Chapter 1652
Chongzhou Governor's Mansion.

Young Master Liu looked at a group of generals who were overjoyed to welcome him, especially Song Qing, who was the special care object of Young Master Liu's eyes.

With a bang, Young Master Liu took advantage of the opportunity to kick Song Qing who was coming up, and kicked Song Qing on the crook of his leg, causing a group of generals who followed Song Qing to shudder.

What's the situation, how can you still be beaten after a big victory?

Song Qing grinned and rubbed his legs, looked at Young Master Liu with a confused expression, "Marshal, what did you do wrong?"

First Young Master Liu glanced at Gu Mo Rongrong who was at the side, and dragged Song Qing to the side.

"Song Qing, my greetings to your uncle, did you take Laozi's military camp to Xianglou that day, are you full and have nothing to do? What dirty words did you say to Rongrong?"

Song Qing froze for a moment, as if recalling something, grunted and held back a smile, rubbed his nose and looked at First Young Master Liu.

"Marshal, don't blame the general, it was General Rongrong who first asked the general if Liu Mingli, your second son, offended you, and why he ruined his current food and drink! He also said that it is not good to eat people!"

"Thinking about it, I can't explain it to a girl like her, this dick is not that dick!"

"I can only make a few nonsense, she has only learned a little bit of Chinese, no wonder she is the last general!"

First Young Master Liu pointed at Song Qing: "Your sister, you just make excuses for me."

"Report, Commander-in-Chief, Chongzhou Inspector Luo has arrived!"

Liu Mingzhi looked towards the front of the hall subconsciously: "I'll settle the accounts when I'm done with work, and deal with the business first."

Song Qing pouted at Young Master Liu's back, grunted a few times and shook his shoulders.

"She's 30 years younger than a woman, how do you know if her girl really doesn't understand or pretends not to understand, what if she pretends to be confused and tries to test you!"

"Those who have a heart but no guts!"

"Men Sao!"

Young Master Liu had just walked to the main hall when a figure in a light crimson official robe rushed up to greet him.

"The lower official, Chongzhou Inspector Luo Yuan, sees the side-by-side king, the prince is a thousand years old!"

"It's not good for the lower officials to guard the city, which caused Chongzhou to fall into the hands of the Turks and the Kingdom of Jin, which made the people in our city miserable and their homes restless. This is the crime of dereliction of duty!"

"My subordinate Luo Yuan is convicted, please punish me, my lord."

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly helped Luo Yuan up: "Lord Luo doesn't need to be like this. The king is wearing armor, so there is no need for Lord Luo to be polite. It is an order of the king to surrender the city and protect the safety of the people. It has nothing to do with Lord Luo. Lord Luo doesn't need to feel guilty." , take your seat!"

"My lord understands righteousness, I thank you, my lord!"

Liu Mingzhi sat on the main seat and waved to a group of generals: "Sit down too!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea and tasted it before putting it back: "Lord Luo!"

"The subordinate is here!"

"Hey! Lord Luo, you don't need to be so polite. Let's jointly manage the northern border prefecture. In the future, things in Chongzhou will have to bother you!"

"I don't dare, it's the job of the lower officials, and the lower officials will naturally go all out!"

"This king asks you, Turkic, after the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin entered the city, did they do any evil deeds that harmed the people in my city?"

"Reporting to the lord, after the enemy army entered the city, apart from occupying the civilian houses near the city wall, they did not commit any evil deeds. It is not an exaggeration to say that Qiu did nothing wrong."

"Except for a few people who were accidentally injured when fleeing the chaos, not a single person suffered misfortune!"

"It is precisely because of this that there is no turmoil among the people in the city, and there are acts of civil unrest. This is all thanks to your majesty and princes!"

Liu Mingzhi's hanging heart finally relaxed, and Wo Chitai and Wo Chitai felt a little bit of goodwill towards the Baishanguan who had never met before.

Regardless of whether they did not do evil to the people in the city because of their orders or their own threats, they could all be counted as a real soldier.

"That's good, Lord Luo!"

"Your Majesty is here, my lord, please give me instructions!"

"To appease the hearts of the people, you will be fully responsible for the rebuilding of the houses. The bank will use the treasury to support it temporarily. Then you will make a list of the silver consumed and hand it to the king. The king will report it to the Ministry of Households!"

"I obey the order! I would like to thank the Lord for his kindness on behalf of the people of Chongzhou!"

"Hey, it's my king's fault that he didn't guard the country's gates, causing the people to suffer wars. How about Ende!"

"Let's gossip, the war is important, so I won't keep Mr. Luo anymore, you can go to work first!"

"Yes, the officer will leave!"

"Generals, I will take my leave first!"


"Marshal, General Fei Xiongwei, General Wo Chitai, who is in charge of the water secret department, is now being detained by the soldiers in the martial arts arena in the Governor's Mansion. Do you want to bring them here?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head slightly: "I'll talk about it later, has the sand table arrived yet?"

"Return to Commander-in-Chief, it's just outside the door, the last general will bring someone in immediately!"

"Well, hurry up and come back!"


"The end is here!"

"Battle Damaged Army Book!"

"Master, please take a look!"

Liu Mingzhi looked through the military records carefully, and found that the number of casualties was still within his acceptable range, so he felt relieved.

"Song Qing listened to the order, and immediately sent a letter to the two armies on the left and right from the golden carving, asking them how the battle is going!"


"Master, the sand table is here!"

Without hesitation, Liu Mingzhi walked to the sand table and meditated. After a long time, Liu Mingzhi fixed the bamboo pole on the Jianzhou Mansion.

"Repair for two days, immediately go south to recapture Jianzhou City, and then the army will point directly at Guzhou, Jingzhou!"

"Commander, would it be too aggressive to fight like this? Do we have to wait for the left and right armies in Lingzhou and Hanzhou? After all, we go south to seize the city alone, and it is easy to show that we are short of troops!"

"Once the enemy recalls it, it will be troublesome to go out of the city and kill us immediately. At that time, the soldiers and horse brothers from the left and right will not be able to support us in time!"

"The general agrees! The general understands that the commander-in-chief has been worried for too long, and that the exposure of his troops will cause the enemy to counterattack. However, the situation of the interception of the enemy's food and grass by the commander of Zhang Mo's mansion is still unknown. It’s been too long since we haven’t replied to the book, it’s really too risky for us to fight!”

Liu Mingzhi frowned and looked at Cheng Kai: "There is still no movement in the capital?"

Cheng Kai frowned slightly and sighed: "The letter urging the grain and grass has recovered, and the third batch of grain and grass will be transported to northern Xinjiang in a month. The northern Xinjiang is in a hurry, but the letter asking the recruits to support it is..."


"The mud cow has entered the sea, and there is no news."

"It is said that even if there is an accident in the capital, according to the rules, the reinforcements should receive a reply no matter whether they can help or not, but it has been so long, let alone the golden eagle, it is a fast horse that is [-] miles away. You should come back too."

Liu Mingzhi hammered heavily on the flash disk, and the gloomy look in his eyes flashed away: "If we can't come, we will fight on our own, relying on the mountains and mountains, relying on the flow of water, we can only rely on ourselves!"

"Everything is ready, without the meat cutting knife of 30 recruits, shall we stop eating meat?"

"Without a knife, I have to eat this piece of fat even if I take you to eat!"

"Our only chance has been said more than once by the commander. As long as the enemy doesn't find out that our strength is false, we can eat up one-third of their strength, and wait for Zhang Mo to join forces, and the enemy can still be defeated." It's a smashing blow!"

"So we must be quick, use the power of the artillery, save our troops, and finally start a decisive battle!"

Liu Mingzhi's non-negotiable tone made the generals lose face and nodded heavily.

"I have to wait!"

"Report! Commander-in-Chief, the reply from the capital has arrived! The reply from the capital has arrived!"

Liu Mingzhi was shocked, and looked out the door with narrowed eyes, only to see a vigorous falcon running over at a high speed on the shoulder of a guard.

"Marshal, return the letter from the capital!"

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly took the letter and flipped through it, and finally smiled when he saw the contents of the letter.

Passed the letter to the surrounding generals.

"Brothers, 30 recruits are already on their way. The overall situation has been settled. This commander will order you to step outside the pass and rule the world!"

Looking at a group of brothers who were circulating letters with excited faces, Liu Mingzhi walked towards the door with a relaxed expression.

Looking up at the scorching sun in the sky, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes and trembled from time to time.

No very Tailai.

Li Ye, oh Li Ye, Liu Mingzhi has devoted all his heart and soul to your Li family Jiangshan and helped you with all his strength.

After all, you did not disappoint uncle!
The father and emperor bless, the late emperor bless, bless the minister and His Majesty to continue the good story of the monarch and his ministers.

(End of this chapter)

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