Chapter 1654 Why

The night is hazy, and the night sky is full of stars.

The night shrouded the entire starry sky, causing everything to fall into silence, except for a dim candle burning in Young Master Liu's wing.

From time to time, there was a crackling sound from the candlelight, stirring up the silent night.

Young Master Liu sat motionless in front of the chair like a god. If he hadn't blinked his eyes from time to time, people who didn't know would have thought that Young Master Liu had already fallen asleep with his eyes open.

Gentle footsteps came into the room, and Gu Mo Rongrong gently walked into the door with a lantern and a delicate food box with lotus feet in her hand.

Looking at Liu Mingzhi who was sitting on the chair and staring at the table in a daze, as if he was out of his mind, Gu Mo Rongrong showed a touch of distress in her soft and pretty eyes.

After hesitating again and again, Gu Mo Rongrong inserted the lantern on the buckle on the side, walked over carrying the food box, and put the food box on the table. He looked vaguely at First Young Master Liu and sat down opposite him.

"Brother Liu, you must be hungry!"

Liu Mingzhi, who was a half-step innate master, didn't come back to his senses until Gu Mo Rongrong sat opposite him and spoke, as if he had just woken up from a dream, and looked at the beautiful woman opposite him in amazement.

"Rongrong, why are you here, and when did you arrive?"

While opening the food box, Gu Mo Rongrong took out four plates of delicate side dishes, two meat and two vegetables, and a pot of small wine, and placed them in front of Liu Mingzhi one by one, sighing as she watched Young Master Liu speak.

"Rongrong just came in, Brother Liu, you were too engrossed to notice."

"Since we left here, you haven't gone out for a whole day, and you haven't even had a drop of water since noon. Rong Rong and Brother Song are worried about your health. After discussing, Rong Rong had to send you some food to satisfy your hunger."

"Rongrong has already changed the candles for you twice, brother, you just haven't recovered at all!"

Liu Mingzhi looked outside the door instinctively, seeing the moonlight covering the flowers, plants and trees in the courtyard, he reacted belatedly.

"Why is it so late, are the brothers escorting the grain and grass on their way?"

Gu Mo Rongrong rolled her eyes softly when she heard the words: "It is estimated that they are entering the border of Jianzhou Mansion now, so you just remembered."

He poured a glass of wine for Liu Mingzhi with a pot and handed it over: "Brother Liu, don't think too much about it, let's eat something to fill your stomach first. You are the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. If something happens to your body, what should the 10,000+ brothers do?" , even if you don’t think about yourself, you should think about the safety of your brothers!”

Liu Mingzhi silently took the wine glass from Gu Mo Rongrong's hand, and drank it down in one gulp, which made his dry throat feel better.

Seeing this, Gu Mo Rongrong was not in a hurry to get food for her sweetheart, she got up and walked to Liu Mingzhi's side to pour wine for her sweetheart silently.

Liu Mingzhi drank several glasses of wine before stopping.

"Rongrong, is Brother Liu really wrong?"

"Am I really not supposed to impose my thoughts on you guys? Maybe the elder brother is right. Not everyone is Liu Mingzhi, and they can't be like me."

"But I'm harsh on them because I don't want my brothers. Ah, Rongrong, can you understand Brother Liu's difficulties?"

"Of course Rongrong understands Brother Liu!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Gu Mo Rongrong excitedly: "Really? Do you understand my difficulties?"

"Of course I understand. My heart. Rongrong has her heart on you. How could she not understand your difficulties."

"Brother Liu, you have already thought it over in your heart. You know that the longer this battle goes on, the more people will die. You want to make a quick decision and end this war with the least casualties as soon as possible."

"The war between the three of you, plus nearly 200 million reinforcements from our Western Regions, if the battle lasts for one more day, tens of thousands of people will die on the battlefield."

"Brother Liu, of course your thoughts are good, but Rongrong has to say that what Brother Song said makes a lot of sense."

"Since ancient times, there is no reason for those who fight on the battlefield to be immortal!"

"You are a human being, not a god, and you can't save people's suffering. If you try to achieve peace in the world with your own strength, it's tantamount to being a fly shaking a tree, and a mantis turning a cart!"

"Although Rongrong has not been here for a long time in Dalong, Rongrong has already seen that without a bloody battle, the world is doomed to be impossible to unify!"

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a long time, his eyes flickered a few times, and he looked at Gumo Rongrong complicatedly: "You said that if brother Liu supported himself and stood on his own, with my personal friendship with Wanyan and my junior brother, could he rule the world without bloodshed?"

Gu Mo Rongrong's pretty eyes suddenly widened, and she shook her head resolutely without even hesitating.

"To put it bluntly, you idiots are talking about dreams!"

"Even if you become the emperor of the dragon, big brother, it's just a dream to peacefully rule the world, and more people will die by then!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Gu Mo Rongrong suddenly with surprise in his eyes, as if he had met a bosom friend.

Raising the wine glass to Gu Mo Rongrong: "Come on, have a good drink with Big Brother!"

"it is good!"

Gu Mo Rongrong nodded obediently, she filled the pot with wine and drank a glass of wine with her sweetheart, then lifted the pot again to fill up the wine for the two of them.

Liu Mingzhi took a chopstick to taste the mutton, and looked at Gu Mo Rongrong curiously.

"Go on!"

Gu Mo Rongrong thought for a moment, her cherry lips parted slightly, and began to talk.

"First of all, big brother, you want to support the difficulty of self-reliance. Although Dalong is constantly fighting in the northern border, but looking at the world, the southern border of Dalong is already peaceful and peaceful!"

"Brother, if you want to stand on your own feet, you are a traitor. Except for the 30 soldiers under your command, the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang will never join forces with you!"

"The six guards of northern Xinjiang are the six guards of Conglong who were left by your Great Dragon Emperor Taizu. Naturally, there is no need to say more about their loyalty to the court!"

"Although you have 30 iron cavalry under your command, the fighting power of the six northern guards is not necessarily inferior to your soldiers and horses!"

"Especially they are the orthodoxy that the people want!"

"It doesn't take many brothers Rongrong to understand what weight the word orthodoxy has in your Dalong's mind."

"Let's not talk about whether big brother can succeed in rebellion. First of all, it is not orthodox. Even if you are lucky, big brother, but after the battle with the soldiers and horses of the six guards of northern Xinjiang and even the guards of Dalong Jingshi, how much strength can you have left in your hands?" become?"

"An emperor who is not in the right position does not have the strength to suppress the strength of Dalong's various state capitals for a while, and the result will naturally be chaos in the world and the feudal lords will be separated!"

"And you have become these traitors who everyone gets and punishes, and the princes scramble to attack!"

"No matter what their purpose is, they only need to play on the side of Qing Jun, in the name of Fu Shanhe, and the eldest brother will be passive everywhere!"

"Brother's rebellion can be said to affect the whole body. When you rebel, others will dare to rebel against you!"

"Even though Big Brother was lucky enough to accumulate strength and quell the rebellion inside Dalong, but Big Brother don't forget that there are Jin Kingdom and Turks who are eyeing Dalong outside!"

"When the great dragon was at its prime, they dared to go south to invade the frontier! Not to mention the great dragon that was torn apart after you supported the army to stand on your own?"

"Perhaps at that time, after the eldest brother ascended the throne, before he could secure his position, Dalong fell under the cavalry of the two countries because of his actions!"

"You want to rely on your personal friendship to peacefully unify the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks, but after the war, what qualifications does Dalong, whose strength has plummeted, have the right to negotiate terms with them?"

"The Kingdom of Jin is not Dajin owned by Queen Jin alone, and Turkic is not owned by Taichang Khan alone!"

"Big brother, you became the Dragon Emperor, relying on your relationship with the Golden Queen, and your brotherhood with Taichang Khan? Do you want to rule the world peacefully?"

"Rongrong thinks, big brother shouldn't be so naive!"

(End of this chapter)

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