Chapter 1650

Liu Mingzhi's restless behavior made Gu Mo Rongrong and the others suddenly realize that Young Master Liu's treatment of Chongzhou is definitely not as simple as singing pastoral songs and persuading him to surrender!
In private, he must have made some plans that he and others did not know about.The general's current reaction shows that his plan may not be going well.

After all, Gumo Rongrong is a woman, her thoughts are more delicate than Song Qing's and the others, plus she has been in charge of Gumo Kingdom for many years, her ability to observe words and demeanor is extraordinary.

Gu Mo Rongrong thought for a moment and then realized that Liu Mingzhi mentioned the sky over Chongzhou City more than once. In the sky, only things like signal flares can be clearly observed outside the city.

Gu Mo Rongrong took out a clean embroidered handkerchief from her leather armor and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

"Marshal, wipe off your sweat. Some things can't be rushed. It's up to people to make things happen. Rongrong believes that you will succeed."

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback, and looked at Gu Mo Rongrong in surprise. From the girl's clear eyes, Liu Mingzhi knew that this intelligent woman must have guessed something.

Nodding silently, Liu Mingzhi took the embroidered handkerchief handed over by the beauty and wiped off the fine sweat on his face due to impatience. The faint orchid fragrance on the embroidered handkerchief slightly eased Liu Mingzhi's restless mood.

After wiping off his sweat, Liu Mingzhi habitually put the embroidered handkerchief into his cuffs, apparently treating the embroidered handkerchief as his own.

Liu Mingzhi, who had been observing the situation on the city wall, ignored Gu Mo Rongrong's coquettish expression when she wanted to reach out to take back the embroidered handkerchief, but finally withdrew her arm in embarrassment.

"Jiang Lei!"

"The end is here!"

Liu Mingzhi walked towards the sand table outside the big tent, Jiang Lei followed with a very winking look.

In front of the sand table, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and gestured on the sand table, telling Jiang Lei something from time to time.

Jiang Lei nodded frequently, his face became more solemn, and he stretched out his fingers to measure on the sand table from time to time, and the chess pieces in his hand were stuck on the sand pile from time to time.

After a long time, Jiang Lei punched First Young Master Liu, raised his command flag, got on his horse and rushed towards the artillery positions outside the city.

Under the stunned expressions of Song Qing and others, Jiang Lei commanded the gunner to make a great change to the artillery after arrangement. The way of matching many artillery pieces made Cheng Kai and others like laymen confused.

Liu Mingzhi took out the binoculars, looked at the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin who were struggling to beat drums on the city wall to suppress the voices of the soldiers singing pastoral songs, and sighed.

"Hundred good officials, a hundred good officials, as the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are the best. Since you want to lead the soldiers of Feixiongwei to defend Chongzhou, don't blame me for not caring about the personal relationship with Wanyan!"

"This handsome is absolutely impossible to spend the lives of my brothers with you!"

On the city wall, Baishan Guan, who had been watching the enemy's situation outside the city without taking his eyes off the city, easily saw the change of the artillery position.

"Order! Stop beating the drums and go down to the city quickly to prevent the enemy's artillery bombardment!"


In less time than a cup of tea, the Feixiong guards above the city wall quickly retreated towards the bottom of the city wall, and the elite was once again reflected.

"My sons and daughters, the reason why the Great Khan took us to the south is for our Turks to dominate the world in the future, and for my Turks' eternal foundation!"

"As long as the dragon is captured, we will no longer be attacked by snowstorms, and we will no longer worry about froze to death of cattle and sheep, and our tribes will starve to death in the snowstorm without enough food."

"How could we live up to the high expectations of the Great Khan!"

"Just ask the world, no matter whether it is the Great Dragon or the Kingdom of Jin, there is no king who personally conquered for the future of the people. Only we, the Great Khan, have sat down."

"My sons and daughters, the southerners regard us as uneducated barbarians, but let's think about it for ourselves. Since the establishment of the King's Court by the Great Khan, we have never occupied the best pastures and occupied the best land like the Western King's Court. The river, but all of it was given to our tribe below!"

"Khan loves the people like a child, since we went south with her, how can we make her feel cold?"

"Boys, pick up the scimitars in your hands, carry your bows and arrows on your back, and fight side by side with the allied brothers of the Kingdom of Jin, defend Chongzhou to the death, and fight for a period of time for the Great Khan and the others to march south and capture the Dalong capital."

"As long as the Great Khan can rule the world, even if we die in battle, we will still be heroes admired by future generations of Turkic descendants!"

"The wolf god will bless us, my sons and daughters, follow me to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds!"

Wo Chitai's voice was a little hoarse, but he didn't care, because he had seen the fighting spirit rekindled in the eyes of many of his followers.

"The wolf god bless the Turks, long live the Great Khan!"

"The wolf god bless the Turks, long live the Great Khan!"

"General, the enemy's artillery fire outside the city is too powerful. We are no match for them in terms of weapons or armor. Fighting with them will be death in vain!"

"Brothers are not afraid of death, but brothers don't want to die in vain."

"General, of our 5 people, there are now only 5000 left. Da Khan has said more than once, don't learn the habit of southerners who know they are invincible and die in vain. Only by living can there be hope!"

"The Great Khan said that after surrendering, you can start all over again. If you die in battle, you will have nothing."

"My son is only three years old, and my daughter is only half a year old. If I die in battle, they will be plundered by other tribes. If the fate is better, they can grow up and inherit the will of the brothers. would be treated like a slave."

"General, Liu Mingzhi has been famous for decades, and he has never heard of a precedent of murdering prisoners of war. Surrender, I don't want my son and daughter to have no father, and my woman to become someone else's woman!"

"Brothers, the Great Khan has said it himself, don't fight to the death in vain, she won't blame us if we surrender!"

"Do you want to see your wives and children taken away by other tribes and treated as slaves?"

As soon as Wochitai's words fell, a voice rang out from the street on the east side. The words made many Turkic people who had just been moved look low again, obviously thinking of something empathetic.

Wo Chitai, Zale and other generals glanced at the source of the sound in an instant, trying to find this guy who confused the army. However, there were so many people on the street that they could only know the approximate location, and could not see where it was. Which one just shouted.

"This brother is right, we are alive, and we will be able to make contributions again with the Great Khan in the future, but if we die in battle today, let alone not being able to make contributions, even if we lose our wives and children, what's the point of fighting like this? "

"That's right, our Watertight Department has [-] strong and elite troops. There are only one or two thousand brothers stationed in the tribe, and the rest are old, weak, sick and disabled. If we die in battle, our Watertight Department will be annexed by other tribes sooner or later!"

"General, what they said is true. After the Great Khan established the royal court, although our tribes were forbidden to kill each other in private and compete for pastures, we all died in battle, and the Ministry of Water Secrets existed in name only. When the time comes, other tribes will find a name. After annexing us, the Great Khan can't say anything, because even if others don't annex us, the Great Khan will order us to join the powerful tribe!"

"General, we don't want to fight anymore. It's fine if we have the same strength, but we are sending ourselves to death now. Yesterday, 5000 brothers came back and more than [-] brothers came back. We can't fight any more!"

"Stop fighting, surrender and go home!"

"We want to go back to the Turks, we want to go back to the grasslands, we won't fight anymore!"

"Brothers who want to go home, open the city gate and surrender with me. If you stay in the city, you will die in vain!"


As the first voice fell, words of surrender sounded from dozens of places on the street in an instant, and Wo Chitai and others couldn't tell who made the voice at all.

"Brothers, go out of the city and surrender. It was said outside the city that the first person to go out of the city and surrender will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold, and the first 100 people will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver!"

"It's more reward than our reward for killing ten people. If you don't want to die, follow me on horseback!"

In the blink of an eye, a figure jumped onto the horse, revealing Lushan's true face.

Wo Chitai looked at the 'Turkic' Erlang who was about to leave the city and surrender with a scimitar drawn dozens of steps away, the corner of his mouth trembled, and he instinctively took off the big bow behind his back.

Then, before they had time to mount their arrows, figures got on their horses and rushed towards the gate of the city from the alleys beside the people.

The rest of the Turkic people looked around hesitantly. As more and more brothers rushed towards the city gate, some people finally couldn't help getting on their horses, not daring to look at the position of Wochitai, and rode their horses. followed.

The role of the leader is fully reflected at this moment.

When the first person appeared, those already fearful of war would follow suit.

Wo Chitai looked at the men who started to mount their horses and rush towards the city gate in large numbers like bombing camps, and their bodies trembled.

He knew it was too late to say anything now.

On the higher roof not far away, a middle-aged man dressed in Turkic clothes had a surprised smile on his face.

"Show signal flares, let the commander-in-chief blow open the city gate, and wait for the Turkic people to leave the city and surrender!"


A sharp sound broke through the air in the city, and a bright flower exploded in the sky.

All of a sudden, artillery roared outside the east and south city gates. Jiang Lei and Fan Hu ordered the gunners to replace them with solid bullets, and directly bombarded the two city gates of Chongzhou!
In front of the big tent of the Chinese army outside the city, Liu Mingzhi sat upright on a chair, looked at Chongzhou City and grinned.

"Hundred good officials, Wo Chitai, the trend of the times, no one can stop it!"

(End of this chapter)

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