My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1644 Disagreement

Chapter 1644 Disagreement
The next day, the East saw white.

Outside the city of Chongzhou, the sound of war drums rang out, making the coalition forces of the two countries in the city palpitate. They did not expect the attack of the dragon soldiers and horses outside the city to be so urgent.

The siege of the city began just after dawn.

The hundred good officials walked out of the private courtyard where they were temporarily resting anxiously in full armor, and frowned as they watched the tens of thousands of brothers who were at a loss on the main road under the city gate.

Listening to the increasingly rapid sound of war drums outside the city, Bai Shanguan pulled out the saber from his waist.

"Brothers, follow me to defend the city."

Baishan Guan took the lead and climbed towards the city wall, but the tens of thousands of soldiers behind him hesitated, looking at each other with hesitant eyes.

They are all elite teachers who prohibit orders, but at this moment they are cowardly.

The tragic situation on the city wall yesterday left a deep impression on them, and they really couldn't muster up the courage to climb the city wall again.

If the two armies confront each other head-on, they will not hesitate at all. We are all human, and no one is necessarily worse than the other.

But to climb the city wall is to die in vain, the enemy's artillery is too powerful.

Official Baishan stopped halfway up the city ladder, looking at the soldiers under the city gate with complicated eyes. He understood the feelings of these brothers, but could he live without going to the city?

"Shut up!"

A horse came from the east gate and stopped under the gate. The man who came was Wo Chitai, the commander of the Turkic capital.

"Brother Baishan, the brothers in our tribe don't dare to fight on the wall anymore! You guys."

As Wo Chitai was talking, he saw those Feixiong guards who were hesitating living under the city gate and understood that the situation on Baishanguan's side was almost the same as his own.

From the bottom of our hearts, the brothers were afraid of the artillery fire from the dragon soldiers and horses outside the city.

Wo Chitai also knows that the feeling of being passively beaten all the time is uncomfortable, but right now he can't contact the Dahan and the others in Guzhou City. What should he do? I discussed with Baishan officials in the middle of the night yesterday, but none of them was accurate. the result of.

A man dressed as a gentleman walked out of Feixiongwei, climbed the city ladder and walked in front of Baishanguan.

"General, brothers are not afraid of dying in battle, but brothers don't want to die in vain!"

"Let's go up the city wall. If one enemy can't be killed, nearly ten thousand brothers will be lost in half a day."

"You should be considerate and considerate of the brothers, battles are never fought like this!"

Baishan Guan frowned and watched Lang Jiang in front of him walk down the city ladder and stopped in front of a group of generals: "General Qiu, brothers, I didn't want to do this either, but I haven't thought of a more secure one right now." Method!"

"I'm going to tell you what I thought about last night. Let's express our opinions and choose a more appropriate way to deal with Dalong's enemy army."

"Now we can either take the initiative to go out of the city to fight, or open the gates of the city and enlarge the dragon soldiers and horses to enter the city and start street fighting with them."

"However, no matter which method is used, it is very disadvantageous with our current strength. The reason why the general did not give an order is to see if he can contact the commander-in-chief and ask him to send reinforcements to support us."

"At this point, since the brothers are unwilling to go to the city to fight again, then we can only choose one of the two!"

"Whether to go out of the city to fight, or enlarge the dragon soldiers and horses to enter the city to fight, this general respects your opinions!"

General Qiu and the generals hadn't spoken yet, but Wo Chitai spoke first.

"Brother Baishan, this general suggests that we go out of the city to fight. As long as our Turkic warriors get on their horses and run quickly, the threat of the big dragon's artillery fire to us will be much smaller!"

"At the very least, there won't be such a heavy casualty, and there won't be such a useless death!"

"Maybe we can destroy some of the big dragon's artillery outside the city. We Turks don't know anything about defending the city. Only by rushing in the wild can our Turkic warriors display their strongest combat effectiveness!"

As soon as Wo Chitai's words fell, Baishanguan frowned, and Fei Xiongwei's generals also frowned slightly.

What Wo Chitai said was indeed the truth. Once the Turks charged on horseback, the threat of the Dalong artillery would be minimized.

But this is only beneficial to the Turkic people, because Feixiongwei is not cavalry, but infantry. If they go out to fight in the city, the Turkic people can easily use the speed of their horses to avoid the bombardment of artillery fire, but their own infantry cannot. what.

Once out of the city, surrounded by the dragon cavalry outside the city, the dragon artillery turned its muzzle and bombarded its own infantry in unison. Without the city wall to defend, the casualties would be even more severe.

It is simply a live target for the dragon artillery.

Hundreds of cavalry can engulf thousands of people.

Dalong only needs to allocate a part of the cavalry to deal with the Turkic cavalry, and the remaining cavalry will surround the Feixiongwei, and there is almost no difference between going out of the city and climbing the city wall.

They all died under the bombardment of Dalong's artillery.

What's more, people's hearts are separated from each other. If Wo Chitai sees that the situation is not good, he leads the cavalry under his command to abandon the city, and only his Feixiong guards are left to fight against the dragon's enemy army.

If Wo Chitai was one of the twelve guard generals of the Kingdom of Jin, and he had lived and died with him for many years, Baishan officials would still trust him once, but Wo Chitai was a Turkic general.

After only a few days of cooperation, Bai Shanguan really didn't dare to entrust the lives of tens of thousands of his brothers to him.

Bai Shanguan hesitated and thought for a long time: "General Wo Chitai, this general suggests that Dalong's troops should be brought into the city to fight."

"Bringing them into the city to fight, the advantage of Dalong's [-] cavalry rushing and charging will be minimized in street fighting."

"At the same time, the houses in the city are widely scattered, and Dalong's people are all huddled in their homes and dare not go out. As a result, Dalong's artillery is afraid of accidentally injuring his own people, so he dare not use it at will. He can only start a hand-to-hand confrontation with us. "

"The advantage of the cavalry has been suppressed, and the artillery has become useless again. The dragon's soldiers and horses are not so terrible!"

"Everyone is an elite, victory or defeat depends entirely on God's will."

"The general feels that leading the dragon soldiers into the city to fight is far more advantageous than us going out of the city to fight!"

"You Turkic warriors have excellent archery skills. You can use the folk alleys to fully display your archery skills in street battles. I don't know what General Wo Chitai thinks."

Wo Chitai frowned slightly and looked at the Baishan officer, at the fine armor on the Baishan officer and the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin, and then at the rough armor on himself and the surrounding soldiers.

The reason why the Turks were able to rely on crudely made military equipment to be invincible on the grassland was nothing more than their horses and their superb riding and shooting skills.

Although Baishan's official words are clear and reasonable, Wo Chitai disagrees with him from the bottom of his heart.

Dalong's soldiers are famous all over the world, and it is really not a wise move to start a street fight with them.

Just relying on the second-hand weapons in the hands of my own troops, giving up the advantage of my own cavalry to start a street battle with the well-equipped enemy army of the dragon, isn't that enough to support me?

The hand crossbows and chain crossbows in their hands can completely suppress their own soldiers and horses.

"Brother Baishan, this general still thinks it's time to go out of the city to fight!"

Bai Shanguan looked at Wo Chitai quietly, not knowing what to say.

He is not his subordinate, and he is not qualified to order him how to fight. We are just a cooperative relationship.

These are the two safest ways to deal with the dragon's enemy army today.

However, the generals of both sides want to give full play to their advantages and preserve the strength of their soldiers and horses.

As a last resort, differences began to arise in the way of fighting.

Wo Chitai looked at Baishanguan without hesitation, without any intention of retreating.

For a while, the battle drums outside the city were rumbling, but the needles could be heard quietly in the city!
(End of this chapter)

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