My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1641 Unconventional

Chapter 1641 Unconventional
Liu Mingzhi was eating cooked meals in the handsome tent that had just been set up, while observing the landforms of Chongzhou on the sand table, so that he could take emergency precautions in time according to the surrounding terrain in case of any accidents.

First Young Master Liu put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, just picked up the command flag and planted it on the sand table, when Jiang Lei walked into the big tent with a piece of pancake in his hand.

"Report to Commander-in-Chief, the last general has chosen a suitable terrain to set up artillery positions according to his instructions, and can bombard Chongzhou City at any time as long as the Commander-in-Chief gives an order!"

Without raising his head, Liu Mingzhi waved to Jiang Lei: "Have the gunner brothers filled their stomachs yet?"

"Don't worry, Commander, they are the first batch of soldiers to fill their stomachs."

"That's good. Brothers must not be allowed to fight hungry. Come here. This commander has a few things to pay attention to. You must keep them in mind and pass them on to the gunner brothers!"

Jiang Lei was slightly stunned and hurriedly walked to the sand table and stopped: "Yes, Commander, please give me instructions!"

Immediately, Song Qing, Cheng Kai, Gu Mo Rongrong and the others hurriedly put down their food and came to the sand table.

Liu Mingzhi pulled Cheng Kai's shoulders and walked over to his place and stopped: "You can see that the situation around Chongzhou City is somewhat high in the east and low in the west. Although you can't tell it from the city, according to the records of the Ministry of Industry, the situation in Chongzhou That's it."

"The situation inside Chongzhou City is exactly the opposite of the surrounding environment. The people in the west are rich but the population is small, and the people in the east city are rich but poor."

"So, you must not forget this situation when setting up artillery at the East City Gate. The extension of the artillery fire must be well controlled, and it must not extend too far, accidentally injuring our own people in the city!"

"There is also a possibility that the enemy army in the city has conscripted the nearby houses under the city wall into military camps, and drove the people in the city to a certain place to gather, so that the soldiers and horses in the city can climb the city wall in time for defense!"

"But we dare not gamble, what if the people living under the city walls are our own people!"

"I will dispatch spies in time to find out what's going on in the city, and attack the city according to the method I just decided. After the test firing, the shell must not extend beyond the city wall. Try to avoid accidentally injuring our own people!"

Cheng Kai leaned over the sand table and observed carefully. He memorized every word Liu Mingzhi said just now. He is an artillery general, so he naturally understands the pressure and burden on him.

After remembering the situation of Chongzhou clearly on the sand table, Cheng Kai stood up and nodded solemnly to Liu Mingzhi.

"Don't worry, Commander. After the test of the cannon, I will always observe the problem of the shells landing on the city wall, and I will definitely not let the shells exceed the range of hitting the enemy!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "You just need to remember it, and don't put too much pressure on it. Second, the artillery fire must be placed at a sufficient distance!"

"One is to prevent the cannons from exploding and accidentally injuring the brothers around them. The other is to get information that Jin Guo has shipped a new batch of cannons. It is not clear how many cannons. The cannons are temporarily placed in the city. Not sure."

"All our artillery positions must not be too dense to prevent being bombarded by Jin Guo's artillery!"

Jiang Lei frowned: "The general understands, the general will immediately go to rearrange the artillery positions!"

"Let's get busy first. After the layout is complete, let me know. After confirming that it is correct, you can bombard Chongzhou at any time!"

"Under the order, I will retire at the end!"

After Jiang Lei left in a hurry, Liu Mingzhi picked up a few command flags and planted them on the Shaopan again.

"Rongrong listens!"

Gu Mo Rongrong, who was picking up rice balls and sneaking them into her cherry lips from time to time, hastily swallowed the food in her mouth, and walked back to Young Master Liu's side.

"The last will obey!"

"I ordered the [-] cavalry under your command to surround Chongzhou City to pay close attention to the situation at the city gate. Once the enemy troops in the city can't withstand the bombardment of artillery fire and want to go out to fight, this is the time for your [-] cavalry to show their talents!"

"The last general takes orders, the last general will pass on the order immediately, and the last general will leave!"

"Cheng Kai, Zhou Baoyu listen!"

"The end is here!"

"Once the enemy troops in the city go out to fight, while General Gumo's [-] cavalry are fighting with them, you quickly lead your soldiers and horses to break into the city, capture Chongzhou City and attack the brothers from Gumo Kingdom outside the city. enemy!"

"The last general takes orders! The last general retires!"

"Deputy Marshal Song!"

"The end is here!"

"Send another [-] scouts to investigate in all directions, pay close attention to the situation in the rest of the city, and report in time if you find any traces of reinforcements!"

"The end will be ordered!"

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and pondered for a while, and found that there was nothing to add, so he sat down on the chair and picked up the food and started to gobble it up.

Seeing this, the surrounding generals who had not received the mission also fell silent, silently eating their own food to replenish their energy!
Chongzhou is considered a relatively large city among the fifteen cities occupied by the coalition forces of the two countries, and Chongzhou faces Yingzhou City directly, so Huyan Yunyao, Wanyan Chizha, and Yaluha deliberately stationed Jin Kingdom Ten in Chongzhou City after discussing with each other. Among the two guards, the Feixiong Guard, a cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin, has a total of [-] soldiers and horses to defend Chongzhou City! .

At this time, Dalong's soldiers and horses outside Chongzhou City were forming a formation, and the city wall was defending intensively.

The commander of the Turkic capital, Wo Chitai, was also watching the general Jin Guofei, Xiongwei, who was giving orders non-stop.

The Turkic people are really not very proficient in defending the city. All the defensive actions that the Baishan officials ordered the soldiers to defend on the city wall were so unpredictable in the eyes of Wo Chitai.

The Turkic cavalry is famous all over the world in field battles, but it can be said that they don't know anything about defending the city. I remembered what the Khan told me before he left, talk less, read more, ask more, don't pretend to understand.

Wo Chitai silently looked at the positions of the Baishan Guan's soldiers, and kept these places firmly in his heart. As for why he arranged them in this way, he will wait for Dalong's enemy to attack the city later, and observe how these soldiers and horses defend You can understand.

After a long time, the Baishanguan arranged an iron bucket on the wall of Chongzhou City. Even if it was Young Master Liu, Zhang Kuang and the others boarded Chongzhou City to watch it, and they had to admit that the soldiers and horses arranged by Baishanguan were both offensive and defensive. The application of soldiers and horses on the city wall has been brought to the extreme.

The Twelve Guards of the Kingdom of Jin are as famous as the Six Guards of the Northern Border of the Great Dragon. As one of the generals of the Twelve Guards, Baishan Guan naturally has good skills, otherwise Wanyan Chizha would not have entrusted the task of defending Chongzhou to him. he.

The Baishan officer glanced at the dragon soldiers and horses who still did not stop posing, and looked at the Wochitai beside him with a dignified expression while holding the command flag.

"General Wo Chitai, you still have different opinions on this general's defense arrangement. If you have better opinions, you can put them forward. Let's brainstorm. After all, we have received the same order to defend Chongzhou City!"

"This general will definitely consider your thoughts carefully. We are friends now. This general believes in his friends unconditionally."

Listening to the fluent Turkic dialect spoken by the Baishanguan, Wo Chitai shook his head silently. He didn't know how to defend the things inside the city wall, so he had to laugh and answered the Baishanguan goldenly.

"Brother Baishan is worthy of being one of the twelve guards of the Kingdom of Jin, the general. You can't find any faults in the defense you have arranged. You can defend the city in this way and resist the attack of the dragon's enemy!"

Bai Shanguan didn't expect Wo Chitai to be so easy to deal with, he breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Wo Chitai with a faint smile on his face.

"Since General Wo Chitai has no objection, this general is relieved. The dragon soldiers are coming so aggressively that they don't even need to call for formation. They directly start to deploy troops and prepare to attack the city. It seems that their mentality of retaking Chongzhou is very urgent. !"

Wo Chitai caressed the wild goose feathers on the headdress and observed the actions outside the city.

"Didn't the Great Dragon claim to be a million-strong army after joining forces? Why did only about 15 soldiers come when they went south to seize the city? According to my observations, the number of soldiers and horses outside the city will not exceed [-] at most!"

"With 15 people to take back the city guarded by my [-] elite, it would be too contemptuous of us. Could it be that the troops were divided? But the division should not be so small!"

After hearing Wo Chitai's words, Baishanguan's face became more solemn.

"Unexpectedly, General Wo Chitai also saw this point. Presumably they divided up their troops and went south to seize the city. After all, a huge city like Dalong's six gates can't even accommodate our 80 troops, and Chongzhou is even more so. Dalong's million-strong army!"

"Dividing troops is inevitable, otherwise, no matter how many soldiers and horses are not needed, they will be wasted!"

"As you said just now, the division of troops shouldn't only be about [-] soldiers and horses!"

"These generals of Dalong don't have a simple character, and they never fight uncertain battles!"

"The general is now very worried about whether there is fraud in it!"

As soon as Baishanguan finished speaking, outside the quiet city of Chongzhou, there was a deafening sound of cannons without a single sound of war drums or horns!

Not only the northern city wall, but all the four city walls in Chongzhou were rumbling, and the flaming shells directly bombarded Chongzhou City.

The coalition forces of the two countries on the city wall subconsciously shrank behind the battlements. This is the first time even the coalition forces of the two countries have seen this style of play.

If you say siege, you will attack the city, and if you say to fire, you will fire, without any signs at all.

Wo Chitai glanced out of the city from the battlements.

"What a despicable southerner, he started attacking the city in such an unlawful manner."

Official Baishan didn't expect that Wo Chitai would dare to probe into the situation outside the city, so he pulled him behind the battlements and shrank back.

"Watch out for the dragon's artillery!"

"Nine times out of ten, the leader of the army outside the city is Liu Mingzhi, and he is the only one who uses troops so unreasonably!"




All of a sudden, the gunfire on the city wall was intensive, and the gunpowder smoke billowed up, directly bombarding the soldiers and horses on the city wall dizzy!

(End of this chapter)

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