My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1651 Defeat like a mountain

Chapter 1651 Defeat like a mountain

Under the bombardment of dozens of cannons, the wooden gate of Chongzhou City was finally broken into pieces and thrown into the gate hole!
In a blink of an eye, a 'Turkic' man waving a Turkic wolf flag rushed out of the city first, and rushed towards the field on the east side of Dalong's barracks.

Liu Mingzhi put down the binoculars in his hand and waved his hand at Song Qing: "Decree the soldiers of the three armies that all weapons except the archers are not allowed to take out their sheaths. Don't startle these Turkic soldiers, but they must be prepared to prevent accidents."


"Rongrong, order your cavalry to turn around, but don't get close to the Turkic people, just surround them to prevent them from rushing out."


"Cheng Kai, Baoyu, and Han Peng listened to the order. You divided them up, confiscated their horses and weapons, divided them into three places for custody, gathered them in the rear army and settled them properly, and placed them with yesterday's Turkic captives. , Free up our own troops, and let these soldiers take care of their own wounded soldiers."

"The last general takes orders!"

"Tang Ru listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Order the Huotou army to make fire and cook food for these Turkic soldiers. Remember not to abuse or beat them, but their food should not exceed one-third of our own soldiers."

"As for people, once they eat too much, they will inevitably cause trouble. If you don't abuse them, you can't make them too full!"

"I will understand at the end."

In less than half a day, tens of thousands of Turkic tribes rushed out of the two city gates. After leaving the city, the Turkic people were completely relieved when they saw that the dragon soldiers and horses outside the city really did not intend to come up to besiege them. .

Slowly towards the 'Turks' who were holding the wolf flag out of the city, they gathered in the past.

People have a herd mentality, and more and more Turkic people gathered on the field on the east side of the barracks. The Turkic people in their early [-]s saw Cheng Kai and the three of them riding towards themselves and others with hundreds of soldiers. Come on, it was only then that I completely believed that the Dalong enemy army really accepted my surrender, rather than deliberately tricking myself and others out of the city to kill them.

"I am under the command of General Dalong Zhonglu, Marshal Liu Mingzhi, and general Cheng Kai of the fallen army. Congratulations, you have chosen a way to survive!"

"Now this general orders you to stand up and dismount, put down the weapons in your hands and form a formation spontaneously. This general will accept your surrender on behalf of Commander Liu Mingzhi!"

"Now you obey this general"

Cheng Kai's personal guards who knew Turkic dialect held the command flag and rode up to attack, repeating Cheng Kai's words just now.

After a long time, when the first 'Turkic' got off his horse and put down his weapon, more than 1 Turkic people followed suit.

When the sun was rising, Cheng Kai and the others commanded more than 1 Turkic soldiers who surrendered and gathered in three directions towards the rear army. The more than 1 Turkic soldiers were not found, and hundreds of brothers left quietly. The team retreated towards the army camp.

"Report, report to the commander-in-chief, all the Turkic soldiers have been arranged according to your order, and the total number of soldiers is 620, [-]."

Liu Mingzhi took the military booklet from Song Qing, glanced at it, then threw it on the table beside him, his brows twitched slightly.

"There are more than 1000 people. It seems that there are still thousands of Turkic people who are determined to leave the city and surrender!"

"Forget it, the opportunity is given to them, and I can't stop the handsome man who is looking for a dead end!"

One after another, all the generals rushed back and gathered around First Young Master Liu.

"You said that now the city is nesting in Chitai, what is the expression of Baishanguan and the others?"

"Should be furious!"

"The final guess is that he was out of breath."

"Maybe it's like mourning a concubine."

With a light smile, Liu Mingzhi picked up the command flag on the table and held it in his hand.

"Jiang Lei!"

"The end is here!"

"The original plan was to bombard Chongzhou."

"I will retire at the end of the day."

"Everyone will obey."

"I will obey orders!"

"The sound of the artillery is over, leaving [-] cavalry to guard the Turkic soldiers, and the rest of the troops will attack the city!"


In Chongzhou City, Baishan Guan, Wo Chitai and other generals looked exactly as Cheng Kai and the others said, looking at the main street where only a few thousand Turkic soldiers and horses remained, as if mourning.

"General Wo Chitai, what is going on, why did it happen in just half a day?"

Wo Chitai glanced weakly at Turkic Erlang, who had only a few thousand eyes remaining, although his eyes were firm, but he couldn't stop his frightened eyes, and sighed heavily.

"The army is defeated like a mountain, what face does Wochitai have to meet Da Khan!"

"Why don't you order to kill those who are timid and afraid of death, and those who deceive the public with evil words?"

"Hundreds of people rushed out, and the general didn't have time to react. The morale of the brothers was not stable. It would be chaos if one came out to take the lead, let alone hundreds of people rushed out, and it took only half a day."




The roar of artillery suddenly sounded outside the city, shocking the people who were already depressed, and subconsciously looked outside the city.

There are no soldiers and horses on the city wall, so how could the Dalong enemy army waste shells on Chongzhou City?
However, before they could think about it carefully, the explosions around them told them a stark fact.

Dalong's artillery was not bombarding the city walls, but the soldiers and horses in Chongzhou City.

The Baishan officer watched in astonishment the soldiers who were scrambling to avoid the artillery, and trembled as they fixed their eyes on the flames of the people's courtyard after the explosion.

"How dare Liu Mingzhi. How dare he. Does he not care about the lives of tens of thousands of Dalong people in the city?"

"Brother Baishan, Liu Mingzhi has never played cards according to common sense. Don't worry about it now, and quickly organize the soldiers. I don't know how many people will die in vain if they run like this!"

"That's right, it's right to organize the soldiers to avoid the artillery fire first!"

"Everyone will obey!"

"I will obey orders!"

"Hurry up and gather the brothers under your command, tell them not to run around, obey your orders to avoid the artillery fire, and prepare to defend the city as soon as the artillery fire stops. Liu Mingzhi is crazy, he is crazy!"

"I have to wait"



The sound of roaring artillery can't cover the sudden sound of war drums outside the city and the sound of rushing into the sky. The sound of 10,000+ sons has already covered the cracking sound of hundreds of artillery when they fired.

Baishanguan trembled, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Our own soldiers in the city were torn apart by the bombardment, and before they had time to unite to defend the city, at this time more than [-] dragon soldiers and horses who had already deployed their troops charged in, and Bai Shanguan knew the result without thinking about it.

I never thought that Liu Mingzhi would extend the artillery fire into the city wall, let alone that he would grasp the timing so accurately.

When the first shot of the Willow Commander-in-Chief flag rushed into the city gate, the artillery outside the city fell silent in an instant, leaving only the shouts of the dragon soldiers.

More than 4 soldiers and horses who were bombarded by artillery fled with their heads in their arms, and soldiers and horses without formation faced more than [-] soldiers and horses that had been prepared for a long time. The result of the war can be imagined.

The rising sun gradually turned into the setting sun.

Shocking shouts of disarming and not killing came from Chongzhou City, and the dragon dragon flag and Liu Zishuai flag were hoisted above Chongzhou City again.

Song Qing Cheng Kai and others held bloody sabers, looked at Baishanguan and other generals who were tightly bound by ropes, and looked up at the banners flying in the wind on the city wall.

Take Chongzhou back so easily?I always feel that I didn't make any effort, so why did I regain Chongzhou in a daze?

Outside the city, Liu Mingzhi put down the teacup in his hand, got up and walked towards his mount, and glanced at Du Yu and others who were smiling.

"Command brothers, break camp and enter the city!"


Gu Mo Rongrong followed closely behind, and the look of doubt on Gu Mo Rongrong's pretty face after getting on the horse was self-evident.

"Big Brother Liu, Jin Guofei and Xiong Weishao in the city must have [-] soldiers, and they are all elite soldiers. They captured the city in just half a day. Why does Rongrong feel like a dream!"

"Even if there are [-] pigs, it will take a day to kill them!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Gu Mo Rongrong with a light smile, and nodded to his chest with his fingers.


Gu Mo Rongrong lowered her head and pondered for a moment, looking at First Young Master Liu with an understanding.

"Brother is talking about the human heart?"

"Of course!"

"The army is defeated like a mountain, and the survivors are doomed."

"Others kill you easily, but you have no power to fight back. Knowing that there is still a chance of life, no one is willing to die in vain."

"Except for Duan Canren and those idiots who broke the captive army, you bastards, if there is an afterlife, I must train them to death!"

"Damn it, they agreed to live together and die together, they don't keep their promises!"

"Little man! Not keeping promises!"

Gu Mo Rongrong was stunned, seeing how First Young Master Liu was cursing, but his eyes were flickering with mist in the setting sun, and she understood that although Young Master Liu was cursing and couldn't bear them, he felt the most unpleasant in his heart A person.

How much sorrow and sorrow in my heart, maybe only Liu Mingzhi knows it!

Liu Mingzhi lifted the wine bag on the horse's back and took a sip.

"Let's not talk about that, let's talk about something happy, take back the city in four days, at least my brothers don't have to smash it up and give you the food and drink!"

Gu Mo Rongrong looked at First Young Master Liu blankly, and nodded half understanding.

"No, Big Brother Song told me quietly that day that if Rongrong wanted to eat it, he didn't have to make it as a side dish. He also said that only Rongrong in the whole army has the honor to eat your brother."

Gu Mo Rongrong smacked her cherry lips a few times, caressed her white teeth, and looked at First Young Master Liu in bewilderment.

"Could it be that we people from the Western Regions have become human-eating demons when we reach you?"

"The rumors are scary, Rongrong knows, but it's too scary!"

"It's nothing more than turning black and white!"

"Hang Chi."

"Song Qing, your grandma!"

(End of this chapter)

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