My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1648 4 faces embattled

Chapter 1648
The sun is setting in the west, the setting sun is like blood.

As the battle line gradually closed, Wo Chitai and Zhaler gradually joined together.

At this moment, the two of them had disheveled hair, and their bodies were blood-stained like crazy monsters. The scimitar in their hands was notched again and again, and they could no longer see their original appearance.

Wo Chitai held the reins of the horse tightly with one hand, while carefully observing the surrounding enemies approaching Zale.

"Zale, how is the situation on your side, can you rush out?"

With bloodshot eyes, Zale beheaded a big dragon soldier under his horse, and rushed towards Wochitai with his horse, and then the two turned their horses' heads to lean on each other, guarding against the archers on both sides shooting from time to time. Feather arrows.

"General, I can't rush out. The strength of the troops is too great. The boys have already suffered more than half of their casualties, and our arrow clusters have also been exhausted. Every time they charge the heavy cavalry, countless brothers will be killed or injured!"

"Just relying on our scimitars can't break through their heavy armor!"

Wo Chitai quickly glanced at the battlefield strewn with corpses, and swung the scimitar fiercely in his hand.

"The situation on my side is not good. I managed to break through a gap and it was immediately filled. There is a weak spot in the southeast, but just as I led my sons to rush over, the Dalong enemy army took the flaming iron Tongzi killed thousands of our warriors, and damaged Erlang who came forward without seeing what it was!"

"General be careful!"

The two of Wo Chitai's hearts tightened, and they subconsciously bent down to stick to the horse's belly. A rain of arrows from the dragon archers on both sides flew across again, taking away hundreds of relatives around Wo Chitai and the two of them. soldier.

Zale glanced at the Turkic cavalry who had fallen from the horse with an arrow and was still struggling, and looked at Wochitai with red eyes.

"General, we can't rush out. The gap in the southeast is a trap deliberately left for us by the enemy army of Dalong. Let's retreat to the city. If you don't retreat, brothers really can't hold it!"

"We can't break through the formation of the dragon heavy cavalry at all."

Wo Chitai glanced regretfully at Erlang who had fallen to the ground, and waved his hand unwillingly.

"Soldiers, blow the horn and retreat to the city!"


There was a heavy sound of horns on the battle field, one, two, the sound of horns sounded one after another, and the Turkic people who were rushing to kill all turned their horses to fight back, and rushed towards the city gate that they rushed out of. past!

On the battle platform, Liu Mingzhi looked at the Turkic people retreating towards the city gate in the mirror tube, put down the binoculars in his hand, hesitated for a moment and waved the command flag to the bottom.

"Send the order, the soldiers of the three armies rush to the gate of the city, and call the gold immediately to withdraw!"


Liu Mingzhi turned over and crawled towards the battle supervisor's platform, just as Song Qing landed, Gu Mo Rongrong and others surrounded him.

"Marshal, brothers are gaining momentum, why do you want to call for money to withdraw troops, the general suggested that our army should attack the city immediately."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the group of generals and let out a sigh.

"It is advisable to chase after the poor with the remaining bravery, and not to be known as the overlord."

"But now they are not poor, and there is no chance of life left for them. If they fight to the death and arouse their determination to fight to the death, it will be our brothers who will suffer heavy casualties."

"However, if you don't take advantage of the victory to pursue now, what will you do if they are rehabilitated and determined not to leave the city to fight again? Don't forget your oath that you broke the city just five days ago!"

"The commander-in-chief has his own plan, Ming Jin retreats!"

"This last general takes orders!"

"Du Yu!"

"The end is here."

"Order the soldiers of the rear army to treat the injured brothers quickly. As long as they can be saved, their lives must be saved no matter what the cost."

"The end will be ordered!"

After a stick of incense, a loud sound of gold foil made Jin Guofei Xiongwei in Chongzhou City and the Turkic people who retreated into the city breathe a sigh of relief.

If the dragon soldiers rushed into the city in one go, they would have no choice but to fight to the death.

After cleaning up the battlefield, it was already sunset and the moon was rising. Liu Mingzhi sat in the big tent and quietly looked at the results of the battle that Sima had sorted out, with a faint smile on his face.

"Killed more than 6000 enemies, and captured more than [-] lightly and seriously wounded soldiers"

"Cheng Kai, Han Peng, the heavy armored cavalry led by the two of you have made countless contributions in this battle. Nearly half of the enemy troops died in your hands."

"The last general didn't dare, it was all arranged by the commander, otherwise we wouldn't be able to kill so many enemies."

"What should be yours is yours. You don't need to be humble, but you must guard against arrogance and impetuosity."

"Your credit is inseparable from the cooperation of the brothers. Tell the brothers in heavy armor not to be arrogant and despise the rest of the brothers."

"Otherwise, once it gets to my ears, even if you have made great achievements, I will ask you two first!"

"The last general has an order, and the last general will never dare to take credit for it!"

"Rongrong is also a great achievement. Without the impenetrable encirclement of your light cavalry, Cheng Kai and the others would not have been able to kill so many enemies."

"Baoyu, Jiang Lei, the artillery, archers, sword and shield soldiers, and musket battalion under your command are all very good. They have all done what they should do. Coordinated operations are indispensable. Your implementation is very perfect, and you can hardly find fault. Shuai will definitely reward you for your merits!"

"Thank you, handsome!"

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, and looked at Song Qing.

"Brothers who died in battle?"

"Don't worry, Marshal, the final arrangements have been made!"

"As long as the arrangements are made, the war is not over yet, so I won't say much about the sensational words. Let's talk about everything after the national war is over!"

"You go and choose some brothers in the army who are proficient in Turkic to come and meet me in the army tent! The commander has something to do for them!"


The gate of Chongzhou City was closed, and in the former folk courtyard of Wochitai, Baishan Guan looked with a heavy face at Wochitai, which had been sitting in a daze since he came back, without a drop of water.

"General Wo Chitai, the war is over. It is inevitable for the soldiers to die on the battlefield. We can't let ourselves sink like this, we have to look forward!"

After a long time, Wo Chitai's stunned eyes finally regained some light, and he turned his head to look at the heavy-faced Baishanguan.

"I have [-] sons in the Water Secret Department, and now there are more than [-] people left. How will this general explain to the Great Khan, and how to explain to the elders of the Water Secret Department!"

"I know you don't like it in your heart, but no one"


Zale's arrival interrupted Baishanguan's words, Wo Chitai looked at Zale and stood up hastily.

"Zhal, how is it? Are you all settled down?"

Zale shook his head with complicated eyes: "General, since the retreat to the city, the morale of the sons and daughters has never been gone again. General Baishan asked the soldiers of the Golden Army to prepare the meals for the sons. The brothers didn't eat at all. Shrunk together in a daze."

"More than 3 sons were lost in two days. In the end, the sons are already afraid of fighting."

"This kind of heavy casualties has never happened since the establishment of our Watertight Department."

"I think, if Dalong's enemy army continues to attack the city tomorrow, the brothers will have no intention of fighting anymore!"

"The sun rising in the east, son of a man who herds horses and sheep."

Outside the city of Chongzhou, loud and clear singing came from all directions. The lyrics and music are all Turkic words, which are the pastoral songs that Turkic people hum when they shepherd their sheep and herd their horses.

The three of Wo Chitai were stunned for a long time, and subconsciously looked at each other, a bad thought suddenly rose in their hearts.

The three people who came back to their senses ran towards the outside of the courtyard at the same time.

The three people who came out of the courtyard stared blankly at the cuddling together on the main road and slowly got up. The dull look in their eyes gradually recovered a bit of spirit. The Turkic man who was looking outside the city knew that his guess just now had already sat down. It's true.

"Boys of the Water Containment Department, this is a trick of the southerners. This general orders you to cover your ears and not listen to the singing outside the city!"

The neighboring Turkic people subconsciously glanced at the roaring Wochitai, and then collectively looked out of the city.

With such an attitude from the Turkic people, the Baishan officer sighed deeply.

Besieged on all sides, Chongzhou is in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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