Chapter 1655
Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the slightly raised cherry lips on the opposite side, the beautiful woman who looked a little advanced became dazed.

What happened to this girl who seemed innocent at first, but with a slightly cunning heart, after she left the Western Regions, she turned out to be like this?
For a moment, Liu Mingzhi couldn't think of any words to describe the beauty in front of him.

But Liu Mingzhi can tell himself with absolute certainty that it has changed, the beauty in front of him has changed.

Today's Gumo Rongrong is definitely not the same Gumo Rongrong as before. She is no longer the girl who surrounded her back then, afraid that if she disagreed with her, she would send troops to destroy the Gumo country.

She is no longer the woman who is overjoyed every time she helps her conquer a country or get a city.

After more than seven years, what has this girl experienced.

The sound of pouring wine awakened First Young Master Liu, and Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses and looked at when Gu Mo Rongrong was holding the jug, leaning over and pouring wine for himself.

With such a posture, the beauty's delicate body wrapped in leather armor is naturally presented in front of Liu Mingzhi's eyes at a glance, but Gu Mo Rongrong doesn't know if she did it on purpose, or she didn't realize that her behavior was a bit inappropriate.

He didn't care about helping his sweetheart to continue pouring wine.

Liu Mingzhi silently looked at the wine glass in his hand, tapped his fingers on the table lightly and gestured to Gu Mo Rongrong.

"Go on!"

"it is good!"

Gu Mo Rongrong sat back down again and drank the wine in the glass.

"Rongrong can say with certainty that once the eldest brother rebels, the internal turmoil of Dalong will be turbulent, and the strength will plummet, and the two countries, the Turks, and the Jin Kingdom will not stop going south, but will intensify their speed!"

"And at that time, maybe they won't attack Dalong's people without any offense after they attack the city like they do now."

"Because the big dragon at that time can no longer deter them, so naturally it won't make them feel in awe anymore!"

Liu Mingzhi played with the wine glass in his hand, and looked at Gu Mo Rongrong with eyes full of admiration.

“How come you see?”

"Because they are emperors!"

"Just like the Gumo country in Rongrong's hands, after it became powerful, it has been thinking about annexing the other 38 countries in the Western Regions all the time, and it has never stopped annexing them!"

"As of now, after my eldest brother left the Western Regions, Rongrong has merged 120 cities from other countries into the map of my Gumo country!"

"Rong Rong doesn't know why this happened. With the help of your eldest brother, Gumo has already dominated the 38 countries in the Western Regions. No one dares to touch Rong Rong's dignity!"

"But Rongrong still can't help wanting to annex their country and territory. I don't know why she did this, but Rongrong can't control her heart at all!"

"Before eldest brother went to the Western Regions, when Rongrong was still the princess of a country, Rongrong never had such an idea."

"However, ever since Rongrong became the king with the help of my eldest brother, I can't control my thoughts at all, I just can't help but want to do this!"

"Later, Rongrong spent a lot of money to get a large number of Dalong books from commercial merchants, and paid a lot of money to ask the Han people to teach Rongrong the contents of these books."

"Later, Rongrong gradually understood."

"Desire, ambition, power, no one can control."

"Those who say power-hungry is the beginning of trouble don't understand that."

"Because they haven't tried what entitlement is!"

"Brother, there is no need to doubt their love for your children, but don't underestimate an emperor's desire for the world!"

"Sages and sages from ancient times, how many people can there be in this world?"

"An emperor's promise is more important than a thousand pieces of gold, but the most ruthless is also an emperor!"

"If you want to rule the world peacefully, unless the eldest brother is stronger than them, you can suppress them!"

Liu Mingzhi drank the wine in his glass, and tightly held the wine glass in his hand: "Then how do you think the world can be peacefully unified?"

Gu Mo Rongrong hesitated for a moment, then drank the wine in the glass slowly, poured another glass of wine, dipped her slender fingers in the wine, and gently wrote seven words on the table in front of Liu Mingzhi. A big character that is not neat!

'chaos! "

"Orthodoxy can be found in troubled times!"

Gu Mo Rongrong wiped the wine off her fingers: "However, given Brother Liu's loyalty to the imperial court, he probably wouldn't make such a move!"

"After all, what the elder brother did is really not like the kind of person who would take the initiative to rebel!"

Liu Mingzhi let out a heavy breath, and slowly put down the wine glass in his hand.

"If there is no big brother's Western Expedition, your Gu Mo Rongrong will leave a strong mark in the history books of later generations, and maybe the Western Regions will become the place where you create a grand event!"

"The Western Regions will leave your glorious footprints, and even after many years, your descendants may be able to establish their own country and rule the world!"

"But now."

Liu Mingzhi gently twiddled the fingers on his hand, staring at the beautiful woman with a simple and unwavering gaze, so calm that it was hard to see what kind of thoughts were inside.

Gu Mo Rongrong looked at First Young Master Liu curiously, wondering why her sweetheart's expression became so weird.

"Brother Liu, what's the matter now? What's the matter with you?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Gu Mo Rongrong with complicated eyes: "But now big brother has murderous intentions towards you. People who are too smart should not live in this world, because she will make others feel uneasy and panic."

"Especially a king, a person who frightens Big Brother, should not live in this world!"

Gu Mo Rongrong's heart trembled when she heard Liu Mingzhi's cold tone, and she looked at Liu Mingzhi's cold eyes with some trepidation.

"Brother Liu, did Rongrong say something wrong?"

"You didn't say anything wrong, but you were also wrong, very wrong, and you shouldn't be too smart."

Gu Mo Rongrong finally understood the meaning of Liu Mingzhi's words, tremblingly poured a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp, looking at Liu Mingzhi's complex eyes, Gu Mo Rongrong's beautiful eyes were full of mist, and the tears reflected the flickering candlelight Very clear.

"Big Brother, do you want to kill Rongrong?"

"As far as you are concerned, after you annex the Western Regions, your uncontrollable ambitions and desires, as well as your desire for power will urge you to look at the dragon!"

"Brother managed to pacify the chaos in the Western Regions. Do you think that brother will allow a person who is extremely smart and ambitious to threaten the safety of Dalong to live in this world?"

"But isn't Rongrong clear enough about you, big brother? Rongrong is not only a daughter, but also the king of a country. After receiving the letter of dispatching troops, Rongrong rushed to help big brother without any delay. Could it be that Rongrong Wanli's rescue act , but in exchange for the killing intent of the eldest brother?"

"If Rongrong had other feelings for elder brother, why would she unsuspectingly tell you what she said just now?"

"Your affection, elder brother can't repay you, but as you said, the love of sons and daughters is with the emperor."

"You, what are you doing?"

While Liu Mingzhi was speaking, Gu Mo Rongrong had lost her armor at some point and became naked!

Under Liu Mingzhi's bewildered eyes, the beautiful woman flew into Liu Mingzhi's arms like a flying swallow returning to its nest.

"Brother Liu, Rongrong entrusts herself to you, and you don't need to worry after becoming your own."

"Because you are the only one who won't hurt your own people! Brother Liu, take Rong Rong!"

"Rongrong, get up, this is the army camp!"

"This is the Governor's Mansion!"

"Rongrong, you're sober. Hmm."

(End of this chapter)

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