!"

"Hey! The old man will fight Hanzhou!"

"I'm good at Lingzhou!"

"That's great, I won't stay any longer, the two seniors please get on the horse!"


In the blink of an eye, the three riders parted ways and rushed towards the commander-in-chief of their respective armies.

Liu Mingzhi rushed to Zhongjun Shuaiqi, and Gu Mo Rongrong looked excitedly at Young Master Liu who rushed over.

"Young Master Liu, you were too powerful just now."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Gu Mo Rongrong with a calm expression, and looked forward.

"Grand General Gumo, there is no big brother in the army, only the commander-in-chief, don't call him wrong again!"

"Alright, at the end of the day, Rongrong will obey the Commander-in-Chief's order!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, this is not the time for love between children, so he turned and looked at Song Qing and Jia Zhengjing at the side.

"Deputy Marshal Song, Governor Jia, have you sent scouts yet?"

"Don't worry, Marshal, the two generals have already dispatched [-] scouts to continuously investigate the situation around Chongzhou City. If there is any trouble, they will come to report immediately!"

"Good job, Du Yu listened to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Order the three armies to march to Chongzhou in a hurry, and must take back as many cities as possible before the strength of the troops is exposed!"


Du Yu hurriedly rode his horse towards the surroundings, waving the command flag and shouting non-stop.

"Marshal orders, rush to Chongzhou!"

Following Du Yu's order, the speed of the soldiers and horses going south in the cup of tea accelerated.

Half a day later, the army in Qingsonglin divided into three groups and rushed towards their respective goals. After resting in the middle of the night, the middle army under Liu Mingzhi rushed to the city of Chongzhou the next morning.

The army was about two miles away from the city, and the warning sound of war drums sounded in Chongzhou City.

Liu Mingzhi led a group of generals and galloped towards the city wall. Liu Mingzhi was not surprised by the sound of war drums above the city wall.

More than [-] troops have reached their faces, and if they can't be found, then there will be ghosts.

After holding up the binoculars to observe the situation above the city wall, Liu Mingzhi put down the binoculars and exhaled lightly.

"Gumo Rongrong listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Order the [-] cavalry under your command to encircle the four cities of Chongzhou with the sound of drums after breakfast."


"Everyone will obey!"

"The end is here!"

"The front army covered the artillery and stepped forward, the middle army covered it, and the rear army set up camp. After half an hour, immediately attack the city!"

"You have to order!"

Song Qing looked at First Young Master Liu hesitantly: "Marshal, don't declare war if you don't call formation, it's not good!"

"It's not good for his grandma, we are taking back our own city, so what's the point of declaring war!"

"Besides, isn't the sound of war drums on the city wall still obvious? Then there is no need to declare war."

"Jiang Lei!"

"The end is here!"

"Choose a suitable place to set up the cannon on the spot, and after half an hour, give me a blast!"

"When the city wall is gone, rebuild it. Use your cannon-fighting skills to take Chongzhou as quickly as possible."


(End of this chapter)

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