My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1643 Chongzhou Under Fire

Chapter 1643 Chongzhou Under Fire
It was getting dusk.

Chongzhou City once again ushered in the plowing of artillery fire, and the entire city wall of Chongzhou City was never complete again.

Baishanguan, Wo Chitai was once again lucky to survive under the cover of artillery fire.

However, the tens of thousands of elite soldiers on the city wall were not so lucky. Those who left a whole body were a relatively lucky way to die. As for the tragic situation of the unlucky, the reactions of veterans like Baishanguan are enough to explain everything .

Baishanguan and Wo Chitai looked at the war damage document handed over by Sima with trembling arms.

The stark figure of more than 1000 people made the two heartbroken and shocked.

In just one day, more than 2 brothers were lost without even seeing the specific appearance of the enemy. This was a result that the two could not accept but had to accept.

It can be said that more than half of the first batch of more than 4 elite soldiers who climbed the city wall were killed or injured by the artillery fire of the Dalong enemy army in just one day.

Both of them are veterans who have led the army for many years, and such heavy casualties have never been seen before.

Bai Shanguan remembered his offensive and defensive layout on the city wall, and grinned miserably. In the face of absolute strength, his methods of arranging troops were so vulnerable.

With an ugly expression, Wo Chitai handed the document to Sima, who was on the side, and looked at Baishan Guan, who was on the side.

"Brother Baishan, what should we do? We don't have artillery, and we can say that we have no power to fight back against the enemy outside the city. If this continues, if this continues, our [-] elite will be killed by the enemy in a few days." Killed them all!"

"If death in battle is justifiable in a head-on confrontation, isn't this way of dying too aggrieved?"

Bai Shanguan glanced complicatedly at the surrounding Feixiong guards and horses, and didn't know what to do when he saw their secretive expressions looking at the city wall.

Now, whether it is the soldiers under his command or the Turkic tribesmen, they have already developed a fear of climbing the city wall, and their morale has dropped to the abyss in just one day.

Baishanguan couldn't figure out why things turned out like this.

It was clear that they were evenly matched against Dalong soldiers and horses before, so why did the battle situation take such a big turn after occupying Dalong's city.

With the advantage of the city wall guarding, it is said that Dalong's soldiers and horses should be the ones who suffer the most. Why did they lose [-] soldiers and horses without a hand-to-hand combat?

What Bai Shanguan couldn't figure out was that the Dalong people obviously had so many cannons, why didn't they use them before?

Baishanguan took a deep breath, trying to resist the pain in his heart.

"General Wo Chitai, let's write a letter to each other's superiors first. Now we can't solve this situation. We must either withdraw from the city, or hold on to the city and wait for their artillery bombardment."

"As for how to do it, let's wait for the Shangguan's opinion."

Wo Chitai nodded dejectedly: "It's okay, the morale is so low now that it's hard to revive it. The city wall is already a place that the soldiers are afraid to set foot in. I'm going to study for Da Khan first."

After the two separated, they hurried towards the people's house that the two of them had confiscated. This was the temporary resting place for the two of them.

However, something happened that made the two of them despair again. Seeing the soldiers raising the golden eagles and falcons fainted on the ground, a bad premonition suddenly rose in their hearts.

He hurriedly ran towards the cage next to him, seeing the empty cage, the two of them suddenly had a surge of energy and blood, and almost passed out, but fortunately, the guards behind them quickly supported them.

The golden eagles, falcons and other messenger birds disappeared, which meant that Chongzhou would lose contact with the rest of the city.

It's not impossible to send fast horses to report the situation in Chongzhou. However, [-] cavalry outside the city surrounded Chongzhou impenetrably. Baishanguan and the others really couldn't think of what kind of masters could pass the document out under such circumstances.

Bai Shanguan took a deep breath: "Quickly, find General Wo Chitai to discuss matters with me immediately!"


After the figure of a personal guard disappeared, on the higher roof on the left side of the courtyard, a plain figure wearing a bamboo hat showed a slanted smile, and observed that there was indeed no bird hiding the message in the hands of the Baishan official. , Only then did he use his lightness kung fu to go away quietly, and the jade tablet with the word "two characters" on his waist glistened in the afterglow of the setting sun!
Not long after the man in plain clothes left, a golden eagle soared into the sky and disappeared.

In the large tent of the Chinese army outside the city, Liu Mingzhi took the note from the guard, flipped through it for a few moments, and put it in his cuff.

Now that Chongzhou has been completely cut off from other cities, if they want to rely on war horses to send messages, I will never give them any chance.

Now Chongzhou is the grasshopper after autumn, and it won't be long before it jumps!
"Jiang Lei!"

"The end is here!"

"How much is the shell consumed?"

"Reporting to Commander, it's nearly [-]% of the time, and the general will suggest that you use less shells tomorrow. I'm worried that once the enemy troops in the city are bombarded, they will jump over the wall and make a fuss about the people in the city."

"Our bombardment is a little lighter, and they will subconsciously think that our shells are not enough, so that's why."

"In this way, they will climb up the city wall to defend again. We are bombarding fiercely. If they make a fuss about the people in the city, they will not have enough troops. After we break into the city, we can fight in close combat to ease the crisis of the people."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and subconsciously looked at Jiang Lei on the left while observing the sand table, and the eyes of the rest of the people also subconsciously looked at Jiang Lei, their brows furrowed.

Liu Mingzhi sat on the chair, tapped his fingers lightly on the table and thought for a moment.

"Yeah, we have to be on guard. The generals defending the city aren't Wanyan who dominates them, so it's not impossible to make a fuss about the people!"

"It's up to you, it's getting late, let the brothers rest for the night, and then attack the city tomorrow!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Song Qing hesitated for a moment and walked in front of Liu Mingzhi: "Marshal, didn't you warn Wanyan Chizha and the others? I don't think they will risk the country being destroyed in the rear to make a fuss about the people!"

Liu Mingzhi looked up at Song Qing and shook his head slightly: "It's hard to say, rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry!"

"I don't know much about Baishanguan. This person is just a general. In terms of the overall situation, he has no such long-term vision as Wanyan Chizha and Huyan Yunyao."

"Even though they won't harm the people, as long as they drive the people to the city wall, we will be afraid to break the city again."

"Roughly estimated, there are nearly 1 enemies who died under artillery fire on the city wall today. I think their minds have already collapsed."

"In this way, if we continue to attack fiercely, it may not arouse their ferocity."

"Let's talk about the specific situation tomorrow. It's not time to make a judgment yet."

"The general understands. In the middle of the night, the general intends to arrange for a few scout brothers with excellent kung fu to sneak into the city to investigate the situation and see if they can find out their next defense plan."

"Okay, you can figure out how to handle this matter!"


Gu Mo Rongrong looked at First Young Master Liu with a heavy face, "Marshal, what are you going to do if it really gets to the point where you can't let it go?"

Liu Mingzhi stopped tapping on the table, and looked towards the last afterglow of the setting sun outside the big tent.

"Liu Mingzhi has been in the army for ten years, and he has never killed any prisoners."

"After the city is broken, life or death is all in their mind!"

"I don't care about the unknown issue of killing prisoners."

(End of this chapter)

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