Chapter 1642

In the artillery position outside Chongzhou City, Jiang Lei, under the protection of a group of shield soldiers, held up a binoculars and began to observe the situation of the city wall being bombarded by artillery shells!
Three hundred cannons of various types were brought out from the palace treasury, and Jiang Lei ordered a total of 280 cannons to be placed at the four city gates, and the remaining [-] cannons were scattered around to guard the large tent of the Chinese army.

Gunpowder smoke billowed above the city wall, and even Jiang Lei held a binoculars and couldn't see clearly what was going on above.

After the first round of artillery fire was covered, there was no sound of cannon fire outside the city, and the gunpowder smoke had not completely dissipated. Jiang Lei would not order the second round of artillery fire if he could not clearly observe the bombardment situation on the city wall.

Although the commander-in-chief said that it was a blast when he gave the order, Jiang Lei, as an artillery general, knew the preciousness of shells. Based on the principle of not wasting as much as possible, he subconsciously conveyed the order according to his past habits.

After a stick of incense, the gunpowder smoke on the city wall dissipated, and after the dust settled, Future picked up the binoculars and looked at the city wall again.

This time, it was no longer the lingering smoke and dust that appeared in the lens barrel, but the corpses of the enemy soldiers floating in the moat below the city. The blood had already discolored the river.

Several crenels on the city wall collapsed, and crowds of people carried the wounded soldiers and comrades who died under the artillery fire on the spot.

After a long time, Jiang Lei frowned slightly, put down the binoculars in his hand and waved the command flag in his hand: "The range of the general's cannon is insufficient, the artillery shells from the six cities bombarded the city wall, and the saber and shield soldiers were ordered to cover the general's cannon and advance two Ten steps, one door at fifteen steps apart, wait for the order to fire!"


"Order, the red-clothed cannon retreats ten steps, lowers the muzzle to reload the cannonball, and must not shoot the cannonball behind the city wall and accidentally injure the people!"

"The rest of the artillery is placed in place, load the shells and wait for the order to fire!"


After Jiang Lei gave the order, he held the command flag and ran towards the big tent of the Chinese Army. Just as Jiang Lei arrived, Young Master Liu walked out of the big tent holding a binoculars after eating.

Looking at Jiang Lei who came trotting, Young Master Liu frowned slightly: "Why didn't you continue to fire after such a long time after the test? Don't you know that time waits for no one? You delay here for a while, our chance of exposure Just one more point!"

"Have you forgotten my command yesterday? Even if there are 40 troops, you have to show me the aura of a million-strong army."

Jiang Lei was stunned and hurriedly looked at First Young Master Liu respectfully: "Commander, the muzzle has been re-adjusted, and the last general came here just to ask, how to bombard Chongzhou City?"

"Three-stage coverage, five-stage coverage, or full artillery coverage?"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, then raised the binoculars to look over the city wall, and could faintly see the enemy troops on the city wall extinguishing the fire from the artillery bombardment.

"Fire yourself, depending on the situation!"

"The last general gets the order! The last general resigns!"

After Jiang Lei ran away, a group of generals around Young Master Liu also raised their binoculars and looked over the city wall.

Because of Liu Mingzhi, Gu Mo Rongrong was honored to be assigned a binoculars. Looking at the tragic situation on the city wall, Gu Mo Rongrong's heart trembled, and she was glad that she was not disturbed like other countries when she was in the Western Regions. Thoughts of disobedience.

At that time, his own country of Gumo was one of the 38 countries in the Western Regions that was bombarded by Liu Mingzhi for the first time.

At that time, Young Master Liu's cannon was not as powerful as it is now, but the power of the cannon in Liu Mingzhi's hands is simply not the same.

Only one round of artillery test firing has brought such fruitful results, what will happen next?
On the city wall, Officer Baishan wiped the dust off his face, looking at the surrounding soldiers who were being transported down the city, his face was extremely gloomy.


"The end is here!"

"Have you counted the battle losses? How many brothers have been lost?"

"Back to the general, more than 620 brothers were killed on the spot, more than 470 brothers were seriously injured, and there are too many slightly injured brothers. It is too late to count!"

Officer Baishan sighed heavily: "Hurry up, take the injured brother down for treatment first!"


"The messenger!"

"I am humble!"

"Quickly send a message to the king of the town, and report the situation in Chongzhou to him truthfully, tell him that the enemy's offensive is very fierce, at least two hundred artillery pieces were used, and ask him how the situation in Guzhou is!"


Bai Shan Guan looked out of the city with a serious face after passing the order. The generals of the telescope dragon can easily observe the enemy's situation. The generals of the Jin Kingdom and the Turks are not so lucky!
You can only judge the enemy's situation with your own naked eyes.

Bai Shanguan, who was observing the situation, was patted on the shoulder, and when he looked back, he saw Wo Chitai, who was also disheveled, standing beside him at some point.

"General Wo Chitai, what is the situation of the east and south gates defended by your Turks?"

"It's not very optimistic. Brother Yiqian was killed and wounded under a round of artillery. The distance between the dragon and the soldiers is too far. Even our Turkic eagle shooters can't kill their enemies at this distance! "

"How are your bed crossbows and catapults prepared?"

"Everything is ready. Although there is no problem with the range of the bed crossbow, the sword and shield soldiers of their former army are like turtle shells. I am afraid that the bed crossbow's arrows will not be able to break through their shield soldiers at all!"

"The accuracy of the catapult is too bad, whether you can hit it or not depends on luck!"

Wo Chitai's face suddenly became mournful. He suffered so much from the artillery for the first time: "Then what should we do? Their artillery is so powerful that we are beyond our reach. We can see it but we can't fight back. We can only take the initiative to be beaten."

"I just watched the enemy's formation outside the city. Their infantry have already prepared ladders and siege vehicles. We can't go down to the city to avoid the artillery fire. They keep firing, and we can only be passively beaten."

Bai Shanguan hesitated for a moment: "There is no better way right now, I can only pray that the number of shells they have is as low as before!"

"There hasn't been a real confrontation right now, we can't figure out their truth and reality, so we can only be caught everywhere."




The Baishan officer didn't even have a chance to finish a sentence, and there was another intensive artillery sound outside the city. The soldiers and horses of the two countries who had encountered the bombardment once learned their lesson this time, and they all leaned against the wall and huddled in the past. The sword and shield soldiers are guarding against the bombing of shells.

However, the coalition forces of the two countries living on the city wall knew for the first time what despair is.

The bombardment of the second round of artillery is not the same as the first test firing. Whether it hits or not depends on God's will.

This time, after the adjustment of the shelling muzzles, they were all aimed at the city wall, and the 280 artillery pieces fired in unison, and the damage caused can be imagined.

In the blink of an eye, gunpowder smoke shot up into the sky from above the city wall, and screams were heard one after another in the flames of the shells exploding.

For the first time, the Turkic people, who manipulated their war horses to demonstrate their skills in melee riding and shooting, and launched a charge against artillery fire, understood for the first time what it means to be in a catastrophe, and it is difficult to fly without wings.

The ears of Baishanguan and the two were already roaring, but they could still feel the miserable cries of the brothers on the city wall.

Although it was short, it really hit people's hearts like that.

Don't mention what's wrong with the two of them.

"Retreat, retreat to the city wall!"

Officer Baishan gritted his teeth, bowed his body in the smoke and roared, but even though Officer Baishan's voice was hoarse, the surrounding soldiers could not hear a word, and most of their ears were already dizzy from the shock of the artillery fire.

In desperation, Baishanguan had no choice but to drag Wo Kuochitai to the side and move towards the city ladder according to the memory in his mind.

Walking to the city ladder, Baishanlou saw many brothers getting out of the smoke and running towards the city wall spontaneously, and felt a lot more relieved.

Following the group of people, the two of Baishanlou finally retreated under the city wall.

Looking at the shaking of the bricks on the city wall and the hustle and bustle flying, the two clenched their fists.

Under such a dense explosion, how many of the brothers above the city wall could survive, it is unimaginable for the two of them.

But the two of them could only watch helplessly, they had nothing to do, they could only sigh and paced under the city wall.

I don't know how long it took before the sound of the artillery outside the city subsided, and the two hurriedly recruited soldiers and horses who had barely calmed down and climbed up the city wall.

Climbing up to the city wall again, the expressions of the two battle-hardened generals changed dramatically when they saw the tragic situation on the city wall, and instinctively turned around and lay down on the city wall to retch!
The situation of the soldiers and horses behind them was also not much better, all of them turned pale, and they were all elite soldiers, but this was the first time they saw such a scene of purgatory on earth.

Among the artillery positions outside the city, Jiang Lei looked at the devastated Chongzhou City. The moat outside the city had been filled with corpses at some point, and the river water had turned into blood. Jiang Lei put down the binoculars in his hand with a complicated expression!

Glancing at the red cannon barrel, Cheng Kai looked at the guards on the side.

"Report to Commander, it takes half an hour for the gun barrel to cool down, and the cannon will be useless if you shoot any further, let the cavalry detour to prevent the enemy from leaving the city for a sneak attack!"


After cupping tea, Liu Mingzhi, who had received the report, glanced at Chongzhou City, and walked towards the big tent with a complicated expression on his face!
"Truth is within range of the cannon!"

"But the truth is often cruel!"

"There is no blood and glory in war, and some are just corpses that can be seen at a glance!"

"The corpses are smelly, and Kawahara Dan is bleeding."

"Junior brother, you are wrong!"

"This battle is not only a crime, but also a great crime!"

Song Qing, Cheng Kai and the others were taken aback, looked at each other silently, followed Young Master Liu into the big tent silently.

(End of this chapter)

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