Chapter 1647 Ambush from All Sides
Liu Mingzhi knelt down in front of the tent of the Chinese army and played chess with Song Qing on the chessboard, as if he didn't take the battle of Chongzhou at all.

On the contrary, Song Qing didn't have much interest in playing chess. From time to time, he frowns slightly and glances at the city gate, obviously he is more worried about the condition of the city gate, and his mind is not on the chess game.

The situation at the city gate was almost the same as what Liu Mingzhi had just said to Song Qingyan. After all, Liu Mingzhi had deduced the possible battle situation in Chongzhou in his mind.

Without [-]% certainty, Young Master Liu would not calm down and play Go with Song Qing on the battlefield.

Wo Chitai led more than 3 Turkic cavalry who survived the artillery bombardment and charged out from the east and south gates of Chongzhou. Fan Hu, the deputy artillery general under Jiang Lei, accurately seized the opportunity to fire.

The entrance of the city gate is only so big, and the cavalry and horses are already tall, so the space they occupy is naturally crowded. Although the charging speed is relatively fast, tens of thousands of people want to rush out of the two city gates, and it will not take some time It is simply impossible.

Half of the cavalry led by Wo Chitai and his deputy Zale had not had time to go out of the city to start a frontal charge, when they were hit head-on at the city gate by the shells bombarded by the dragon.

Brick chips flew over the city gate, mixed with the smoke and dust blown up by shells on the ground, blocking the Turks' vision of charging.

In just half a day, the Dongcheng gate was blown out by shells, and the land outside the city gate was filled with ravines and corpses. Looking at it, it is impossible to estimate the size of the land outside the city gate. How many corpses of Turkic people and war horses were dumped there.

"Deputy General Fan, the barrel of the gun has reached its limit, and it can no longer be fired. Another shot may explode the chamber."

Fan Hu's gaze was fixed on the Turkic cavalry that filed out of the city gate, obviously red-eyed, and he subconsciously looked towards the north city gate.

"Quickly, lead the brothers to the North City Gate and the West City Gate to transfer the artillery there. Once the Turks rush out of the city and attack, the threat of our artillery will be minimized. Go!"

Fan Hu's deputy looked helplessly at the Turkic man who had accelerated towards the outside of the city, and pressed Fan Hu's shoulder with a little force.

"Vice General Fan, it's too late. The Turkic people are all cavalry, and the speed is too fast. It will be too late for us to transfer the artillery over. Let the sword and shield soldiers step forward to cover."

"The last general dares to say, don't be greedy for credit! The Turkic people still have tens of thousands of cavalry, and our artillery alone can't kill them all. Don't forget what the commander said, fight together, fight together!"

Fan Hu turned his head and glanced at the deputy, his eyes regained a bit of clarity, and he nodded in confusion.

"Command the standard bearer to inform the light cavalry, infantry, sword and shield soldiers, archers, and brothers from the cavalry and musket battalion to start encircling the Turks."

"The end will be ordered!"

On the corner of the east and north city walls, Baishanguan and General Qiu, the generals of the Flying Bear Guards, looked at the Turkic people outside the city gate who had suffered heavy casualties before they even came into contact with the Dalong enemy army, and sighed throbbing in their hearts. stand up.

General Qiu hammered the bricks hard: "Don't let them go out of the city, don't let them go out of the city, but insist on going their own way, it's useless to regret it now, roughly estimated, at least about 5000 people were injured!"

"In a place as big as the city gate hole, the center will bloom when the cannon hits it. No matter how fast the horse is, it can't be faster than the explosion speed of the cannonball!"

"The speed of the cavalry is so fast, but our infantry are wearing heavy armor, and we are giving the battle merits to the dragon."

Bai Shanguan looked sadly at the big dragon soldiers and horses who were encircling the Turkic cavalry outside the city.

"Perhaps King Zhen and Marshal Yaluha were all wrong. From the very beginning, we were caught in an elaborate conspiracy."

"Dalong's generals tried every means to gather our forces from the very beginning."

"In the division of troops, they retreated steadily. After joining forces, we have more troops but suffered heavy losses. This is a conspiracy carefully prepared by the general of the dragon, just to gather our troops together to catch the turtle."

General Qiu and the others looked at each other and fell silent. The word "catch a turtle in a urn" is not appropriate to describe themselves and others, but the words of the Baishanguan made their hearts tremble wildly.

That's right, why did the division of troops cause the dragon to retreat steadily, and after joining forces, there would be more soldiers and more generals, and after capturing their cities and occupying a favorable location, they would suffer heavy casualties.

Artillery, Baron's enemies had not used so much artillery before.

Is it true that, as the general said, from the very beginning, our side has been caught in the conspiracy carefully prepared by the dragon, and has fallen into their trap step by step.

"General Qiu, how many scouts do we have?"

"More than 140 scout brothers!"

"Send them all out. In any case, we must report the situation in Chongzhou to the two generals. It is wrong to defend the city. This is a trap. Let them withdraw from the city immediately after receiving the information. Dalong's purpose is to They wanted to surround us in the city and use their artillery to suppress us, we were fooled!"

"Go quickly, we must pass the news to the commander and the others."

"The last general has orders, and the last general will go immediately!"

General Qiu ran down the city wall without hesitation, and the sound of charging and killing was heard outside the city.

Bai Shanguan and others subconsciously looked out of the city, watching the light cavalry detour and gradually shrink the encirclement circle, the heavy armored cavalry brandishing their horses and charging across, the sword and shield soldiers covering the side, and the archers gradually moving towards the sides of the Turkic people In the scene of approaching, Bai Shanguan suddenly had an idea in his heart.

The Turks are finished.

With such a close cooperation, only relying on the Turkic light cavalry has no chance of winning at all, and it will be a matter of time before they are all beheaded.

No matter how powerful the Turkic cavalry is, the cavalry on the opposite side is not a fool.

The light cavalry of the people from the Western Regions plus the invincible heavy armored cavalry under Liu Mingzhi's command, and the infantry covering the side, unless the Turkic people have wings, it is impossible to charge out.

Especially in the case of disparity in military strength.

Wochitai and Zale still have more than 3 people under their command, but the enemy army outside the city far exceeds more than [-] soldiers and horses.

I'm afraid it's useless for Bing Sheng to be alive.

"General, are we really going out of the city to support the Turkic people? After all, they are our allies. Seeing them being chopped down by the dragon soldiers and horses like this, the general feels very uncomfortable!"

The joints of Baishan Guan holding the city wall turned white, and he looked towards the north city gate, watching those cannon barrels facing the city gate, shining coldly in the sun, slapping the city bricks hard.

"This general also wants to help them, but how to help them, look at the artillery facing the city gate, they are obviously preventing us from going out of the city to support them!"

"The tens of thousands of cavalry behind the artillery positions are staring at us. Once we are surrounded by them, we are afraid that we will be wiped out before the Turkic allies."

"The city gates are full of enemy troops. The Turkic people can't get out without horses. How can we get out with two legs!"

"The whole Chongzhou is under the siege of the dragon soldiers and horses. We have to fight to the death or surrender. There are only two ways to go."

In front of the army tent in the Dalong tent, Liu Mingzhi clapped his hands and threw the chess pieces in his hand into the flag box, and looked at Song Qing on the opposite side with a sigh.

"Okay, it's been almost a day, you have played thirteen rounds and you haven't won a single round, I've lost all my thoughts about being abusive!"

Song Qing put down the chess pieces in his hand with a frown, looked up at the mysterious formation on the chessboard and looked up at Young Master Liu.

"What game is this?"

Liu Mingzhi stood up, stretched his waist, looked towards the gradually shrinking battlefield outside the city, and smiled faintly at the shadowy figures on the city wall.

"Ambush on all sides!"

(End of this chapter)

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