My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1653: My Day 3 Reflects on Myself

Chapter 1653
Two days later.

Liu Mingzhi's more than [-] soldiers and horses have been repaired, and they can go south to Jianzhou to regain the lost ground at any time under the sword guide.

In the wing room of the East Courtyard of Chongzhou Governor's Mansion, Liu Mingzhi looked at the reply book in his hand with a solemn expression.

Yunyang, Nangong Ye and the two armies on the left and right did not take back the city so smoothly. The enemy armies of Hanzhou and Lingzhou were afraid of the bombardment of the artillery from the two armies, but they did not go out of the city to fight, and stayed in the city for a long time. Zhong waited for Yunyang and the others to take the initiative to attack the city.

With artillery as a weapon to kill the enemy, the two of Yunyang naturally didn't want their brothers to fight one-on-one with the enemy in the city with their heads up.

As a result, the arrogant dragon soldiers and horses outside the city fell into a stalemate with the coalition forces of the two countries who were huddled in the city and dared not go up the city.

One who is afraid of the power of the dragon's artillery dare not go to the city to defend, and one who obviously has a weapon to kill the enemy does not want his brothers to engage in close combat with the enemy, and it is difficult not to fall into a stalemate.

In the past few days, the city of Chongzhou has been taken back by Young Master Liu. Except for the bombardment and beheading of many enemies on the first day, the results of the next few days can be said to be excellent. negligible.

Yunyang Nangong Ye and the two tried every means to force the enemy to defend the city, but the Turks stationed in Lingzhou and Hanzhou, and the Jin Kingdom coalition forces are like a king who is determined to eat weights. As long as the dragon soldiers attack the city head-on , Resolutely not to defend the city.

If they don't go to the city to defend, they will force the enemy to fight out of the city, but Yunyang and the others are disappointed.

The enemy army has already perfected the consumption of words.

No matter what the dragon soldiers and horses call out outside the city, if you don't attack the city, we won't fight.

There are tens of thousands of people in the city, as long as you are not afraid of accidentally injuring the people in the city, even if the artillery fire extends to bombard us.

For a while, Yunyang and Nangong Ye were tossed by the coalition forces stationed in the two cities without any temper, and could only use normal tactics to seize the city.

In this way, the enemy troops in the city went up to defend the city. Although many people died under the artillery outside the city, but because of the Dalong soldiers attacking the city, the Dalong artillery could not bombard them unscrupulously. Enemies on the walls are gone.

In this way, the coalition forces of the two countries had a chance to breathe under the artillery bombardment, and the casualties of the dragon soldiers who attacked the city gradually increased.

With the support of a large number of artillery, the left and right soldiers and horses can take back Hanzhou and Lingzhou within ten days, but the price paid is not small.

It is impossible to take back Chongzhou as quickly as Liu Mingzhi did, and keep the casualties to a minimum.

With gloomy eyes, Liu Mingzhi slapped the letter in his hand heavily on the table, and the generals who sat down one by one on both sides were startled by the movement.

The generals of Song Qing subconsciously glanced at the gloomy First Young Master Liu and fell silent, not daring to ask why the commander-in-chief was so angry.

In the wing room, there was a sudden quiet needle drop, and even the slightly rapid breathing of everyone could be clearly heard.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the crowd and stood up from the chairs, walked to the sand table with his hands behind his back and stopped.

"Every step we take to retake Chongzhou, I can guarantee that it will never be leaked out. The connection between the enemy army in Chongzhou City and other soldiers and horses has been strangled in the cradle by this commander."

"Since this is the case, why are the enemy troops in Lingzhou and Hanzhou so vigilant? If this continues, although it is not a problem to win the two cities, the loss of our soldiers will exceed my previous psychological expectations."

"According to common sense, Lingzhou, Hanzhou soldiers and horses and brothers from the left and right sides should not be so cautious in the first battle. What went wrong?"

"Have any of you thought of anything?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, seeing the doubt in each other's eyes.

In the end, no one spoke up. A commander in chief of the three armies, a general who specializes in offensive and defensive methods, couldn't figure out the problem, let alone the soldiers who only knew how to lead troops and horses to charge into battle!
"Deputy Marshal Song, tell me your opinion!"

Seeing that no one spoke, Liu Mingzhi could only name and ask Song Qing to come out and explain his views. One person counts his own shortcomings, and maybe a certain sentence they inadvertently gave him an idea!

Liu Mingzhi called him by name, Song Qing had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk out.

"Marshal, the general thinks, could it be that Marshal Yun and Marshal Nangong had a problem with the method of attacking the city, which aroused the vigilance of the enemy troops of the two countries?"

"You must know that everyone has their own way of using troops. Since the commander-in-chief just said that all the connections between Chongzhou and other soldiers and horses have been cut off, it cannot be the commander-in-chief's plan to retake the state city. Pass it on and out."

"In this way, the general dares to guess that it may be that the two generals made mistakes in the attack on the city, which aroused the suspicion of the enemy troops."

"It's also possible that they were afraid of the power of the artillery and had no choice but to make such a move. Before getting accurate information, the last general can only make these calculations!"


Liu Mingzhi tilted his head slightly, looking at Song Qing's hesitant look, frowning slightly.

"And what? But it doesn't matter!"

"Bold general, looking at ancient and modern times, judging from the victories of the siege side and the city defenders, Old Commander Yun, Commander Nangong and the others are in Lingzhou, and the battle in Hanzhou is already fruitful! "

"According to the letters sent, although our soldiers were on the attacking side, with the assistance of artillery, the casualties were lower than those on the defending side. This is unique in our dynasty for nearly a hundred years."

"According to conventional warfare, there is absolutely no problem with the command of the two of them, Mr. Yun. They are handsome and attentive, the generals use orders, and the soldiers follow their lives. The cooperation can be described as flawless!"

"Furthermore, the soldiers and horses defending the city are the elite of the border army of the Kingdom of Jin and the famous unparalleled cavalry of the Turks. The two generals can achieve such a result in battle, which in the eyes of the general is considered a military master."

"The reason why the commander-in-chief feels that their progress is slow is because you took back a city in four days, commander-in-chief. This cannot be viewed according to common sense."

"Ten days is already harsh enough to take back a city defended by an elite army. If the commander-in-chief asks the other two armies to take back a city in four, five, or even seven or eight days like yours, it will be unavoidable."

Song Qing looked at Liu Mingzhi's increasingly tight brows and took a deep breath.

"It's a bit unreasonable!"

"Not everyone is a general, who can grasp the overall situation in his mind, especially the old commander Yun, who is very old, and there must be some differences in the use of troops compared to the younger enemy generals."

"A dragon has nine sons and each one is different, let alone human beings!"

"The commander-in-chief can't treat everyone as the commander-in-chief himself."

"It is a good thing to be strict with yourself and strive for excellence."

"But the general thinks that everything has pros and cons, and doing what you can is the most appropriate way to choose."

"Otherwise, if your request is too hasty, it will mess up the siege plan of the two generals. At that time, things will be reversed, and the opposite result will be achieved. It may not be a good thing!"

"Brothers know that the commander-in-chief loves his soldiers like his sons, and he takes pity on the lives of his brothers, hoping to reduce their losses."

"However, since ancient times, there has been no precedent of undead people fighting between the two countries!"

"The final general has finished speaking. If the commander-in-chief feels inappropriate, no matter how guilty he is, the final general will never say a word!"

Seeing Song Qing nodding his head and lowering his eyebrows after finishing speaking, Liu Mingzhi's thoughts suddenly became complicated.

Subconsciously looking at the surrounding generals, Cheng Kai and the others hurriedly lowered their heads when they met Liu Mingzhi's eyes, not daring to meet Liu Mingzhi's gaze. Except for Gu Mo Rongrong, the gazes of all the generals did not match Song Qing's reaction. all the same.

Seeing this situation, Liu Mingzhi was confused for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Could it be that my requirements are too harsh!
I don't know how long it took, but time passed quietly, and Liu Mingzhi sighed silently.


A group of generals hurriedly stood up and knelt down in front of First Young Master Liu.

"I will obey orders!"

"Cheng Kai will lead [-] elite soldiers to escort Tang Ru's food and grass troops one step ahead!"

"All the infantry of the main battle army put on the captured Turkic war horses and temporarily stay in Chongzhou for one more day, and then go south to Jianzhou tomorrow!"

"Huh? This"

"Master, brothers."

"According to the order, you all step back, I want to be alone!"

"Yes, I will take my leave!"

After Song Qing and other generals left the wing room together, Liu Mingzhi picked up a pen and began to write on the rice paper.

After a while, the six big characters of My Day, Three Reflections, and Myself were completed in one go, and appeared on the rice paper.

Liu Mingzhi put down his hair, looked at the rice paper in front of him and quietly became fascinated.

(End of this chapter)

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