My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1645 Defeat one by one

Chapter 1645 Defeat one by one
Baishanguan and Wo Chitai had a stalemate on the issue of going out of the city to fight or staying in the city.

Bai Shanguan pondered for a long time, and looked at Wo Chitai with complicated eyes: "Is General Wo Chitai determined to take his soldiers out of the city to fight?"

Wo Kuo Chitai nodded without hesitation, showing no intention of backing down.

"Brother Baishan, my younger brother is the general who leads the warriors. Since they are going out with my brother, my younger brother must be responsible for their lives."

"We Turks have always been famous for riding and shooting. Defending the city is really not our strong point. Yesterday, we were bombarded by Dalong's artillery. The troops have already suffered heavy casualties. I don't want them to die in vain in street fighting."

While talking, Wo Chitai pointed to the Baishan officer and mentioned the leather armor mixed with cloth armor on his chest.

"Brother Baishan, our weapons and armor are not at the same level as those of the Dalong people. We can hardly get any bargains in street fighting."

"Their crossbows can easily kill us, but our bows and arrows may not be able to kill their soldiers."

"Our Turkic archery skills are very good, but not all of us Turkic people are eagle archers, who can hit the enemy's throat with hundreds of shots and take their lives."

"You want me to be responsible for the safety of the brothers under your command, and I can't take the lives of my followers as a trifling matter."

"Forgive me for not being able to fight side by side with Brother Baishan and the soldiers of Fei Xiongwei!"

"Take care, we have a long time to come, and hope to meet again alive!"

"Farewell, little brother!"

Wo Chitai didn't give Baishanguan another chance to persuade him to stay again, holding the scimitar at his waist and beckoning to the surrounding soldiers.

"Boys, go out of the city with this general, and the wolf god will bless us if we die in battle. It's better than staying in the city and being bombed to death by the enemy's artillery."

The guards behind Wochitai did not hesitate to follow Wochitai towards the school yard where the Chongzhou garrison in the city was stationed before, where all their horses were placed.

Now that they are going out of the city to fight, they naturally have to ride their horses. The battle yesterday made all the Turks understand that defending the city was probably the worst decision they made.

Only the charge and slaughter in the wilderness is the glory of their Turkic people.

They are the darlings of the prairie, so they naturally want to charge forward according to the rules of the prairie.

Looking at Wo Chitai and the others turning away, General Qiu raised his hand to wave to the guards on the side. He wanted to stop them, but was stopped by Baishan Guan with his eyes.

General Qiu looked at Bai Shanguan hesitantly: "General, once they leave the city, our situation will become even worse."

"Their cavalry is fast. If they can't beat the enemy outside the city, they can find a chance to retreat at any time. We can't. Once they leave the Chongzhou battlefield, the pressure of the Dalong enemy army will all fall on us."

"Once we are surrounded in the city, we don't need to say what will happen to us!"

Baishan Guan silently watched Wo Chitai's back going away and sighed.

"He was not a good ally, but he was a good general."

"Wo Chitai insists on leaving the city. We have no reason to keep him. If we force him to stay, we will only kill each other and benefit the dragon soldiers outside the city."

"Since Wo Chitai is determined to go out, there is no other way to do it now, and we have to let him try Liu Mingzhi's edge first."

General Qiu and the other generals were stunned for a moment and their eyes lit up: "The general means that after they leave the city, we will still stay behind closed doors and let the Turkic people consume the strength of the Dalong enemy first?"

The Baishan officer glared at the generals.

"Confused, you don't understand the reason why your lips are dead and your teeth are cold?"

"If you stay behind closed doors, Wo Chitai will dare to lead his soldiers and horses to flee far away. In the end, the pressure of the dragon will still fall on us."

"Now the Turks are still our allies, no one can do without anyone."

"The general is confused, please tell the general, what should we do next?"

Bai Shanguan looked up at the ruined city wall and sighed twice: "You should go up to the city wall with this general and have a look."

Everyone hesitated for a moment, and nodded helplessly seeing the determined expression of Baishanguan. Although they didn't want to climb the city wall, since Baishanguan gave the order, they had to follow.

Ordinary soldiers have a large number of people, in order to avoid causing turmoil in the army, Baishan officials follow the law and don't blame the crowd, and they don't know military law.

These generals don't have such a good fate. If they dare to disobey their orders, the Baishan officer can kill them immediately.


There was a disagreement between the coalition forces of the two countries in the city, and the dragon soldiers outside the city were also at a loss.

The command flag in Jiang Lei's hand fluttered with the breeze, looking at the empty appearance above the city wall from the lens tube, Jiang Lei didn't know what to do next.

The enemy army is no longer on the city wall, so how can they bombard it?
Jiang Lei never felt that he was rich enough to shoot at will and blow up city bricks for fun.

The torch in the gunner's hand crackled and burned, and all eyes fell on Jiang Lei.

The shells have been loaded for so long, whether to fire or not.

A few minutes passed, but there was still no movement on the city wall, so Jiang Lei had no choice but to put down the lens tube in his hand.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Lei handed the binoculars to the lieutenant at the side.

"Fan Hu, you should pay close attention to the situation on the city wall first. Once the enemy troops ascend the city, they can fire at any time. This general will report to the commander first, and see what to do next!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Young Master Liu was still wondering why it took so long for the three rounds to fall, but there was still no sound of gunfire, so Jiang Lei walked into the big tent with the order flag.

"Jiang Lei, what's going on, why didn't you fire the gun?"

"Marshal, it's not the reason for the last general, as of now on the city wall"

Jiang Lei briefly talked about the situation in Chongzhou. Liu Mingzhi frowned and thought for a while after listening, picked up the binoculars and rushed out of the big tent.

In the position of the central army, Liu Mingzhi looked at the empty city wall through the mirror tube, and his heart suddenly became depressed. He knew that the next thing might be difficult to handle.

The fierce artillery fire yesterday caused heavy casualties to the coalition forces of the two countries, causing them to dare not go out of the city and climb the city wall in fear of the power of the artillery.

Song Qing put down the binoculars in his hand: "Marshal, time waits for no one, it is really impossible to blow open the city gate and attack the city!"

"Confused, my commander pulled out so many cannons because he wanted to rely on the advantage of the artillery to consume their troops and break into the city to meet them hand-to-hand. This is contrary to my original intention."

"Once there is a hand-to-hand battle, the brothers are bound to suffer heavy losses."

"After entering the city, both the cavalry and the artillery will be restricted to the greatest extent. This is a losing business."

"Of course the last general understands, but if they don't go to the city, we are afraid of accidentally hurting the people and dare not extend the artillery fire into the city wall. If they don't go to the city, we can't keep fighting with them!"

"If this continues, we won't be able to win Chongzhou within ten days."

Liu Mingzhi frowned and raised his hand to gently rub his temples: "Don't worry, don't worry, let me calm down and think about it, and see if I can find a way to get the best of both worlds."

Liu Mingzhi slowly closed his eyes and began to meditate, wondering if there was any way to lure the enemy troops in the city to climb the city wall.

Right now everyone understands that time waits for no one, the more this is the case, the more I have to calm down and think about it, and I can't take the lives of my brothers under my command as a trifling matter no matter what.

"Report! Inform the Commander!"

"A large number of cavalry charged from the east and south gates of Chongzhou City!"

"Report, report to Commander-in-Chief, the north and west gates of Chongzhou are open!"

Liu Mingzhi suddenly opened his eyes, and walked towards Chongzhou Zhang Wangle. After a little thought in his mind, he understood the plan of the Jin Kingdom and the Turkic people.

Secretly said, as expected of a general guarding one side, he is definitely not an ordinary person, and he is really decisive in his actions.

Knowing that the artillery in his hand is powerful, he actually wanted to use this method to curb the bombardment of his own artillery.

Gently exhaling, Liu Mingzhi knew that it would be impossible to regain Chongzhou without paying a price.

That being the case, there is only one way to break through.

(End of this chapter)

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